Patterico's Pontifications


New Hampshire Debate Open Thread

Filed under: 2012 Election — Karl @ 5:49 pm

[Posted by Karl]

Just in case y’all want to mock Diane Sawyer.  But with the NFL Playoffs as competition, ABC should’ve considered asking the GOP field to compete in a very special episode of Wipeout.  Mitt and Newt bopping each other with inflatable bats while suspended over a body of water is what I’m saying.


UPDATE BY PATTERICO: I was disappointed to see so few questions on the vital national topic of contraception.

118 Responses to “New Hampshire Debate Open Thread”

  1. Ding!

    Karl (5a613f)

  2. Tweet stream:!/search/%23nhdebate

    Sammy Finkelman (b17872)

  3. Are you ready for some football?

    Srsly, looks like everyone but Romney is shooting for second place.

    Karl (5a613f)

  4. Don’t click on that – cut and paste it.

    Sammy Finkelman (b17872)

  5. Here’s to my numerous Granite Stater relatives!

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (c56ad0)

  6. Newt & Paul come thisclose to throwing chairs. I would say Romney is having to suppress his glee, but I assume he has a subroutine that does it automatically.

    Karl (5a613f)

  7. You are clearly racists. Discuss.

    JD (392f2d)

  8. Ron Paul really is trying to help Romney. He even canceled an appearance in New Hampshire the other day for no discernible reason. He wouldn’t appear on Skype, send a substitute – nothing.

    Mr. Paul had canceled one of his handful of events scheduled for this week, at the College Convention 2012 held by New England College, an important demographic audience for him. At the Iowa caucuses, Mr. Paul won the votes of roughly half of the college students and other adults under 24.

    “I found it inexplicable that you have a real chance of coming in second in New Hampshire, and you concede the state for several days to all the other candidates,” said Wayne Lesperance, a political science professor and co-director of the convention. When the cancellation was announced, Mr. Lesperance said, “folks were audibly irritated and expressed themselves.”

    “It was a tough message to deliver,” he added.

    Mr. Lesperance said he pleaded with the campaign to send a surrogate or to hook Mr. Paul up via Skype, but the campaign never responded, except to say that Mr. Paul was going home to rest. “I was willing to do anything,” Mr. Lesperance said.

    Jesse Benton, Mr. Paul’s national chairman, said the 76-year-old Mr. Paul had not been absent because of sickness or age. “He just wanted to go home,” Mr. Benton said. “Family is very important to him.”

    He also denied suggestions that Mr. Paul was not serious about his presidential aspirations. Mr. Paul had campaigned hard in the state, spending at least 40 days here, Mr. Benton said, suggesting that it was foolish to think that Mr. Paul would lose traction because he was gone a few days. He also said the appearance at the college forum was “never firmly agreed to.”

    Nevertheless, Mr. Paul’s absence did have an immediate, if small, effect: Mr. Huntsman, who attended the College Convention, won its straw poll. Mr. Paul came in a distant second. It was the sort of event that Mr. Paul had typically dominated during the period before the Iowa contest.

    Ron Paul will now stay in New Hampshire through Tuesday.

    Sammy Finkelman (b17872)

  9. Romney remains above the scuffle and let’s the others attack each other. Eyes on the objective.

    Colonel Haiku (8e3ab6)

  10. Col.

    He’s ahead by a lot in the polls. He would be a moron to do anything else.

    Granted, by comparison to some of the others, it might look smart. But I’m not grading on a curve yet.

    Karl (5a613f)

  11. That “like a rooster taking credit for the dawn” was a pretty good response early on…

    Colonel Haiku (8e3ab6)

  12. BTW, pretty sure George & Diane have spent more time on banning condoms and gay marriage than jobs.

    Karl (5a613f)

  13. Well played, Newt, on reverse bigotry and the Church…

    Dana (4eca6e)

  14. “Contraception? It’s working just fine. Leave it alone.”

    hahahaha… HA!

    Colonel Haiku (8e3ab6)

  15. Perry was pretty good early on and has vanished. Huntsman is less annoying with whatever ailment he has now. Too little, too late.

    Karl (5a613f)

  16. Ron Paul thinks that if he uses Ronald Reagan’s line “There you go again” everyone will think he’s telling the truth.

    Sammy Finkelman (b17872)

  17. And the republicans are against abortion. They could use one to end this debating.

    sickofrinos (44de53)

  18. On Twitter, the Weekly Standard’s @McCormackJohn: “Ron Paul was for killing bin laden before he was against killing bin laden.”

