Patterico's Pontifications


Shirley Sherrod, Silenced

Filed under: Media Bias — DRJ @ 5:14 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

The hottest story of the week was Shirley Sherrod. Alexander Marlow at BigGovernment looks at why Sherrod was silenced by the Sunday media shows.


392 Responses to “Shirley Sherrod, Silenced”

  1. To have Shirley Sherrod on the MSM narrative would show that the President and Cabinet members are IDIOTS. How ever you look at that video you have to conclude that some members in the NAACP are racist.

    The President had Shirley Sherrod fired to prevent a firestorm, only to create a larger firestorm. Gates/Crowley incident was a firestorm, and the President created a larger firestorm. Twice now the President has shown he does not think through the issues regarding racial issues. If he keeps this up he is going to get someone killed!

    Sanmon (319c0c)

  2. Howlin’ Howie Dean did a good job standing in for Shirley with Chris Wallace.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  3. Both Newt and Chris handed Howie his head.

    AD - RtR/OS! (46c251)

  4. St. Shirley Sherrod
    already swept into dust
    bin of history?

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  5. there she was acting
    superior to Colonel
    and like, poof, she gone

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  6. uh huh you go girl
    acting all sassy and now
    speak to Colonel hand

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  7. Hodean and criSsyhooten and olbergasm are represntatives of, and speak for all dems and leftists.

    JD (6ca166)

  8. Sun was all shining
    birds were singing fool heads off
    hooten free Sunday

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  9. Of course they’re keeping her quiet. She’s a virulent racist, she oozes bile for her political opponents, she has a gargantuan sense of entitlement, she is at best fifty percent as smart as she fashions herself, and her love for this country (this woman who named her children Russia and Kenyatta) might need a wee tune-up. And of course in each of these respects she mirrors her president.

    Kevin Stafford (abdb87)

  10. Shirley for NASA Muslim Outreach Director!!!11ty!!

    daleyrocks (940075)

  11. It would be ironic if she got better press treatment from Breitbart, than she is getting from the people she thought were her allies.

    cboldt (6df4b9)

  12. It’s as if the MSM learned their lesson from the Cindy Sheehan fiasco. No matter how sympathetic the story of the “victim” is, you don’t want your news organization to be seen as carrying water for someone who may be just a tad bit crazy.

    JVW (a52530)

  13. Hey, can’t Charles Gibson interview her?

    Kevin Murphy (5ae73e)

  14. “why Sherrod was silenced”

    Gift horse.


    Dave Surls (a71d76)

  15. Has anyone quizzed these Sunday show hosts to see if they invited her and, if not, why not? If they did invite her, what was the reason for her turning them down?

    Put ’em on the hot seat.

    Dusty (109a16)

  16. Just imagine if Sherrod was white. Howard Dean and Sherrod are calling Fox News racist because they need to do as much damage as possible to any media that aren’t Journolist type propaganda outlets.

    But just imagine if a white person, in a senior position int he government, had said Obama wanted to enslave all whites, or that the entire democrat party was racist against whites, and had admitted that she was a racist throughout her career, with a token example of non-racism that is still pretty racist like this farmer story.

    I’ll show you the racists: everyone who treats Sherrod to a lighter standard because of the color of her skin. Plenty of white people suffer from a violent attack from a non-white without any racism being tolerated as a result (for very good reason). Sherrod isn’t some damsel or some unsophisticated person.

    I don’t think we should waste much time worrying about her, since, after all, the NAACP is full of people who think any civility to white people is some kind of gift (that’s what I take from this ‘I saved that white farmer!’ crap).

    If she had been white, no way this would have been tolerated in a Bush senior official. It’s ridiculous to even consider it. Hooten and timb would parade this white-Sherrod around like they do Strom Thurmond.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  17. at some point do we get tired of imagining Shirley being white? I don’t get a lot out of it really.

    She’s so random.

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  18. Shirley Sherrod gone
    chubby speed bump under bus
    what would happy frum say?

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  19. Shirley Sherrod gone
    chubby speed bump under bus
    what would happy frum say?

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  20. but if she were white I don’t think the Team R blogs would be bagging on her near as hard… they’d be making excuses for her like how they’re making for Breitbart’s lies

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  21. we make a good team Mr. Colonel

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  22. D’OH!!!!

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  23. Jinx on ten wise guy
    you buy me a pepsi now
    happy frum funny

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  24. but if she were white I don’t think the Team R blogs would be bagging on her near as hard… they’d be making excuses for her like how they’re making for Breitbart’s lies

    Comment by happyfeet

    This is not your week happy. Call me when you wake up.

    Mike K (0ef8c3)

  25. Didn’t Kathy Boudin and Bernadine Dohrn ,future
    Weatherpersons, have some civil rights experience, no we wouldn’t beleive them either

    ian cormac (d407d8)

  26. “they’d be making excuses for her like how they’re making for Breitbart’s lies”

    feets – What lies?

    daleyrocks (940075)

  27. “but if she were white I don’t think the Team R blogs would be bagging on her near as hard… they’d be making excuses for her”

    You mean like the way righties were falling all over themselves making excuses for Robert Byrd.

    Get serious, dude.

    You’re losing it.

    Dave Surls (829642)

  28. but if she were white

    Oh, brother. To make a comment like that — certainly in today’s era — makes me sense you’re the type that leans left when it comes to various socio-cultural matters, and apparently right when it comes to economic matters. IOW, a type of squishy Republican.

    Mark (411533)

  29. Daley, you know how Mr. Feet gets. You just get more cutesy stuff that doesn’t explain why it is okay for Ms. Sherrod to accuse Mr. Breitbart of wanting the return of slavery.

    Fortunately, the White House does, which is why, I suspect, we didn’t see Ms. Sherrod on the Sunday shows.

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  30. I think late last week when she said Breitbart wanted to return to the days of slavery and that Fox news was racist, the networks decided that she was a racial hot potato who might be just a little too hot for their hosts to handle. Lord knows what she might come up with on Sunday morning TV. And it’s so much easier for surrogates to paint Shirley as a victim when she, herself, is not allowed to publicly say crazy things that show her to be a far cry from a victim.

    elissa (87e851)

  31. Eric, I was not copying your work! We were typing at the same time and I was obviously more verbose than you.

    elissa (87e851)

  32. Just a touch like this person, who proved a little too folksy at the end:

    ian cormac (d407d8)

  33. Heck, elissa, I didn’t think my opinion was original. Glad to see others might share an opinion with me!

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  34. I’ll show you the racists: everyone who treats Sherrod to a lighter standard because of the color of her skin.

    This would be more persuasive if Michale Steele were unemployed.

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  35. But at the end of the day there’s a lot more evidence that Andrew Breitbart is a liar than there is that Shirley Sherrod is a racist.

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  36. feets – I have friends who have friends who are black and they are not as nutty as Squirrely Shirley.

    What lies?

    daleyrocks (940075)

  37. he lied when he said Shirley was using her USDA position to keep white down… he lied when he said she was a racist.

    It’s that simple.

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  38. HF is delusional, and aggressively so. Breitbart doesn’t even come close to deserving HF’s attacks. And chances are, come January, Steele will be out of a job.

    John Hitchcock (9e8ad9)

  39. *whites* I mean

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  40. feets – The sepsis which Team D has infected this poor little country needs to be fought before the patient succumbs. I applaud Mr. Breitbart for having the testicular fortitude to go for the jugular of Team D’s favorite memes and institutions where others have feared to tread.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  41. look I understand it’s frustrating when the dirty socialists lie about the Tea Party being racist… but we’re so much better than this

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  42. I believe his statement was ‘she views her duty through the prism of race and class”, and the last
    is ironic, because she was well off by relative

    ian cormac (d407d8)

  43. The White House and the Obama Administration who hastily relieved her of her position were already keeping her at arms length, and now the mainstream media is too.

    My money is that there is other stuff out there, and they’ve had it called to their attention, that show that her hardly post-racial comments were anything but post-racial. She IS a racist, and it’s probably clearly the case if you go looking for it. So she’s been made an unperson to cover that fact up.

    Her comments weren’t “non-racial”, nor were they showing how she “learned the error of her ways” — they ARE racist, but it’s a subtle, backhanded pat-your-self-on-the-back-for-your-benevolence kind of racism. It’s the black equivalent of “the soft bigotry of low expectations”.

    Her own constant application of the terms “white” and “black” when describing the situation — while never really decrying the fact that she WAS perceiving things in terms of skin color — show she’s not beyond the notion that skin color matters. She’s just patting herself on the back for thinking “she can get over it”. That’s not the same thing as being non-racist.

    Until skin color doesn’t really matter to you, you’re making race-based decisions. Some of them may — and I emphasize the may most strongly — be rational.

    But in general, unless it’s a personal danger matter, you have no business acting on those perceived distinctions. And neither did she. She was there to do a job. And “sending him to a white lawyer, expecting they’d take care of their own” is hardly getting past race as a distinction — especially when you don’t decry the idea that white people do (or should) automatically band together against blacks or others.

    When your audience literally -applauds- at the idea of discriminating against white people, and you don’t admonish them for such, then you’re a racist at heart.

    IgotBupkis, President, United Anarchist Society (79d71d)

  44. HF is delusional, and aggressively so.

    The phrase he likes to use is “dirty socialist,” which is so over-the-top — so stereotypically John-Bircher 1950s — that I now suspect he’s actually doing a parody of a peculiar kind of libertarian/rightist. If not, then I have to say that his perceptions of Sherrod are so naive (or harebrained) that he needs to look in the mirror when trying to figure out why people (including voters and politicians) and political groups (Tea Party, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, etc) are not — and never will be — perfectly attuned to his needs and wishes.

    Mark (411533)

  45. Look, Mr. Feet. You are an unusual fellow and all. But when you write:

    “..But at the end of the day there’s a lot more evidence that Andrew Breitbart is a liar than there is that Shirley Sherrod is a racist…”

    First off, she is on tape saying that Breitbart would like slavery to return, calling him explicitly a racist. Or did you miss that? It’s the Anderson Cooper interview.

    Also, all I can think of is the venom you have spewed on any number of Republicans who don’t measure up to your standards. “Cancer hootchie” anyone?

    So please don’t get all delicate with Ms. Sherrod.

    Personally, I think that the Left loves people like you right about now. But that is my opinion, and I have said it too often. You say that Breitbart’s game is too expensive before the election, and I would suggest in return that you aren’t helping much either. But that is just my opinion.

    Peace be upon you. But, again, please don’t try to get all delicate about Ms. Sherrod. Especially when you have her on flippin’ tape being a racist.

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  46. “he lied when he said Shirley was using her USDA position to keep white down… he lied when he said she was a racist.”

    Mr. Feets – With all due respect, please keep f*cking that chicken. Breitbart corrected his post on the date of Sherrod’s keeping the white man down story. For a dirty, redistributionist, socialist, racist, hoochie, she seems like a pretty nice person.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  47. actually doing a parody of a peculiar kind of libertarian/rightist. If not, then I have to say that his perceptions of Sherrod are so naive (or harebrained) that he needs to look in the mirror when trying to figure out why people (including voters and politicians) and political groups (Tea Party, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, etc) are not — and never will be — perfectly attuned to his needs and wishes.

    jack (7f2210)

  48. “But at the end of the day there’s a lot more evidence that Andrew Breitbart is a liar than there is that Shirley Sherrod is a racist”


    Hey, when you’re in a whole about ten miles deep…it’s time to quit digging.

    Dave Surls (829642)

  49. I meant a “hole”, not a “whole”.

    Dave Surls (829642)

  50. We keep going around in circles. Shirley is the small bad person. The big bad persons are the USDA and the White House and the NAACP.

    Whether I will trust Breitbart again … separating the messenger from the message has always been a difficult thing.

    Breitmart messed the lady around on a misstatement. I’m not defending her, I’m feeling sorry for her. And very angry at having been manipulated.

    nk (db4a41)

  51. Breitbart did nothing to deserve being defamed like a couple here are doing.

    And Sherrod is at this very minute a very serious racist. I will not feel sorry for the kid sister of the Shakedown Brothers (Jesse and Al).

    John Hitchcock (9e8ad9)

  52. Breitbart did do something.

    nk (db4a41)

  53. Actions have consequences and you have to be alert for them.

    The woman did not deserve this. She just does not know how to talk pretty, in my view.

    The USDA, White House, and NAACP were jerks, that’s a fact.

    And, John, if you’re telling me I must trust Breitbart unconditionally, there’s only one thing I can tell you.

    nk (db4a41)

  54. The woman did not deserve this. She just does not know how to talk pretty, in my view

    Yeah, her and Al Sharpton.

    Subotai (1b5eaa)

  55. NK, that was a cute straw-man you built with your if/then statement.

    John Hitchcock (9e8ad9)

  56. What straw man, John?

    nk (db4a41)

  57. [Breitbart] lied when he said she was a racist.
    Comment by happyfeet — 7/25/2010 @ 10:43 pm

    — SHE said that she WAS (past tense) a racist!
    We’re getting mighty close to 9th Commandment territory here, dude. Either you’re being loose and sloppy in your word selection (unforgivable in itself) or else you’re telling the big fib . . . or maybe you’re truly not comprehending that the only way she could “see the light” as a result of her revelation that “it’s about poverty, not race” was if she previously thought that it WAS about race.

    Icy Texan (757fb0)

  58. You know that “one thing” you were telling your straw-man, nk? Tell it to your mirror as well.

    John Hitchcock (9e8ad9)

  59. but if she were white I don’t think the Team R blogs would be bagging on her near as hard… they’d be making excuses for her like how they’re making for Breitbart’s lies

    Comment by happyfeet — 7/25/2010 @ 8:27 pm

    If a white man or woman had described the lawyer to which a black farmer was referred as “their own kind” (I don’t care WHAT the context was) that white person would be run out of his job on a rail, with no Republicans to defend them. That alone (not even to mention the smirking telling of the story and the murmuring approvals of the crowd, and not further to mention the racist smearing of a white man she doesn’t know as “wanting blacks to return to the days of slavery”) IMO cements her status as a current racist.

    no one you know (487c05)

  60. “he lied when he said Shirley was using her USDA position to keep white down… he lied when he said she was a racist.” –happyfeet

    He misspoke about the USDA position — the man had an edited tape which he didn’t edit. She admitted using her other position to deny full help to a farmer because of his race. And she sent him to “his own kind”. She was a racist.

