Patterico's Pontifications


NOW Steps Up… For Bachmann?

Filed under: General — Aaron Worthing @ 5:02 am

[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here.  Or by Twitter @AaronWorthing.]

Um, yeah, I am as shocked to write that as you probably are to read it.  I mean this is the same organization that carried water for Bill Clinton during the whole Lewinsky scandal, only drawing the line when it looked like Clinton’s attack dogs were about to tear into Juanita Broderick.  And the issue they picked was this Newsweek cover:

“It’s sexist,” NOW president Terry O’Neill told TheDC. “Casting her in that expression and then adding ‘The Queen of Rage’ I think [it is]. Gloria Steinem has a very simple test: If this were done to a man or would it ever be done to a man – has it ever been done to a man? Surely this has never been done to a man.”…

“Who has ever called a man ‘The King of Rage?’ Basically what Newsweek magazine – and this is important, what Newsweek magazine, not a blog, Newsweek magazine – what they are saying of a woman who is a serious contender for President of the United States of America…They are basically casting her as a nut job,” O’Neill said. “The ‘Queen of Rage’ is something you apply to wrestlers or somebody who is crazy. They didn’t even do this to Howard Dean when he had his famous scream.”

And that is all well and good, but I can’t help but raise an eyebrow at this part:

NOW is diametrically opposed to Bachmann on practically every political issue. Bachmann is pro-life, NOW is pro-choice. Bachmann wants to make significant cuts to entitlements, while NOW it pushing to protect Social Security and Medicare. The list is practically infinite. Nevertheless, NOW is rallying to her side for all women in politics.

Okay, call me confused, but isn’t NOW supposed to be an organization devoted to feminism?  So how is social security and Medicare a feminist issue?  I mean claiming that feminists had to support abortion was pushing it, but seriously, how do you pretend those entitlements are about women’s rights?  At best you could say that women disproportionately use those entitlements, but isn’t it sexist to encourage women to be disproportionately dependant on the Federal Government?

Anyway, regardless of that, you have to give them credit for sticking up for her, like this.  But I will say that it is not just sexism but sexism + partisanship.  I mean to go all Shakespeare’s Sister on this, imagine if there was a Harriet Dean, former governor of a New England state and a very liberal Democract, and she spontaneously screamed at a campaign rally on live televison.  I think it is safe to say Newsweek wouldn’t have depicted her that way, either.  It is only Republican women who are treated this way.

Which makes NOW’s stand even more impressive, if you think about it.  As they say, read the whole thing.

[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]

453 Responses to “NOW Steps Up… For Bachmann?”

  1. If she can’t negotiate the cover of Newsweek, does anyone think she should be President? That is the real problem.

    Rob N (763a3c)

  2. How many people think Rob N had a legitimate question?

    JD (d48c3b)

  3. Rob

    She’s expected to control the media now?

    There is an amendment on the subject. I think its one of the first ones…

    What does she supposedly have to negotiate with?

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  4. She hadn’t even seen the cover or the article. She sits for photos, and lets the magazine pick whatever one they want? Whoever is representing her should be fired then.

    Rob N (763a3c)

  5. No one should be fired but her. We’ve seen that kind before, and we won’t get fooled again.

    ProudLiberal (0692b1)

  6. Rob and the sock puppet were plants, no? They could not be so dumb as to come along and prove the meta-point of this post so quickly.

    JD (b98cae)

  7. Please bring Palin back. She sounds intelligent and sensible in comparison.

    ProudLiberal (0692b1)

  8. Bachmann there’s something about her
    That reminds one of Adolf Hitler
    Her brain is that of a maggot
    And her husband is a f—–

    ProudLiberal (0692b1)

  9. I agree with Rob.

    I have never understood why conservatives agree to sessions like this with the liberal media… and without having established ground rules (like, at a minimum, approval over the picture?).

    What was Bachman trying to accomplish? Trying to reach out to and convert Newsweek’s liberal readers? All 300,000 of them? (or whatever teeny number they have)?

    And with Newsweek, famous for the ‘what to do with a problem with Sarah?’ cover a while back?

    You don’t go into a meeting with an adversary without preparing yourself and taking precautions. Newsweek is the enemy, and Bachman accomplished nothing by sitting down with them.

    And the staffer who said ‘hey, here’s a good idea’ should be taken out and summarily fired, he/she is obviously out of touch and dumb to boot. And if was Bachman’s idea, then she is missing something.

    steve (254463)

  10. And if was Bachman’s idea, then she is missing something.

    A functioning brain, perhaps?

    ProudLiberal (0692b1)

  11. Well, let’s see. Was it Newsweek who, back in the 90s, published on the cover a caricature of Newt Gingrich as a squalling baby? Or was it a Grinch?

    So it is a foregone conclusion that the MSM will play games with the cover art/photographs. If you let them do what they want, then you are dumb. If you complain about it, then you are a whiner. Kind of a Catch-22, isn’t it?

    As to why NOW is finally speaking up, I have a theory. Remember how HRC was treated in 2008? Maybe they are setting the stage to prevent that happening again for a primary challenge?

    Or maybe, just maybe, they are deciding to stand up for something other than Democratic activism.

    Simon Jester (51bacd)

  12. How was she unprepared? What precautions should she have taken? By steve and rob’s douchey standards, it is Bachman’s fault that Newsweek acted like dlcks.

    Nice to see the open minded secproggies here get their hohophobia, sexism, and tolerance on …

    JD (306f5d)

  13. But it is interesting, of course, to see people reflexively act as DNC shills…missing the point of what NOW is trying to say in this case.

    Simon Jester (51bacd)

  14. JD: no, it is Bachman’s fault that she willingly sat down with Newsweek and took no precautions. You don’t walk into a biker bar wearing your GAY PRIDE T-shirt, do you?

    steve (254463)

  15. And I said what precautions she could have taken, like insisting on approval over any photographs, especially the cover shot.

    steve (254463)

  16. How many subjects of interviews get editorial control over cover art and content?

    You guys are clowns.

    JD (306f5d)

  17. I suspect, JD, it is “steve”s extensive experience with journalism that led him to those remarks. Surely he has been involved with interviewing candidates and arranging cover art numerous times.

    Simon Jester (51bacd)

  18. If she can’t get control, then don’t do the interview. How can she deal with the likes of Iran and Russia if she won’t stand up to big scary Newsweek magazine?

    Bachman doesn’t ask for control, and ends up with this picture (fwiw, I don’t know why it is so bad but some of her supporters are in a tizzy over it). Obama, on the other hand, demands control and gets favorable coverage and flattering pictures. Go Obama.

    steve (254463)

  19. Oh, steve? Could you please cite how you know that BHO “demands” control from the press?

    Just askin’.

    Simon Jester (51bacd)

  20. on the same cover they bash Bachmann you can see that one of their contributors they’re pimping is the magazine owner’s dipstick wife

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  21. Simon: because how else would he get such favorable coverage and pictures?

    steve (254463)

  22. To state the obvious, Michelle Bachman is sure one [very] pretty woman, and well preserved for her age, too. I’m not into cougars, but if I was, mmmm, mmmm, mmmm!!!

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  23. Not that it was really subject to debate, but steve’s comment demonstrates how vacuous and douchey his type is. If you can’t make the leftist twatwaffles at Newsweek be honest, how can you possibly deal with Iran?!?! Really?!?! Newsweek was more than fair to Barcky, yet he didn’t even attempt to deal with Iran.

    JD (d56362)

  24. Proud liberal is (of course) one of many sockpuppets and has been taken care of. Not going to nuke the comments as I think they’re illustrative of the point.

    Simon: because how else would he get such favorable coverage and pictures?
    Comment by steve — 8/9/2011 @ 6:21 am

    You’re kidding, right? He’s a Dem. Sheesh!

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  25. I love the Left. So predictable. Newsweek does something infantile and it’s Bachmann’s fault. “Blame the victim” at its best! And then to somehow spin it as being unpresidential – as if running the country is a press flack job. Well, I guess if you voted for Obama then yes, your idea of a President *is* little more than a photo op and a speech.

    AJsDaddie (27f0de)

  26. They are basically casting her as a nut job

    I think NOW got this wrong. She’s no method actor folks. Anyone who’s ever had a knock on the door from Jehovah’s Witnesses will know that look the Newsweek photographer captured so well.

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  27. Speaking of your leaving turds on a doorstep, sparticvs.

    By the way, why are people asking you about Japan? Please tell us ALL about it. I hope that, every time you troll, people ask you about this topic.

    Simon Jester (51bacd)

  28. Anyone who’s ever had a knock on the door from Jehovah’s Witnesses will know that look the Newsweek photographer captured so well.
    Comment by Spartacvs — 8/9/2011 @ 6:35 am

    You really just go by the MSM stereotypes, don’t you?

    Ever been to Japan?

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  29. Hey Stashiu3. How do you write “Please answer the question” in Japanese?

    Simon Jester (51bacd)

  30. Please chime in, Dustin.

    Simon Jester (51bacd)

  31. The reason NOW thinks that SS and other govt freebees are ‘feminist’ is because women are the main recipients of Federal largesse and NOW is also a socialist organization.

    SGT Ted (5d10ae)

  32. NOW is just making an attempt at regaining the relevance they thought they once had.

    ColonelHaiku (d1f5ff)

  33. Stashiu3, he seems to get quiet when the subject of Japan comes up. Such an odd coincidence, huh?

    Simon Jester (51bacd)

  34. Maybe one of the editors here will post a cover photo of Bachmann’s detractors. After all, they failed to negotiate control in a prior agreement.

    ropelight (47f0af)

  35. Stashiu3, he seems to get quiet when the subject of Japan comes up. Such an odd coincidence, huh?
    Comment by Simon Jester — 8/9/2011 @ 6:50 am

    Strange, isn’t it? Almost as if he can’t figure out whether it’s safe to lie or not.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  36. Colonel, at least it was consistent with what they claim are their goals. We will see. Maybe it’s like the saying that stopped clocks are correct twice a day.

    Simon Jester (51bacd)

  37. People like Spartacvs are such partisan Hax!

    Patterico (f724ca)

  38. OMG!

    Simon Jester (51bacd)

  39. It really is like some bloggish “Brokeback Mountain” with these trolls. They just can’t quit you, Patterico!

    Simon Jester (51bacd)

  40. Newsweek’s cover isn’t the first time we’ve seen the Bachmann crazy eyes. Nor is it the last, I suspect. You know why? It’s because she often HAS those crazy eyes.

    Obama has big ears. Bachmann has crazy eyes. We call this “reality”. Stop whining and deal with it.

    Kman (5576bf)

  41. Japan, seems to be the subtext, a generation of wasteful stimulus, did little to restore it’s economic status, after the MITI induced real estate
    bubble that Fallows seems to have missed.

    ian cormac (81c5c2)

  42. Fallows missed something?!?!?! Will wonders never cease?

    ColonelHaiku (d1f5ff)

  43. She got a JD, and she was a successful practicing attorney, and she got elected and reelected as a U.S. Congresswoman, and she has the respect and the admiration of not just thousands, but millions of Americans. No small accomplishments.

    What have you accomplished in your life, Spartacus?

    Watch: Um, er, obfuscations.

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  44. It’s a prerequisite, to be an editor at the Atlantic, meanwhile I know it’s not as impressive
    as those words that shot Bachmann to the top of te polls, NewsBeast neglects to tell us, what they were:

    In the coming days we’ll sort through the repercussions of S&P’s downgrade of our credit rating, including concerns about the impact a potential interest rate increase would have on our ability to service our suffocating $14.5 trillion debt.

    I’m surprised that so many people seem surprised by S&P’s decision. Weren’t people paying attention over the last year or so when we were getting warning after warning from various credit rating agencies that this was coming? I’ve been writing and speaking about it myself for quite some time.

    Back in December 2010, I wrote: “If the European debt crisis teaches us anything, it’s that tomorrow always comes. Sooner or later, the markets will expect us to settle the bill for the enormous Obama-Pelosi-Reid spending binge. We’ve already been warned by the credit ratings agency Moody’s that unless we get serious about reducing our deficit, we may face a downgrade of our credit rating.” And again in January, in response to President Obama’s State of the Union address I wrote: “With credit ratings agency Moody’s warning us that the federal government must reverse the rapid growth of national debt or face losing our triple-A rating, keep in mind that a nation doesn’t look so ‘great’ when its credit rating is in tatters.”

    ian cormac (81c5c2)

  45. Summit, just ask him about Japan. I smell “journalist”

    Simon Jester (51bacd)

  46. And Journolist, yes.

    Simon Jester (51bacd)

  47. Some might say Spurty wouldn’t know his thumb from his dick, but colonel say… Hell… colonel proclaim, All hail Spurtacvs… King of the Thumb Wrestlers!

    ColonelHaiku (d1f5ff)

  48. I did not know Michelle Obama relinquished her title.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  49. Proud liberal is (of course) one of many sockpuppets and has been taken care of. Not going to nuke the comments as I think they’re illustrative of the point.

    Stashiu, there was a moron going by “ProudLiberal” last year on Riehl’s blog that happily applauded the beating of black conservative Kenneth Gladney – his exact words were “Gotta love it”.

    This sounds like that same p*ssy. Thanks for dumping him.

    Darth Venomous (c8614a)

  50. gotta love how the left calls Bachman a nutjob but defends Bill Ayers who is a marxist-leninist cop killer.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  51. ________________________________________

    If she can’t negotiate the cover of Newsweek

    Huh? First of all, the photo seems pretty much a standard posed shot of her. Should Bachmann have demanded that Newsweek do some air brushing and photoshopping of it? If so, why? So that magazine does to politicians what many magazines are notorious for doing to all Hollywood celebrities?

    But the headline of “Queen of Rage”? That definitely was inspired by the idiotic liberalism of Newsweek, if only because it never would have applied such words to Hillary Clinton. Or a woman who based on insider reports going back years is a foul-mouthed, nasty POS—at least when she’s not dodging sniper fire on airport tarmacs.

    Which makes NOW’s stand even more impressive, if you think about it.

    There’s a fine, narrow line between liberalism and feminism (ie, a large percentage of females tilt left), between liberalism and sexuality (ie, a huge percentage of homosexuals/bisexuals are of the left), between liberalism and black America (ie, surveys indicate 90-plus percent of that part of society favors liberalism and Democrats).

    So as a telling sign of just how much idiocy, lunacy, dishonesty and irresponsibility have been inculcated by liberals and leftist bias at this time in history? When no less than NOW starts to wag its finger. Or when the following person feels he too has to start wagging his finger:

    “Take those God-darn hoodies down, especially in the summer,” Mr. [Michael] Nutter, [Philadelphia’s] second black mayor, said in an angry lecture aimed at black teens. “Pull your pants up and buy a belt ‘cause no one wants to see your underwear or the crack of your butt.”