    Karl (5a613f)

  19. Ron Paul is killing his kids political career.
    And probably the most dangerous man in America, besides obama.

    sickofrinos (44de53)

  20. Did Perry really say he would send troops back into Iraq when the question was about Afghanistan?

    Colonel Haiku (8e3ab6)

  21. Fred Thompson looked tan and rested in a commercial for reverse mortgages!

    Karl (5a613f)

  22. Hey, only took 1:15 to get around to jobs and… it’s focused on “infrastructure.”

    More dumb, Newt is falling for it.

    Karl (5a613f)

  23. I would vote for Obama before I would vote for Ron Paul. If the country is going to go down the tubes, I would rather a Democrat get the credit than a sorta, kinda Republican.

    Huey (4f7ef0)

  24. Why would the RNC agree to air this against a great NFL playoff matchup?

    Dian Sawyer must have one of those Barbra Steisand light filters to make it look like she is made of snow, whiteout and fluff. What did Jake Tapper do not to be included over her?

    Perry is in a big rush to send troops back to Iraq. Might want to ask the troops about that, since the Iraqi government wants to put them on trial in Iraqi rather than US military courts for sny slleged misdeeds real or more likley imagined.

    Huntsman may be a cartoon character. Reminds me of the scientist on “The Simpsons”.

    Bugg (ea1809)

  25. Allahpundit: “Kodos = RINO, Kang = true conservative.”

    Karl (5a613f)

  26. 26- The same nit-wits gave us juanny mac.

    sickofrinos (44de53)

  27. huntsman is a commie know it all.

    sickofrinos (44de53)

  28. Huntsman again calls out Romney for the faux-populist China trade war rhetoric.

    Karl (5a613f)

  29. sickofrinos,

    You’re right he comes across that way. But he’s actually right on this point. Which makes the Chinese-speaking grandstanding all the more stupid.

    Karl (5a613f)

  30. Huntsman really has his finger on the pulse

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  31. Conversely, Romney goes off-plan to attack Huntsman.

    Mitt, it’s not personal…it’s business.

    Karl (5a613f)

  32. 26) No, Roger Sterling, the oily senior partner, at Don Draper’s firm. Maliki, who like Obama was actually opposed to the war, from his exile in Syria, might actually invite us back when the Ikwan
    do their traditional trek northward, as the did in the early 1800s, raiding Najaf and Karbala, and
    the 1920s, when then Captain Bagott Glubb’s scouts
    held the line, after the rest of Iraq was abandoned.

    narciso (87e966)

  33. narciso,

    If Huntsman is a Mad Men character, he’s also Bert Cooper, with all the asian artifacts in the old office.

    Karl (5a613f)

  34. allahpundit: “History will know this debate as the “Romney Gets Nominated” debate”

    Colonel Haiku (8e3ab6)

  35. Roger Sterling is at least entertaining in a sleazy way. Huntsman’s a drip. He probably does make people take their shoes off when they enter his office like he’s a polite shogun or something.

    Bugg (ea1809)

  36. Allahpundit: “On the one hand, Huntsman thinks the GOP is insane. On the other hand, he speaks Mandarin #toughchoice”

    Karl (5a613f)

  37. I thought of that, but the former star of ‘How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying’ doesn’t
    give the same vibe.

    narciso (87e966)

  38. jimgeraghty Boy, Perry looks so much better tonight… other than the offhand suggestion of re-invading Iraq.

    Colonel Haiku (8e3ab6)

  39. Jim Geraghty: “I’m Diane Sawyer, and I’d like to thank Codeine.”

    Karl (5a613f)

  40. huntsman comes across as a” do as I say goober”.

    sickofrinos (44de53)

  41. narciso,

    Fun fact: When Robert Morse first got on Twitter, his avatar was a Fairey-style “Bert” poster I created as a lark.

    Karl (5a613f)

  42. ‘I did not know that’ as Carson would say.

    narciso (87e966)

  43. JimPethokoukis “I think the currency issue is a cul-de-sac, but Romney is right on with the rest of China trade agenda”

    Colonel Haiku (8e3ab6)

  44. @jimgeraghty: This is weird. Babelfish translate’s Huntsman’s [Chinese] phrase as “LAUNCH THE ATTACK NOW, BEIJING MASTERS”.

    Colonel Haiku (8e3ab6)

  45. You know why Perry’s losing? I’ll tell you why.

    When Mitt Romney just whined that we have to preserve entitlements, Perry (and the rest) kept his mouth shut!