    So which part did he lie about, again? All due respect you sound like liberals who say Bush was lying when WMDs didn’t end up being found in Iraq. All evidence pointed that way so he believed it.

    no one you know (487c05)

  61. Actions have consequences and you have to be alert for them.

    The woman did not deserve this. She just does not know how to talk pretty, in my view.

    The USDA, White House, and NAACP were jerks, that’s a fact.

    And, John, if you’re telling me I must trust Breitbart unconditionally, there’s only one thing I can tell you.

    Comment by nk — 7/26/2010 @ 2:16 am

    No one is asking anyone to trust Breitbart “unconditionally.” In this situation IMO he acted honorably. More honorably than Shirley Sherrod, not to put too fine a point on it — Brietbart wasn’t accusing a whole network (who didn’t even touch on the story till after she was fired) of being racist (the NAACP agrees with Fox that the New Black Panthers are racist, IIRC), nor saying on national TV that Shirley Sherrod wants to go back to the days of 60s race riots.

    The woman did not deserve this. She just does not know how to talk pretty, in my view.

    I don’t think she deserved to be fired from her current job (I DO think she put some context around the otherwise reprehensible “his own kind” comments in the full speech, not that a white person would be forgiven for that).

    But I am sort of reconsidering my position after seeing her throw those racial bombs on national TV (a whole network is racist, Breitbart wants slavery). If “talking pretty” means you refrain from incendiary racial rhetoric in a high profile position, that’s not a very high standard to meet. Ask James Watt and George Allen, just two examples that come immediately to mind.

    no one you know (487c05)

  62. I think Breitbart was not out to to say this one individual was racist, but that the NAACP “tolerated” (actually encouraged) racism and that he could document it better than they could anything about the Tea Party, and he achieved his purpose.

    I think it was unfortunate that Breibart had an edited piece, and that in the context of the whole speech it is shown that she did eventually help the white farmer and saw that issues of class were important too, not just race. But the whole tape still shows her to view life in black and white and essentially thinks that blacks are one election away from going back to Jim Crow if not slavery.

    People focused on the fact that it seem she refused to help a white, and then since she finally did everything is ok. I guess in our present public debate, we can’t expect more critical analysis.

    As far as why she wasn’t allowed on shows, I’m still interested in how she was awarded $300,000 in a suit against the USDA and then got a job with them.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  63. You want to see how stupid and vicious these morons can be:

    ian cormac (d407d8)

  64. JD said:

    Hodean and criSsyhooten and olbergasm are represntatives of, and speak for all dems and leftists.

    Lay off the peyote, JD.

    Chris Hooten (0ff09c)

  65. Lay off the dishonest mendoucheous idiocy, crissyhooten.

    JD (45b68f)

  66. For me, a question (that will likely never be publicly answered) is how Andrew came to acquire the edited tape.

    As I’ve said many times before, I admire Breitbart for his courage and his deep understanding of how the media and message game is played in American politics–which few on the right seem to get. Some have been accusing Andrew of being in it for the money and fame. They accuse him of being reckless and dangerous. I could not disagree more. I think Andrew is a fearless patriot who knows that this country cannot truly thrive until everyone views race through the King model: “not the color of their skin but the content of their character”. He despises the professional race baiters, their organizations, and their enablers who are keeping all of us, black and white, from reaching King’s promised land. Breitbart knows these people must be exposed and stopped. For this reason many on the left want nothing more than to tear down Andrew and to destroy his reputation and credibility. It serves their political purposes to destroy him–even as trying to silence him does not serve the nation’s best interests.

    Among other things, Breitbart’s bold and ongoing actions to dispute the lies which are still being spread by the willing and gullible media (that the anti-healthcare bill crowd in Washington yelled racist taunts at the black caucus on the day Nancy walked her big gavel down the street) have earned him my eternal gratitude.

    elissa (69e565)

  67. Where’s Breitbart? Tick… tick… tick… tick…

    Chris Hooten (0ff09c)

  68. Her current speech doesn’t fit The Narrative, and might remind viewers of previous speeches she’s given, which also don’t fit.

    htom (412a17)

  69. hooten here its just
    another manic Monday
    wish it was Sunday

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  70. at some point do we get tired of imagining Shirley being white? I don’t get a lot out of it really.

    She’s so random.

    Comment by happyfeet

    True, this has gotten extremely old as an issue to whine about.

    I don’t care what race Sherrod is, so I don’t need this preschool level ‘is it racist’ test. But some people (perhaps you?) do not understand that race doesn’t matter. Even the endless list of racial greivances doesn’t matter. I’m not to blame for some white guy 50 yearss ago and Sherrod doesn’t get even a scintilla of credit for being black. She’s got no race as far as I’m concerned. She lost her dad to racists, but a lot of white people have suffered terrible crimes from non-whites and for them, just like Sherrod, it’s no excuse to blame all of a race.

    I’m reacting to Dean and the lefties who are lavishing praise on her. It’s just plain strange to see someone deified for behavior that would have them condemned but for their skin color. Just imagine if Howard Dean had said what Sherrod did. Would Sherrod praise and understand it?

    he lied when he said she was a racist.” –happyfeet

    That’s just not correct. She was a racist (even the out of context tape shows she has been racist, of course). She, ya know, cares what race you are too much. It affects how she treated that farmer, how she sees whether the president is opposable or not, what the Tea Party is about, whether someone should be able to own a piece of land… she’s such a racist and I think you know it.

    Whether Sherrod is what she is doesn’t hinge on whether you like Breitbart or his tactics. I’ve agreed he needs to do his work differently, but Sherrod isn’t some unsophisticated nobody. She’s a senior public official and she’s giving speeches to the NAACP about why you are a racist, Happyfeet.

    Race is everything to this woman. Her reaction to this scandal shows that she hasn’t changed. The NAACP has a problem with racism. By design.

    You know what really is interesting about you Happyfeet? As soon as you saw the full tape, before you heard spin and spin and spin from God knows where, you told me you agreed that Sherrod was a condemnable racist. So why is Breitbart a liar when he probably didn’t have all the evidence you had, and arrived at the plain, spin-free conclusion? People who care what race you are can be called racists, whether you feel sorry for them or not.

    Happyfeet, you’re being absurdly unfair to Breitbart, who I agree should have done a much better job and can be criticized legitimately. He should have verified (and frankly, he should have verified and then released the video, since Sherrod’s a racist and a senior official who deserves every second of the scrutiny she’s getting).

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  71. Where’s Breitbart? Tick… tick… tick… tick…

    Comment by Chris Hooten — 7/26/2010 @ 6:55 am

    Dear Mr. Hooten,
    I can’t know for sure of course, but given the history of what has happened several times in the past when Breitbart suddenly goes silent after a big story breaks like this, I would think that the likes of me would be more impatient to hear what’s just around the bend than you would. Heh heh heh. Can’t wait to see.

    no one you know (196ed7)

  72. Some have been accusing Andrew of being in it for the money and fame. They accuse him of being reckless and dangerous. I could not disagree more. I think Andrew is a fearless patriot who knows that this country cannot truly thrive until everyone views race through the King model: “not the color of their skin but the content of their character”. He despises the professional race baiters, their organizations, and their enablers who are keeping all of us, black and white, from reaching King’s promised land. Breitbart knows these people must be exposed and stopped.
    Comment by elissa — 7/26/2010 @ 6:40 am

    This is completely the impression I’m getting too, elissa, and thanks for saying it better than I could. Look (for one) at the thorough and clearly heartfelt disgust with which he talked to, and about, the press people who fanned racial issues around the ACORN tapes.

    I think he sees himself as a man on a mission, and though like anyone he does care somewhat what people think of him personally, it (no pun intended) pales utterly next to what needs to be done with the political discourse in this country. You know what? I do think that he, along with others, may succeed in at least bringing us much further than would be expected given the race baiters, in that discourse.

    no one you know (196ed7)

  73. NOYK, just remember why Mr. Hooten posts here. It’s sure not for discussion or understanding or illumination.

    He’s just a troll.

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  74. Breitbart waiting in
    river like nile crocodile
    wait for wildebeest

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  75. Elissa @67

    Well said. This is something that the left is just sneering that a conservative cannot possibly care about, even though it is so plain that we’re almost the only ones who do care about it.

    I’m tired of people caring that Obama is black. Was tired of that in 2004. I’m tired of being told that the Tea Party is racist… just because it is. I’m tired of being told that yet another paranoid and angry black racist should be forgiven because of what ‘whites’ did to ‘blacks’, as if that’s just street realism and not more racism.

    And that’s what Breitbart is motivated by. He messed up in some clear ways, but it’s forgivable. Some are pretending it’s something much more sinister. Even people like Happyfeet who watched the full video and then condemned Sherrod for it.

    Face it: it’s completely reasonable to call Sherrod a racist, and has been for decades.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  76. NOYK, just remember why Mr. Hooten posts here. It’s sure not for discussion or understanding or illumination.

    He’s just a troll.

    Comment by Eric Blair — 7/26/2010 @ 7:16 am

    Am sure that’s true, Eric. Still, he reminded me that now I have the pleasure of anticipating what the relentless Mr. Breitbart has up his sleeve. Because, as experience has shown, he generally does have something. So thank you, Mr. Hooten, for that. 🙂

    no one you know (196ed7)

  77. It’s unfair to refer to the excerpts Breitbart posted as either “edited” or “heavily edited” they were not edited at all. Breitbart posted both of the entire unedited excerpts in his possession, which included mention of Sherrod’s redemptive self-realization, both on the video clip and in his accompanying article.

    He never had the full tape, the Georgia NAACP had it, and still the national NAACP denounced Sherrod. Nor did the NAACP warn the White House what was on the tape, if they even bothered to view it.

    Breitbart can be legitimately criticized for going forward with his excerpts and his article without having the full tape in his possession. But, the often repeated assertion that he posted “edited” excerpts is not true.

    ropelight (bc442a)

  78. ropelight, and yet people like Hooten and happyfeet here continue to misrepresent what Breitbart said about the video and Sherrod.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  79. Btw, the sainted Charles Sherrod has been on the record as saying: “We must stop the white man and his Uncle Toms from stealing our elections.”

    Btw, contrary to what the Chrissy Hooter-girl said, Charles is alive and thus not murdered by racists, or indeed anyone. Since he seems to assume that brietbart lied, rather than just getting it wrong, i assume it is fair to call him a liar, too?

    Aaron Worthing (A.W.) (f97997)

  80. no Dustin I thought she was an evil cooze for calling everybody and their dog a racist… I don’t remember saying she herself was a racist… cause that’s not what happened.

    hoochie worked at an organization dedicated to helping black farmers… so someone sent arrogant whitey to her door for help… so she helped him a little but she wasn’t really in the help whitey business at the time. Then she had an epiphany. And she helped whitey save his farm and then he grewed the tasty vegetables like the tomatoes and his wife took her a basket of tomatoes which they may have sliced right there and enjoyed on on sourdough bread with salt and pepper. And everyone was very happy.

    The end.

    So then Breitbart tries to pretend that the audience is racist. That’s silly. The audience reaction was very strong both before and after she told her little story and she affirmed that the right path was helping poor people not helping people cause of their race.

    He’s a deeply dishonest person what isn’t doing his heretofore unconcerned with race Tea Party friends any favors.

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  81. colonel

    i am just impressed that you correctly counted the syllables in that last one.

    Aaron Worthing (A.W.) (f97997)

  82. The deeply dishonest person here is you happyfeat, and you’ve proved it.

    ropelight (bc442a)

  83. Crissyhooten is an imbecile. Moving sucks.

    JD (048775)

  84. You know it’s a shame because I had really come to admire his struggles back in the day

    ian cormac (16bb53)

  85. We now have more evidence of why Ms Sherrod has disappeared from the media. At least, I assume we now know if she shares her husband’s convictions. Where does Obama find these people ? He is surrounded by them. Maybe he was listening all those years in Wright’s church.

    Mike K (0ef8c3)

  86. Crappyfeet

    > I don’t remember saying she herself was a racist…

    No, she didn’t say she was a racist, she just was one.

    > hoochie worked at an organization dedicated to helping black farmers… so someone sent arrogant whitey to her door for help… so she helped him a little but she wasn’t really in the help whitey business at the time

    She was working for a 503(c) at the time. That meant she COULDn’t engage in racial discrimination, or else they would lose their tax-exempt status. That is why she helped him initially only a little, at first—just enough to avoid a serious danger to her 503(c) status, but not as much as she could. At first, of course.

    > So then Breitbart tries to pretend that the audience is racist. That’s silly. The audience reaction was very strong both before and after she told her little story and she affirmed that the right path was helping poor people not helping people cause of their race.

    Mmm, except that even Ben Jealous said he was “disturbed” by the audience’s reaction, that is before he claimed to have been snookered about the contents of a speech he himself witnessed first hand.

    Its funny how Brietbart’s attackers never address that. Ben Jealous was there and initially denounced the whole thing, but that has no impact on your analysis at all.

    Aaron Worthing (A.W.) (f97997)

  87. That link seems to be corrupted. this one.

    Mike K (0ef8c3)

  88. ian

    Well, the sad reality is that racism turned alot of black people racist. Which is not justified, but maybe it humanizes it a little. I don’t hate him and his wife for being bigots, but they are and that is unacceptable for a government employee.

    Aaron Worthing (A.W.) (f97997)

  89. Wow, was it Chris Hooten who told us that that Shirley’s husband had a statue built of him, as an argument for why these people were civil rights leaders?

    Yeah, Charles Sherrod was a nutcase too.

    Even though they made statues of yet another democrat, it’s almost as though that doesn’t actually meaningfully protect them from reality.

    You had a strongly negative reaction to the full video. You had to notice all the race baiting. I think you know that it’s very reasonable to call Sherrod a racist. The fact that you have changed your mind a couple of times leads me to think you can also accept that other people can make errors without being liars.