    “If you walk into somebody’s office with your hair uncombed and a pick in the back, and your shoes untied, and your pants half down, tattoos up and down your arms and on your neck, and you wonder why somebody won’t hire you? They don’t hire you ‘cause you look like you’re crazy,” the mayor said. “You have damaged your own race.”

    ^ And as another indication of how a large portion of the MSM doesn’t care about the “who, what, when, where and why” of a story, only a conservative publication like the Washington Times has so far published (and therefore publicized) what can be called the non-politically-correct — and therefore painfully honest — remarks of Philadelphia’s mayor. In general, I imagine in most circumstances he thinks and talks like pretty much a typical limousine liberal—a label that applies to most people on the left, since one does not have to be wealthy to be guilty of that common form of frequently phony, two-faced “progressive” behavior.

    Mark (411533)

  52. the beating of black conservative Kenneth Gladney

    1st off, I doubt very much that Gladney is or ever was a conservative. He just probably thought he might make a little money playing the victim, a very American tradition by the way, more than he could selling flags at any rate.

    2nd, beating?

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  53. You doubt gladney was a conservative?

    Yes it was a beating you racist.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  54. _______________________________________________

    Basically what Newsweek magazine – and this is important, what Newsweek magazine, not a blog, Newsweek magazine

    A publication whose price truly reflects the level of its value and worth.

    New York Times, August 2010:

    A deal to sell Newsweek to a 91-year-old stereo equipment magnate will be announced later this afternoon, a move that will signal the end of a half-century of ownership by the Washington Post Company.

    The financial details of the sale were not known, though one person with knowledge of [the buyer’s] bid said last week that he would pay $1 in exchange for absorbing Newsweek’s considerable financial liabilities.

    Newsweek has struggled through the recession more than most weekly news magazines, losing nearly $30 million last year alone. It was earning that much a year as recently as 2007.

    Mark (411533)

  55. _____________________________________________

    I doubt very much that Gladney is or ever was a conservative

    I don’t mind your believing that, just as long as you also believe (and realize) that your liberal instincts — that left-leaning biases — don’t make you a truly humane, compassionate, generous, decent, sophisticated human being. They sure as hell don’t.

    Mark (411533)

  56. First off, Spurtycolostomybag, no one here gives a sh*t what you think. You’re nothing but a cowardly little Demoscum-talking-point-spewing p*ssweasel, after all.

    Secondly, yeah – beating.

    Own it, princess.

    Darth Venomous (c8614a)

  57. Dear Sparticus,
    Something isn’t Kosher in your Tofu Sir. Liberal huh? How’s that Liberal misogynous pig aspect working out for you?

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  58. Darth, cute name by the way.

    All I see in the video is one guy already on the ground (not Gladney) and two guys (one of whom is Gladney) jostling each other. Gladney is dragged to the ground then immediately jumps back up and the other guy trips over a curb.

    No beating.

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  59. You’re running out of threads to avoid spartacvs.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  60. From J.E. Dyer’s own blog,

    Palin focuses like any good executive on the big picture. We have to cut spending and get government out of the economy’s way so it can start pumping out revenues again. These things are increasingly obvious to everyone, and moreover, they constitute a plan. Talking ourselves into corners about other, tangential things isn’t even interesting any more. It feels so wrong that it’s hard to watch anyone’s news program at the moment: no one seems to be talking about what matters.

    What is interesting is how few in our national political life have put the case together, as Palin has, without temporizing or bloviating. I haven’t heard anyone else do what she does with this post. She acknowledges the actual, enormous scope of the problem, envisions a solution, and outlines what to do to achieve it, with encouragement that it can be done. It is sad and a little frightening that so many Americans have become unable to see this for what it is: leadership. Almost everyone else is focused more narrowly, on one aspect of the problem or another, and a good few commentators don’t seem to even have the vocabulary or the mental infrastructure to address the problem itself; they can only express opinions about the impossibility of the politics surrounding it.

    ian cormac (81c5c2)

  61. NOW is speaking out NOW. Shocking They were irrelevant even when I was a liberal (College, ya voted for Clinton…twice. Dumb kids) They don’t support women, they support only a liberal agenda. One only needs to look at how the decried Camille Paglia in the 90’s. I can’t even begin to speculate why they would do this now.

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  62. > JD: no, it is Bachman’s fault that she willingly sat down with Newsweek and took no precautions. You don’t walk into a biker bar wearing your GAY PRIDE T-shirt, do you?

    Um, would this be a gay biker bar?

    Joking aside, let’s all enjoy the left explain why she was asking for it, for dressing like a slut.

    But then blaming the victim is pretty popular with the left when they hate the victim. look at the “why do they hate us” crowd after 9-11.

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  63. cormac:

    I haven’t heard anyone else do what she does with this post.

    Please post a link.

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  64. Please post a link.
    Comment by Spartacvs — 8/9/2011 @ 8:13 am

    Pretty rich there, you requesting a link from anyone. As Patterico said earlier, you’re just a partisan Hax.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  65. Worthing:

    Joking aside, let’s all enjoy the left explain why she was asking for it, for dressing like a slut.

    This, is joking aside?

    Project much?

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  66. That was breath-takingly dishonest, spurty, even for you.

    JD (b98cae)

  67. Spurty

    So it is your position that NOW, which is by the way the people “whining” about this, not actually Bachmann herself as far as a i know, is being what? too nice to conservatives?

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  68. Too nice to Bachman, I don’t see anything untoward or troubling about the photo.

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  69. Do you like sushi, sparticvs? And pretentious attempts at Latin?

    I’m just asking questions, after all.

    Simon Jester (51bacd)

  70. I don’t get the Japan thingy with Spartacus. But then, I didn’t get the HoHo’s thingy or the VLPB thingy on the other thread, or the snide insinuation that Michelle somehow looked slutty either. Can’t get my mind around that last one especially. I must have been out of the country for too long,

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  71. That is because your a marxist Spartac.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  72. spart

    i think the fact you see nothing wrong with it reflects on you more than the issue itself.

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  73. Comment by Summit, NJ — 8/9/2011 @ 8:32 am

    Sparty’s been here before.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  74. He fought the Power, Stashiu3! Safely, of course, with an anonymizer.

    Simon Jester (51bacd)

  75. Please bring Palin back. She sounds intelligent and sensible in comparison.

    In comparison to whom does she not sound intelligent and sensible?

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  76. What ‘issue’?

    The woman is a crazy loon, she’s no grifter like Palin. This one truly believes what she says.

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  77. That’s his problem. Most of the anonymizers have been burned here (after many, many hours of effort) and he’s down to a static IP. Pretty soon, he’ll be forced to try and sockpuppet from Starbucks or someplace else with free wi-fi. “Try” being the operative word.

    That means mixing with commoners of course. Distasteful.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  78. Please remind me, someone, in 2008 did NOW stand up for Palin at all?

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  79. In comparison to whom does she not sound intelligent and sensible?

    Katie Kouric

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  80. stashiu3, I think he will get a deal with wi-fi if he works there. Maynard G. Krebs notwithstanding.

    Simon Jester (51bacd)

  81. Plus free sprinkles.

    Simon Jester (51bacd)

  82. only a moron would think that Katie Kouric sounded intelligent, and i’m not talking A0SHQ.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  83. And you do like the sprinkles, don’t you sparticvs. NTTIAWWT.

    Simon Jester (51bacd)

  84. Hey Stashiu3. How do you write “Please answer the question” in Japanese?

    Comment by Simon Jester — 8/9/2011 @ 6:41 am


    Ralph Gizzip (5ab3ea)

  85. That’s his problem. Most of the anonymizers have been burned here (after many, many hours of effort) and he’s down to a static IP. Pretty soon, he’ll be forced to try and sockpuppet from Starbucks or someplace else with free wi-fi. “Try” being the operative word.

    That means mixing with commoners of course. Distasteful.

    Comment by Stashiu3

    That seems like an awful lot of effort just to make sure we all think some democrats are jerks.

    What’s the point?

    Hey, spartacus, I can’t keep track of which troll is which, but why were you banned in the first place? You could modify your trolling debate style here into something pretty reasonable without too much effort.

    It’s as though you have no interest in a real discussion, and are scared of being convinced to be a conservative. Yet you’re here anyway.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  86. Please post a link.

    Um, let’s see, if I want to see what Palin has to say about some topic of current importance, where would I go? Now if I wanted to know what Glenn Reynolds or Eugene Volokh or Patrick Frey thought about something, I know where I would look, but Sarah Palin? That luddite who wouldn’t know how to use a typewriter let alone a computer? If she can write at all, she’s probably penning her thoughts with a quill, or carving them in rock in a cave somewhere, no? Not like our glorious President (all hail!) who knows all about modern technology like the blackprompter and the teleberry, and would post his thoughts for all to see on the tweeterbook thingy.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  87. Dustin

    maybe in truth he is a conservative, paid to prostitute for the left.

    its really hard to believe he is being sincere with us.

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  88. PS: Spartacvs, 彼女はブログを持っています

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  89. He’s a tendentious Journolist nazgul, it gets very
    Thallosian after a while,

    ian cormac (81c5c2)

  90. Katie Kouric

    Never heard of her

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  91. maybe in truth he is a conservative, paid to prostitute for the left.

    Or even some kind of hyper strategist, giving the right a punching bag that is annoying and wrong on every issue the right wants to talk about!

    Like democrats used to think Alan Colmes was.

    It’d be nice if Spartacus tried a fair and honest discussion once in a while. The entire blogosphere is very polarized lately. I see very few Obama fans who behave much differently that Spartacus. The polite Obama fans are still out there, but they don’t want to debate the issues right now. Or they don’t think Obama is worth it anymore.

    2012 will be a pivotal year.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  92. It’d be nice if Spartacus tried a fair and honest discussion once in a while.
    Comment by Dustin — 8/9/2011 @ 8:57 am

    It will never happen. He’s been given a bazillion (rough estimate) chances and even a general amnesty once. He can’t help himself.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  93. and even a general amnesty once


    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  94. ?

    Comment by Spartacvs

    All the banned jerks were given a chance to come back and join the debate like grown ups.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  95. Darth, cute name by the way.

    This coming from you, Spurty? ROFL.

    All I see in the video is one guy already on the ground (not Gladney) and two guys (one of whom is Gladney) jostling each other. Gladney is dragged to the ground then immediately jumps back up and the other guy trips over a curb.

    No beating.

    Yeah, the word of the black man doesn’t quite cut it in your racist little world, does it, Spurty? He just needs to get back on the liberal plantation & shut his mouth, huh?


    Darth Venomous (c8614a)

  96. Gladney is dragged to the ground then immediately jumps back up


    You do not see the full incident where multiple large guys are beating the hell out of this much smaller guy. They pull him up and toss him around. They idea he just jumps up and fights back like he’s an instigator too is ridiculous. But that is the Media Matters lie.

    I don’t care what your politics are, if you’re OK with the injustice that occurred to Gladney, you are a pig.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  97. Darth


    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  98. Wow, the lingering trolls are starting to become as popular here as RWV!

    ProudLiberal has been a troll regular at RWV for some time. Dan tends to put up with their rants without banning them. He claims he likes to show up every now and then and smack em around.

    I recall the ever popular Jharp, aka Harpo, that used to hijack threads over there and then moved his sorry, hate the world act over here!!

    They’ll all have plenty of time to crawl back under their rocks come Nov 2012!!

    Time to take back the Republic!!

    I can’t believe that NOW is speaking up unless it’s to prep up for Hillary to challenge Xerxes in 2012!!

    SacTownMan (2a89ae)

  99. Sparticvs. Dude. There is foam on your lip.

    Simon Jester (51bacd)

  100. SEIU’s mouthpiece, Fire Hydrant Lake, yes that’s a reputable sourcr.

    ian cormac (81c5c2)

  101. Sparctac links to FireDogLake the same website that portrayed Joe Leiberman in blackface just ignore the racist POS.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  102. I recall the ever popular Jharp, aka Harpo, that used to hijack threads over there and then moved his sorry, hate the world act over here!!

    SacTownMan – I think we had him first, then you got the benefit of his company after his butt was banned here, but then he returned here after an amnesty, the terms of which he quickly violated.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  103. TBogg actually Ian

    Here’s today, another good one

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  104. “Fire Hydrant Lake”

    ian – I prefer RacistDogFakes

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  105. Again you racist POS link to FDL and condone Joe Leiberman in blackface.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  106. I think my coinage is more illiterative, but tomato, tomato,

    ian cormac (81c5c2)

  107. ___________________________________________

    maybe in truth he is a conservative, paid to prostitute for the left.

    Or maybe he’s actually doing a parody of a liberal?

    Pretty soon, he’ll be forced to try and sockpuppet from Starbucks or someplace else with free wi-fi.

    In general, I think it’s good to have countervailing POVs — no matter how dumb they may be — in this or almost any blog out there. Otherwise forums become too much of an echo chamber. I used to visit one forum that wasn’t even political or partisan in nature. But it was so heavily moderated, in which its main users resented dealing with even a small bit of conflict or rebuttal, that it eventually became one big snooze.

    As for leftists like sparticvs, it becomes really pathetic when such people are older than, say, 25 or 30 years. It’s one thing to be liberal (and deluded, phony and foolish) when humans are young. But after a certain moment in their life, if they still lean left, it then becomes a case of their having never matured. Or going against the phrase of “wisdom comes with age.”

    Mark (411533)

  108. Bachmann may not be the “Queen of Rage” but she gets my vote for the “Queen of Shit”.

    Desperate for someone…anyone I could support in 2012 and without Palin in the race I’ve been following Bachmann. Her pandering to the radical right over abortion and gay rights alarmed me but I consoled myself with the thought that she was really smart and this was just window-dressing.

    Last night I got a call inviting me to stay on the line for a live phone forum with Michelle Bachmann. Curious, I kept the connection open and was soon hooked up to the audio. Literally the first words I heard out of her mouth were, “When I am president I will unlock our energy reserves and INSTANTLY CREATE MILLIONS OF JOBS”.

    You know what Bachmann is? She’s Barack Obama in lipstick and high heels…”Hope N Change” wearing a skirt. She’s “promise ’em anything if it gets me elected” just like every other damn politician in Washington these days.

    Frankly, I think she’s nuts and so are the voters if they give her any credibility at all.

    creeper (f1f686)

  109. When OJ was just a suspect, Time ran a cover on him with his skin artificially darkened. They apologized later for making him look more menacing.
    And somebody–possibly Newsweak–ran a pic of Condi with her pupils artificially made into triangles, which was hard to see unless you looked closely, but did give her a demonic look. Sort of subliminal.
    So they do this stuff. It stinks, but it’s what they do.

    Richard Aubrey (cafc94)

  110. Mark,

    You make a valid point about having an alternitive point of view in a blog site post.

    The problem is the trolls seldom do anything more than post Daily Koz talking points and spew spittle flecked diatribes ad nasium. They seldom, if ever, provide links to ANYTHING to supplement their arguments. If they do provide a link it’s usually the New York Slimes, Washington Compost or some other Pravda Media site!!

