Ace Ripping Romney All Day Long
Just go and scroll.
I’m torn on this. First, let me just clearly say this:
Perry would be better.
Perry would be better.
Perry would be way, way, WAY better.
Yeah, yeah, he’s inarticulate, he reminds people of Bush, blah blah blah. He has run a state well and he is conservative. He would be better than Mitt Romney.
OK. Now that that’s off my chest:
We probably are stuck with Romney. Now, I will not lie about the guy. I know someone who worked for him who says he has no core principles. At all. And this video, while it has some crap claims in it, is quite well done and reveals some real contradictions in Romney’s record:
As Ace says:
Some of these are bs (supporting a stimulus is not the same thing as supporting Obama’s failed stimulus; 95% of elected Republicans favored their own style of tax-cut-heavy stimulus; saying “TARP ought to be ended” is not the same as reversing himself on supporting it for the first two years), but others — on abortion, assault weapons, and Reagan — are troubling.
Indeed. The guy really doesn’t stand for much. And in terms of his electability, what has he won? Not much.
All that being said:
If he ends up being our guy, he beats Obama hands down. Maybe he has no principles. But (unlike Obama) he may end up responding to us. If we demand solid Justices, he may listen. If we demand fiscal responsibility, he may listen.
Obama won’t listen to us. He will listen to them.
And once he doesn’t care about getting re-elected, Lord knows what he’ll try to do.
South Carolina? Vote for Perry. Please.
But if we can’t get him? Go to the polls in November and pull the lever for Romney.