Patterico's Pontifications


Well . . .

Filed under: Brad Friedman,Brett Kimberlin,General,Neal Rauhauser,Ron Brynaert — Patterico @ 9:45 pm

. . . it looks like we’re all pretty much undeterred and focused on telling the truth. Harassment notwithstanding.

Fancy that.

Friday’s the blogburst. I plan to contribute in a major way.

Did I say major?

Yeah. Major.

In the meantime, who knows what tomorrow may bring in the area of criminal harassment?

Michelle Malkin on Brett Kimberlin Crew’s Harassment of Bloggers

Filed under: Brad Friedman,Brett Kimberlin,General,Neal Rauhauser — Patterico @ 7:16 am

Few people have endured more harassment for their opinions than Michelle Malkin. I spoke with Michelle on Monday for over an hour about the harassment several of us have suffered at the hands of Brett Kimberlin and his supporters for about a year and a half now. Michelle has a blog post up now about the harassment, and she is right on target:

I have spoken directly with both Patterico and Aaron about their ongoing battles.

The mainstream press, not just the conservative blogosphere, needs to hear and report their stories.

This is a convoluted, ongoing nightmare that combines abuse of the court system, workplace intimidation, serial invasions of privacy, perjury, and harassment of family members. McCain was forced to move with his family out of his house this week, and has just gotten a small taste of what Aaron and Patterico have been enduring over the past year. Aaron and his wife were fired from their jobs after their employer feared the office would be targeted next. Convicted bomber Kimberlin has filed bogus “peace orders” against Aaron, when it is the Walkers who are the victims, not the perpetrators.

And Patterico’s plight will send chills up your spine when he is ready to tell it.

Emphasis is Michelle’s.

I want to emphasize that conservative bloggers are not the only victims. A small and very left-leaning blogger is the only one to have been sued by Kimberlin. Kimberlin threatened a left-leaning lawyer with workplace harassment and a possible bar complaint simply because she helped Aaron try to keep his identity and personal details secret from this convicted bomber.

And yes, my tale should be coming soon. The restrictions which previously held me back are no longer in place, and I am simply working on telling the story in a coherent fashion, with very little time I have to devote to the project. A rough draft has been sent to various people, so that the story would come out even if an unfortunate accident were to befall me.

Thanks to Michelle for her support. It means a lot.

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