    The biggest problem is their overwhelming hate that permeates the vast majority of their posts.

    They are nothing more than poorly trained, Soros owned, monkeys!!

    SacTownMan (2a89ae)

  111. SacTownMan, it was hilarious when “Luke” arrived here and started quoting CBO reports that he was ignorant of the assumptions/limitations inherent in the reports.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  112. “Her pandering to the radical right over abortion and gay rights alarmed me but I consoled myself with the thought that she was really smart and this was just window-dressing.”

    creeper – Is half the country radical right? poseur.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  113. LOL ‘those words you’re using’

    ian cormac (81c5c2)

  114. “When I am president I will unlock our energy reserves and INSTANTLY CREATE MILLIONS OF JOBS”.

    I don’t know about millions, but just lifting the deepwalter drilling ban in the Gulf of Mexico would create about a quarter-million jobs. When you add in ANWR and the various other reserves that are being kept locked up by federal regulation, a million might not be out of the question, eventually.

    But those might be two separate promises rather than one, in which case they’re both perfectly plausible. There’s a lot a new president could do to create jobs, just by issuing orders to various parts of the executive branch to stop enforcing various regulations.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  115. Her pandering to the radical right over abortion and gay rights alarmed me but I consoled myself with the thought that she was really smart and this was just window-dressing.

    What is Bachmann’s position on gay rights, and what percentage of voters agrees with her? Same for abortion.

    I haven’t followed social issues, but often when someone is called radical they are actually taking a mainstream view that the other side is intolerant of.

    I don’t see how one can say Bachmann is nuts if they saw her intelligent and composed debate performance so far.

    She has so much more experience than Obama did when he ran, but I do agree it’s better to have something more.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  116. What is Bachmann’s position on gay rights, and what percentage of voters agrees with her? Same for abortion.

    Fervently against both.

    Perhaps 20-30% on gay rights, more on abortion but not not a majority or even a plurality.

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  117. “Perhaps 20-30% on gay rights, more on abortion but not not a majority or even a plurality.”

    Evidence please?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  118. Just my estimate, nothing stopping you providing your own.

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  119. “perhaps”, “more” and “not even a majority”

    Impressive debating skills on display there, but do you have ANY real statistics or perhaps even one of those “link” things to support your argument?

    Trolls, too dumb to believe,

    Too danagerous to ingnore!!!!

    SacTownMan (2a89ae)

  120. Spartacvs’ “show your work” applies only to others, trolls need not comply.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  121. Fervently against both.

    Um, this is a comic book level analysis. What specifically is her position on those two issues?

    You make it sound like she thinks gays don’t have a right to a fair trial or free speech.

    In reality, her position is likely similar to what Obama claims was his position in 2008.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  122. This is all BULL#%$.
    The cover says “Queen of Mean” It’s a lie and it’s sexist. If you and one decent bone in your body you would at least be able to admit that.
    It doesn’t say “Some polls show a slight majority of Americans polled show that they disagree with her on Gay rights and Abortion” QUEEN OF MEAN?
    While I may not agree with her on all her stances completely like these two (I don’t agree with anyone 100% because I’m not prisoner of the talking points army) It doesn’t mean she’s a lunatic. She believes the things she does because she is a Christian. Oh and being a Christian doesn’t mean you are automatically a radical, lunatic! I know…that’s nuts!
    You are a bigot and a sexist and I would venture to guess if anyone who happened to be gay and a Republican ever came across your path you would suddenly find yourself being a homophobe too.

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  123. Dustin – She probably defers to her husband, who seems to believe you can ‘pray away the gay’. But he would appear to have spent too much time hanging around the gay, if you ask me. Nothing wrong with that of course.

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  124. Oh sorry
    Queen of RAGE.
    Ha even more idiotic

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  125. _____________________________________________

    Somewhat analogous to liberal NOW having to pause and allow a bit of sanity to seep through their otherwise thick skulls (of foolish leftist bias and sentiment), a variation of that is indicated in the following:, Brendan O’Neill:

    Many commentators are on a mission to contextualise the riots that have swept parts of urban London and other British cities. ‘It’s very naive to look at these riots without the context’, says one journalist, who says the reason the violence kicked off in the London suburb of Tottenham is because ‘that area is getting 75% cuts [in public services]’. Others have said that the political context for the rioting is youth unemployment or working-class anger at David Cameron’s cuts agenda.

    These observers are right that there is a political context to the riots…. [But] the political context is not the cuts agenda or racist policing – it is the welfare state, which, it is now clear, has nurtured a new generation that has absolutely no sense of community spirit or social solidarity.

    What we have on the streets of London and elsewhere are welfare-state mobs. The youth who are ‘rising up’ – actually they are simply shattering their own communities – represent a generation that has been more suckled by the state than any generation before it. They live in those urban territories where the sharp-elbowed intrusion of the welfare state over the past 30 years has pushed aside older ideals of self-reliance and community spirit.

    The most striking thing about the rioters is how little they seem to care for their own communities. You don’t have to be a right-winger with helmet hair and a niggling discomfort with black or chavvy yoof (I am the opposite of that) to recognise that this violence is not political, just criminal.

    It is entertaining to watch the political contortionism of those commentators who claim that the riots are an uprising against the evils of capitalism, as they struggle to explain why the targets thus far have been Foot Locker sports shops, electrical goods shops, takeaway joints and bus-stops, and why the only ‘gains’ made by the rioters have been to get a new pair of trainers or an Apple laptop.

    …And as a left-winger, I refuse to celebrate nihilistic behaviour that has a profoundly negative impact on working people’s lives.

    There is one more important part to this story: the reaction of the cops. Their inability to handle the riots effectively reveals the extent to which the British police are far better adapted to consensual policing than conflictual policing. It also demonstrates how far they have been paralysed in our era of the politics of victimhood, where virtually no police activity fails to get followed up by a complaint or a legal case.

    ^ Personally, I think the current dynamics in Britain are due to its history of…slavery. Yes, uh-huh. Or, if not that, then history of too much…Tea Party-ism or conservatism. Or, if not that, then its history of too much laissez-faire, survival-of-the-fittest attitude and indifference. Or, if not that, then stinginess in providing a strong safety net. Or, if not that, then certainly a long history of police brutality. Yes, uh-huh. Definitely! Too many redneck cops in the UK, particularly in redneck London.

    Mark (411533)

  126. I think you may want to consider praying away the stupid.

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  127. Dustin – She probably defers to her husband, who seems to believe you can ‘pray away the gay’. But he would appear to have spent too much time hanging around the gay, if you ask me. Nothing wrong with that of course.

    Comment by Spartacvs

    AKA, you don’t actually know what her position is, and assume a sexist and stupid explanation, while dodging my point about Obama’s opposition to gay marriage.

    You are a hack. Are you Hax?

    Dustin (b7410e)

  128. Blackburnsghost – “Queen of Rage” actually, it’s right there at the head of this page.

    She’s a certifiable nutcase, Cynthia McKinney on steroids. But the Democrats would never have entertained the idea of someone that crazy running for President of the United States as a Democrat.

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  129. “Dustin – She probably defers to her husband, who seems to believe you can ‘pray away the gay’.”

    Evidence please.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  130. “Just my estimate, nothing stopping you providing your own.”

    Spvrty confirming he’s just making sh*t up.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  131. Dear Farticus,
    Thanks You. I corrected myself almost immediately. You can see it 2 posts above yours.
    oh and hahahaha that’s a good one. Rim shot

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  132. It was USA Today that photoshopped Rice’s pic. Pulled it, apologized for it, lied about it being an inadvertent result of sharpening the something or other. Photoshop experts claimed it was impossible to replicate it. Done a’ purpose. Bus Tid

    Richard Aubrey (cafc94)

  133. Daley – evidence?

    My pleasure

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  134. Spartacvs shows the core of Democratic political thought today – name calling. No intention to address policy arguments, which is not a surprise given his utter incompetence.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  135. “She’s a certifiable nutcase”

    Show your work. If it’s certifiable it should be easy for you to produce.

    Birdbath (19803d)

  136. The dems favorite cult islam has said a lot worse about gays.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  137. ________________________________________________

    It doesn’t say “Some polls show a slight majority of Americans polled show that they disagree with her on Gay rights and Abortion” QUEEN OF MEAN?

    I’m bothered by her position against same-sex marriage. It’s intolerant, old-fashioned and mean.

    I think some people deserve to have both a wife and a husband. Or both a husband and a wife. Or a wife and a wife. Or a husband and a husband and a wife. Or married to a dude one day, a girl the next, and then visa versa. Or something like that. A shocking new biography of screen star Paul Newman asserts he was bisexual and had affairs with Marlon Brando, James Dean, Mongomery Clift, Anthony Perkins, Sal Mineo, John Derek, Steve McQueen and other men.

    Paul Newman was an Academy Award-winning actor, championship race car driver, salad dressing king and humanitarian. The company he co-founded, Newman’s Own, donates its profits to charity–over 280 million, so far.

    Interviews with Newman’s friends, colleagues and a few ex-lovers paint a picture of a star so gorgeous that all the most beautiful of Hollywood, both male and female wanted to bed him.

    Most of us think of Paul Newman as the long-time monogamous husband of actress Joanne Woodward….But, despite the fact that he always returned home, he apparently took advantage of a large variety of sexual opportunities that came his way, both male and female. Even his relationship with Woodward began as an affair during his marriage to first wife Jackie Witte. Newman had a total of six children, three with each wife.

    Mark (411533)

  138. No Islam isn’t waving a rainbow flag? Well color me surprised.
    Dear Sparticus,
    Thank you for roundly thwonking us with all your glitter bombs of truth today. I’m sad no super duper graphs though.
    All the best!

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  139. Very easy to produce:

    Enjoy here

    and here

    and here

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  140. Not sure why that’s directed at me Mark. I said I don’t agree with her on these points. I mean yay for Paul Newman, whatever. I couldn’t care less about who anyone marries or what they do in their bedroom. Just because she does though does not make her the Queen of Rage.
    This is about the cover.

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  141. Oh we could play the political gaffe game all day couldn’t we?

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  142. Black, Mark is being sarcastic.

    Obviously the cover is ridiculous.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  143. She’s a certifiable nutcase, Cynthia McKinney on steroids. But the Democrats would never have entertained the idea of someone that crazy running for President of the United States as a Democrat.

    Ted Kennedy
    Barcky OBambi
    Al Sharpton
    Jesse Jackson
    Dennis Kucinich

    Hacks/twoofnjustice/sporty/etal is getting increasingly agitated. This has a predictable trajectory

    JD (318f81)

  144. Thanks Dustin. hee
    You forgot
    Sheila Jackson Lee
    Bawney Fwank
    Anthony Weiner!!!!
    Ding ding ding

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  145. Blackburnsghost – which ones were gaffe’s and which ones were for real and is there a way to tell?

    She’s nuts and if Democrats had allowed anyone that crazy to run for the office of President, y’all would have been up in arms about it and justifiably.

    She’s not Palin, a grifter with coffers to fill from a gullible public, she really means the stuff she says.

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  146. So, is Hax/Sparticvs still playing over here? Really?

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  147. And on the subject of people being “nuts,” consider a person who is a jerk, gets banned from a blog, and then skulks around under a variety of names, spewing bile and insults.

    No, that’s not “nuts” at all, is it?

    What must the people watching Hax/Sparticvs muttering over his laptop at Starbucks think?

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  148. 138 Spart–

    You Tube is not evidence of certifiable insanity. Besides, the videos are ‘heavily edited’ and therefore they are not to be trusted, according to the same standard you set for O’Keefe and Breitbart. Try again.

    Birdbath (19803d)

  149. Not sure. It’s hard to tell if some of the things our current president says are gaffes or he really believes them?

    Hmm I don’t think we have picked a person who’s running for President in 2012 on our ticket yet. Unless you know something the rest of us don’t? As far as I know there are quite a lot of other people out there running right now and really anyone is ALLOWED to run, can’t they? Just ask Ralph Nader.

    Or is this part of the new Kerry strategy of only letting “The right voices be heard”

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  150. Spartacvs represents that class of leftie who is filled with righteous fury at the evil bourgeosie that refuse to bow down to his brilliant ideology. And he sits in his basement with fantasies of getting hold of power to coerce those people into mouthing his brilliant thoughts and crushing dissent.

    But he’s ultimately a cowardly little fuck and will continue to hide in his basement. Because the reality is that no one will give him power, least of all his allies. And if he tried to coerce the American people into his warped, hate and bile filled ideology, we’d hang him from the nearest lamppost PDQ.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  151. Spartacvs your one to complain about being a nut.

    Please run with scissors too.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  152. There is a lot of that kind of leftie around. Some of the gun bloggers found this quote from a Hollywood leftie:

    Many times I’ve riffed on a dark, delicious fantasy about rounding up Tea Bagger types and sentencing them to green re-education camps for minimum one-year terms.

    And the message they send in response? Bring it up cupcake.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  153. Bird – the certifiable part was artistic licence and you don’t need a Brightfart level of mendacity to edit videos of Bachman to make her look crazy. I mean, in what conceivable context could the stuff she said on that video be considered intelligent or informed?

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  154. SparkcrackBS please take a flying leap off a cliff.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  155. Spartacvs, since Breitbart did not edit videos dishonestly, that’s another lie of yours. You just keep racking them up.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  156. Say, Hax/Sparticvs….you wrote:

    “…I mean, in what conceivable context could the stuff she said on that video be considered intelligent or informed?…”

    Do you not see the hysterical irony in you writing that sentence? LOL.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  157. SPQR, does this character sound like Hax? I notice he doesn’t reply to that, but scurries off like a gerbil to another thread to deposit more droppings.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  158. I mean, in what conceivable context could the stuff she said on that video be considered intelligent or informed?

    Comment by Spartacvs

    You show your damn work and show us the context. Why was it removed by a bitter partisan attacker? Doing so undermines their credibility.

    Show us the context.

    Unlike Breitbart, you won’t.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  159. Many times I’ve riffed on a dark, delicious fantasy about rounding up Tea Bagger types and sentencing them to green re-education camps for minimum one-year terms.

    Wouldn’t do any good. At that level of stupid, rehab never works.

    Bring it up cupcake.

    I think you meant ‘Bring it on’ but what do I know, maybe the ‘gun blogger’ types really did mean to suggest a topic for future discussion.

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  160. See, Spartacvs wouldn’t condemn the notion of putting those evil TEA Party people to genocide. Because he has those same little urges. The urge to tell everybody who disagrees with him how they’ll get theirs.

    You are the same bile-filled little coward troll, Spartacvs. You hate the idea of democracy, you hate that so many people reject your ideology. But you are not interested in convincing them of the superiority of your ideas – no, you just sit in your basement and mark down names for the camps for when you are in charge.