    You have to call out crap like that! The spending binge must drive America straight off the cliff if we don’t fix entitlements.

    Let the democrats complain about preserving entitlements, and the GOP offer a more realistic future that doesn’t screw the next generation!

    But the rest of the field let that pass. If no one stands up to liberalism, then the liberal is going to win. Romney gets support from those who want to rob the future, and the other candidates don’t get support from conservative who care about the future and want a candidate willing to fight for it.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  46. You’re right he comes across that way. But he’s actually right on this point.

    He’s actually right on most points. Which makes his attitude hard to explain. He’s the candidate whose policies are closest to those of the TEA Party movement, and yet he acts like he doesn’t want to know us.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  47. with that commie talk, huntsman showed he could be a stand in – during a kung-fu movie.

    Find your (44de53)

  48. Well he is not as bad as he has let himself be portrayed in, according to John Weaver’s kamikazi
    instructions, but he’s been naive about the nature
    of Govt factions in China, the AGW scam et al,

    narciso (87e966)

  49. However he has been right not to provoke a trade war with our lead banker, to keep vigil over their
    expansionism in the region, et al.

    narciso (87e966)

  50. Remember when Newt was staying in the race to go after Romney? Good times.

    Karl (5a613f)

  51. You are clearly racists. Discuss.
    Comment by JD — 1/7/2012 @ 6:37 pm

    — You are clearly behind the times, sir. This week’s meme is: we are against being gay with animals. Discuss with Richard Gere.

    Icy (5239d5)

  52. allahpundit Re: Perry RT @COwNewt: “We’re not going to choose the guy that plans to invade Iraq again and then might forget what we’re doing there.”

    Colonel Haiku (8e3ab6)

  53. jimgeraghty Donna Brazile: “We Democrats believe the weakest candidate is the one that didn’t get attacked tonight, Romney.” Whole rest of panel scoffs.

    Colonel Haiku (8e3ab6)

  54. The 40 cents of every dollar we borrow under The One?

    No big deal.Heck, we’ll give’em another trillion to waste next week.

    Gay marriage-apparently to Santorum, the MSM and the Left, the most important issue.

    Bugg (ea1809)

  55. LarrySabato: “Come on, folks, grading is too easy. Romney gets an A, everyone else IN (Incomplete). Non-Romneys forgot why they were there!”

    Colonel Haiku (8e3ab6)

  56. It is a wedge they used, a dozen or so, Scalia was ridiculed for pointing out this is where we were going with Lawrence, and frankly with the likes of Kevin Jennings in a policy position, the slippery slope keeps sliding,

    narciso (87e966)

  57. robertcostaNRO “The others appear to have tired of Huntsman. Coming at him. Perry gets blank stares.”

    Colonel Haiku (8e3ab6)

  58. allahpundit Tomorrow’s CW: “Will Romney crack 50% in NH?”

    Colonel Haiku (8e3ab6)

  59. Romney won by not sucking as badly as the other candidates, who totally screwed up by not attacking him. Perry lost by suggesting we re-invade Iraq to confront Iran. Newt came in second by proposing the correct solution, which is simply to oppose Iran.

    Random (38d59c)

  60. PPP(yeah I know) has Romany 30, Newt 23, Santa 19, committed voters Romney 37% to 26% for Gingrich and 15% for Santorum.

    Their take Romany has the best favorable/unfavorables with Santy close behind therefore the latter is the only one who can overtake Running Man.

    After SC we should see a couple of drops.

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  61. “Romney gets support from those who want to rob the future”

    Colonel Haiku (8e3ab6)

  62. Stephanopoulis’ mission tonight was to elicit quotes that can be used to energize the Democratic base in the general election. He is still a DNC operative.

    Dave (b78666)

  63. Thus proving Freud right about ‘the meaning of insanity’

    narciso (87e966)

  64. They still have a chance to bring up (or maybe the reporters will bring up) the Virginia ballot situation in the morning.

    Sammy Finkelman (b17872)

  65. The fall of Communism in Eastern Europe and the Arab Spring in 2011 prove that if you try the same thing over and over again, you will eventually get a different result.

    This is now being tested out in Syria. Assad says nothing will change, the opposition says if they keep on trying these demonstrations they will eventually get a different result.

    Sammy Finkelman (b17872)

  66. I was speaking of putting the candidates before the MSN firing squads, the events in the Levant and North Africa, are a different story,

    narciso (87e966)

  67. New York Times article from Friday (dated the day before as usually) that tries to make the case that Santorum benefitted from companies he helped after he was out of office.