    By the way, part of my view of Sherrod is that she is playing the race card, which is just another form of racism. When you use race for an argument, even if you are being completely cynical, it’s reasonable to face scrutiny as a racist.

    You said that Sherrod was a disgusting human being. Let’s just admit the obvious here: Breitbart came to that same conclusion too quickly, but reasonably, and nothing has really proven him wrong. But his lack of verification can’t continue as a practice.

    I think you used the word ‘tribalism’ to describe Sherrod’s philosophy. I can’t read her mind, but that’s a very good description of how she’s thinking, both in terms of race and class. I think it’s just unfair to assert that those who call that racism are liars when they are being very reasonable.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  90. LOL, Mike, ian and I all read the same blogs.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  91. happyfrum hooten
    Colonel retching gasping for
    second cup o’joe

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  92. I know people are people, like Lewis, Bond, was Marion Barry part of that crew, but it’s nonetheless

    ian cormac (16bb53)

  93. Ben Jealous is drool on himself stupid same as Michael Steele drool on himself stupid.

    Not much to be done for it in either case.

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  94. Crappyfeet

    > I don’t remember saying she herself was a racist…

    No, she didn’t say she was a racist, she just was one.

    Happyfeet was correcting an assertion I made about his views. I take him at his word. I think he’s a good faith arguer, even though I often think he’s unfair.

    Even if he didn’t use the term ‘racist’, he was pretty hard on her and I think he called her tribalist and disgusting. It’s unfair to say that Breitbart is a liar when he had a lot less to work with but came to a similar conclusion.

    It’s actually kinda insane. She’s explicitly treating people differently based on their race and we’re debating if she’s been racist? Why? You don’t get to behave that way and keep any reputation, in my book.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  95. Really, Mr. Feet.

    “…I thought she was an evil cooze….”

    Sure seems like you have some issues with women, as I see more and more of your posts. This kind of thing isn’t as cute as you think it is.

    Your business.

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  96. she is disgusting calling me a racist just cause I don’t like the dirty socialist health cares… it’ll be a cold day in hell before I bring that lady a basket of tasty tomatoes.

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  97. “hoochie worked at an organization dedicated to helping black farmers”

    feets – racist hoochie thought that was the organization’s mission because it helped rural farmers and she only saw people in terms of their skin color. She thought she would get in trouble if she didn’t help the arrogant crakkka. All ended well, though, because she sent him back to one of his kind.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  98. she is disgusting calling me a racist just cause I don’t like the dirty socialist health cares

    My tomato garden has been an abysmal failure. I guess my soil is no good for it, yet everything else grew fine.

    I think the race card playing there is part of the reason she deserves the be criticized for her racism. I think part of the structure of that argument is

    a) Obama is black
    b) the Tea Party is white
    c) the Tea Party doesn’t like Obama because white people don’t like black people

    See why I read racism in race baiting? Even though premise b) is not very accurate, it’s there in her mind. She wouldn’t say this about a group of people she didn’t think were white.

    That alone (and for goodness sake, that’s not alone) shows recent racism by Sherrod. We’re talking about a prominent leader, too.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  99. treating people

    Dustin we have a singular case to work with and she ended up doing right by the man.

    She did not behave in a way how racists behave. She didn’t behave like those white people what let her daddy’s death go unpunished. She stepped up and saved the man’s farm.

    She just didn’t do it with a sufficiently ass-kissing attitude towards whitey for some people. But I don’t think Shirley is the sort of person what has sufficiently ass-kissing attitude towards anybody.

    She even told Obama how the cow ate the cabbage. That’s the statement what’s keeping her out of the media. She said Obama was an inauthentic negro.

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  100. colonel

    i am just impressed that you correctly counted the syllables in that last one.

    Comment by Aaron Worthing (A.W.) — 7/26/2010 @ 7:31 am

    sometimes close is good
    enough when doing God’s work
    Most worthy Aaron

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  101. racist hoochie thought that was the organization’s mission because it helped rural farmers and she only saw people in terms of their skin color.

    no Mr. daleyrocks I think that is a misperception… here is where she worked…

    Fighting To Save Black-Owned Land Since 1967 With Cooperatives

    here is from her bio…

    Sherrod had worked with Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund since 1985 as the organization’s Director of the Georgia State Office.*

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  102. happy frum’s chickens
    coming home to roost but no
    room left at the inn

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  103. I have to go to work!

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  104. “…She did not behave in a way how racists behave…”

    Um. I think that Mr. Feet’s brain is firing, well, differently.

    I think there is another agenda at play. Mr. Feet sure writes like a sexist, but probably thinks he is not. Hence this intellectual limbo about Ms. Sherrod and the charming Mr. Sherrod (who I think Mr. Feet should read about).

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  105. Dustin we have a singular case to work with and she ended up doing right by the man.

    She did not behave in a way how racists behave

    Part of our different, perhaps, is that I’m not seeing the farmer case as the center of the argument. Breitbart messed up and I’m over it and now am looking at the rest of the stuff. Ending up doing right by the white farmer, in my opinion, isn’t what Sherrod did at all. We are so light on details about that case and I think that’s just theater. She let him suffer for months before helping him. Did she do so out of the goodness of her heart? She says so, yet I kinda suspect that’s incorrect. She mentioned scrutiny from the USDA that referred the case to her… that kind of calculation was on her mind.

    Doesn’t matter. A lot of racists do ‘something’ for the ‘inferior’ race and then take great credit for saving this undeserving ‘superior acting’ subject.

    You say that’s not how racists work, but maybe that’s just the Hollywood racist who rapes and murders and burns down houses and always has the hate cranked up to 11. Sherrod had the hate cranked up to 6 or 7.

    Anyway, I think it’s not so singular a case. I’m glad, as you are, that she’s moved from racial politics to class warfare politics and extreme race baiting. That’s turning the hate down to 4 or 5, but that hate is obviously still there. She cares what race the Tea Party is comprised of and the President has. I’ve used this ‘does she care what race’ analysis of everything I’ve seen her said (I do that whenever this kind of topic comes up), and I think she’s very much got a problem.

    Anyway, we’re told to accept that she saved this farm, that it’s these Spooners. It stinks of theater to me. She said they were dear close friends who exchange food, and she didn’t even know if they were alive or dead. If we make the entire story of Sherrod whether or not she mitigated her damage to Spooner (insisting he’s the farmer without proving it), then yeah, she looks a lot better than if we just analyze Sherrod’s comments. That’s the point.

    It’s probably the case that typical government (or grant worker) racists actually operate much like Sherrod did: sending you to an incompetent for months instead of helping you like they should. I think she behaved and continues to behave very much like the racist she simply is.

    This farmer, this white farmer, was going to lose his farm because the USDA didn’t help him, but rather its grantee, paid to allocate help, sent him to a white lawyer (he had to pay for himself). That’s very similar in logic to the Pigford case, where people weren’t given help because of their race. The Pigford farmers (and then some), eventually got money, and yet it’s still racism because of the initial bias against blacks.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  106. She let him suffer for months before helping him.

    She didn’t realize that the white lawyer what she referred him to wasn’t helping him. When she found out she stepped up.

    But even if everything in #106 you say were true that doesn’t justify Breitbart’s lies what propelled her to a national stage to be reviled by proper-thinking white people everywhere.

    If Breitbart had been honest we wouldn’t know this woman’s name today. Cause there was no story there.

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  107. She didn’t realize that the white lawyer what she referred him to wasn’t helping him

    You’re carrying water.

    She didn’t CARE. That’s the whole point of why didn’t do the full force of what she could do. She was struggling with the fact that blacks lost their farms. She didn’t want to help a superior acting white if a black person lost their farm.

    ‘If Breitbart had been honest we wouldn’t know this woman’s name today’.

    Actually the Sherrod couple have been poisoning thousands of impressionably minds with paranoia that ‘the white man’, to use Mr Sherrod’s expression, is going to get them somehow. This is a huge problem and they certainly haven’t been hiding behind that podium.

    Breitbart took on a sophisticated player with a very sad personal history (both her father’s death and her failure to learn from it). You’d criticized Bristol Palin for talking to high schools, if I recall (I apologize if I am mistaken). We’re talking about someone who is a senior government official.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  108. Wrong again dirtyfeet, the audience of NAACP members were clearly approving of and applauding Sherrod’s public expressions of her racist behavior toward a farmer who’s crime was being white.

    ropelight (bc442a)

  109. The most charitable case for this was ‘benign neglect’ what she did to the Spooners, in the end she came around, kind of like one of those after school specials they used to run back in the day

    ian cormac (16bb53)

  110. they were clearly approving of the notion that we help poor people irrespective of their color…

    but whatever the reaction of the audience it doesn’t justify Breitbart’s lies about Shirley and how he plucked her out of obscurity to make her an infamous loathsome racist contemptible person.

    He should say Shirley I am very sorry here is a white chocolate lemon cake so rich you eat it with a spoon.

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  111. Feet not numbah one
    he not even numbah ten
    he numbah fifty!

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  112. happyfeet, referring him to a lawyer he had to pay for, that she thought would be terrible, and then realizing many months later that it was terrible, is actually a pretty damaging thing to do to someone. If someone did that to your sister or your son, you would probably throw your tomatoes at them.

    Especially since she was required by law not to racially discriminate against USDA referrals (this alone legally requires her termination according to USDA regulations, in my opinion… one Zero Tolerance policy that makes a lot of sense, as she was acting for and paid by the taxpayers).

    They cut a bit of the video out that was some hilarious joke, just in the middle of her describing this lawyer and then continuing that the lawyer failed to do his job.

    She was supposed to provide service to this farmer. That’s what she’s paid to do, and she indeed was paid because she then talks about covering her ass if someone checks to see what she did. But all she did was say ‘You are going to have to leave my office and pay some white lawyer for your white people problems, whitey’. And later say ‘white lawyer, you need to file chapter 11’ (of course, the Spooners say they never did file any bankruptcy, so this isn’t what saved their farm, all the crying theater claims of Sherrod the savior aside).

    As someone who got rich suing the USDA for this kind of thing, she probably had a knack for realizing that if a white farmer she didn’t help as much as she helps black farmers is continuing to come to her attention (probably because this lawyer she hates wasn’t nearly as stupid as she’s pretending he was), then she needs to do something (and all she did was tell a story that the lawyer needed to file chapter 11… that is all she claims to have done). If that’s what happened, the Spooners paid the lawyer for a service instead of getting the help you and I paid our taxes into Sherrod’s wallet to do.

    And this is the case in favor of Sherrod. We are told to look at this instead of looking at the rest of Sherrod’s commentary, because this is actually a lot better for her. Or at least it justifies the case that Breitbart should have done a lot more homework (it does).

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  113. You really are beyond fail, you’re not far off from the Journolist, try as you try to deny it

    ian cormac (16bb53)

  114. If you look at her words and actions after this all came out, she is a particularly vile person.

    JD (a6e035)

  115. happyfeet, she wasn’t obscure. You may not have heard of her, but she’s giving speeches to the NAACP’s senior leadership, receiving awards, and very near the top of a billion dollar agency.

    As I said, she and her husband are doing all they can to cement the racial divide. They do not want us to get over race. Thousands of young folks are brainwashed into thinking the Tea Party, Republicans, etc. are evil racists. So they become racists to counter this. And it’s so corrosive.

    “they were clearly approving of the notion that we help poor people irrespective of their color…”

    The audience? I agree, they approved this notion. they cheered at that ‘it’s about have nots’. They also cheered other aspects that were racism. Sherrod said ‘It’s not about black versus white’, of course. But let’s not cut that out of context. Just after, she said ‘NO, it’s about black vs. white’.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  116. it wasn’t her first choice to divert resources from her organization’s mission to help to help this white guy… she later decided that was preferable to seeing him lose his farm…

    She was under no obligation to help him at all. If it wasn’t for Shirley this guy would have lost his farm. Nobody has contested that.

    That’s not a good reason for lynching her in the court of public opinion I don’t think, and Mr. Breitbart should be ashamed of his lying race-baiting behavior.

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  117. just *to help*

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  118. when the English are the cowboys I fear for the future of the globe

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  119. happyfeet, perhaps you would like to quote exactly where Breitbart said what you claim he said about Sherrod herself?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  120. She was under no obligation to help him at all.

    USDA Departmental Regulation 4330-2, Activities Receiving USDA Financial Assistance [that’s Sherrod, grantee], ensures compliance with and enforcement of the prohibition against discrimination in programs and activities funded in whole or in part by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

    She took grant money to dole out aid when the USDA referred folks to her. She admits she didn’t help specifically because he wasn’t black enough. Case closed.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  121. oh, and there’s this other obligation, known as morality.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  122. I could not give a gosh darn about her prior to this, and once this blows over, I still won’t. I think the takeaway is that she thinks we are racists.

    JD (a6e035)

  123. Um.

    “…That’s not a good reason for lynching her in the court of public opinion I don’t think, and Mr. Breitbart should be ashamed of his lying race-baiting behavior….”

    Mr. Feet, Ms. Sherrod (and her charming “Uncle Tom”ing husband) don’t exactly help your position. I think you have your ego tied up in this for some reason. Ms. Sherrod’s actions following this debacle speak volumes.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  124. Nobody, but nobody, got lynched.

    JD (a6e035)

  125. You notices how he calls one ethical public servant
    a ‘hoochie’ just because she didn’t thinks she should go bankrupt to deal with useless ethics complaints, yet makes all sorts of excuses for the other

    ian cormac (16bb53)

  126. If it wasn’t for Shirley this guy would have lost his farm. Nobody has contested that.

    WAIT, I contest this. she said she saved them by insisting the lawyer file bankruptcy. that’s all she did for them.

    The Spooners claim they never filed for bankruptcy. Whether you admit it’s contested or not, how in the hell did she save their farm? I think that’s just theater.

    When Sherrod told a lie (probably at the speech), she then had to tell another (that it was the Spooners) and another (that she is good friends of the widow) and another (that she had heard he was dead) and another and another.