    Not happening, cupcake.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  161. since Breitbart did not edit videos dishonestly


    It’s his modus operandi, signature, stock in trade, call it whatever you will. Brightfart without edited videos yanked out of context would be like… well it wouldn’t be the Brightfart we all know & love, lets just say that.

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  162. SPQR, he wouldn’t find such ideas appealing if he thought his ideas were good enough to hold their own in a free country.

    Same applies to the troll routine.

    Very few Obama fans are really willing to step up to the plate and discuss the guy’s successes right now.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  163. It’s his modus operandi, signature, stock in trade, call it whatever you will.

    Sorry, not true. Media Matters lies about this kind of thing a lot, but it’s not true just because you repeat the lies.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  164. Hacks/twoofnjustice/sporty/etal is getting increasingly agitated. This has a predictable trajectory.

    JD (318f81)

  165. He is kind of pathetic, really. Hax? Honestly?

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  166. Dustin, they love totalitarianism. And they just can’t avoid letting that “secret” out, like Thomas Friedman’s fawning toward Chinese totalitarianism. Its despicable really.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  167. Sppartac is the same idiot who said Palin and teabaggers are fiiscal terrorists.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  168. “Re-education camps” why that’s so tolerant…Kumbaya to you too. Peace. Everything is beautiful, in it’s own waayy.

    JD what happens at the end? Does he explode into a giant unicorn glitter ball?? Please. I heart unicorns and glitter.

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  169. SP – ‘minimum one-year terms in green re-education camps’ – if someone actually took the idea seriously, no matter how wrong that would be, it would not equate to genocide in any way shape or form in any ones universe, but yours apparently. Think on that for a moment if you will.

    And stop saying cupcake every chance you get, people are going to start getting the wrong idea about you, or maybe not.

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  170. She’s a certifiable nutcase, Cynthia McKinney on steroids.

    Huh? I’ve never heard of Bachmann going off at anyone, let alone assaulting them. Surely you have some examples.

    But the Democrats would never have entertained the idea of someone that crazy running for President of the United States as a Democrat.

    So when I thought I saw Al Sharpton up there on the stage during the Democratic debates in 2004, being treated as an equal and with respect by all his fellow candidates, I was just imagining things. Ditto when I saw Dennis Kucinich in 2004 and 2008.

    Milhouse (9a4c23)

  171. Spurty and Michael Moore have been embracing their inner totalitarian instincts.

    JD (318f81)

  172. Thomas Friedman


    Sorry, he’s one of yours.

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  173. Friedman is a touch to the right of Mao, but nowhere near being on our side. Good Allah, you are stupid, Hacks/twoofnjustice/seattlepoo/etal.

    JD (318f81)

  174. Oh, but Hax? Everyone has the correct idea about you: you are a dishonest and dishonorable hack. Why else would have skulked around so much, month and after month, with all the different names and tricks? Only a real head case would do that—unless you are 18. And you are supposed to be a grown man; a journalist as I recall.


    So I would be cautious about judging others. Cupcake or not.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  175. Milhouse – you may not like Sharpton or Kucinich and to be honest they aren’t really my flavor either. But nuts? on a par with Michele? they’re not in the same league, no way.

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  176. Friedman is one of mine? That’s hilarious. Spartacvs is such an incompetent hack.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  177. 152 Spart-

    “a Brightfart level of mendacity”

    Produce ONE LIE attributed directly to Andrew Breitbart.

    Birdbath (19803d)

  178. Spartacvs, Kucinich really is nuts, and its ludicrous to compare him to the far more sane Bachmann. Michelle Bachmann never introduced a bill to Congress to study chemtrails.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  179. Barcky OBambi
    Ted Kennedy
    Al Sharpton
    Dennis Kucinich
    Jesse Jackson

    And you have the temerity to call a woman crazy?

    JD (318f81)

  180. Birdbath – to clowns like spurty, the existence of the assertion is proof of the assertion.

    JD (318f81)

  181. SPQR, didn’t Crazy Dennis actually submit a bill about chemtrails? Oh, I HAVE to see that. Could you post a link.

    He is a crazy dwarf, but apparently I had no idea how much of one…

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  182. Simon Jester, he did submit a bill to study chemtrails. I’ll have to dig up a link. We had fun with that at Debunkers at the time.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  183. Produce ONE LIE attributed directly to Andrew Breitbart.

    Shirley Sherrod, being litigated as we speak I do believe

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  184. Hey, Hax….go for it. And by the way, why the name change? Why were you banned here in the first place? Why the sneaking around to avoid your original banning?

    Why won’t you answer those questions?

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  185. Spartacvs, Breitbart did not make a single lie about Shirley Sherrod. Another of your many fails.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  186. Well Dennis thinks he saw a UFO, but then so do lots of people, including service members, pilots etc. doesn’t make as crazy as Bachman. Chemtrails though, I’ll have to follow that one up, because that smells crazy enough to add him to the same list as Michele.

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  187. Bull, Spartacvs, Kucinich is on a list by himself. You’ll never find Bachmann writing legislation as kooky as Kucinich. But you are too much of an incompetent hack to admit it.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  188. Has Vobiscum is really amping up the anger and hatred and lies. We all know how this ends.

    JD (318f81)

  189. Breitbart did not make a single lie about Shirley Sherrod

    I guess we will see what the curt case reveals, any settlement deal means he did.

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  190. Notice how the little cowardly troll refuses to answer? What kind of person:

    1. Gets banned by Patterico.
    2. Sneaks around for months and months under different names to continue to post so that he can argue.
    3. And is a grown man?

    Why won’t you answer those questions, “Sparticvs”/Hax? I think that is a really interesting subject, unlike your usual blather.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  191. “…any settlement deal means he did….”

    Aaaaannnd…now a legal expert as well. Hax, you are a hack.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  192. 183 Spart-

    Breitbart did not edit Shirley Sherrod video. It was sent to him and he reported it. In his reporting he exposed racists in the NAACP. He later reported on the full video and gave proper context to the first. He was neither deceitful or dishonest at any stage. Your example is false.

    Birdbath (19803d)

  193. in my study of law, i’ve never come across a “curt case”… can someone help me out with that bit of legalese?

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  194. I guess we will see what the curt case reveals, any settlement deal means he did.

    Comment by Spartacvs —

    Name one provable lie Breitbart told about Sherrod or ACORN or anybody else.

    And I say any settlement proves Sherrod couldn’t win her case in court despite a mild preponderance level of proof. A settlement means she caved and offered for Breitbart to avoid legal fees if he paid some lesser amount to avoid the lawsuit.

    Why do you think Sherrod can’t win her case, while admitting you can’t name a single lie, Hax?

    Sounds like you know you’re full of crap.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  195. ACORN and the O’keefe sting, now there is a perfect example of Brightfart’s journalistic integrity, or more properly, lack thereof.

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  196. Spartacvs, there was nothing about the ACORN stings that showed any lack of integrity of Breitbart. You have however shown that you lack integrity because you make slanders you can’t back up.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  197. Oh. My. God. Are you, Hax, seriously using the expression “journalistic integrity”?

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  198. For SPQR… Green Re-Education camps and a call for civil war.

    amazingly enough, the author has not yet responded to my post there, #30. i guess he’s still digesting the USMC Rules for Gun Fighting.


    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  199. Again, sporty/hax/twoofnjustice does not understand the difference between assertion, and proof. Assertions cannot be proven by simply restating the assertion. Basically, you are a clumsy dishonest cowardly liar.

    JD (318f81)

  200. ACORN and the O’keefe sting, now there is a perfect example of Brightfart’s journalistic integrity, or more properly, lack thereof.

    Comment by Spartacvs

    I agree. ACORN with its dozens of election fraud convictions, already was clearly a blight on society. Then we learned they are willing to forge mortgage applications even in the wake of the subprime lending crisis. And willing to share tips on how to hide the proceeds of heinous crimes.

    Gee, I wonder why urban centers populated by community organizers have so much organized crime. Gee.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  201. I guess we will see what the curt case reveals, any settlement deal means he did.

    Outright lie.

    JD (318f81)

  202. Dustin, I honestly don’t think that Hax cares all that much about politics. He just wants to sneer and fight. Safely, and without risk.

    I’m not sure he believes in anything at all.


    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  203. I’m pretty sure any result from Sherrod’s anti-first amendment thug lawsuit other than a finding of fact that Breitbart did lie will not prove Breitbart lied.

    Call me crazy.

    Besides, Obama’s the guy who fired her. He’s the guy who was covering up Sherrod’s corruption.

    Oh yeah: Sherrod did treat people differently based on what race they are, even if their needs were serious. Sherrod ruined any good will for admitting how horrible her racism was when she assumed Breitbart must want to resort to slavery. She’s still a racist. She just wanted to roll race warfare into class warfare.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  204. Menendez accused the tea partiers of treason.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  205. JD– I wonder why people like Sparticvs keep jumping in the water when they know they’ll drown.

    Birdbath (19803d)

  206. Very easy to produce:

    Enjoy here

    and here

    and here

    Out of idle curiosity I followed these links to see what this purported evidence was of Bachmann’s being “a certifiable nutcase”. Naturally, there’s no there there. Apart from being a year off on the date of the 1976 swine flu epidemic, and not knowing that John Wayne born shortly after his parents had moved away from some town in Iowa, and confusing two New England towns that have the same name and are a mere 60 miles apart, none of the quotes were even wrong, let alone dumb or crazy.

    But of course when Obama is a year off on his own daughter’s age, or on his own age, or thinks this year is 2008, or that his parents met at an event that happened after his birth, or when Hillary Clinton claims to have been named after someone who wasn’t famous until after she was born, or Bill Clinton has “vivid and painful memories” of church burnings that never happened, or of course when John Kerry has “seared into his memory” being in Cambodia where he never was, listening on the radio to President Nixon who wasn’t president, these are all perfectly normal slips, not to be remarked on, let alone signs to call for a straitjacket and a rubber room.

    Milhouse (9a4c23)

  207. Milhouse, that’s because Spartacvs is a hack who can’t back up anything. The basic foundational “facts” of Spartacvs’ worldview? All false.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  208. I’m the last to be giving advice, as I’m as guilty as the rest, BUT…
    we must ignore the trolls –
    I Pledge to do so from this point on, no matter what the provocation –
    it is the only way to discourage, and be rid of them.

    As to the subject at hand, NOW/Bachmann…
    They must have finally reached their embarrassment point (who knew that Leftists could be), and after so many failures to defend women from such attacks, had to jumpt to her defense.
    It is also an indication that the Usual Suspects have now – noticiably – started to lose confidence in The Lightworker, and that they will be searching for someone to attach their affections to.

    Nothing breeds contempt like failure, and this President reeks of it.

    AD-RtR/OS! (4b2718)

  209. Milhouse – just a select few that need further explanation:

    “There are hundreds and hundreds of scientists, many of them holding Nobel Prizes, who believe in intelligent design.” -Rep. Michele Bachmann, Oct. 2006

    “Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn’t even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas.” -Rep. Michelle Bachmann, April, 2009

    “I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out: Are they pro-America or anti-America?” -Rep. Michelle Bachmann, calling for a new McCarthyism, Oct. 2008

    “If we took away the minimum wage — if conceivably it was gone — we could potentially virtually wipe out unemployment completely because we would be able to offer jobs at whatever level.” Michele Bachmann, Jan. 2005

    “That’s why people need to continue to go to the town halls, continue to melt the phone lines of their liberal members of Congress, and let them know, under no certain circumstances will I give the government control over my body and my health care decisions.” -Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), a pro-lifer who completely missed the irony of using the same slogan as the pro-choice movement in arguing against health care reform

    he Founding Fathers ‘Worked Tirelessly’ to End Slavery — NOT!

    “Normalization [of gayness] through desensitization. Very effective way to do this with a bunch of second graders is take a picture of ‘The Lion King’ for instance, and a teacher might say, ‘Do you know that the music for this movie was written by a gay man?’ The message is: ‘I’m better at what I do, because I’m gay.’”

    Lots more where those came from, internment camps, lightbulbs, John Wayne – serial killer clown or movie star, Lerxington & concord I could go on and on…

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  210. Yeah, AD’s right. This guy is boring, so why are we arguing with him?

    Dustin (b7410e)

  211. Spartacvs, your quotes continue to fail to show Bachmann as being “nutty”. Those quotes represent opinions you don’t understand or you don’t agree with. That’s not being nutty. You’ve only shown that you can copy someone else’s lame talking points. Oh, and that you can’t actually argue policy questions sucessfully.

    By the way, the one about the Founding Fathers working to end slavery is not nutty, its not even really wrong.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  212. By the way, the one about the Founding Fathers working to end slavery is not nutty, its not even really wrong.

    Comment by SPQR — 8/9/2011 @ 1:36 pm

    As far as being wrong, I think in all fairness while you can argue that some founding fathers opposed slavery, there were others who embraced slavery, and thus it is wrong to say that the “founding fathers” as a group worked tirelessly to end slavery.

    It’s funny though that the other quote mentions the lack of irony for arguing that the gov’t shouldn’t have control over health care decisions. Really the irony goes the other way. Liberals use this argument for abortion – one single procedure – when arguing against Obamacare we are speaking about ALL Medical decisions. So, as in all things, were liberals only honest they would be forced to oppose Obamacare, or any gov’t run health care, on those grounds. Whereas, with abortion, whether you agree with the argument or not, an argument can be made that it is not really a “medical decision” in that it is simply a procedure to kill a human life – which in no definition can be called a “medical procedure”. Now, I understand that there are arguments liberals will make that it is not a life, etc., but that is hardly the same as saying it is objectively ironic of Bachman to use that language when speaking about all medical decisions verus a single procedure.

    Apparenly freedom of medical choice only belongs to that one all-important “medical procedure”.

    Monkeytoe (5234ab)

  213. You dems are not one to accuse others of nuttery especially since you losers think opponents of obama are un-american.

    And opponents of islam are white supremacists too………..nuttery.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  214. your quotes continue to fail to show Bachmann as being “nutty”.

    All of them, or just some?

    How about we just start with the 1st two, both are intended as factual statements. So the question would be, is she factually correct or incorrect? and could anyone believing either statement to be factually correct be objectively labeled crazy by the reasonable man in the street standard?

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  215. Spartacvs, being factually incorrect is “nutty”? Cool, now we can call you a “nut” based on your own standards.

    You really are a clown. I’ve been debating “Intelligent Design” advocates for more than a decade. They are wrong, but they are not “nuts”. Your cheap, bile-filled, hate-filled, fact-free name-calling says a lot about you but you’ve failed to say anything substantive about Michelle Bachmann.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  216. SpartacBS project much?

    Gotta love a stupid moron on ABC saying Bush caused a recession in 2008 but now we’re better in 2011………am I racist for criticizng her because she is black?

