Andrew Breitbart About to Make Brad Friedman’s Life a Lot More Difficult
Seen on Twitter tonight from Andrew Breitbart:
So excited to do something out of ordinary. Am re-following @thebradblog. Things are gonna get fun for @ericboehlert’s BFF. #pimphoaxwee!
You can’t see a message like that, about a guy like Brad Friedman, and not want to find out more. So: within minutes I was on the phone with Breitbart.
Sounds like he has a heck of an interesting story coming. You could even call it . . . a bombshell.
I can’t get any more specific than that, other than to say: hey, Brad? You know that thing you’ve been trying to hide from people? The thing you desperately don’t want people to know about? Yeah, that.
Sorry, dude. It’s coming out.
UPDATE: I’m just messing with Friedman, of course.
Or am I???