    It’s not a sign of my powerful intellect that I’ve identified that her lies don’t all form a coherent picture. The Spooners never filed bankruptcy, and Sherrod’s attack on the lawyer’s competence doesn’t seem to be what saved anything.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  127. yes she is quite convinced we are racists I think

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  128. Oh, and when will you criticize Ms. Sherrod for calling Fox News and Breitbart racists? Because that is a lie, too.

    It seems to me that not all lies are created equal.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  129. yes she is quite convinced we are racists I think

    Comment by happyfeet — 7/26/2010 @ 9:00 am

    I agree she thinks you’re a racist. And with no evidence other than that you’re white. Because she wouldn’t make that accusation with the facts she has if you were black.

    Doesn’t that make her a racist?

    no one you know (196ed7)

  130. “Robert Bork’s America is a land in which …blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters…” — Ted Kennedy, 6/23/87

    Breitbart was quoted by Anderson Cooper on CNN: “[Sherrod]has not gotten past black vs. white.” [she’d said on the tape: “It is about white and black, but [also about rich vs. poor].” Cooper asked her “do you think you’ve gotten past [it]?”

    Her reply, verbatim: Transcribed by me from CNN video here:

    “I know I’ve gotten past black vs white. He’s probably the person who’s never gotten past int and never attempted to get past it. So he can’t see because he’s never tried and and because he hasn’t, he can’t see what I’ve done to get past it. And he’s not interested in what I’ve done to get past it. I don’t think he’s interested in seeing anyone get past it. Cause I think he’d like to get us stuck back in the times of slavery. That’s where I think he’d like to see all black people end up again.”
    –Shirley Sherrod, 7/23/10

    no one you know (196ed7)

  131. noyk, very well argued.

    I guess part of what’s boring a lot of people about this story is that we all know Sherrod’s beneath contempt. She’s an easy target.

    I don’t get the feeling that anyone defending her really believes she isn’t a bigot. They can say Breitbart’s case is only accidentally correct, and he should be more careful. And thank goodness he didn’t do this to a good person.

    It’s tough to shill for someone who has done something wrong. That’s probably why happyfeet is not picking up Breitbart’s cause. So I feel sympathy for the democrat shills out there who have to pick up the case for Sherrod. Being a democrat must be hell for the psyche.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  132. Comment by Dustin — 7/26/2010 @ 9:43 am

    Thank you, Dustin, but I’d go even further than you. I think (as you’ve said yourself on other threads) that if she were truly sorry she’d done that , she wouldn’t seem so very pleased with herself putting down his “superior attitude” and making sure, repeatedly, that everyone knew how superior this guy thought he was being, clearly implying he deserved to be taken down a peg or two and here was a person with the power to do it (said with a smirk).

    People who are sorry say things like, “yeah, he was acting a bit snobby, but I was the one with the power and I should have been more understanding; maybe he was embarrassed at asking for charity.”

    People making confessions of wrongdoing who regret what they’ve done just don’t describe it using phrasing like she did, with a smirk on their face no less. They just don’t. The fact that her much-vaunted context was that the story was a tale of how she came to, let’s be honest, “get past” ONLY black and white (she did make sure to say “it is about white and black, but) is mitigating, but doesn’t change the fact that she has NOT gotten past black and white.

    And her subsequent comments in interviews only prove that, magnified many times.

    no one you know (196ed7)

  133. Interviewing her on TV would be devastating. The comments about her husband being an officer of SNCC ignores the fact that they were, by far, the most radical of the civil rights organizations.

    In many Deep South communities, where SNCC had once attracted considerable black support, the group’s influence waned. Nevertheless, after the Selma to Montgomery March, Stokely Carmichael and other SNCC organizers entered the rural area between Selma and Montgomery and helped black residents launch the all-black Lowndes County Freedom Organization, later known as the Black Panther Party. Meanwhile, several SNCC workers established incipient organizing efforts in volatile urban black ghettos.

    In May 1966 a new stage in SNCC’s history began with Carmichael’s election as chairman. Because Carmichael identified himself with the trend away from nonviolence and interracial cooperation, his election compromised SNCC’s relationships with more moderate civil rights groups and many of its white supporters. During the month following his election, Carmichael publicly expressed SNCC’s new political orientation when he began calling for ‘‘Black Power’’ during a voting rights march through Mississippi. The national exposure of Carmichael’s Black Power speeches brought increased notoriety to SNCC, but the group remained internally divided over its future direction. King responded directly to Carmichael’s and SNCC’s appeal for Black Power in his 1967 book, Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community? King argued, ‘‘effective political power for Negroes cannot come through separatism’’ (King, 48). Opposing exclusive support of black electoral candidates, King continued: ‘‘SNCC staff members are eminently correct when they point out that in Lowndes County, Alabama, there are no white liberals or moderates and no possibility for cooperation between the races at the present time.

    The Sherrods are living fossils of the black power movemewnt of the 60s that sent H Rap Brown to Africa.

    Mike K (0ef8c3)

  134. Well not exactly, Mike, they left the organization right around that time

    ian cormac (16bb53)

  135. Well let’s see who is going to be wearing this around their neck for a while, Sherrod, or Breitbart. I think we know who is going to have more baggage from this incident.

    Chris Hooten (73ffca)

  136. Dustin @99:

    > See why I read racism in race baiting? Even though premise b) is not very accurate, it’s there in her mind. She wouldn’t say this about a group of people she didn’t think were white.

    Right, right, that is a great point. Its like the argument for why it is racial discrimination when the laws based interracial marriage. Like imagine I, a white dude, come into a justice of the peace. I say, “I would like to marry my fiancé, Mary Sanchez.” Note that is not the real name of my wife. But her name, like many Filipinos, is something that could pass for Spaniard, and thus could potentially be white. So the Justice of the Peace says, “well, let me see the bride.” Now if Mary comes in and she is a blue-eyed blond immigrated straight from Barcelona, then he marries us, but if she is like my actual white, a Filina, who looks mainly Japanese, he doesn’t. The discrimination is based on the color of the second person.

    What these kinds of people are saying is that white people are not allowed to oppose Obama’s politics, or at least they have to achieve a certain racial diversity before they object. And if the group objecting is not diverse enough in their eyes (Olbermann has claimed falsely that all Tea Partiers are white), then they must be racist.


    > Dustin we have a singular case to work with and she ended up doing right by the man.

    And that is a big fat mitigation on it. But that doesn’t change the fact she is a bigot.

    > She just didn’t do it with a sufficiently ass-kissing attitude towards whitey for some people

    Sorry, but that is not the issue. And I would add that we don’t know he was being all “uppity” out of a racial thing. the fact is he was reaching out for help, which is humiliating in and of itself, regardless of any racial issues, and could have prompted the “uppityness” she ascribed to him.

    Aaron Worthing (A.W.) (f97997)

  137. Well let’s see who is going to be wearing this around their neck for a while, Sherrod, or Breitbart. I think we know who is going to have more baggage from this incident.

    Comment by Chris Hooten — 7/26/2010 @ 10:50 am

    I think you’re right, Mr. Hooten — it’ll be Mr. Breitbart.

    I also think we know which of the two it is who made generalized racially incendiary statements, which of the two had less evidence for making them, and why it is that said racially incendiary statements are not continuing to be reported on, which reporting WOULD cause inestimably more baggage to be carried by the person who made them.

    (Hint: the answer to that last question, in case a different one occurs to you first, is that one shares liberal politics with most of the members of the media, and one does not. Simple as that.)

    no one you know (196ed7)

  138. Hah. It’s a big conspiracy, huh? It’s funny how you all are still going after Sherrod. Good luck with that. I’m sure people are really going to care after all of this. “But, but, but she really is a racist…” Except that no one that actually knows her thinks that. Now as far as Breitbart being a disingenuous misleading douchebag… I think we (meaning everyone in the whole world) have incontrovertible evidence now. They are going to have to pull Breitbart back, and have O’Keefe be the BS pusher, until he gets caught (again) peddling misleading crap. Have fun watching Bretbart at the GOP meeting on August 12th. That stunningly looks like stepping on a rake. That, plus the opposition to the unemployment extension, plus basically being against everything, and not having any good alternative ideas really looks fantastic to all of America. I’m sure it will bode well in the election. Plus the wonderful timing of the BP well exploding right after months of idiots chanting “drill, baby, drill.” Or the fact that Michael Steele is hiding the 7 million dollars that the RNC is in debt. Or maybe that one of the founders of the tea party express was just thrown out for putting out emails that sure sounded racist (“we don’t have any racists, oops we do…” And now on TV today they claimed that the GOP strategy was to be anti-Democrat, without being TOO SPECIFIC. LOL Their strategy is vague anti-democratic rhetoric devoid of “facts”. Good effing luck. It seemed like that’s the been the strategy all along. You need to be more concerned with the idiots in the GOP than the idiot Dems, because the GOP’rs are going to lose everything for you through sheer stupidity.

    Chris Hooten (b6b24f)

  139. ^^^ lol

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  140. Say, does this whole mess prove to the hard core liberals that Obama is a terribly inexperienced and knee jerk leader? An idiot who plays short term politics instead of taking a hit in order to handle his responsibilities?

    Imagine if Bush had reacted to muckracking like this.

    Fact is, if you’re going to gloat about political price of the Sherrod bigotry, you have to admit that Obama is the only one really paying a price. The left didn’t trust Breitbart anyway. there’s a reason he uses video and will continue to. Chris had failed, for months, having all audio of the ACORN stings, to show any fabrication of any claims. That folks like him deny anything Breitbart says is completely unaffected by this scandal.

    Sherrod obviously an embarrassment to the hard left.

    It’s just pure math: the democrats need to get some of the Tea Partiers back voting democrat. They are struggling to keep Senate seats in California and Mass. They are losing to “any republican” and any specific Republican, including demonized old Palin.

    Sherrod is cementing this idea in the mind of the Tea Party that the left is in denial. That they only have hatred. Call a Tea Partier a racist and you’ve cost the democrats a vote for a generation.

    Chris says the GOP has no facts. As if unemployment isn’t a fact, or the deficit isn’t a fact, or every single Obama promise of importance, aside from Afghanistan, has been broken. One way to refute facts is to pretend they do not exist.

    Here’s a fact to deny: Obama has fanned the flames of hatred with his race baiting crap. Sherrod is his senior employee and he praises her today. He probably can’t figure out how to avoid this: but he now owns these ‘Fox News is racist’ and ‘Health Care Reform opponents are all racist’ claims.

    When you’re celebrating or freaking out in Nov. 2010, remember that’s the only consequence that really matters.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  141. ^^^ lol

    Comment by Dustin — 7/26/2010 @ 11:35 am

    Really. Heh.

    But just cause I’m feeling merciful and Mr. Hooten won’t understand otherwise: Whether people care or not doesn’t change the fact that she is a racist. Plus I’m not so sure “no one cares.”

    Except that no one that actually knows her thinks that.

    My, that’s quite an assertion. How do you know this exactly?

    Now as far as Breitbart being a disingenuous misleading douchebag…

    Call him all the names you like; he expects it and so do we. Challenge the racebaiters and you can expect to be called all kinds of names, these the least of them. Fortunately for long term race relations in this country (IMO), he certainly appears willing to take all the namecalling to further what IMO he sees as the cause of everyone “moving past black and white.”

    Someone whose name escapes me said on another recent thread that these days we’re going through were very possibly the death throes of all the extreme-liberal racebaiters’ tossing of the race card, so what we’re seeing now we can expect not to be pretty. This makes a lot of sense to me.

    no one you know (196ed7)

  142. noyk, that’s a good point. Breitbart knew going into attacking a vicious race baiter that he would be treated to vicious race baiting.

    Kinda obvious.

    Oh, and he was largely right about Sherrod. This is a long term battle against the endless populist racism of the democrat party. No doubt, whichever race will be in flux (kinda is today). The core idea, that all people were created equals and they should be judged as individuals, and not live for their tribe or race, is a fight worth being bashed over.

    No doubt, the left rolls their eyes that this is even the goal their enemies have. That’s kinda sick, too.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  143. well plus he lied like a dog

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  144. well plus he lied like a dog

    Comment by happyfeet — 7/26/2010 @ 11:54 am

    OK, I guess I’m slow. What did he lie about (IOW what did he know that was true and said the opposite)?

    no one you know (196ed7)

  145. He keeps making that claim, but doesn’t want to justify it.

    I don’t see how Happyfeet isn’t being a lot less fair than Breitbart was. At least Breitbart had some good evidence that Sherrod was racially discriminating, since, of course, she was.

    Happyfeet is making an accusation of bad faith and wicked deception based on a mistake. A mistake that can be criticized without sinking to insisting he ‘lied’.

    Are you opposed to making accusations without enough evidence, or what?

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  146. Two things.

    First, notice the anger in Mr. Hooten’s little tantrum post. Gosh, I wonder what he is worried about? I mean, if there is going to be a huge Democratic landslide in November, he should start betting, and most of all be quiet to gloat later. Because if he makes a big thing now, and is proven wrong (again), then he will need to sneak off and get another sock puppet.

    As for Mr. Feet, it’s interesting how he is starting to agree with Mr. Hooten. At least Mr. Breitbart isn’t a woman, so we aren’t treated to his usual insults toward people with whom he doesn’t agree.