    And to you fascist thugs who want to investigate S&P I hope you die of colon cancer.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  217. Monkey – except that the ACA isn’t government run healthcare in the sense of government making medical decisions about medical procedures. Doctors will still make those decisions as will insurance companies, same as they always have.

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  218. Human beings exhalations are dangerous. EPA must regulate.

    JD (85b089)

  219. Spartacvs stated that Breitbart deceptively edited the Shirley Sherrod video. That’s factually incorrect. Spartacvs is a nut. QED.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  220. Spartacvs claims he doesn’t have obamarrhea which is factually incorrect.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  221. “There are hundreds and hundreds of scientists, many of them holding Nobel Prizes, who believe in intelligent design.” -Rep. Michele Bachmann, Oct. 2006

    Do you dispute the truth of this statement? If so, show your work.

    “Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn’t even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas.” -Rep. Michelle Bachmann, April, 2009

    Indisputably true. The EPA regulates CO2 as a “pollutant”, and yet it is completely harmless, and a natural component of the atmosphere.

    “I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out: Are they pro-America or anti-America?” -Rep. Michelle Bachmann, calling for a new McCarthyism, Oct. 2008

    And your problem with this is? Do you dispute that there are members of Congress whose patriotism ought to be questioned?

    “If we took away the minimum wage — if conceivably it was gone — we could potentially virtually wipe out unemployment completely because we would be able to offer jobs at whatever level.” Michele Bachmann, Jan. 2005

    This one is self-evidently true; it’s crazy to dispute it! So you’ve scored an own goal.

    “That’s why people need to continue to go to the town halls, continue to melt the phone lines of their liberal members of Congress, and let them know, under no certain circumstances will I give the government control over my body and my health care decisions.” -Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), a pro-lifer who completely missed the irony of using the same slogan as the pro-choice movement in arguing against health care reform

    What makes you think she “missed” the irony? It is indeed ironic that the same people who insist that it’s somehow an unacceptable intrusion for the government to prevent people from hiring hitmen to murder their children, have no problem with the same government controlling every aspect of people’s personal health care.

    he Founding Fathers ‘Worked Tirelessly’ to End Slavery — NOT!

    Um, yes. They did, and only an ignoramus like you doesn’t know it.

    “Normalization [of gayness] through desensitization. Very effective way to do this with a bunch of second graders is take a picture of ‘The Lion King’ for instance, and a teacher might say, ‘Do you know that the music for this movie was written by a gay man?’ The message is: ‘I’m better at what I do, because I’m gay.’”

    What do you think the message is, if not that? Why would a teacher go out of her way to point out such a trivial piece of information, if not for this purpose?

    Milhouse (9a4c23)

  222. SP – should we teach intelligent design in the schools, teach the controversy as Bachman and her ilk would have it?

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  223. Calling it ACA is dishonest. It makes nothing affordable, and does not improve access to care.

    JD (306f5d)

  224. Should we teach the fact that islam is superior over all other religions as SpartacBS and his gonorrhea addled mind would have it?

    DohBiden (d54602)

  225. Waaaaaaaaah how dare Verizon demand people pay for their own healthcare.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  226. It’s his modus operandi, signature, stock in trade, call it whatever you will.

    Then surely you can cite at least one example of him having done it. It would be a strange “modus operandi, signature, stock in trade, call it whatever you will” that a person never once exercises!

    Milhouse (9a4c23)

  227. He can’t find proof………the gonorrhea has atrophied his brain.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  228. Calling it ACA is dishonest.
    Comment by JD

    It’s positively Orwellian. Both parties do it. It’s very annoying, and insulting to the voters.

    But hey, there’s a reason they get mad if you call it Obamacare. They know if it’s not repealed it will go down in history as Obama’s legacy, and it’s going to suck.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  229. “Sparticvs. Dude. There is foam on your lip.”

    Also, a persistent drip from the tip of his micropenis.

    Ya oughta get that looked at, Sparty.

    Dave Surls (77782f)

  230. 216.Monkey – except that the ACA isn’t government run healthcare in the sense of government making medical decisions about medical procedures. Doctors will still make those decisions as will insurance companies, same as they always have.

    Comment by Spartacvs — 8/9/2011 @ 2:10 pm

    Really? There will not be gov’t panels deciding what treatments people can get, what they can’t get, etc?

    And hear I though we were supposed to believe the things Obama and other top dems said. So there won’t be anyone figuring out ways to decrease medical care costs?

    Do you really believe this? That the gov’t will not be making medical decisions? That is pure ignorance. Obama stated as much – that there would be panels set up to decide care issues. How do you believe that they are planning on allegedly bringing health care costs down? by the magic of gov’t regulation? No. By deciding certain procedures and tests will not longer be given for certain things, people, ages, etc. If you believe otherwise, you have not listened to what your heros actually say.

    Monkeytoe (5234ab)

  231. you may not like Sharpton or Kucinich and to be honest they aren’t really my flavor either. But nuts?

    Um, yes. On what planet, and by what definition of insanity, are they not nuts? Honestly! If Kucinich’s delusions about mind-control rays are not enough to qualify for a straitjacket then what is?

    on a par with Michele? they’re not in the same league, no way.

    Well, you’ve got that right; they’re insane and she’s not.

    Milhouse (9a4c23)

  232. 229.216.Monkey – except that the ACA isn’t government run healthcare in the sense of government making medical decisions about medical procedures. Doctors will still make those decisions as will insurance companies, same as they always have.

    Comment by Spartacvs — 8/9/2011 @ 2:10 pm

    but even accepting that you actually believe this, there is certainly a good argument that the gov’t is going to be making decisions about what care a person can get as a result of Obamacare. Meaning that Bachman’s statement is not so clearly objectively factually incorrect so much as arguable. Which is not “nutty” and takes away the “irony” argument in the way I pointed out earlier.

    Leaving only the “founding fathers” statement as obviously incorrect – and even for that statement one knows what she meant. there were founding fathers that opposed slavery, but it was incorrect to say “founding fathers” as a group did. However, making an incorrect statement is not “nutty”.

    I suppose people can claim that ID is “nutty”, but it is hardly “nutty” in the sense you mean here. ID is really only as “nutty” as any religious belief is.

    Monkeytoe (5234ab)

  233. Her claim needs to be supported with a list of the many Nobel prize winning scientists who support Intelligent Design theory. Not my burden to prove a negative.

    C02 is harmful to the atmosphere, which is the only thing protecting the human race and everything else on the planet from oblivion. If you don’t believe me, talk to an astronaut or anyone that works for NASA.

    Do you dispute that there are members of Congress whose patriotism ought to be questioned? Absolutely. We don’t need any modern day McCarthyism repeating the mistakes of the past. Same for slavery, Jim Crow and Robber baron economics.

    “If we took away the minimum wage..” True and undeniably insane to even suggest such a thing.

    It is indeed ironic that the same people who insist that it’s somehow an unacceptable intrusion for the government to prevent people from hiring hitmen to murder their children, have no problem with the same government controlling every aspect of people’s personal health care. Not ironic, insane.

    Many of the Founding Fathers were slave owners and none worked to end it because independence from the British would have been impossible without the support of the slave states. It took a civil war and 100 years of Jim Crow to settle that question.

    Exactly – What teacher would go out of her way to point out such a trivial piece of information and what likely effect would it have on a 6 year old who hasn’t had the time to build up the prejudices adults hold.

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  234. Birdbath – to clowns like spurty, the existence of the assertion is proof of the assertion.

    Then why does he resist the assertion that Sharpton and Kucinich are as nutty as a pair of fruit cakes?

    Milhouse (9a4c23)

  235. , he did submit a bill to study chemtrails.

    Also space-based mind-control rays.

    Milhouse (9a4c23)

  236. A settlement means she caved and offered for Breitbart to avoid legal fees if he paid some lesser amount to avoid the lawsuit.

    Any settlement is likely to have her paying him, not the other way around.

    Milhouse (9a4c23)

  237. AS far as Sharpton – he ruined a bunch of officers lives with false accusations of rape (Tawana Brawley) and never apologized. Lost a lawsuit and hides his money so he does not have to pay – how does he live? He is a “reverand” and claims to earn and have no money, so the judgment in teh civil case against him has never been paid.

    Sharpton also helped incite a riot causing a man’s life in NYC.

    Those are just 2 of his greatest hits. He is a con artist and sleaze of the highest order. He may not be “Nuts” in the sense of insane, but he is about as big of a scum-bag as it gets, and he is feted and courted by the top dems. that is pretty disgusting. But then dems loved the rapey murderer Teddy (who for good measure sent a treasonous letter to the soviets to ask for help undermining Reagan) for years and also loved them some Klan Kleagle Byrd for years.

    So I guess it’s all good as long as its for the growth of the centralized state and wealth re-distribution. In that case, those people are good solid liberals working for the underdog.

    Monkeytoe (5234ab)

  238. If we took away the minimum wage..” True and undeniably insane to even suggest such a thing.

    Really? Your definition of insane is opposition to the minimum wage?

    You truly are an idiot aren’t you?

    Monkeytoe (5234ab)

  239. “you are supposed to be a grown man; a journalist as I recall.”

    Geez, Simon…make up your mind!


    Dave Surls (77782f)

  240. I think sparty needs to see his mental health professional. He is projecting insanity onto others. He believes that be against gov’t run health care is insane.

    Of course, for someone who very literally worships gov’t, that does make sense. His tiny mind simply cannot comprehend anyone being against total gov’t control of everything.

    Monkeytoe (5234ab)

  241. I think sparty needs to see his mental health professional. He is projecting insanity onto others. He believes that be against gov’t run health care is insane.

    He’s just taking his cues from the left. That’s how the Soviets handled anyone who disagreed with progressives. That’s how Obama handled his first little scandal with that IG who identified democrat corruption.

    This will be a recurring theme. Anyone interested in a government that doesn’t collapse under its own weight is hereafter known as insane.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  242. Spartacvs, there was nothing about the ACORN stings that showed any lack of integrity of Breitbart.

    Or of O’Keefe, for that matter. The recordings showed exactly what they were purported to show. Over and over again O’Keefe caught ACORN staff willing to become accomplices in crimes.

    Milhouse (9a4c23)

  243. Let’s not pretend they will be any more civil to anyone else:

    don’t know about you guys, but sometimes I feel like maybe the left’s “New Civility” scolding campaign was just a cynical attempt to shut up their opponents. Like maybe, just perhaps, their outrage was a mite forced. It could be, just throwing out a hypothetical here, it could be they didn’t really think that a map with crosshairs on it had magical mind-control powers or anything.

    Read more:

    ian cormac (81c5c2)

  244. Any settlement is likely to have her paying him, not the other way around.

    You are hilarious Milhouse

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  245. “C02 is harmful to the atmosphere”

    Nah, the atmosphere doesn’t really care what its component gases are, Sparty.

    Ya dope.

    Dave Surls (77782f)

  246. some founding fathers opposed slavery, there were others who embraced slavery

    Name one who embraced it.

    Milhouse (9a4c23)

  247. “don’t know about you guys, but sometimes I feel like maybe the left’s “New Civility” scolding campaign was just a cynical attempt to shut up their opponents.”

    Yeah, well, it’s a waste of time anyway, ’cause I’m going to insult the hell out of lefties, whether they’re civil or not.

    Especially, Sparty.

    Dave Surls (77782f)

  248. That comes from the Treach, with his ‘tongue planted firmly in cheek’

    ian cormac (81c5c2)

  249. “…Many of the Founding Fathers were slave owners and none worked to end it because independence from the British would have been impossible without the support of the slave states…

    That’s what I like about Sparticvs/Hax: the attention to detail and accuracy. Mixed with hatred of The Man.

    Here are some names, little troll. What do they have in common with one another, besides being among the Founders?

    Richard Bassett, James Madison, James Monroe, Bushrod Washington, Charles Carroll, William Few, John Marshall, Richard Stockton, Zephaniah Swift, Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Rush, John Jay, and quite a few others.

    Bonus question, little troll. Connect the dots here: Massachusetts and Pennsylvania in 1780, Rhode Island and Connecticut in 1784…and a few others.

    Finally…what law was written by Rufus King (who did what, Hax?), and signed into law by George Washington?

    You really are pathetic. Now say you are sorry, and go away.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  250. Besides, Hax, you are…a hack. Why are you hanging around? Why did you get banned? Why have your played games to keep commenting?

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  251. “Bonus question, little troll. Connect the dots here: Massachusetts and Pennsylvania in 1780, Rhode Island and Connecticut in 1784”

    Easy, peasy.

    What are places where founding fathers outlawed slavery?

    Oooo, I like this, It’s just like watching Jeopardy on the idiot box.

    Dave Surls (77782f)

  252. If CO2 is harmful to our atmosphere would you please shut your mouth then SparcrackBS.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  253. Thomas Jefferson, for instance, was a lifelong committed abolitionist. He gave up actively working for the cause when he saw that it was impossible to achieve in his lifetime, while there were other goals that were achievable, and thus a better use for his time and energy. But he continued to speak and write against slavery, and to encourage younger people to take up the fight, in the hope that they would have more success than he did.

    Milhouse (9a4c23)

  254. Connect the dots

    Add Virginia, if you change the question to “what are places where the founders tried to outlaw slavery”; Jefferson’s proposal failed, so he went on to fight other battles, but his attempt belongs on the list.

    Milhouse (9a4c23)

  255. Oh, I know you know what all that is about, Mr. Surls. But our little troll will stamp his troll feet and sputter.

    It’s actually quite a nice story about the Founding Fathers and this issue.

    Mr. DohBiden, exactly right.

    Mr. Milhouse, I see your point but yours is the post trollie will focus on, considering Mr. Jefferson’s actions with a certain slave. He’ll ignore the rest.

    But that’s how he works. If “works” is the right word.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  256. Remember: Hax said that NONE of the Founding Fathers worked to end slavery.

    Make the little jerk own it.

    Because he doesn’t mean any of this, believe any of it. He is just trying to be a jerk.

    The eternal question: why?

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  257. Hamilton founded the New York Abolitionist society. So obviously Spartacus is nutty. By his standards.

    SPQR (738c71)

  258. Name one who embraced it.

    Comment by Milhouse — 8/9/2011 @ 3:02 pm

    Every single one who owned slaves. Of course, some of those who owned slaves also spoke against slavery (even while sleeping with slaves who likely did not have enough choice in the matter).

    So there’s also a middle ground of conflicted slaveowners speaking out against the practice, kinda like John Kerry or FDR speaking out against being a tax cheat.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  259. Thomas Jefferson, the most overrated of our founding fathers.

    SPQR (738c71)

  260. “Remember: Hax said that NONE of the Founding Fathers worked to end slavery.”

    Well, Sparty-tard ain’t exactly the sharpest pencil in the box.

    I do enjoy tormenting him. Hope I don’t get busted for violating a cruelty to dumb animals law.

    Dave Surls (77782f)

  261. John Adams’ greatest regret was that he capitulated to the slave states during the C.C. His wife Abigail wouldn’t talk to him for weeks and made him sleep on the couch.

