HuffPo says that the nefarious Andrew Breitbart has nefariously edited another video for nefarious purposes.
It’s an excellent theory whose one minor flaw is that it’s a complete fabrication.
Conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart’s is being accused of doctoring a press conference clip to make CBS’s Norah O’Donnell seem like she was distraught over the debt compromise.
The clip shown below includes an exchange between O’Donnell and President Obama’s press secretary in which the reporter appears to claim that “you gave them everything they wanted and we got nothing.”
The New Republic’s Jonathan Chait notes that the clip does not include the part of O’Donnell’s question in which O’Donnell says that some “Democrats” are the ones who feel they’ve gotten nothing from the debt deal, not O’Donnell herself.
Actually, Chait accuses Commentary, not Breitbart, of a deceptive edit. Here’s Chait:
Andrew Breitbart has clipped an exchange from today’s press at conference at the White House. In the exchange, reporter Norah O’Donnell press Jay Carney by asking, “Democrats are saying, ‘You gave them everything they wanted and we got nothing.” Commentary has picked up the story, giving it the headline, “CBS’s O’Donnell to Carney: We got nothing.”
CBS’s Norah O’Donnell peppered Carney with terse, accusatory questions about the lack of tax revenue (read: tax increases) in the debt ceiling deal. O’Donnell complained about how many GOP demands were met by the deal, and then said to Carney: “You gave them everything they wanted and we got nothing.” That “we” is very telling. …
O’Donnell, meanwhile, may have to answer to her bosses at CBS for peeling back the veneer of impartiality to reveal the liberal advocacy sitting just beneath the surface of the mainstream networks.
Amazing. They simply lopped off the part where O’Donnell was describing the position of a party and passed it off as O’Donnell talking about herself and liberal Democrats in the first person plural.
Here is the video HuffPo claims was edited:
And here is the video they claim is complete:
Anyone who actually bothers to play the two can easily see that nothing has been edited. The content is exactly the same in the relevant portion of the clip. The sound is a little clear in the second version. That’s all.
What’s amusing, if distressingly predictable, is how few of the commenters at HuffPo actually bothered to watch the clips and notice this. The comments are full of “Typical for Breitbart” style idiocy.
HuffPo owes Breitbart a huge apology. Chait’s post is titled “Smearing Norah O’Donnell.” HuffPo’s should be titled “Smearing Andrew Breitbart.”
But then, “Dog Bites Man” has never been a popular headline.
UPDATE: An Editor’s Note at HuffPo retracts the allegation:
A HuffPost story on an exchange between Norah O’Donnell and Jay Carney incorrectly raised the possibility that Andrew Breitbart had “doctored” a video clip from a White House briefing to make O’Donnell look like she was “distraught over the debt compromise.” A viewing of the clip in question clearly shows that he did not. We regret the error, have removed the story, and apologize to Mr. Breitbart.
Whoever was arguing that HuffPo had it right all along must be feeling pretty stupid right about now.
Always trust content from Patterico.
P.S. First Anthony Weiner, now HuffPo. Apologizing to Andrew Breitbart is apparently becoming a trend!