    After Santorum Left Senate, Familiar Hands Reached Out by Mike McIntire and Michael Luo.

    Several things worth noting. They looked for connections but not any place where there were not. His defeat was unexpected. Being named a director was not a reward. Rather this points to a different problem: the value of outside directors. The company management was looking for a friendly not too curious outside director. I don’t know how many times Boards of Directors have saved a company from bankruptcy. Not too many. But maybe they do prevent simple embezzlement.

    By the way, if the thesis here is correct, this would argue for the utter futility of any conflict of interest and ethics standards.

    Sammy Finkelman (b17872)


    Ron Paul calling Santorum corrupt.

    Sammy Finkelman (b17872)

  69. “ “Romney gets support from those who want to rob the future”

    Comment by Colonel Haiku ”

    Just yesterday you said you wanted ti “bury the hatchet” and “let there be chill” and all that.

    Now you’re calling me a f*ckstick?

    Are you mentally ill?

    And yes, when Romney says entitlements must be preserved while the national debt and unfunded liabilities are so high they must represent robbery of the next several generations, he is pandering to those who want to get their so called “entitle”ments they didn’t really pay for.

    It’s a ponzi scheme. Romney knows it and has repeatedly pandered to those on the winning end to the detriment of this country.

    It’s pure politics and he knows it.

    It’s a shame, Haiku, that you continue to behave like this, but it’s not a surprise. There’s no argument FOR Romney. Just arguments trashing everyone else.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  70. Well, Dustin, the proof is in the quixotic Scott Brown Senate seat, where faced by Madame Defarge (I mean Warren) he has surrendered to the sawdust Caesarism of the Cordray appointment, all my tea party contacts up there, are hopping mad, it’s like he wants to lose.

    narciso (87e966)

  71. narciso, I’m mad too. It’s not Rick Perry I want elected. It’s policies I want elected. Policies like standing up to BS pandering on entitlements.

    We’re out of money and things are going to get much worse if we keep on promising to take care of everybody with endless federal spending. Entitlements are easily the worst example. At this late stage of our debt situation, anyone clamoring to defend this problem rather than solve it should be laughed off the stage.

    I suspect Perry knew he was doing well and didn’t want to blow it. He can show me by hitting hard on this kind of issue with ads and stump speeches. It’s not ‘going negative’ to explain the differences in policy here.

    Tea Partiers have every reason to be pretty mad at how this primary has gone. Of course, Perry was practically drafted into this. I don’t know who else there was to run, which is a problem in and of itself. Had there been two or three tea party governors running instead of the one, this would be a much better primary.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  72. I wish there were some actual conservatives asking questions. Questions like: would you close the Department of Education? Energy? HUD? Would you privatize airport security? Should AG Holder resign? How bad is the state of the nation? Will we survive another 4 years of this president?

    Stuff like that.

    But no. We get questions about Griswold v Connecticut (1965) and we ask Ron Paul about the Fed some more.

    And David Gregory tomorrow morning will, if anything, be worse.

    Kevin M (563f77)

  73. “Mitt and Newt bopping each other with inflatable bats while suspended over a body of water is what I’m saying.”

    Hey, if I’d known that was part of the debate, I might’ve watched it.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  74. “Mitt and Newt bopping each other with inflatable bats while suspended over a body of water is what I’m saying.”

    I’d be more interested to see Ron Paul versus Santorum, but over a wood-chipper.

    Kevin M (563f77)

  75. Note Ron Paul’s knowing lie about the draft, gaming the rules that there would be no reply. Ron was drafted while married because the draft for doctor’s would work if they didn’t take married 30-year-olds. Not a heck of a lot of 18-year-old physicians. Special rules for doctors and Ron knew it, and came out with a knowing half-truth.

    For the rest of us, all you had to do was be in college or be married with children and the deferment was automatic. Newt went to college in 1961, got married in 1962 (before the war, really), had kids and got a PhD in 69 or so. By which time he had kids.

    Effing crazy piece of sh*t ought to be booted out of the party like the Dems did with LaRouche. This stuff isn’t funny any more.

    Kevin M (563f77)

  76. 72. “Are you mentally ill?”

    He’s a god doing the probationary period. He gives a rip merit badges so long as he shows up every day.