    But we have seen Mr. Feet do this before. I have no explanation. I will say that he doesn’t care for it when other people do it, which is also interesting.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  147. Fisking the Comment by HootieBlewFish — 7/26/2010 @ 11:31 am

    139. Hah.
    — Meh.
    It’s a big conspiracy, huh?
    — Has the concurrent Journolist story not shown you that some of these MSM “jouralists” are coordinating the message for political ends?
    It’s funny how you all are still going after Sherrod.
    — Troll dictionary: “going after” = “telling the truth about”
    Good luck with that.
    — Good luck with that fleshlight.
    I’m sure people are really going to care after all of this. “But, but, but she really is a racist…” Except that no one that actually knows her thinks that.
    — Many, or most, apologists know their subject personally.
    Now as far as Breitbart being a disingenuous misleading douchebag… I think we (meaning everyone in the whole world) have incontrovertible evidence now.
    — That’s right. He mislead people into thinking
    that there are racist elements within the NAACP. Well, thank God that THAT turns out to be not true!
    They are going to have to pull Breitbart back, and have O’Keefe be the BS pusher, until he gets caught (again) peddling misleading crap.
    — Who are THEY, Chrissie? The Tea Party? I can’t keep track; is Breitbart their leader today? or just a member? Ooh, maybe it’s the Illuminati! Led by George H.W. Bush, Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Roger Ailes, Glenn Beck, and Mr. Burns.
    Have fun watching Bretbart at the GOP meeting on August 12th.
    — Have fun watching that PETA video again; the one where the girl strips to get your attention while voicing her concern for animal welfare. If you look closely enough, you can see the tunnel through which they yanked out the baby, so that she wouldn’t be “punished” with it.
    That stunningly looks like stepping on a rake.
    — You just described your last 500 posts, Sideshow Bob.
    That, plus the opposition to the unemployment extension, plus basically being against everything, and not having any good alternative ideas really looks fantastic to all of America.
    — Yeah, because you know that America is more concerned about getting paid not to work, as opposed to actually having jobs. And by “being against everything” you mean that “the opposition” is NOT afflicted by the Do Something! disease. Well, right you are.
    I’m sure it will bode well in the election.
    — For those that don’t want a nanny state.
    Plus the wonderful timing of the BP well exploding right after months of idiots chanting “drill, baby, drill.”
    — Oh right. Forgot that it was all Boosh’s fault.
    Or the fact that Michael Steele is hiding the 7 million dollars that the RNC is in debt.
    — He isn’t doing a very good job of “hiding” it if YOU found out!
    Or maybe that one of the founders of the tea party express was just thrown out for putting out emails that sure sounded racist (”we don’t have any racists, oops we do…”
    — When has the Tea Party EVER (EVER, you lying little sac!) claimed that there are no racists whatsoever within their ranks?
    And now on TV today they claimed that the GOP strategy was to be anti-Democrat, without being TOO SPECIFIC. LOL Their strategy is vague anti-democratic rhetoric devoid of “facts”.
    — That’s called battling the enemy at their own level.
    Good effing luck. It seemed like that’s the been the strategy all along. You need to be more concerned with the idiots in the GOP than the idiot Dems, because the GOP’rs are going to lose everything for you through sheer stupidity.
    — Wheras the Democrats won last time by playing to the stupidity of far too many voters. Something to really be proud of.

    Icy Texan (1fc458)

  148. You know I’m torn because once upon a time, both of them, were truly courageous, in speaking truth to power, it’s a shame they became such shills

    ian cormac (16bb53)

  149. You need to be more concerned with the idiots in the GOP than the idiot Dems, because the GOP’rs are going to lose everything for you through sheer stupidity.

    Comment by Chris Hooten — 7/26/2010

    Back when I was a kid like you, we used to say “Money talks; bullshit walks.”

    I’ve got a thousand bucks that I could spare. How about a small wager on the November election? You name the terms.

    GOP Majority ?

    GOP wins net 30 seats ?

    GOP losses ?

    How about it, kid ?

    You’re not related to Spencer Ackerman, are you ?

    There’s a sort of fake man tone to both of you.

    Mike K (0ef8c3)

  150. Hooten still fails to address the refutation of his claims that I gave two threads ago. That’s because Hooten knows that attacking what Breitbart actually said, instead of the misrepresentations that Hooten keeps making, is beyond his ability.

    So he trolls with misrepresentations.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  151. crissyhooten appearts to have puked out every silly leftist talking point from the last month all in one comment. Brava, idiot.

    SPQR – maybe you should refresh its non-existent memory.

    JD (6ca166)

  152. Fascinating !

    More and more, it’s looking like happyfeet and Chris Hooten are Shirley Sherrod’s identical twin lovechildren (with David Duke) so they absolutely positively cannot be racist, so it has to be Breitbart and the Tea party’s fault …

    {Spock’d eyebrow}

    Alasdair (e7cb73)

  153. JD, you notice that he can’t even correctly state what Breitbart said about Sherrod when he released the first video. That’s because Hooten isn’t bright enough to even troll competently. He sticks to the playground level of insult as his natural competence level.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  154. Vodkapundit on his “Hair of the Dog” video this week included Chris Wallace showing Howard Dean to be as stupid as Chris Hooten. Its hilarious to see Dean’s utter failure to recover.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  155. OT, maybe, but it does show another Chris who is having issues.

    Worth your time.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  156. Yes I insist that he lied cause of I don’t believe he’s so stupid as to have made that “mistake” in good faith. If you want me to believe it was a mistake you’ll have to marshal evidence that Andrew Breitbart is a drooling slackjawed idiot, and I think you will find that to be a surprisingly difficult thing to do.

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  157. Yet you don’t think Ms. Sherrod and her husband are not resentful racists filled with hatred of white people?

    And once again, Mr. Feet, look at your anger in your post.

    Think about who is on your side here. I would never have thought you would have common cause with Mr. Hooten and other trolls.

    And it’s funny. More than once, you have adjured others not to assume what others think. Yet here you are.

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  158. ABB,

    Craves… the limelight… thinks that everyone is going to either use him or comment on him from now on

    gasping or grasping at straws

    Discovering racism within the Democrat Party, the Cong Black Caucus, the NAACP or in various Federal Departments is about as earth shattering as those expose’ by Time that men are different than women – or anything post Acorn by Okeefe

    EricPWJohnson (3efc69)

  159. Mr. Sherrod doesn’t have anything to do with anything… and Mrs. Sherrod would be an obscure nobody if Andrew hadn’t plucked her from obscurity with his now-debunked video hoax

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  160. Eric B

    Anyone, including university professors and unregistered know it alls like me would have a hard time being spliced up in front of the world like she was by the self promoting screaming hypertensive show boat.

    Sure, she is NOT my cup of tea – and who knows – sherrod maybe as racist as a guy who calls up abortion clinics to fake giving donations and talking about killing black babies all in pursuit of the greater truth – she maybe is a racist turd

    but not in that video…

    EricPWJohnson (3efc69)

  161. 156

    dont discount the stupid thing entirely

    EricPWJohnson (3efc69)

  162. EricPWJohnson libelously writes: “…being spliced up in front of the world like she was by the self promoting screaming hypertensive show boat.

    Is there a reason you decided to make yet another false claim, EPWJ? Are there not enough examples scattered about this blog of you making a claim you can’t back up?

    Above you are stating that Breitbart himself heavily edited the video. Without a shred of evidence. The piece that Breitbart originally posted was not “spliced up”.

    I’d challenge you to back up your claim, but that’s never caused you to cough up any tangible evidence in the past.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  163. Hmmm…

    “…self promoting screaming hypertensive show boat…”

    Gosh, I wonder to whom EPWJ refers to?

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  164. “…his now-debunked video hoax…”

    Gosh, Mr. Feet. Seems to me that you know that Mr. Breitbart did all kinds of things you don’t know about at all. How do you know that? You are just so sure—while cautioning others not to make assumptions. Funny.

    What I do know is that the entire NAACP video tape shows any number of things that do not help Ms. Sherrod’s case.

    Did you listen to the whole thing? I hope so, given how much you are posting on this.

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  165. Eric Blair, my first guess was himself since the description best fits him … then I applied my usual rule regarding EPWJ’s incompetent pronouncements …

    SPQR (26be8b)

  166. As I wrote earlier, Mr. Feet, it seems you have common cause with EPWJ as well. Quite the collection.

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  167. Why do you simply repost the leftist narrative on this, happyfeet. There was no hoax. There was no lynching? Breitbart made a factual mistake, which he corrected.

    JD (c27b22)

  168. Shirley shouldn’t even have to have a case. She just gave a speech top her NAACP club. Then this putz decided to smear her as a racist using a video snippet. A video snippet what did not show what he purported it to show.

    It’s all very mean-spirited and classless and low-rent and sketchy and very very 2010 America I think.

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  169. *to* her NAACP club I mean

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  170. “…Then this putz decided to smear her as a racist using a video snippet. A video snippet what did not show what he purported it to show…”

    I actually think you haven’t watched the NAACP video, Mr. Feet. And the insulting stuff is tiresome. Why do you do that? It advances nothing, is decidedly not cute, and it is odd coming from someone who is very, very sensitive about nuance from others.

    At least some of the time.

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  171. And I am waiting for you to comment on Mr. Sherrod’s fascinating commentary. Here is the link:

    But not to worry. Media Matters says that this is edited and clearly part of a smear campaign.

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  172. media shown to
    be irresponsible and
    Prez incompetent

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  173. “Mrs. Sherrod would be an obscure nobody if Andrew hadn’t plucked her from obscurity with his now-debunked video hoax”

    Verily plucked from a collection of Brad Friedman’s greatest hits. Too bad this episode is not about Saint Shirley and Andrew Breitbart, but about racism in the finger-pointing NAACP and Democrat Party and their enablers in the media, but shift those goal posts all you want. Nothing has been debunked except the correction Breitbart made about Sherrod’s position when she sent the crakkka farmer back to one of her own kind during her journey to redemption, which he also pointed out. Thank goodness he wasn’t a rican or a beaner, ’cause there’s no telling what she might have done.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  174. happyfeet, the portion of the video that Breitbart initially posted did show her explaining of her reluctance to aid a white farmer,and it did show the audience expressing approval ( recall that the NAACP stated itself that the audience reaction was “disturbing” ).

    Breitbart posted it as an example of NAACP acceptance of racism.

    You keep trying to pretend that Breitbart said things about the video that he did not. And it is repeatedly pointed out to you that you keep making those assertions, and you keep ignoring it.

    Not very impressive.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  175. high unemployment
    joblessness no jobs no hope
    economy in tank

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  176. JD the factual “mistake” negated the entirety of his little experiment to see if he could paint a black hoochie as a racist… if the video was a story of hey I realized that helping poor people regardless of color is very important and that’s why I honor the work of the NAACP then Breity had nothing. So he cut the video just so and spliced text into the video suggesting the video meant something it did not. It was very dishonest and a really very vicious thing to do to Shirley I think.

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  177. happyfeet, you keep repeating the same false things.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  178. epic fail hooten
    you could not find your own ass
    with both hands and help

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  179. Now if any haiku begged for a seasonal reference …

    SPQR (26be8b)

  180. Mr. Feet, you say the following:

    “…So he cut the video just so and spliced text into the video suggesting the video meant something it did not. It was very dishonest and a really very vicious thing to do to Shirley I think….”

    Um. Do you have any evidence that Mr. Breitbart did that? Otherwise, you might be just a touch dishonest and vicious yourself.

    Honestly, you get upset with people and then you act very judgmentally toward those people. Yet you sure don’t like it when other people make assumption.

    It’s a mystery.

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  181. What’s really new about that SPQR, except this particular area of inquiry. Pikachu has been wrong more than right

    ian cormac (16bb53)

  182. And we are back to “hoochie” again. Sigh.

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  183. While EB uses Orwell’s name, HF uses Orwellian tactics. And this is far from the first time or first topic where HF has employed Orwellian tactics.

    John Hitchcock (9e8ad9)

  184. no point in trying
    to educate willfully
    ignorant stooges

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  185. Eric are you suggesting that Mr. Breitbart is not responsible for the video he released? I think he is 100% responsible and accountable for the video he released.

    Because he is.

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  186. epic fail hooten
    you could not find your own ass
    Summer Spring or Fall

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  187. “It’s funny how you all are still going after Sherrod.”

    What’s funny about that? She’s spent 40 years sucking on the government tit without ever doing a single productive thing, and now she’s being rewarded with a government job.

    She’s the whole reason the Tea Parties exist.

    That’s the idea. To keep government from stealing our money and giving it to professional parasites like her.

    Dave Surls (f0a5a5)

  188. epic fail hooten
    you may be able to find
    own ass in Winter

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  189. That’s more like it.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  190. but jury still out
    only happen if it freeze
    fall off and make noise

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  191. Mr. Feet:

    “…I think he is 100% responsible and accountable for the video he released….”

    I think you are 100% responsible for what you write. And you might think on that. You are representing things as truth you don’t know to be factual, because of personal animus.

    Do you want to be known for that kind of approach? Truly?

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  192. so what happyfrum
    Breitbart not fire woman or
    make go on The View

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  193. How come I only get to be a color when everyone else gets to be something more?African AmericanHispanic AmericanAsian AmericanNative AmericanME I get to be white.It is time for me toi take my guns and go home.

    highpockets (fe389c)

  194. but jury still out
    only happen if it freeze
    fall off and make noise

    Trying to get double duty out of “fall” ?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  195. “if the video was a story of hey I realized that helping poor people regardless of color is very important and that’s why I honor the work of the NAACP then Breity had nothing.”

    Feets – The NAACP, White House and USDA all condemned Squirrely Hoochie Racist Shirley without need for further investigation, which they could easily have done, especially the NAACP, since they had the video. Why is Breitbart the bad guy again?

    daleyrocks (940075)

  196. It’s interesting, daley, to learn who gets the benefit of the doubt, and who does not. But we have seen this before. It doesn’t follow any rules that I can see: it just when he dislikes someone personally, he goes for them pretty intensely.

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  197. Happyfeet he takes a stand,
    The facts can go and be damned.
    Happyfeet loves the vile
    Writing that is his style.
    Happyfeet Alinsky fanned.

    John Hitchcock (9e8ad9)

  198. I don’t know about any of that, John. I do know that Mr. Feet has found common cause with a number of people who, um, don’t play fair when it comes to partisanship. And check this out:

    Mr. Olbermann’s speech on Mr. Breitbart sounds a bit familiar, doesn’t it?

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  199. Eric Blair – What would Sarah Palin do here? I know what her dishonest douchenozzle opponents would do. The would defame her, make assertions with no evidence, and so forth, sort of like happyfeet is doing here.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  200. Funny you would bring up Ms. Palin, daley….

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  201. Breitbart guilty of
    frightening White House into
    acting foolishly… THAT IS ALL!

