“Richard Head” Demands O’Keefe Emails
James O’Keefe tweets that a man from the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office with the unfortunate name “Richard Head” (I am not making this up!) has demanded O’Keefe’s emails:
Plot thickens. “Richard Head” from NH AGs office sent email letter dated this morning, to person who now has permanent restraining order…
— James O’Keefe(@JamesOKeefeIII) May 16, 2012
Richard Head is the actual name of an actual person at that office. No kidding. Here is his letter to Nadia Naffe:

The date on this email was this morning. Which makes you wonder what kind of coordination is going on here between Naffe, her lawyer, and “Richard Head.”
Keep in mind that, by her own account, Naffe took these emails from O’Keefe without his permission — simply because he happened to use her phone to check his email one day. O’Keefe went to court and won an order preventing her from disseminating these ill-gotten emails. And now, for some strange reason, the New Hampshire Attorney General wants them.
There’s a lot more to this story, including the proof that a certain band of harassers have their fingerprints all over Nadia’s legal shenanigans. But that’s another post for another day.
Let’s just say that there’s more than one Richard Head involved in this story.
P.S. According to O’Keefe’s tweet above, the temporary restraining order that prevented Nadia Naffe from disseminating his emails is now permanent. Which is interesting, because Naffe claimed the complete opposite this morning:

She since protected her tweets, but I got that screenshot before she whisked it away from the general public’s view.
Who is telling the truth? I hope to have a definitive answer to that tomorrow morning — but I think you know which way I’d bet.