    Simon J.– I’m fascinated about the psycopathy of Sparticvs too.

    Birdbath (19803d)

  262. Every single one who owned slaves.

    Untrue. Many slave owners were against slavery and wanted it abolished. Wanting something doesn’t automatically make it so. Jefferson was not conflicted; he was committed to abolitionism, but it hadn’t happened yet, so what was he supposed to do about it?

    And there’s no reason to suppose his relationship with Sally Hemmings (assuming that he had one) was not at least as consensual as any marriage at the time.

    Milhouse (9a4c23)

  263. Jefferson was not conflicted; he was committed to abolitionism, but it hadn’t happened yet, so what was he supposed to do about it?

    We see this differently. For example, my family largely doesn’t believe in abortions, basically to the same intensity they reject slavery. So they will have a child, even if it’s terribly inconvenient in many respects, out of principle. I would never own a slave, legal or not. I’d find a line of work where I didn’t have to, much as I will never be an abortion provider, or work with one.

    And there’s no reason to suppose his relationship with Sally Hemmings (assuming that he had one) was not at least as consensual as any marriage at the time.

    Comment by Milhouse — 8/9/2011 @ 4:14 pm

    Except that slaves are bought and sold like chairs, and are to obey instructions, and even in the most wild fantasy favorable to Jefferson, this is Monica Lewinsky style sexual harassment from a position of great power to great weakness, only about 5,000,000X worse than anything we see in modern civilized society.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  264. All of this is true and interesting, but let’s remember the point here: “Sparticvs”/Hax claimed that NONE of the Founders worked toward ending slavery.

    How old is this guy? I thought he was supposed to be a journalist (which brings us back to Mr. Surls’ comment).

    Actually, I think he is just saying crazy stuff because he knows he will be ejected soon. Which takes us back to Mr. Birdbath’s thoughts on psychopathology.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  265. I agree with what Dustin is saying, for the most part.

    Jefferson: way too much talk…not enough action.

    You gotta walk the walk, not just talk the talk…and Jefferson didn’t walk the walk too well.

    Dave Surls (77782f)

  266. Dustin, if slavery is legal and you own slaves, what exactly can you do about it? Sell them to someone who does believe in slavery?!

    And I’ve never heard it alleged that Clinton’s relationship with Lewinsky was anything but consensual. Tacky, yes. But they were clearly both into it.

    Milhouse (9a4c23)

  267. “In 1773, the year after Jefferson married Martha Wayles, her father died and she and Jefferson inherited his estate, including 135 slaves, and £4,000 of debt. With these additional slaves, Jefferson held the second highest number of slaves in Albermarle County, Virginia, owning as many as 187 slaves at Monticello. He sold some slaves to pay off the Wayles’ estate’s debt.”–wiki

    Not cool.

    Dave Surls (77782f)

  268. “And I’ve never heard it alleged that Clinton’s relationship with Lewinsky was anything but consensual. Tacky, yes. But they were clearly both into it.”

    According to Monica, Bill never actually got into it.

    If you know what I mean.

    Dave Surls (77782f)

  269. He sold some slaves to pay off the Wayles’ estate’s debt

    So what was he supposed to have done instead? Got Congress to raise his debt ceiling?

    Except that slaves are bought and sold like chairs, and are to obey instructions,

    Free women weren’t in much better a position. They couldn’t be married off without their consent, but they depended on their fathers or brothers for everything and could hardly say no. And once they were married their husbands could rape them any time they felt like it. Does that make every man of the time a rapist?

    Milhouse (9a4c23)

  270. And I’ve never heard it alleged that Clinton’s relationship with Lewinsky was anything but consensual. Tacky, yes. But they were clearly both into it.

    Comment by Milhouse

    It’s still wrong for the most powerful guy in the country to screw with his incredibly subordinate employee. It makes it practically impossible for her to have a true say in the relationship.

    In fact, this is proven by how Clinton used his tremendous power to cast her off as a deranged stalker as she dealt with the brunt of a nation’s disgust without much assistance. She even had to leave the country.

    And again, I said that was millions of times less of a problem than a person sleeping with a human being he owns.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  271. Free women weren’t in much better a position.

    Slavery still exists today and I’ve seen it with my own eyes in societies that are very much a man’s world. The free women do and did have it much better than a slave.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  272. ‘Robert “Councillor” Carter III (February 1727/28 – March 10, 1804) was an American plantation owner, founding father and onetime British government official. After the death of his wife, Frances Ann Tasker Carter, in 1787, Carter embraced the Swedenborgian faith and freed almost 500 slaves from his Nomini Hall plantation and large home in Westmoreland County. By a “Deed of Gift” filed with the county in 1791, he began the process of manumitting slaves in his lifetime. His manumission is the largest known release of slaves in North American history prior to the American Civil War and the largest number ever manumitted by an individual in the US.’

    A way, way cool founding father who actually DID something to get rid of slavery on a personal level.

    Some founders really did work hard at getting rid of slavery.

    Dave Surls (77782f)

  273. “And I’ve never heard it alleged that Clinton’s relationship with Lewinsky was anything but consensual.”

    Milhouse – Of course it was, he was the freaking President. You are a very sick man.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  274. “So what was he supposed to have done instead?”

    See my post #271.

    Like I said, Jefferson was way too much talk, and very little action. Some action, but not enough.

    Dave Surls (77782f)

  275. Monica, just for giggles, did you know I have the power to have you fired tomorrow if I wanted to.

    Yes Mr. President.

    Okay, then. Back on your knees.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  276. This is safe play for NOW.

    They don’t believe that Bachmann can win the nomination. But they could never defend Palin – even today – because they’re scared to death that she MIGHT.

    So NOW gets to build its credibility by defending Bachmann on a trivial matter while costing itself absolutely nothing.

    Jim B (bace6c)

  277. Dustin,
    Please clarify how “free women did and do have it better” in places that they remove their genitalia with broken pieces of glass have it better? I mean they aren’t slaves? Don’t get me wrong. A slave is a slave. It’s horrific all around and comparing atrocities just seems silly. I’m just wondering what measure you are using for free women.
    I don’t know. I think getting beaten and raped nightly by your husband every night is well just as bad as getting beaten and raped by your master. It’s sort of the same isn’t it?
    Really looking for honest debate. If I misunderstood I apologize in advance. Sponge Bob is on now (no not for me) hard to concentrate. 🙂

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  278. SpartacBS the most overrated of the Obama teabag club.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  279. Please clarify how “free women did and do have it better” in places that they remove their genitalia with broken pieces of glass have it better?

    I didn’t mean that.

    I do not know how to distinguish women in that situation from slaves.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  280. Thank you
    I think we forget a lot that there is still widespread slavery, thanks also for bringing that up.

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  281. Bachmann, like many on the right, is a follower of the self-taught historian David Barton, a leader in a rapidly spreading movement of Christian historical revisionism. Other fans include Mike Huckabee, Glenn Beck, Texas Governor Rick Perry and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal.

    Among Barton’s claims, as recounted in reports by People for the American Way and elsewhere:

    The Founders were evangelicals who intended America to be a Christian nation
    Republicans, not Democrats, have been in the forefront of civil rights progress
    And yes, the Founders worked tirelessly to end slavery.

    Barton believes such liberal bias distorts the history taught in our schools. An advisor to the National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools, he was able to play a role in the recent, controversial editing of school history texts in Texas, tilting them towards Christian revisionist, and pro-Republican, views.

    But while it’s uncontroversial that some of the Founders did not like slavery, it’s also uncontroversial, or should be, that:

    Slavery was explicitly protected by the Constitution
    It took eight decades, a Civil War and — very uncomfortably for Constitutional originalists like Bachmann — a Constitutional amendment to end it
    And full legal equality for African Americans was not established until the passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965, under — more awkwardness — Democratic President Lyndon Johnson.

    Uncontroversial, that is, unless you believe that reality is whatever you need it to be.

    Read the whole thing, here

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  282. hey now Rosie dear
    don’t ya think it’s queer that li’l
    Spurty work for free?

    ColonelHaiku (d1f5ff)

  283. Sorry didn’t mean to suck the air out of the room.
    This thread started out about a woman, a politician who is being eviscerated only because people don’t agree with her. I don’t care how many you tube vids you pull out of your bottom. Your refusal to at least acknowledge this even after NOW has. Speaks volumes.
    Your a thug.
    Hey where were you when your own party threw Hillary under the bus for the Hope and Awe tour?

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  284. Why do you taunt the nazgul ‘this will get out of hand, and we’ll be lucky if we survive” now I’m not surprised at the NewsBeast or RS’s treatment of Bachmann,

    ian cormac (81c5c2)

  285. “Among Barton’s claims, as recounted in reports by People for the American Way”

    Evidence such recounting bears a relation to reality please.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  286. PfAW is about as credible and unbiased as MMfA, moveon, or thinkregress.

    JD (318f81)

  287. Newsweek is a tool of the patriarchy

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  288. Although sparty is a sub-idiot, even a blind pig roots up an acorn sometimes.

    Barton is a semi-kook, and influential for some reason. So I guess we could say he’s the Ayers of the right, what without the trying to kill soldiers and all.

    Ag80 (9a213d)

  289. Well you could look at his site, or his appearances on Glenn Beck; re Reconstruction history,

    ian cormac (81c5c2)

  290. Republicans, not Democrats, have been in the forefront of civil rights progress

    Let’s see…Republicans were founded as the anti-slavery party….the KKK was organized to fight Republican influence in the South….Eisenhower declared racial discrimination to be a national security issue and sent out Amry troops to escort black students to Little Rock Central High School…Republicans voted in a higher percentage for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 than did Democrats.

    You’re right, Republicans weren’t out in front of civil rights at all.

    Chuck Bartowski (4c6c0c)

  291. Your an idiot for comparing him to that Maoist AG80.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  292. #277 – Overrated? No. He is just the only game in town.

    He keeps calling for reinforcements like Luke from Move-On.Org, only to find that they have enough sense to leave with their tails between their legs after getting a few whuppings.

    But Spartacus is a masochist, If I was a sadist, I would ignore him. 🙂

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  293. Mr. Surls#271: That was a great story; thanks for putting it up.

    On the other hand, notice how “Sparticvs”/Hax utterly ignores his prior statement (which I believe he knew was untrue—a lie—when he wrote it), and then moved on to something else. This is just a troll, and is uninterested in anything that matters.

    “Echo chamber”? I would argue that his actions are far, far more knee jerk and reflexive (and infantile) than anything posted here normally.

    A sick little man.

    Simon Jester (aa6399)

  294. Chuck,
    Please don’t add any lesson plans on here. They don’t like it when you make the guy that didn’t do his homework feel bad.
    tisk tisk

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  295. Let’s see…Republicans were founded as the anti-slavery party….the KKK was organized to fight Republican influence in the South….Eisenhower declared racial discrimination to be a national security issue and sent out Amry troops to escort black students to Little Rock Central High School…Republicans voted in a higher percentage for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 than did Democrats.

    All true, but this ain’t your daddy’s GOP anymore Chuckles.

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  296. The Nutty Spartacvs is still here?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  297. supercalispurtacasticexpialidocious!

    ColonelHaiku (d1f5ff)

  298. Ain’t your Daddy’s donkey no more either sport

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  299. Had a so-so day? Want a quick chuckle? Watch the newest MSNBC host try to read a teleprompter. He’s trying to pontificate on the Wisconsin recall election.

    elissa (1e558a)

  300. Oh, and Spartacvs’ attempt to tar Bachmann with Barton is hilarious … especially given that Obama spent decades listening to a particular loon named Rev. Wright preaching on weekends.

    But Spartacvs is still too stupid to see how his attack backfires on him.

    Remind me again of some of Rev. Wright’s positions … oh, yeah. Hey, Spartacvs, do you believe that AIDS was constructed in CIA labs to kill blacks like Wright has said? Obviously we can ascribe that belief to Obama given your standards of “logic”.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  301. Blackburnsghost:

    This thread started out about a woman, a politician who is being eviscerated only because people don’t agree with her.

    Well sure, but that’s politics. Male or female, what does it matter.

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  302. Ain’t your Daddy’s donkey no more either sport

    You got that right, all the racists changed their registration and started voting for your lot back in the 60’s.

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  303. Male or female, what does it matter.

    They do tend to make a certain flavor of attack on conservative women. They do tend to dial up the hostility quite a bit if the conservative is anything other than a white heterosexual male.

    NOW implicitly explains that Bachmann is not on board with women if she’s not into abortion or social security (lol).

    I think a lot of lefties take that idea way too far, and decide the gloves can come off for the sex and race traitors.

    So they fall back onto racism and sexism. One meme is that women are crazy. Or that they need to stay home with the kids (a frequent Palin attack).

    Dustin (b7410e)

  304. Hacks/twoofnjustice/Seattle/spurtlette – what are the other names you have commented under? EdfromPAa? Jeffrey Diamond? Are you on any mess? On a scale of 1 to Obama, how dishonest are you?

    JD (318f81)

  305. Well, sparty, since you enjoy sweeping generalizations, may I say that the left is trying to enact a sweeping welfare state that will enslave minorities in a never-ending, state-controlled abyss of despair with no hope of recognition, success or individual freedom.

    That is your daddy’s Dems.

    The European riots aren’t over corn flakes, you know.

    Ag80 (9a213d)

  306. All true, but this ain’t your daddy’s GOP anymore Chuckles

    As with all of your other wishful thinking, and contrived, bogus assertions, and screwy rationales which reinforce your screwy delusions …, saying it’s so ain’t going to make it so, and it ain’t going to make you any smarter, and it ain’t going to make you feel any better about yourself either.

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  307. The Nutty Spartacvs. That’s his label from now on. By his own standards, remember.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  308. Spartac/bs is a race baiting shathole.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  309. And Spurty, even with all the outside cash brought in, the and imported hired thugs to “canvas”, the Dems ain’t doin’ so hot in the WI recall results so far. Gee you think the riots inside and outside the Wisconsin State Fair last week may have shook people up a bit? And that maybe the R budget reforms that are already actually helping many of the municipalities might be being noticed by voters?

    elissa (1e558a)

  310. Well Sporkster,
    Good question. I haven’t decided if you guys are upset because all these Ladies have more balls than you. Or if you all have a terrible case of Iwannavaginaitus and you’re jealous.
    Can’t decide.

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  311. Comment by JD — 8/9/2011 @ 7:05 pm

    JD, Hax is not tnj/edfrompa/etc… that’s his buddy though. They once got banned within days of each other. True love.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  312. They come in waves. They attract each other. Spurty has a different demeanor than Hacks did, one more consistent with twoofnjustice.

    JD (318f81)

  313. All true.

    So, you concede that Republicans were at the forefront of civil rights before the Democrats. Thank you.