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  77. romney\brown2012
    2 mass holes you can’t count on.

    sickofrinos (44de53)

  78. SAme for Cheney, he dropped out of Yale, got married, did odd jobs, then he went back into graduate school, long before the war began in earnest in 1965,

    narciso (87e966)

  79. Cheney testified during his confirmation hearings in 1989 that he received deferments to finish a college career that lasted six years rather than four, owing to sub par academic performance and the need to work to pay for his education. Initially, he was not called up because the Selective Service System was only taking older men. When he became eligible for the draft, he applied for four deferments in sequence. He applied for his fifth exemption on January 19, 1966, when his wife was about 10 weeks pregnant. He was granted 3-A status, the “hardship” exemption, which excluded men with children or dependent parents. In January 1967, Cheney turned 26 and was no longer eligible for the draft.[19]

    narciso (87e966)

  80. “The Rubbers Debate”
    Only republicans put up with this garbage.
    Does the rnc notice or give a shit?

    [note: released from moderation. –Stashiu]

    sickofrinos (44de53)

  81. “The Rubbers Debate”
    Pathetic-describes the gop’s involvement in these debates.

    sickofrinos (44de53)

  82. I wish there were some actual conservatives asking questions. Questions like: would you close the Department of Education? Energy? HUD?

    Um, weren’t you there when Perry said he would close both and one more whose name he couldn’t retrieve from the tip of his tongue?

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  83. But no. We get questions about Griswold v Connecticut (1965)

    I didn’t listen to the debate; they brought up Griswold, did they? Did they in any way show awareness that Griswold explicitly applies only to married couples?

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  84. The point isn’t Griswold per se, but the route taken to get there;

    Two Justices, Hugo Black and Potter Stewart, filed dissents. Justice Black argued that the right to privacy is to be found nowhere in the Constitution. Furthermore, he criticized the interpretations of the Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments to which his fellow Justices adhered. Justice Stewart famously called the Connecticut statute “an uncommonly silly law”, but argued that it was nevertheless constitutional.

    Since Griswold, the Supreme Court has cited the right to privacy in several rulings, most notably in Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), where the Court ruled that a woman’s choice to have an abortion was protected as a private decision between her and her doctor. For the most part, the Court has made these later rulings on the basis of Justice Harlan’s substantive due process rationale. The Griswold line of cases remains controversial, and has drawn accusations of “judicial activism” by many conservatives

    narciso (87e966)

  85. From his wiki;

    Paul, by now in his late 20s, moved with his wife to Michigan where he completed his internship at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. Utilizing his physician’s training, Paul served in the United States Air Force as a flight surgeon for several years (1963-1965). While in the air force, Paul reached the rank of Captain. Directly after his service in the air force, Paul worked again as a flight surgeon for the United States Air National Guard (1965-1968). After serving the nation’s armed forces, Paul and his wife Carol moved to Texas, where they still reside

    narciso (87e966)

  86. . For the most part, the Court has made these later rulings on the basis of Justice Harlan’s substantive due process rationale.

    Which, as David Bernstein has pointed out, stems from the very Lochner that “progressives” love to denounce.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  87. Ron Paul:Santorum is corrupt.

    Irony alert.

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  88. Stop your whining, Dustin.

    Colonel Haiku (8e3ab6)

  89. EdMorrissey: “Agree. Whining = losing.”

    Colonel Haiku (8e3ab6)

  90. ______________________________________________

    The election this November will certainly be a test case in determining just how liberal the electorate throughout the US has become. That’s because all the Republican candidates have no shortage of left-leaning squish. And, of course, the other name on the ballot will be that of President “Goddamn America,” a politician who has leftism oozing out of every crevice of his brain.

    So no voter this year, unless he or she is an ultra-liberal, will be able to complain that the Republican running against the Democrat is too conservative. But where that leaves us on the right is another matter. However, and regrettably, I’ve seen too many opinion polls since 2008 that give Barry Soetoro way more benefit of the doubt than deserved by someone as leftwing, extreme and scroungy as he is. I can’t imagine a flip-side rightwing version of him ever getting similar treatment.

    Mark (411533)

  91. IOW dustin he wants you to marvel in awe at Romneys sexiness.

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  92. Memo to: Diane & George
    Subject: The ABC’s of DEbate

    Watch NBC’s and see how it’s done.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  93. David Gregory? LOL.

    Colonel Haiku (8e3ab6)

  94. Disco Stu loves him some NBC?


    Icy (90d2a0)

  95. Save the polar bears and their rising population from extinction………… placate Mother Gaia.

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  96. Santorum pisses off Moron Dowd.

    A plus in my book but still don’t like his compassionate conservatism.