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  202. Eric – I could have gone for Kevin Jennings.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  203. SPQR

    Still waiting for you to EVER, if EVER post anything fact, you have the viterol thing down but its stale, time to ask some questions

    1. Who posted a video

    2. Who initially profited from posting the video

    3. Did he do ANY due diligence

    4. Has this happened to this guy before?

    5. Did Fox news slander him or were they just saying he was dead dead wrong?

    SPQR – facts any?

    didnt think so…

    EricPWJohnson (3efc69)

  204. JD the factual “mistake” negated the entirety of his little experiment to see if he could paint a black hoochie as a racist… if the video was a story of hey I realized that helping poor people regardless of color is very important and that’s why I honor the work of the NAACP then Breity had nothing. So he cut the video just so and spliced text into the video suggesting the video meant something it did not. It was very dishonest and a really very vicious thing to do to Shirley I think.

    Comment by happyfeet — 7/26/2010 @ 4:56 pm

    As several people have pointed out, he did no editing; he posted the complete video he had.

    He also made clear when releasing it that it was partial, and that it was all he had.

    The NAACP had the full video the whole time, didn’t even look at it and still condenmed her, and Vilsack still forced her to resign. And she said on several national news stations that she believed that it was at the desire of the White House that she was forced to resign. Did Breitbart ask for her resignation, say she should lose her job? He didn’t say a word about that. Why did they rush to judgment? Several different explanations were offered this week by Democrats on the talk shows, none of them upon reflection flattering to those who did rush to judgment.

    BTW, what’s with the “cooze” and “hoochie”? Hadn’t realized what they meant until Eric drew attention to them above. Then I looked them both up. Wow.

    Since you’re clearly concerned abour Ms. Sherrod getting treated with the respect she deserves, happyfeet, may I suggest you stop it with the attempted sexual degradation?

    no one you know (487c05)

  205. Breitbart guilty of
    frightening White House into
    acting foolishly… THAT IS ALL!

    Comment by ColonelHaiku — 7/26/2010 @ 5:33 pm


    Comment by Eric Blair — 7/26/2010 @ 5:28 pm

    Good link, Eric – thanks.

    no one you know (487c05)

  206. Remember, NOYK, many people think Mr. Feet’s schtick is cute. The stuff about Sarah Palin got old fast, and then he moved on to to Carly Fiorina, calling her a “cancer hoochie.”

    I understand his style of posting is supposed to be quirky and funny, but it has sure been angry of late.

    To be fair, he says extreme stuff about people on both sides of the ideological divide, but when his posts begin to resemble those of Keith Olbermann, well, to use his style: “…maybe it is time for some tasty trip tip and a cool beverage..”

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  207. where apology
    from happyfrum for insult
    my intelligence

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  208. Eric are you suggesting that Mr. Breitbart is not responsible for the video he released? I think he is 100% responsible and accountable for the video he released.

    Because he is.

    Comment by happyfeet

    I agree he is responsible and think he should get the first anti-Media Matters award when it is presented. I’ll even chip a few bucks.

    Mike K (0ef8c3)

  209. Comment by Eric Blair — 7/26/2010 @ 5:41 pm

    I like his general style quite a bit and have said so on this site several times. But his clever style stops being entertaining when he starts throwing around sexual slurs — and its inherent offensiveness rather triples when his target is someone he’s supposed to be otherwise defending. “Tasty irony” as he might say doesn’t cut it — I don’t go around affectionately referring to his posts as “dickless” or the like. Sorry for the bluntness but I trust my point is made.

    no one you know (487c05)

  210. EricPWJohnson, you were the one that claimed that Breitbart “spliced” together a video. A claim you can’t back up as usual. And one that contradicts the actual reality as the longer video shows.

    So in your incompetence, you try to turn the burden of proof on me.

    That’s the kind of dishonest lame stunt that you are known for, EPWJ. A reputation you’ll never escape.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  211. Welcome back, Carter!
    O delivers discontent
    of our Summer

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  212. Welcome back, Carter!
    O delivers discontent
    of our Summer

    Comment by ColonelHaiku — 7/26/2010 @ 6:07 pm

    Heh heh heh.

    seasonal reference — $10.00
    equating O with Carter – $25.00
    Possibly first-ever combination of Japanese poetry, Shakespeare and 70s TV – priceless

    no one you know (487c05)

  213. Still waiting for you to EVER, if EVER post anything fact,

    We’re ALL waiting for you to EVER, if EVER pay up on the bet you lost, you hack of a gutless git. YOU LOST, LOST, LOST – NOW PAY THE FARK UP!

    Dmac (d61c0d)

  214. EPWJ continues streak of consecutive baseless bloviations.

    JD (d51263)

  215. Mr. Hitchcock that was a very nice poem but I just do not agree that this sort of stunt reflects well on Team R. We can do better than this plus also I don’t think anyone really got very much out of this experience.

    Yours truly,


    happyfeet (19c1da)

  216. Painted Jaguar is quite beside himself tonight. He wanted to say something witty about how “happyfeet” perseverates on a delusion just as Ms. Sherrod, but he’s too busy pacing to sit and think. He wants to know if hf knows what Brietbart thinks and plans because of a “bug” implanted in an ear lobe that scans his thoughts, or does hf “mind-meld” from a distance? If the latter, PJ just growled something about daring hf to read his thoughts.

    I need to go now and find a way to calm PJ down. Being a bit unlike the usual human that posts here, when he gets really upset it can be quite nasty, even the solid wood furniture suffers.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  217. plus also I don’t think anyone really got very much out of this experience except maybe Mr. Dustin

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  218. “…I just do not agree that this sort of stunt reflects well on Team R..”

    Um. That was quite ironic, really.

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  219. The brain slug from Ceti Alpha V1 is working overtime, I thank Shirley for her work 40 some years
    ago, but they have become nasty demagogues in the interim

    ian cormac (16bb53)

  220. Just to be clear, hf, I am a Republican only because there is no viable conservative party out there at this time. There is the far left party and the center party, but with the TEA Party and 912 and the like, the center party could return to its conservative roots.

    John Hitchcock (9e8ad9)

  221. Monkeys fly out butt
    when Breitbart not at fault here
    Painful truth for sure.

    Chris Hooten (6666b7)

  222. So far, no monkey
    Breitbart must have been at fault
    I can sit down now

    Chris Hooten (6666b7)

  223. Sherrod’s shuck and jive
    not appreciated much
    by tea party folks

    Chris Hooten (6666b7)

  224. JD gets respect
    writing can be difficult
    when it is done wrong

    Chris Hooten (6666b7)

  225. Colonel fart-knocker
    not just full of prose tonight
    also full of crap

    Chris Hooten (6666b7)

  226. Patterico, damn
    only one syllable left
    can’t do much with that

    Chris Hooten (6666b7)

  227. The stuff about Sarah Palin got old fast, and then he moved on to to Carly Fiorina, calling her a “cancer hoochie.”

    Maybe happyfeet actually is a leftwinger who in this forum chooses to play the role of quasi-libertarian, quasi-squish, quasi-“centrist” malcontent? Or one of those contrarian for contrarian’s sake. A person somewhat in the guise of what Groucho Marx was referring to decades ago when he said he wouldn’t want to belong to a club that would accept him as a member.

    Mark (411533)

  228. Someone is off their meds. It is rather pathetic. Icrissyhootie approves of racists so long as they are his racists. He approves of the Ackerman school of maliciously calling people racist to distract from uncomfortable topics. He approves of the perfidy of thinkregress. He approves of JournoList coordinating and shaping the narrative. He approves of people calling Fox and Tea Partiers racists. He approves of hodean’s wild rants.

    JD (886e3a)

  229. I do not agree with happyfeey very much about this, but many are being quite unfair to him.

    JD (886e3a)

  230. How many times a week to you use that pathetic jab? “… off their meds …”

    Come on JD, you can do better than that. I am impressed with the use of perfidy, however.

    Chris Hooten (6666b7)

  231. hooten gotta beak
    full of what I dont know but
    he flying fer sure

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  232. This makes about the 80th time you have avoided answering direct questions posed of you about the aggressive dishonesty from your side.

    JD (6ca166)

  233. can’t do much with that

    Hooten funny guy!
    those were his ex-girlfriend’s last
    words when she left him

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  234. I can sit down now

    hooten recover
    from last nutroots clusterf*ck
    Colonel glad to hear

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  235. Ex-wife, LOL!

    Chris Hooten (4e1990)

  236. Painful truth for sure

    How many times must
    Chris be told that’s an exit
    it not an entrance

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  237. Happyfeet’s one of those people who isn’t going to comment just to say ‘I agree’, so he’s sticking to the threads like this one where he doesn’t.

    he’s not a Moby, although a limited sample could give the impression that he isn’t a political ally (I don’t really care that much, anyway, but he’s a limited government fanboy). I just learned that cooze is a conjunction of ooze and another word. Probably should ease up a bit. I never am bothered by the worst South Park cussery, but that’s obviously going to inspire some suspicion.

    I’m a big fan, though. We can never have enough people who actually react intelligently to critical comments (just look at happyfeet in this thread… stubborn but responsive on tough issues).

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  238. hooten walk into
    bar ask hey, anyone see
    monkey? place went nuts

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  239. If haiku were water
    ColonelHaiku the mummy
    would keep blowing dust

    Chris Hooten (4e1990)

  240. Mr. Hooten thinks he is witty, and is half right.

    But why does he post? Because he is a troll. That’s it.

    And that is based on his posts. He comes here to fight.

    Which is funny, when you recall his original posts here, claiming that he was interested only in polite debate. Um. Not so much.

    BradBlog isn’t enough for trollie.

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  241. Colonel just notice
    title of thread in recent
    comments most funny

    Colonel Haiku on Shirley Sherrod, Silenced

    That all it take?

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  242. Colonel of Haiku
    don’t want to have to fight you
    lets go have a beer

    Chris Hooten (4e1990)

  243. I do not agree with happyfeey very much about this, but many are being quite unfair to him.

    Comment by JD — 7/26/2010 @ 8:20 pm

    I agree a lot of the time w/ both you and happyfeet but IMO on this subject, for reasons which aren’t clear and, at least from what I’ve seen of his posts, he’s the one who’s, uncharacteristically, being unfair. To both Sherrod and Breitbart, actually.

    With the former it’s patadoxically both the demeaning terms and the seeming refusal to let this professional and public figure’s words speak for themselves (esp when he, IIU the thread above correctly, did just that earlier when this mess first started). With the latter the bulk of the disrespect is calling him a liar with no evidence.

    I like hf, a lot. But IMO on this he’s mistaken.

    no one you know (487c05)

  244. Dustin, you are a good guy, but honestly—Mr. Feet was just plain making up things about Breitbart because he doesn’t like him personally. That’s not honest.

    Fair enough. But the guy also attacks people for overstating or exaggerating. So rules for me and not for thee?

    Like I said, he gets all twisted up about some particular political figure and gets gross quick.

    But making stuff up about Breitbart—that he spliced and diced a video,which is demonstrably untrue—is much more about him than his concerns about 2010 and 2012.

    He’ll find someone else to get upset about soon.

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  245. Colonel to the H
    eluded by all the facts
    but only for now

    Chris Hooten (4e1990)

  246. Colonel of Haiku,
    pushing words into being
    summer thunderclaps.

    Thank you, sir or ma’am. You’ve been on a roll today, lots of great ones.

    htom (412a17)

  247. JD – Feets is just stirrin’ sh*t again with unsupported crap on this one. Total garbage. He should be more concerned with defeating Team D and its narratives than criticizing Team R with unsupported assertions.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  248. The glistening flakes
    falling to the winter ground
    ducks on frozen lake

    Chris Hooten (4e1990)

  249. Eric, I guess I just liked him a lot when he started flaming, and accepted it as humor that I shouldn’t take too seriously. Of course, his view of Breitbart just isn’t fair. As a Palin fan, I’ve thought he can’t possibly mean what he’s saying sometimes, but again, I just assume it’s not that serious as much as playful.

    I can’t tell you that ‘cancer hoochie’ type comments are reasonable… they aren’t. And my skin can be pretty thin with other folks, so I guess I’m being a bit hypocritical to tell folks to be hardy against happyfeet’s comments.

    If EPWJ said some of that stuff, I’d probably hack this website just to make sure my reply could be red boldcaps.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  250. Like Breitbart at work
    turds falling to tainted ground
    the lying season

    Chris Hooten (4e1990)

  251. Are haiku still funny
    when you post hundreds of them
    all at the same time?

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  252. Yes of course they are
    thats what they all tell me
    but in Japanese

    Chris Hooten (3e3e9a)

  253. Hi daley:

    “…He should be more concerned with defeating Team D and its narratives than criticizing Team R with unsupported assertions….”

    Yup. But that is the thing. So many of my rightward leaning friends are so certain that they need “purity” in their candidates that they end up helping Democrats win. Or even maintain there is no difference between them, which doesn’t make sense to me, but some of my friends deeply feel.

    Truth is, to me, there is a difference between “bad” and “worse.”

    And every single person gets to cast or not cast their vote as they please. Of course, in some districts, some Democrats get to vote multiple times.

    But here is my metric: if it makes Howard Dean and David Axelrod smile, it can’t be a good idea.

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  254. haiku are easy
    iambic pentameter take

    So …

    On the blog of Patterico
    In the post on Shirley Sherrod
    happyfeet does not like Breitbart
    chris hooten is rude to Breitbart

    no one you know agrees with JD
    Dustin and Dave Surls do likewise
    elissa comments like a lady
    Painted Jaguar speaks through MD

    (hey, it’s late, what did you expect ? Scansion *and* rhyme ?)

    Alasdair (205079)

  255. thank you Mr. JD I do not understand why there is not more room for disagreement but hopefully I don’t know what hopefully my sister got up at 2:30 to head back to the airport so I’m up and at ’em I guess I wish Starbucks were 24 hours

    but they’re not

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  256. Those macchiatos will get you every time.feets, now that he is away for a spell, isn’t it remarkable he holds so much understanding for a
    state apparatchik, but someone who has always lived
    conservative traditional values, while being torn up by the gutter press, is regarded as too be very
    charitable, a ‘loose woman’ that’s three cups of
    epic fail right there

    ian cormac (16bb53)

  257. Notice how when crissyhooten was posed direct questions, he again ignored them?

    Noyk – I disagree with him too.