    Chuck Bartowski (4c6c0c)

  314. By guys I meant sporks et al not ye all.

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  315. I don’t know how you keep all these trolls straight.

    But my favorite part is after they’ve been identified and they soldier on anyway, just trying to ignore all the comments about how they probably should stop being so pathetic.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  316. But my favorite part is after they’ve been identified and they soldier on anyway

    My favorite is imdw, who keeps trying to post things here under all sorts of names. He is the embodiment of an xkcd cartoon (“But someone is wrong on the internet!”).

    Chuck Bartowski (4c6c0c)

  317. I mean to link to This WUWT post discussing a new paper on CO2 for Spartacvs’ edification, futile of course.

    But since we’ve established that the Nutty Spartacvs is only succeeding in showing that he’s more ignorant than Michelle Bachmann …

    SPQR (26be8b)

  318. Chuck, imdw really is in a class all by himself.

    The others might just like to see a big fight. Or be partisan nuts. imdw is something else entirely.

    I’d be shocked if he (or she, apparently) is not actively involved with a lot of the BS going on lately regarding other topics.

    Yelverton has also tried to reach out and screw with someone in real life, IIRC, so he gets the silver medal at the Douche Awards.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  319. Blackburnsghost – why are you insisting this about her sex?

    Michele Backman is a nut who should not be allowed to get any closer to the levers of power, a nut – period. Lot’s of he nuts out there too, in the GOP caucus of elected officials, just none quite as nutty as Bachman.

    Spartacvs (05cc44)

  320. “Ain’t your Daddy’s donkey no more either sport”

    Well, that’s good. It’s not like we want Dems running around murdering thousands of innocent people just on account of racist Dems don’t like folks with the wrong skin color.

    Now, they limit their never-ending racism to crap like Affirmative Action or hanging out with and shielding New Black Panther Party Members.

    That’s a big step up for members of the Party o’ Slaveowners.

    Dave Surls (77782f)

  321. Spurty hates women.

    JD (318f81)

  322. Spartacvs, we’ve already established that Democrats and yourself are far more “nutty” than Bachmann.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  323. ____________________________________________

    Not sure why that’s directed at me Mark.
    — Comment by Blackburnsghost

    Dustin was correct, Blackb. I was being sarcastic. That anyone might take my glibness at face value and believe I was expressing the sentiments of a real leftist or authentic libertarian/leftist, shows just how ridiculous our culture has become. But hardly unexpected since, as one example, the California legislature recently passed a bill requiring public schools to carry history textbooks that make honorable mention of famous homosexuals.

    Mark (411533)

  324. Don’t count your chickens just yet elissa, that would be my advice.

    Spartacvs (05cc44)

  325. Show of hands – who would take advise from a dishonest cretin like spurty?

    JD (318f81)

  326. 325.Don’t count your chickens just yet elissa, that would be my advice.

    Comment by Spartacvs — 8/9/2011 @ 7:44 pm

    LOL, the sage of Patterico’s. Can’t make this stuff up, folks.

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  327. Actually, I find it kind of hard to get torn up about this. Newsweek has been an openly partisan mag for about 3 years now (at least), so it’s not like this should be unexpected. The only thing about it is that this confirms it’s just as left-wing as Mother Jones and The Nation, but with fewer readers outside dentists’ offices.

    Another Chris (c983db)

  328. If I wanted to find a good welfare check cashing service, or find out where to score some crack, Spurts would be right at the top of my go-to-for-advice list.

    Lefties know about that kind of stuff.

    Dave Surls (77782f)

  329. Don’t count your chickens just yet elissa, that would be my advice.

    It would be best for their health if you stayed as far away from elissa’s chickens as possible.

    Another Chris (c983db)

  330. Spartacvs has gonorrhea.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  331. And there’s no reason to suppose his relationship with Sally Hemmings (assuming that he had one) was not at least as consensual as any marriage at the time.

    I have a problem with the term consensual being applied to the Jefferson/Hemmings relationship. I think that the fact that she was his slave negates any consensual decision. The term has a contemporariness to it that doesn’t seem applicable to that particular situation.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  332. That anyone might take my glibness at face value and believe I was expressing the sentiments of a real leftist or authentic libertarian/leftist, shows just how ridiculous our culture has become

    LOL. Too true, Mark.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  333. I got that Mark after Dustin pointed it out, ’twas a mis-cue. I was a bit fired up.
    Spork you are right. I give you one space cookie and a participation medal. Michelle Bachman can handle her own battles without the help of NOW or Tina Brown.
    Now next question 10 points for honesty! What would your response be to the same cover with Obama and the quote “King of Rage”
    How do you solve a problem like spork?

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  334. A muslim prick with a hood accusing police of having too much power because they said so.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  335. What do I know, Spurty. But apparently the people who are in the know about precinct reporting trends in WI are saying there will likely be only one Dem pick-up out of the 6 recall elections and 3 of them have already been called for the incumbent R’s and one for the D. So we’ll soon see.

    Oh, and the 2 Dems in recall elections won’t be voted until next week. So the fleebaggers might even lose votes in the state senate.

    elissa (1e558a)

  336. Michele Backman is a nut who should not be allowed to get any closer to the levers of power, a nut – period. Lot’s of he nuts out there too, in the GOP caucus of elected officials, just none quite as nutty as Bachman.

    Comment by Spartacvs — 8/9/2011 @ 7:41 pm

    This is a waste of time but why is she a nut? Everyone here thinks you and your type are nuts and very stupid as well.

    Gerald A (9d78e8)

  337. Obama ‘king of Rage’?

    Sorry, but the photo and the story have to fit the demeanor and that just wouldn’t leave a mark on the King of Cool.

    Spartacvs (05cc44)

  338. This one just spits out leftists memes. Nothing more.

    JD (318f81)

  339. “…wouldn’t leave a mark on the King of Cool….”

    Sounds like Hax left his kneepads behind. Listen, troll, BHO is many things. Cool isn’t one of them. But you know that.

    You are desperate to post here, before Stashiu3 and Patterico boot you out again.

    Which reminds me:

    1. What stupid thing did you do that got you banned originally?
    2. Did you get banned a second time after the amnesty?
    3. Why did you sneak around so much with other names and computer games to continue to post here.

    See, I don’t think you are cool at all. You were the guy who thought he was cool because he was holding the football player’s jockstrap.

    Which is kind of what you are doing now.

    Simon Jester (aa6399)

  340. Wait a minute! Folks, is this the guy who used to refer to BHO’s “rock solid support” in the polls?

    Why, I think it is!

    Simon Jester (aa6399)

  341. Yeah, he sure looked cool in front of the cameras yesterday. LOL

    But you would think that he is cool. You have a history of showing such good judgment and of making all of the right choices, don’t you? LOL


    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  342. The Empty Suit(tm) lost his cool long ago. Now he just heads off for a game of golf at 3:30 PM on the day that S&P downgrades US debt.

    Arrogance and petulance. Not cool.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  343. The guy who says Obama is cool has Debbie Whataman Schultz’s Penis in his mouth.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  344. Palin is not perfect but she and Bachmann are who I will vote for.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  345. “King of Cool.”


    See, I told you guys Spurty knew where to score crack.

    Dave Surls (08d0b4)

  346. Awww, shucks. That “rock solid support” idolatry was from “snips.” Unless that is another name that Hax used.

    Simon Jester (aa6399)

  347. The King of Cool golfs while the West burns.

    Ag80 (9a213d)

  348. The Sally Hemings story has long intrigued. Sally was 3/4 white and had the same father as Jefferson’s wife. I’ve always speculated that Sally may have physically looked very much like Jefferson’s wife and so after Martha died, Thomas (who by all accounts was very much in love with Martha) could have been especially attracted to Sally. I’ve also speculated that Sally may have been been attracted and loyal to Thomas, too, because of her relationship with her half sister. I guess considering the circumstances and the time period I’ve always given Jefferson some leeway on this relationship.

    Although she was three-fourths white, Sally Hemings was born a slave. In colonial America, the status of the mother — free or slave — determined the status of the child. Sally Hemings’s father, John Wayles, was white but her mother, Elizabeth Hemings, was a mulatto slave, the child of a white father (Captain Hemings) and a full-blooded African mother (a slave owned by John Wayles). Elizabeth Hemings was John Wayles’s slave from birth, and after the death of Wayles’s wife, she became his concubine. Together they had six children: Robert, James, Peter, Critty, Sally, and Thena.

    John Wayles died in 1773, the same year that his illegitimate daughter Sally was born. Sally Hemings, her mother, and her five siblings (along with about 125 other slaves and 11,000 acres of land), were inherited at that time by John Wayles’s legitimate daughter, Martha. At the time, Martha Wayles was the wife of Thomas Jefferson (a wealthy Virginia planter and statesman). Sally Hemings was Martha Wayles Jefferson’s half-sister, or step-sister, both having been fathered by the same man.

    elissa (1e558a)

  349. I think he was actually surprised to hear about the amnesty. That’s the only reason he hasn’t been summarily dismissed as far as I’m concerned. Given his history and subsequent behavior since coming back, Patterico may decide otherwise.

    If he gets this chance, I am betting it’s his last.

    Stashiu3 (8eceb2)

  350. http;//

    ian cormac (81c5c2)

  351. in fact I will vote anyone the GOP puts out.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  352. No the king of cool was Mr.Freeze form batman.

    See what I did there?

    DohBiden (d54602)

  353. obama is so cool that many in the media have their heads stuck up his ass. Funny, that rag newsweek had pics this week of romney and urkel side by side sans ties and wearing open collar shirts, but deemed obama the cool one and romney the pretender naturally. Just about everything in the magazine is slanted left. Must be profitable business if they send it to me free.

    Calypso Louie Farrakhan (e18d43)

  354. Sporkbestinventionthissideofthemillenium,
    I used a red pen grading your answer. It says “Great job Spork!” Please don’t let that hurt your feelings, the red pen I mean.
    No extra credit though 🙁 you can keep the space cookie. I don’t want you to cry.

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  355. in fact I will vote anyone the GOP puts out.

    Big surprise, not.

    Spartacvs (05cc44)

  356. The Nutty Spartacvs is really still here?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  357. The king of cool, huh?

    Obviously, you’ve never seen him throwing a baseball like a girl, or sashaying around a basketball court like a spastic, flaming queen, or playing golf like its croquet with the form of a badminton champ. Yeah, our prissy, effeminate prez is cool alright. LOL

    The stark contrast between that fool and Bush doesn’t favor your, um, King Of Fools.

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  358. That’s an interesting link, elissa. So do you think consensual is an appropriate term for their relationship? It just doesn’t sit right with me…

    Dana (4eca6e)

  359. Summit @359 – keen to add homophobia to your racism I see. No bigee, par for the course around here it would seem. But what is it with the Bush worship you got going on there, after all this time – still?

    Spartacvs (05cc44)

  360. wouldn’t leave a mark on the King of Cool

    He’s been looking more like the King of Stool these days.

    Another Chris (c983db)

  361. How is it homophobic to criticize a heterosexual?

    Btw you complaning about bush worship is ironic.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  362. We already established by his own standards that Spartacvs is “nutty”.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  363. #361 – Cite credible proof. Because you say it’s so, that doesn’t make it so. What’s the matter, can’t come up with any valid arguments? LMAO

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  364. Stashiu3, it is very clear to me that either Hax is preternaturally stupid, or is trying to get himself banned. Honestly. Look at the stuff he posts.

    What’s funny to me is when throws out nonsense, and someone replies, he just moves on with different nonsense. And never, ever owns up to all of his names, which he thinks are clever.

    What other names has he used, Stashiu3?

    I think the thing I found most interesting is how he basically accused Patterico of politicizing the death of SEALs. I guess “basically” isn’t the correct term; he did make that accusation.

    So, again, I think he is trying to get banned. After all, look at the work he has put in, trying to make it happen.

    Simon Jester (aa6399)

  365. Wisconsin update – 3 GOP, 2 DEM & 1 to go.

    Spartacvs (05cc44)

  366. hey what’s wrong with that lady’s eyes she looks crazy

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  367. She saw a picture of spurtypiss, and recognized that the stupid is strong in that one.

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  368. ==So do you think consensual is an appropriate term for their relationship?==

    Dana–I truly don’t know what word to use. But for me it is at least as easy (maybe actually easier) to accept that she had a willing sexual relationship with Jefferson– as, say, for her to have had a relationship with a slave field hand or somebody. And she was technically free while in Paris and apparently could have stayed there. I suspect that by the measurement of the times she probably thought she had a pretty darned good and interesting life with Jefferson. But we’ll never know, will we?

    elissa (1e558a)

  369. #366 – Oh c’mon, he is harmless.

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  370. Spartac has gonorrhea.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  371. So, the unions were not able to sweep, then? All that nonsense and nothing to show for it.

    Oh, wait, the Dems spent millions and millions to refute the people in favor of the unions, and they managed to maybe get a draw.

    So, it’s a repudiation of everyone who disputes sparty.

    Wait, again, as they say: as goes Wisconsin, so goes the nation. Right, sparty?

    That union money has to be stretched pretty thin by now. In some states, it doesn’t matter at all.

    Ag80 (9a213d)

  372. elissa,

    I think that her decision to remain free in Paris or return to the United States was more complicated than an either or proposition.

    Under French law, both Sally and James could have petitioned for their freedom as the revolutionary constitution in France abolished slavery in principle in 1789.[12] Sally had the legal right to decide to remain in France as a free person, or return to Virginia with Jefferson as a slave. Her son Madison later said that she became pregnant by Jefferson in Paris, and refused to return to the United States unless he agreed to free her children. Jefferson was said to have agreed to that condition.[5] Hemings had strong kinship ties with her mother, extended family and siblings at Monticello.

    She struck a deal with Jefferson that I would think most mothers in her position would jump at. Also, remember she was very young when she went to Paris (about 15) and after 5 years there, I can’t imagine how much she missed her mother and family back at Monticello.

    Regardless, consensual and slave remain incongruous to me.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  373. Spurtypiss is actually Jethro Bodeine double nought spy. He is currently tracking the double breasted twit. Look in the mirror, spurt, and your case is solved.

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  374. Sounds like WI’s State Senate will remain in GOP control with Darling’s victory. But it’s not over until they win, I’m told.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  375. and that just wouldn’t leave a mark on the King of Cool.

    Thus sayeth the Queen of Douchery.

    Dump ‘im.

    Darth Venomous (c8614a)

  376. I suspect that by the measurement of the times she probably thought she had a pretty darned good and interesting life

    Everything is relative, but yes, as a slave, I’m sure she felt she had it comparatively good.

    Which is one of history’s infinite little tragedies. It’s nice to realize how far this country has come. I think if we could overcome slavery then we can overcome the debt crisis pretty handily.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  377. Looks like the Dems (barely) picked up 2. And for your viewing pleasure here are a few choice comments from Althouse Blog concerning Wisconsin—


    If you live in Madison and need some rope, I would pick it up tonight. Something tells me they will be sold out tomorrow.

