Open Thread: #BeforeBlackPresidents
[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here. Or by Twitter @AaronWorthing.]
Still can’t come back full time, but here is a fun concept for an open thread. Apparently on the twitter, there is a new hashtag for #BeforeBlackPresidents. This is where supposedly we talk about all the horrible ways we are holding up Obama to a double standard. Like did you know that we were okay with endlessly raising the debt limit until we had a black president?
So I have taken a few minutes here and there to spam it with my own snotty and sarcastic comments. For instance:
#BeforeBlackPresidents the democrats couldn’t shove an unpopular health care reform bill down our throats.
#BeforeBlackPresidents you could depict the President as a chimp without being called a racist. [with a reference to this:]
#BeforeBlackPresidents before we had a black president, Barack Obama opposed raising the debt ceiling.
#BeforeBlackPresidents before we had a black president, Barack Obama didn’t want us to go to war without congressional approval.
#BeforeBlackPresidents am i the only person 2 notice that there haven’t been 2 black presidents yet? or are we counting Bill Clinton again?
#BeforeBlackPresidents before we had a black president, Barack Obama opposed signing statements.
#BeforeBlackPresidents black panthers could be convicted of voter intimidation
So if you are on twitter, join in. Drive them nuts. If you aren’t, well, leave your best comments here. if you can keep it to 140 characters or less (including the hashtag) I might rip you off.
[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]