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  97. I know contraception isn’t the biggest issue on the table. But it’s a culture war issue that has a real effect on peoples lives.

    time123 (aa4765)

  98. I know contraception isn’t the biggest issue on the table.

    What is the big deal about contraception anyway, and how is it more relevant than pig flesh?

    Michael Ejercito (64388b)

  99. Seems like the MFM wants to talk about everything except jobs and the economy.

    JD (392f2d)

  100. UPDATE BY PATTERICO: I was disappointed to see so few questions on the vital national topic of contraception.

    I disagree with your point that this was a frivolous topic for the debate. There is nothing in the US constitution that prohibits states from banning contraceptives, and SCOTUS was wrong to rule otherwise. Would I like to see my state or any other ban contraceptives? Of course not. Any such action would be a horrendous encroachment on liberty.

    As a matter of fact, I would like to see a real debate on what protections there should be in the US constitution to protect privacy, and then, hopefully, some action to get the constitution amended to include a more explicit privacy protection than what can be found in the 4th (or 9th) amendment. But, the way to make that happen is not for SCOTUS to just deem it so. There is an amendment process that can be used, and that is very much a substantive topic for the debates.

    Anon Y. Mous (7616b0)

  101. The 9th amendment is an inkblot, at least with respect to privacy, or so I’m told. And if there IS a right to privacy, why do I have to fill out all that stuff in my income tax returns? Not to mention the census.

    Kevin M (563f77)

  102. Monkeys were literally flying out of my ass after watching Perry’s performance.

    (Perry said Iranians would enter Iraq literally at light speed.)

    Wesson (1dbab0)

  103. Gotta love the left insisting Benito Mussolini was right-wing when he was a lefty corporatist stalinist.

    Diane Sawyer looks punch drunk.

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  104. Leftys all of a sudden have a problem with middle class paying taxpayers money to get access to something.


    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  105. I know contraception isn’t the biggest issue on the table. But it’s a culture war issue that has a real effect on peoples lives.

    In what way? There is no state that bans it, and there is no proposal that any state ban it. So how does its legal status affect you?

    Milhouse (d3fd53)

  106. Monkeys were literally flying out of my ass

    Was this ass dead, and did it contain a catapult which was used to impart a brief flying velocity to these monkeys? Or do you not know what “literally” means?

    Milhouse (d3fd53)

  107. Gotta love the left insisting Benito Mussolini was right-wing when he was a lefty corporatist stalinist.

    He wasn’t a stalinist. His version of Marxism was different from Stalin’s version; at the time he developed it nobody had even heard of Stalin.

    Milhouse (d3fd53)

  108. (Perry said Iranians would enter Iraq literally at light speed.)

    Comment by Wesson —

    I might recall this incorrectly, but I thought the other sane candidates largely agreed with Perry. Once again, it appears Perry is the guy being very direct and frank with America… and perhaps that is a stupid strategy.

    Anyway, I believe Iran very much is interested in controlling Iraq. they have a very aggressive foreign policy and are a major threat to everyone in the region. We paid a heavy price for Iraq, and we should have kept a foothold there for strategic reasons. Maybe this isn’t what the anti war folks wanted to hear, and maybe we paid too much for our foothold, but keeping it would make a lot of sense anyway.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  109. Sorry Wesson, I didn’t get your joke. It’s obvious now that I looked at it again.

    Though an Iranian invasion of Iraq could take place at light speed if it involved lasers.

    Milhouse (d3fd53)

  110. He was just talkin’ about EYE-RACK.

    Colonel Haiku (b486eb)

  111. “The Griswold line of cases remains controversial…”

    Nothing especially controversial about it. Just another case of the nine poltroons in black wiping their collective ass with the Constitution, and us letting them get away with it.

    Same old, same old.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  112. I love how the left side with palestinians against Israel………..insisting that Israel is the aggressor because they hate muslims never mind that they are defending themselves.

    What’s going on in Egypt won’t be even close to what goes on in Israel.

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  113. At the ABC debate on Saturday Romney was quizzed by Law Professor George Stephanopoulos and didn’t seem to do too well in his oral examination –
    – or was this Justice Stephanapolous quizzing counsel Mitt Romney who was arguing to overturn Roe v Wade? Stephanapolous is not a lawyer or law professor but he plays one on TV.

    Romney at first, didn’t even seem to understand what he was getting at, and finally deferred to “constitutional expert” Ron Paul. And he did come up with an answer, saying that states could not make illegal anything the federal government declared was legal for sale in interstate commerce. That’s probably not quite right. There is the doctrine of federal pre-emption.

    Sammy Finkelman (a99f25)

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