What the President has Been Shoveling…
[Guest post by Aaron Worthing]
A lot of people noticed recently when the President admitted that “there’s no such thing as shovel-ready projects.” Professor Jacobson over at Legal Insurrection had fun chiding the president and more than a few people thought, “wow, it took him how many billion dollars to figure that out?”
Well, it turns out, it didn’t take as many billions as we thought. David Brooks reveals that the President confided in him over a year ago that he knew there were no “shovel-ready” projects. So the President has been lying to us on this point for at least a year. This is one of many examples.
So he sold all of us on crippling debt based on lies. He lied to sell us this (and this is a chart of the deficit, not the debt):
There is no spin possible here. This is an outrage.
Meanwhile, at the video link above, keep watching and witness David Brooks’ cognitive dissonance. At about the 42 second mark, he tells us for instance that “the thing that you like about this administration they can have debates and they can be honest about what the shortcomings they face.” No, Mr. Brooks, you have just told us they are not being honest about what the shortcomings are to their policies.
(Hat tips to Michelle Malkin and Hot Air)
[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]