    Kiss this “Recall Walker” shit goodbye. Wasn’t ever going to succeeed. Now they won’t even try. Barry is gonna pull the plug on it. He needs all that union cash for hisself.

    Ha! Ed Schultz just said that in “the big picture”, this gives progressives “hope” against “big money”…but fails to mention most of the “big money” has come from outside unions backing Dems. These people truly are unhinged

    elissa (1e558a)

  378. From the source that wiki relies upon, a differnt conclusion arises:

    Since then, a committee commissioned by the Thomas Jefferson Heritage Society, after reviewing essentially the same material, reached different conclusions, namely that Sally Hemings was only a minor figure in Thomas Jefferson’s life and that it is very unlikely he fathered any of her children. This committee also suggested in its report, issued in April 2001, that Jefferson’s younger brother Randolph (1755-1815) was more likely the father of at least some of Sally Hemings’ children.

    ian cormac (81c5c2)

  379. Benito Mussolini was a marxist.

    So it is stupid to compare Bachmann to her although he[meaning SparcrackBS] will try.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  380. C02

    A fox news science lesson

    Oh dear.

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  381. All those concerned about the dangers of CO2, please stop breathing immediately.
    Do it for the Children!

    AD-RtR/OS! (f6b90a)

  382. AD-RtR/OS! – is the earth round or flat?

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  383. Sparticvs: previously banned, and what for? And why all the names and games?

    I mean, since you are asking questions.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  384. AD-RtR/OS! – did man co-exist with dinosaurs?

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  385. Man does co-exist with cockroaches…
    Well, so much for co-existence.

    AD-RtR/OS! (f6b90a)

  386. AD-RtR/OS! – are Mormons Christians and should it matter?

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  387. SPLAT!

    AD-RtR/OS! (f6b90a)

  388. Is spartacbs’s brain flat or round?

    DohBiden (d54602)

  389. AD: are trolls interesting, and does it matter?

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  390. AD-RtR/OS! – How many Nobel prize winners believe in intelligent design?

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  391. Science lesson for Spartacvs, the science isn’t “settled” on the “A” part of AGW.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  392. The Nutty Spartacvs believes things that are false. Nutty Spartacvs’ standard is that believing false things makes one nutty. Nutty Spartacvs is nutty. QED.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  393. Spurty is in a hyper-manic episode. Not pretty.

    JD (6e25b4)

  394. How many Nobel prize winners believe in intelligent design? are AA beneficiaries?


    Carlos (f6b90a)

  395. Hey, I love how Hax is now using “authority” to prove things. Which means, since he knows very little, we can safely just laugh at him.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  396. Spork
    Are you a spoon? Or a fork?
    Or does it really matter?

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  397. Sprockets is a climatologist?
    No wonder he’s blinding me with science.

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  398. SpartacBS have you stopped being your wife or does it matter?

    SpartacBS is Al Sharpton giving you a dirty sanchez or does it matter?

    DohBiden (d54602)

  399. AD-RtR/OS! –

    “Michele Bachmann threw her hat into the ring. We think she’s going to be running for president. For those who find Sarah Palin too intellectual. As a comedian, all I can say is, where can I donate to this cause?” —Bill Maher

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  400. Bill Maher? That’s the guy that thinks being for drug legalization makes him a Libertarian.

    So he’s nutty too, Spartacvs, by your standards.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  401. Maher…a Libertarian?
    More like a Libertine!

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (f6b90a)

  402. AD-RtR/OS! – your ‘science lesson debunked

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  403. Maher is also the one who is oh so classy about people with whom he disagrees. Remember?

    Well, that would explain why Hax likes him. That lack of class is a bond between them.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  404. SPQR: why not get dear old Hax to define some terms in climate science? I know you can discuss it.

    That’s the funny thing about hacks like Hax: they don’t know much else besides “I don’t like the letter ‘R'” and fall silent when asked to define the simplest term. If egotistical enough (as Hax is), they will make really amusing blunders while proving their ignorance.

    When he isn’t quoting classy Maher, that is.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  405. Oh, and forgive me for linking to that infamous Right wing noise chamber: the National Organization for Women.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  406. “Lenscrafters is upset with Tea Partier Michele Bachmann because she called Planned Parenthood ‘the Lenscrafters of abortion.’ Lenscrafters released a statement today calling her ‘the Costco of crazy.'” —Conan O’Brien

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  407. Spartacvs, Tim Lambert the UberTroll of the Internet is not a climate scientist. His qualifications are not in the natural sciences. You fail.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  408. Oh, please, Hax. Continue to quote Maher. Don’t run away to try something new. It’s…desperate of you.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  409. “…Salby goes on to calculate the correlation between temperature and annual net emissions of CO2 and concludes that it is temperature causing the increase in CO2 rather than the other way around…”

    Isn’t that what the ice-core data showed, which was the first nail disputing the AGW nonsense, and NASA’s admission that the temp loss into space is much higher than previously postulated, seems to be the final nail into the “Climate Change Science” coffin.
    And, all of this is completely independent of the data that was ignored over the MWP and the Little Ice Age.
    It has, historically, been much warmer than it is today, and at times much colder; and anyone who disputes that, or says that it is all – or perdominately – due to the influence and actions of man, is an imbecile (regardless of the “credentials” they hold)!


    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (f6b90a)

  410. Oh, and to help you with Maher, here is what uber-Right NOW had to say (in the link above):

    “… And Maher, who long ago set the tone for his show, might consider trying to bring it back from the hateful path onto which it has strayed….”

    Hateful. I think that term fits more than just Bill Maher, who is indeed a hateful and angry little…troll.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  411. AD, don’t confuse Hax. Ice is something in his drink.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  412. Another Drew, the historic lag between rising temps and CO2 concentrations has long been a part of the data. Salby is trying to reconcile differing methods of measuring ancient CO2 concentrations and put them into the chronology. Its not a new observation, just a new attempt to reconcile the data.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  413. Conan O’Brien is an unfunny twit who probably screams racism when anyone criticizes Obutthead.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  414. DohBiden, I love these “edgy” comics who never dare insult the White House. Because, as they used to say, there wasn’t anything to insult!

    Jon Stewart is moving more toward the middle. But he looks pretty constipated while he does. It must be painful to know, really know, that you were played by a Chicago pol.

    On the other hand, some people don’t seem to care!

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  415. DohBiden, I love these “edgy” comics who never dare insult the White House. Because, as they used to say, there wasn’t anything to insult!

    Jon Stewart is moving more toward the middle. But he looks pretty constipated while he does. It must be painful to know, really know, that you were played by a Chicago pol.

    On the other hand, some people don’t seem to care!

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  416. Yeah, I know.
    I thought it was fun posting that since it confirms once more that trolls have this insatiable desire to link to things that disprove their positions without realizing it.
    Which, seems to confirm their complete lack of intellectual awareness.

    And, aren’t we all having a wonderful time?
    Obummer’s burning down the Market;
    and the thugs are burning down London, Manchester, and the Midlands.
    I wonder how long the Camaroons can hold on before the people in the UK (England, particularly) demand someone with backbone – another Thatcher?

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (f6b90a)

  417. The droughts in texas[which is par for the course] are caused by gorebull warming


    DohBiden (d54602)

  418. Progs are loving us all to death, much like Lenny from Of Mice and Men

    Blackburnsghost (2ffb0c)

  419. From CNN:

    Palin is bringing her Constitution-themed bus to the Iowa State Fair, just 30 miles south of where the Republican presidential field will take the stage on Thursday for a presidential debate in Ames.

    It’s not yet clear which day the tour will begin, but her surprise arrival in Iowa will happen before the closely watched Ames straw poll. Palin is not on the straw poll ballot.

    ian cormac (81c5c2)

  420. ian – don’t get your hopes up. Palin is a grifter, plain & simple.

    Spartacvs (4576a2)

  421. So says the Nutty Spartacvs

    SPQR (26be8b)

  422. Spartacvs don’t get your hopes up the doctor smacked your mother in the face when he looked at you plain and simple.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  423. Why do I suspect that he was a fan of the real grifter John Edwards, the peddler of the Vanilla
    flavor of ‘hope and change’

    ian cormac (81c5c2)

  424. I really fear the judgment and intellect of people who think Bachmann is even close to the level of intelligence to assume the US presidency. It’s baffling to me. You don’t need to be concerned about a photo. Just listen to what comes out of her mouth.

    [One of the rules here is to keep a consistent name. –Stashiu]
    [Further note: Using an anonymizer is also grounds for moderation. Which you are while I do some backtracking. –Stashiu]

    Dr. G (771c3a)

  425. What do you want to bet that “Dr. G” is one of our regulars? They must be worried, big time.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  426. Absolute lock. A guarantee.

    JD (d56362)

  427. And… it’s imdw. Thanks for the new range of info to send straight to spam buddy. Makes my job much easier.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  428. The Democrats lost any “gee, X is not smart enough for the Presidency” arguments when they put Biden in the VP slot. Permanently.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  429. What’s really special is his next comment asked who JD was. Disingenuous asshat.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  430. Stashiu3, JD? Why would a person try such little games, with different names and computer tricks, to post things clearly designed to irritate? What kind of person does that?

    Hax, feel free to comment.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  431. spurty just a pain
    a bleeding hemorrhoid on
    donkey party ass

    ColonelHaiku (d1f5ff)

  432. Ooh, that was a nice vein. Lots of backtrack info to designate spam. He’s already left several comments calling us cowards for not letting him lie and insult people. He may have phrased it differently, but that’s what he meant.

    Just think imdw, every time you actually get a comment through, it gives me lots of info to keep you and other dishonest commenters out. Not the service you meant to provide, I know… but your history here is so long that the backtracks are like gold.

    You’re pitiful.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  433. So, Stashiu3, let me get this straight: imdw sneaks in as much as he can, and gets caught. Then when he is put in moderation, he writes even more stuff, that gives you more tools to keep him out?

    I seem to recall that Einstein had a definition of insanity that ran this way: to do the same thing, over and over again, and expect a different result.

    Thanks for cleaning up these, um, nuggets of wisdom that trolls leave.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  434. ooooo, imdw!

    That’s one of the really, really nasty ones. Like, tries to bring your home address into a debate about a violent ally.

    Hey, IMDW!… “I’m Dan Wolfe”! Just kidding (seriously, I am kidding).

    Dustin (b7410e)

  435. Up until recently, I was more limited in how I much I could identify and backtrack. Now, every successful comment he makes gives me a ton (this last one generated 30 old hits at least) of info that imdw and others use to bypass moderation.

    The more he tries, the easier it gets to keep him (and other trolls) out.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  436. That may have come across wrong

    My 437 was an interpretation of what ‘imdw’ stands for, rather than a comment about myself.

    Obviously the name is actually just meaningless jibberish from someone who has used a huge number of monikers.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  437. The Democrats lost any “gee, X is not smart enough for the Presidency” arguments when they put Biden in the VP slot.

    …and yet Biden was brought on board to balance out our youthful president, bringing with him gravitas, maturity and experience (especially in foreign policy). Funny that.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  438. Actually, Dana, Biden wasn’t known for any of those things in reality—I mean, he had all kinds of negative sound bites, weird things he had said and did, multiple incidents of plagiarism, petty bragging, the whole Clarence Thomas and Robert Bork business. And it was all soft-pedaled by the press, it’s true.

    I think that the original plan was for Obama to be Hillary Clinton’s VP. It would have worked well: Obama would have gotten a lot of experience, and then taken over from Hillary: 16 years of Democratic Oval Office rule.

    Then Hillary’s campaign fell apart during the primaries, and the staff didn’t know what to do. I can’t find the link, but some boffin made the point that he believes that Obama has too small and too insular a group of advisors; they don’t trust others.

    Also, there is this:

    Just my theory. BIden has always been the “amiable dunce” , a label with which Ronald Reagan was unfairly identified

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  439. Ironically, the one who coined that phrase, Clark Clifford, used that trope to avoid prosecution for his involvement with BCCI. Chris Buckley, before he drank the koolaid, had a devastating portrayal of Biden, in his last novel, Supreme Courtship, under the character Sen. Dexter Mitchell,

    ian cormac (81c5c2)

  440. It is interesting to read Reagan’s letters. He wasn’t at all like the MSM portrayed him.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  441. Dana-

    I was hoping you’d be around tonight. Following the discussion several of us had last night on this thread about Jefferson and Hemings I remembered something I had seen recently and really enjoyed– that made me realize “The past is a foreign country:they do things differently there”. Reading it has somewhat altered my ideas of how we understand history and caused me to tweak my own approach to reading history.

    That piece is linked below. It’s a very interesting blog post concerning Lincoln, history, society, literature, and humor. Anyone who’s interested, see what you think. (Be sure to click on the “see the rest of this entry” link to expand the post)

    elissa (7eac3d)

  442. Reagan used a clone machine obviously


    DohBiden (d54602)

  443. I must have been away, but how did our Brave Gladiator get the nickname of “Hax”?

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (7f4436)

  444. Actually, Dana, Biden wasn’t known for any of those things in reality—I mean, he had all kinds of negative sound bites, weird things he had said and did, multiple incidents of plagiarism, petty bragging, the whole Clarence Thomas and Robert Bork business.

    Reality is a tweakable commodity, simon jester. And that’s what happened. All it takes is a complicit media and gullible public. I remember after the Palin-Biden debate, many in the MSM laughed at Palin and took her to task for her supposed ignorance while simultaneously touting Joe’s statesmanship and knowledge. His missteps and incorrect declarations of policy etc., were roundly ignored.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  445. Breaking News….

    There is now conclusive evidence that Osama Bin Laden is dead.
    Last week he registered to vote in Chicago.

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (7f4436)

  446. About half-way through the thread, Dave Surls asked why Jefferson didn’t just free his slaves. The answer is that the law prevented him from doing so. That’s not my guess, that’s out of his own pen. He specifically wrote that the reason he kept his slaves is that he was legally unable to free them, and selling them would be the exact opposite of his duty to them.

    Now he didn’t specify what the legal barrier was that he was talking about, but my guess is that it was the ordinary common law, which would regard a debtor freeing slaves the same way that it would today regard that same debtor giving assets away. What would you do if someone owed you mucho dinero, and you heard that he’d given an expensive painting to someone as a birthday present? I’m no lawyer, but I’m pretty sure you’d have legal recourse to prevent it. Jefferson’s creditors would surely have done the same.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  447. Michelle Bachman is a ray of sunshine. Just say’n.

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  448. B-but racism


    DohBiden (d54602)

  449. You know, that we know he ‘truth and justice’ it’s not really worth the time to respond to him, otherwise, it’s the ‘Argument Clinic’

    Crassus (81c5c2)

  450. I started to write a very long comment, but wrote a blog post instead:

    Can you be anti-choice and still be a feminist? Thoughts here:

    theoncominghope (f0c6f1)

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