    JD (a30317)

  258. longer Big Zero
    hold office the more that he
    lessen in stature.

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  259. Passing the great laws
    progressing despite the right
    can’t wait for term two

    Chris Hooten (2b4df0)

  260. Is Breitbart the kind of visage the GOP needs?
    Or is he a rake being stepped on amidst the weeds?
    The mask of a liar, race-baiter, denyer;
    your bound to get burned when your playing with fire.
    A little snip there, and a little cut here,
    and then start to peddle the video smear.
    To the left wing narration this really lends;
    speaks volumes about you who you call friends.

    Chris Hooten (2b4df0)

  261. Hooten, you keep repeating the same false statements. Regardless of how often they’ve been refuted.

    Liar, race-baiter, denyer … you keep describing Democratic characteristics.

    One thing is going to be hilarious in January 2011 is when the Democrats no longer control the House and the Obama administration has to answer to real Congressional oversight. Second term for Carter II? That’s fantasyland.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  262. expand government
    controlling all aspects of
    life thats Obama

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  263. high unemployment
    joblessness no hope no jobs
    thanks to Obama

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  264. Colonel find hooten
    whistling through the graveyard
    very amusing

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  265. Much of the current deficit is still do to Bush-era policies. Proof that much of the present deficit is the gift that keeps on giving from the Bush era

    Chris Hooten (2b4df0)

  266. Yeah, we totally need to extend those tax cuts, and thusly extend the deficit.

    Chris Hooten (2b4df0)

  267. I already debunked that claim Chris. Its horse manure. The best proof is that next year, with the massive tax increases that mark the end of the Bush admin tax cuts, the deficit will still be one and a half trillion dollars.

    You can’t blame tax cuts for deficits after they expire – that’s the kind of dishonesty we’ve come to expect from Democrats.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  268. Big Zero brand now
    toxic watch Dems run from
    him fast as fast can

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  269. Of course, Obama’s “solution” to the deficits is to spend even more – he’s still pushing more Democratic pork badly disguised as faux “stimulus”.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  270. You didn’t debunk anything, SPQR. Did you read that whole article carefully?

    Chris Hooten (2b4df0)

  271. Those aren’t democrats, either. Just because you disagree with their findings does not make them democrats. They are quite non-partisan, much more so than The Heritage Foundation.

    Chris Hooten (2b4df0)

  272. Comment by Chris Hooten — 7/27/2010 @ 8:24 am

    Mr. Hooten, a sonnet, just for you:

    When in United States we speak of race
    So often there is much more heat than light:
    Some speak as if they feel the need to fight
    To make sure “whites” don’t “keep them in their place”

    While Anglos to a man (and woman too),
    Routinely get accused of racial slurs–
    As if the race of anyone occurs
    To those whose focus is the overdue

    Relief all people need from US debt
    And victimhood, and socialist attempts
    At other slavery – but heroes know we’ll get
    with sacrifices—to that shining day
    Envisioned by the prophet King, who dreamt
    That character, not color, ruled the day

    no one you know (196ed7)

  273. Much of the current deficit is still do to Bush-era policies.

    Yes, that’s true. Had the DEmocrats not taken Congress in 2006, we might have reined in Fannie and Freddie and avoided the magnitude of the crash. That was the “Bush era” alright. It’s just that they weren’t Bush policies.

    Some people are so dumb you wonder how they remember to breathe.

    Mike K (0ef8c3)

  274. Who in the world was the GOP going to “rein in?” LOL They hate doing that.

    Chris Hooten (2b4df0)

  275. As long as it is a corporation.

    Chris Hooten (2b4df0)

  276. What choice does a partisan troll have? Other than hitting some very high RPMs.

    Eric Blair (60310b)

  277. In case you normal commenters didn’t know, CBPI is partisan and has been repeatedly embarrassed for these partisan hack jobs.

    Read Chris’s link if you care, but also read Heritage’s debunking. Heritage may be conservative, but there’s no refuting their criticism (things like : CBPI made this up, here’s proof… oh, they made that up too, here’s proof).

    CBPI is EXACTLY the kind of source you would expect Chris Hooten to have read. It’s propaganda. Like many leftist outlets, it has to pretend to be completely non-partisan for some reason. Kinda pathetic.

    Obama has completely failed to do his job with any sense of leadership or responsibility with Sherrod or race baiters generally. This obviously bothers Chris enough that he’s spamming every thread on the topic. 5 comments in a row (all off topic), constant insults, and complete red herrings.

    He said Clinton has a surplus in a year that the debt went up. He doesn’t care about reality… he cares about democrat shilling. It’s hilarious that he initially came here with so many complaints about thread behavior and then acts like this.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  278. Chris Hooten is a
    lying crapweasel who can
    go haiku himself!

    Icy Texan (9a973e)

  279. things what do not scare me are include… rfid tags on my consumer purchasings at Walmart.

    Am I oversharing?

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  280. Some people are so dumb you wish they would forget how to breathe.

    After all, as their AGW god — Al Grope — says, carbon dioxide is bad for the environment.

    Icy Texan (9a973e)

  281. What’s funny is that Obama has spent far more than Bush ever did. And that the Afghanistan war, something Obama agrees with, is completely ‘blamed’ on Bush. Or that the economic downturn’s impact on the deficit is completely blamed on Bush as though the Pelosi House didn’t have far more impact on it and the deficit.

    The deficit was there during the GOP House, but it obviously began to balloon when the democrats took the House. There’s not an informed person on the planet who denies it. That’s why CBPI focuses on ‘Bush Era’ instead of actually discussing the body responsible for the deficit.

    Yeah, if you blame the entire economic downturn on ‘Bush era’, even though it isn’t the Bush era right now, or blame Obama’s spending and ramp up of Afghanistan on Bush, and make a few extra factors up, you can make a lot of democrats feel better.

    Ugh. I have to admit, Chris is a very effective troll. Telling a lie, imdw style, that is powerful enough to demand a rebuttal, is a very good tactic for distracting people.

    Obama fired Sherrod for nothing and then hired her back when she race baited. He’s a terrible leader. Chris is upset that people are discussing it and wants to derail the thread.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  282. Chris Hooten – Again, what was the unemployment rate when Pelosi took over as speaker? What was the deficit in the last budget passed by a Republican congress?

    What was the deficit in the budget passed this year by the Democrat congress? Whats that you say? they did not vote on one? Why was that?

    Have Blue (854a6e)

  283. things what do not scare me are include… rfid tags on my consumer purchasings at Walmart.

    Am I oversharing?

    Comment by happyfeet — 7/27/2010 @ 9:27 am


    When they rfid our Starbucks I think we can start to be scared.

    IOW when they actually are open 24 hrs a day that’ll be the time.

    no one you know (196ed7)

  284. overheating

    . . . but No, not oversharing.

    Icy Texan (9a973e)

  285. Painted Jaguar in another bad mood incited today by the delusions of a perseverating Mr. Hooten. Were it not for the sanity of Dustin, noyk, and Have Blue I’d only have the floor to sit on by now.

    PJ says no, he doesn’t have blue, but he likes Have Blue’s style of debate. The left prefer to use ad hominum attacks, straw men, red herrings, and just plain old lies. Have Blue does something else, appeal to fact.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  286. Guys, why are we still arguing with Chrissy from Hooters?

    Either you understand that Shirley Sherrod is a racist and race-baiter, and so on, or you don’t. He is beyond convincing. Either that, or he is just full of crap. Either way it is a waste of time.

    Aaron Worthing (A.W.) (f97997)

  287. Hooten’s link does not “need” debunking by the Heritage Foundation, the article is fatuous on its face when you read it. Its own inconsistencies are apparent as they try to intentionally confuse people into believing that a deficit in a later fiscal year can be blamed on the tax policy of previous years. The fact remains that even with the enormous tax increases we will see in 2011, that Democrats have created a deficit crisis that dwarfs anything that they can rationally blame on George W. Bush.

    The idea that CBPI is “non-partisan” when Hooten attacked the far more credible Tax Foundation papers I’ve linked in the past just shows more of Hooten’s lack of fundamental honesty and credibility.

    But for the subject of Sherrod herself, it is hilarious that even Jon Stewart laughs at Hooten’s lines.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  288. Jon Stewart is hilarious on this. And he’s right about Breitbart having an overt goal in mind here. He openly admitted he had limited info, and gave what he had to establish a racial nature the Tea Party obviously doesn’t have at all. He didn’t fire anybody.

    I sure hope we don’t see these enormous tax increases. The economy is already in bad shape, and this would be massively destructive. We’d see less revenue, not more (despite the silly CBPI claims).

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  289. Dustin, the massive pending tax increases are probably already having an effect on our economy. Anecdotally, I’m talking to clients who are considering the effect of the tax increases in how to arrange their personal affairs, and their business affairs. I have business clients who are delaying hiring employees in the face of those increases, and a couple of business clients who are considering changing their business model to reduce their employee headcount to avoid the increased payroll taxes.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  290. That’s sad, but totally understandable. Your clients need to weather this storm until sanity returns, or they won’t have a business to make a payroll with.

    I suspect many will structure their tax to pay more now, so that they don’t face the increased tax later. And then it’s really going to hit the fan.

    I recall Sherrod blathering about 100% loans and tons of easy jobs that are hard to lose. Obviously, she belongs on the rolls with the Obama administration.

    All this struggling in the private sector is directly linked to this celebration of easy money in the public servant sector. And that’s pretty aggravating. Point it out, and people start blaming Bush. That’s Obama’s solution.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  291. Are you kidding? All of the struggling in the private sector is due to corporations putting profits (and CEO bonuses) above all else. They ship the jobs overseas, slash wages, and then pocket an extraordinairily huge bonus and golden parachute. Financial Institutions finding new, unaccountable ways to stealthily move money around, complicated derivatives to obfuscate what really was going on, gambling big time, winning for a while, then losing, losing, losing. But those responsible for such shennanigans have already parchuted out, gold and all.

    Chris Hooten (b16dfd)

  292. And here we are, at last, to see our Mr. Hooten is just a kid. Honestly, that was deep, ruminative analysis.

    The Man.

    What major, do you folks think? I’m guessing Sociology.

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  293. What an economic genius ! I assume you’ve done with all this knowledge. I mean you aren’t some pimply faced kid in his mother’s basement getting ready to go to your minimum wage job, are you ?

    Mike K (0ef8c3)

  294. No, Dr. K., it’s Daddy Warbucks, controlling the economy. They sleep on gold bars and kick the pets of neighborhood children. Evil plutocrats!

    THIS is Mr. Hooten’s analysis? After all of his attacks of people here for oversimplifying things?


    This is just a kid, I hope. If a grown man writes this kind of stuff, it is really sad.

    As for financial institutions playing games with money, that might be a better subject for Barney Frank.

    I loved the bit about “derivatives.”

    Wish we had this financial genius in real time, and make him not only spell check his document, but define the term “derivative.” Fortunately, Wikipedia is his friend, if not a dictionary.

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  295. But those responsible for such shennanigans have already parchuted out, gold and all.

    Comment by Chris Hooten

    Darn! Golly darn.

    I guess it’s up to those completely innocent democrats to save the day again, since those responsible have vanished. No need to analyze anything else. BTW, good of you to conclude the charges against Rangel or the democrat deficit were just ‘crap’.

    The thing is, Bush and Delay’s deficit spending was at least largely unnecessary. Bush thwarted an economic disaster in 2001, so I give him a little slack, but even that much lower than present level of abuse drove many conservatives to criticize him. I mean, it positively drove some of us bonkers, actually. Now that democrats like Obama who complained about deficits, are presiding over huge deficits, the economic villains are just this little pack of comic book villains no one can touch.

    It really puts your anger at Breitbart into perspective. I hope Sherrod learned her lesson, but when I listen to her, I get the impression she suffers from the same laziness. If you don’t agree with her politics, that means pure and endless evil… wanting to enslave millions, etc etc.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  296. Heh, Heh, I read on a blog that corporations were EEEEeeeevvviiiilllll!!!!11ty!!! Didn’t you read it too Stimpy, heh, heh?

    daleyrocks (940075)

  297. Why is this thread going on 300 comments, again?

    Leviticus (30ac20)

  298. Because corporations are evil, wealth is limited and the Democrats will save the world.

    At least, that’s what I learned by reading the last 10 comments.

    Vivian Louise (c7cad6)

  299. why bother trying
    to educate willfully
    ignorant stooges?

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  300. Are you kidding?

    Nope, step right up. I have got a that is gonna knock your socks off! Not only will this “investment” pay off handsomely in just two hours a week, allowing you to live the life of leisure you’ve always wanted, it’s gonna flatten those abs, tighten up your glutes and make you irresistable to whichever sex it is that is your fancy! Your gonna have a huge house just like Al Gore and a jet of your very own like Nancy Pelosi, and if you want, we can even swing a yacht like Mr. Heinz-Kerry’s got! You’re gonna be so rich that you won’t even worry about tax shelters!

    And all you gotta do is learn to stick it to the man, buddy! Speak truth to power!

    (This offer not valid where prohibited by law or common sense, do not fold, spindle or mutilate your keyboard if you are unable to respond by the closing bell!)

    EW1(SG) (edc268)

  301. it take three hundred
    comments minus hootenspeak
    to learn simple truth

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  302. big zero rather
    squeeze between fat women
    than honor Boy Scouts

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  303. There is no bell anymore 🙁

    Chris Hooten (609eea)

  304. crissyhootie approves of racists so long as they are his racists. He approves of the Ackerman school of maliciously calling people racist to distract from uncomfortable topics. He approves of the perfidy of thinkregress. He approves of JournoList coordinating and shaping the narrative. He approves of people calling Fox and Tea Partiers racists. He approves of hodean’s wild rants. He approves of Barcky’s massive deficit spending while wailing, gnashing his teeth, and rending his garments about Bush’s paltry deficits in comparison, oh, and now blames Barcky’s massive deficit spending on … wait for it … here it comes … drumroll … BBBBBBBBBBUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!! It would be comical were it not pathetic.

    JD (d55760)

  305. Don’t worry. Recess is soon.

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  306. hooten “rending his
    garments” that what polite folk
    call flounder flogging?

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  307. hooten spouts drivel
    in spring summer fall winter
    time to not listen

    If Feet work for Gov
    call lady hoochie or cooze

    I wish I had your ability, Colonel.

    PatAZ (9d1bb3)

  308. thanks, Pat. As long as it doesn’t affect my speech pattern, I’ll be okay, lol.

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  309. Notice that Chris Hooten has nothing to say about the millions of dollars looted from Fannie Mae by people like Franklin and Jamie Gorelick … oh, that’s right – Democrats looting government-guaranteed institutions is OK.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  310. Don’t forget Rahm Emanuel, SPQR.

    JD (d55760)

  311. Notice that Chris Hooten has nothing to say about the millions of dollars looted from Fannie Mae by people like Franklin and Jamie Gorelick

    Comment by SPQR

    That didn’t happen, SPQR. Hooten has never heard about it at Bradblog, so it just didn’t happen. More crap from the VRWC to cover for the real villians: Lex Luthor and those anonymous corporate polluters from Captain Planet.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  312. Franklin and Jamie
    true Gold Dust Twins stole nearly
    eighty million cash

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  313. Let’s all pretend like
    we get along really good
    and not be *ssholes

    Chris Hooten (7cfd07)

  314. Should hell freeze over
    we could all have a group hug
    surely coming soon

    Chris Hooten (7cfd07)

  315. Chris Wallace OK
    not as good as his old man
    duh he’s on FOX News

    Chris Hooten (7cfd07)

  316. trolls try to take control of all of the threads, and reduce discourse to sheer chaos. I am clearly not doing that.
    Comment by Chris Hooten — 7/24/2010 @ 10:39 am

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  317. Hooters

    go away.

    No one is buying your lies.

    Now, maybe you have merely been lied to, and are not a liar yourself. but you are certainly not interested in the truth, on anything.

    Aaron Worthing (A.W.) (f97997)

  318. When you only read news to verify your own prejudices, you don’t really learn anything. I don’t do that.

    Chris Hooten (7cfd07)

  319. Hootie – SPQR and I have repeatedly asked you very specific and direct questions, which you ignore. Why is that?

    JD (d55760)

  320. You state that people here only read news to verify our own prejudices. Care to offer any basis for such an epic asspull? Care to tell me what I read today? Yesterday? Last week? What nightly news broadcast do I watch? What do I listen to on the radio?

    JD (d55760)

  321. When you only read news to verify your own prejudices, you don’t really learn anything. I don’t do that.

    Comment by Chris Hooten

    COMEDY GOLD!!!!!!

    daleyrocks (940075)

  322. Coming from hootie, a bradblog cellar-dweller, that was pure comedy.

    JD (d55760)

  323. The Painted Jaguar
    seem to have problem with temper
    furniture all broke

    Chris Hooten (7cfd07)

  324. Chris said he doesn’t rely solely on news that confirms his prejudice, but he also has repeatedly used the “I have never heard about that” argument. I guess his out is that he doesn’t read any news.

    Patterico lectured me and a few others not to be rude to Chris, because liberals are welcome here. His thanks is his behavior in this thread. How many of these barrages of consecutive offtopic and insulting comments has Chris left? I’ve seen several series, up to 5 in a row from this guy, obviously trying to fulfill his goal of reducing discourse to chaos.

    Fact is, when he goes to bradblog once he’s moderated (and he’ll get worse and worse until he is, I bet), his buddies will ignore the fact that they would have banned this crap ages ago. It’s not enough for Chris’s type that discourse is shut down on Boehlert’s blog. They have to shut it down here, too. Why is that?

    It’s because they are afraid of discourse.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  325. Oh come on, Dustin. We are going to disagree. I have no intention of muddying up a bunch of threads. If you don’t want to converse with me, fine. You all are so combative and attacking. I think you can handle a teensy bit without going all limp and crying foul.

    Chris Hooten (dbecf9)

  326. shirley dead that what
    I said a terrible blow
    but that how it go

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  327. “…You all are so combative and attacking….”

    You have to admit that one is funny. Just a troll. And a troll who doesn’t even pay attention to his own prior posts.

    His goal was to stir people up…and now he is going back to the “people are rude here” and “you all need to toughen up” memes.

    I say, let Mr. Hooten go back to BradBlog and argue with people there, and compare how he is treated.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  328. Colonel say to let
    hooten be hooten and damn
    him with the faint praise

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  329. I know, Eric. It’s pathetic.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  330. C’mon, crissyhooten. SPQR and I have asked you, repeatedly, to dialogue about a variety of topics. Each time, we are met with silence, or silliness.

    JD (d55760)

  331. These were my favorite parts of your constructive “dialogue” :

    Hodean and criSsyhooten and olbergasm are represntatives of, and speak for all dems and leftists.

    Lay off the dishonest mendoucheous idiocy, crissyhooten.

    Crissyhooten is an imbecile. Moving sucks.

    crissyhooten appearts to have puked out every silly leftist talking point from the last month all in one comment. Brava, idiot.

    Someone is off their meds. It is rather pathetic. Icrissyhootie approves of racists so long as they are his racists. He approves of the Ackerman school of maliciously calling people racist to distract from uncomfortable topics. He approves of the perfidy of thinkregress. He approves of JournoList coordinating and shaping the narrative. He approves of people calling Fox and Tea Partiers racists. He approves of hodean’s wild rants.

    Notice how when crissyhooten was posed direct questions, he again ignored them?

    crissyhootie approves of racists so long as they are his racists. He approves of the Ackerman school of maliciously calling people racist to distract from uncomfortable topics. He approves of the perfidy of thinkregress. He approves of JournoList coordinating and shaping the narrative. He approves of people calling Fox and Tea Partiers racists. He approves of hodean’s wild rants. He approves of Barcky’s massive deficit spending while wailing, gnashing his teeth, and rending his garments about Bush’s paltry deficits in comparison, oh, and now blames Barcky’s massive deficit spending on … wait for it … here it comes … drumroll … BBBBBBBBBBUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!! It would be comical were it not pathetic.

    Coming from hootie, a bradblog cellar-dweller, that was pure comedy.

    Chris Hooten (4c1de3)

  332. rissyhootie approves of racists so long as they are his racists. He approves of the Ackerman school of maliciously calling people racist to distract from uncomfortable topics. He approves of the perfidy of thinkregress. He approves of JournoList coordinating and shaping the narrative. He approves of people calling Fox and Tea Partiers racists. He approves of hodean’s wild rants. He approves of Barcky’s massive deficit spending while wailing, gnashing his teeth, and rending his garments about Bush’s paltry deficits in comparison, oh, and now blames Barcky’s massive deficit spending on … wait for it … here it comes … drumroll … BBBBBBBBBBUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!! It would be comical were it not pathetic.

    There are about 8 distinct and quite clear points in there, that you refuse to address. Coward.

    JD (d55760)

  333. let sleeping hootens
    lie chris or else you get fleas
    or ticks in your case

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  334. Add to that the malicious and demonstrable lies that hodean, Boehlert and MediaMatterz are telling about Fox. Apparently crissyhooten is cool with that too.

    JD (d55760)

  335. JD, you’re not jdunetz over at biggovernment, are you? It would explain your extreme slant on this issue.

    Chris Hooten (4c1de3)

  336. I do not know what you are talking about, moron. What is extreme about my slant?

    JD (d55760)

  337. LOL, Chris is stalking JD now.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  338. Too bad there wasn’t a question in there, JD, lol.

    Chris Hooten (4c1de3)

  339. in the 8 point statement you made about what *I* think.

    Chris Hooten (4c1de3)

  340. Assume a question mark if that makes it easier for you. Are you really that dense?

    JD (d55760)

  341. It would explain your extreme slant on this issue.


    Wrong answer. You are the one running around here trying to push an “extreme slant.”

    Sit down, take a deep breath, and try to learn something. And if you can’t learn anything, at least sit down and shut up.

    EW1(SG) (edc268)

  342. EW1 – It cannot even honestly state my position on a topic. It would be too much to expect much else from it. crissyhooten is simply constitutionally incapable of basic honesty.

    JD (d55760)

  343. So we have established that you are slanted, we are just disagreeing over the extremity of it. OK. Maybe your touchy reactions give away just how slanted it is. “I don’t know what you are talking about, moron.”

    Chris Hooten (4c1de3)

  344. C’mon, you folks. Mr. Hooten is getting ready to go back to school. Don’t you think? He is childish and is playing troll games.

    I actually don’t think he understands the projection that appears in most of his posts. But then, he started that way. Remember?

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  345. And Mr. Hooten posts yet more proof!

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  346. hooten now go all
    Inspector Clouseau on case
    give minkey a rheum

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  347. Chris, why do you think it makes sense to discuss whether or not someone is slanted in their comments on another blog? That doesn’t make any sense unless you’re a troll.

    trolls try to take control of all of the threads, and reduce discourse to sheer chaos. I am clearly not doing that.
    Comment by Chris Hooten — 7/24/2010 @ 10:39 am

    You come here to make random attack after random attack. You are projecting to call people touchy. I think almost anyone would criticize your ‘reasoning’ in this thread. That’s not touchiness…it’s just the reality that you’re aiming to be annoying.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  348. Colonel tell hooten
    quit while he behind and not
    suffer loss of face

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  349. How did you establish that I am slanted? Are you racist against Asians? Or, do you think by asserting something it magically becomes true?

    JD (d55760)

  350. Give a room OK
    just don’t try give massage
    even if message

    Chris Hooten (4c1de3)

  351. You asked me why I thought your slant was extreme.

    Chris Hooten (4c1de3)

  352. Dustin – It is not a blog I read with any regularity, and may have left a couple comments there since it came online. crissyhootie simply wants to conflate someone else’s words with mine, and argue against someone else’s words. It is patently dishonest, and something we have grown to expect from crissy.

    In case I was not clear, crissyhootie, that person you thought was me was not. Patterico and BigGovernment can confirm that our IP addy’s do not match. So, your little dishonest distraction is proven to be just that.

    So, do you agree with thinkregress in their perfidy in planting people to discredit others?

    Do you agree with the malicious lies told by hodean and mediamatterz about FoxNews?

    Do you accept racism so long as it is done by the proper people?

    We already know you approve of Rather/Mapes fraudulent story.

    Do you approve of the Ackerman/JournoList idea of baselessly calling people racist to distract from topics?

    Do you approve of JournoList in general? Do you approve of them trying to shape the narrative, advancing some issues, while trying to stamp down other issues?

    Why do you approve of Barcky’s ginormous amounts of new spending and job crushing policies, while still blaming Bush from paltry, in comparison, deficits pushed through by a Dem Congress?

    JD (d55760)

  353. Dustin, I don’t know who jdunetz is, all I know is they have posted blog stuff over at biggovernment. I think the fact that someone blogs there might call into question their motives regarding issues related to Breitbart, for instance. It never occurred to me until he mentioned a cryptic “painted jaguar”. Then a light bulb went off. I just googled “JD” and “biggovernment” I think. bam jdunetz. I still don’t know if that is JD. Big deal if it is. I skimmed over some topics, but didn’t really read anything. Whatever.

    Chris Hooten (4c1de3)

  354. now Hooten go all
    algore on fellow posters
    he most amusing

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  355. The funny thing is, what the hell does painted jaguar mean? I don’t know.

    Chris Hooten (4c1de3)

  356. Yes, you do know. It is unequivocably not me, so go f#ck yourself and your dishonest distraction.

    JD (d55760)

  357. JD, I didn’t think it was you. To be sure, I didn’t care, either. Anyone could look at your or my history and find an intemperate comment.

    Eric found some amazingly insane anger from Chris, for example. I didn’t care much about that (although it’s hilarious).

    Chris doesn’t want to have a discussion with you. You ask for backup and he doesn’t stand up for his views, but just pushes another attack. It’s pathetic.

    We’ve argued before, and at least you backed up your views and I backed up mine. A disagreement is really helpful to discussion, and backing up your views is just what normal, mentally healthy adults do.

    Chris’s goal is obviously not to have a disagreement with us, back up views, and hash it out thoughtfully. You point out serial dishonesty: that’s just common sense trolling 101. You don’t get reactions if you don’t piss people off.

    The only thing that really makes Chris special is that he whines.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  358. You say I want to conflate someone elses words to you, then you proceed to conflate all of those things to me. Nice mental judo.

    Chris Hooten (4c1de3)

  359. I did not assume that you thought that, Dustin. I just wanted to be abundantly clear that he was being a dishonest douchenozzle distracting from his cowardice.

    JD (d55760)

  360. Look JD, I feel for you as far as having to move (you mentioned it in a comment somewhere above). It does totally suck. Sorry I thought you might be someone you are not.

    Chris Hooten (4c1de3)

  361. #

    I did not assume that you thought that, Dustin. I just wanted to be abundantly clear that he was being a dishonest douchenozzle distracting from his cowardice.

    Comment by JD — 7/28/2010 @ 8:33 pm

    Well, I do think you’ve done a good job of that. It really does take a special kind of coward to say something you’re not willing to back up. Like I said, you back up your points, and Itry to back up mine. It’s not exactly a profile in heroic courage.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  362. I want your sympathy about as much as I want a rectal fistula, hootie. Shove it.

    JD (d55760)

  363. here is fruits for the crows to pluck I think*

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  364. happyfeet, you don’t think this is still an insightful discussion of Ms. Sherrod’s abrupt absence from news stations?

    It’s almost as though someone tried to take control of the thread, and reduce discourse to sheer chaos.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  365. shirley is old and busted here is the new hotness you are welcome

    her name is sharni.

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  366. she make it bounce

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  367. since when did youtube’s picture quality get that good?

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  368. Goodnight, people. Notice again how crissyhootie went to great lengths to avoid answering very simple and direct questions of him. This shows his prior claim to be all about honesty and ethical journalism to be a farking lie.

    JD (d55760)

  369. youtube is very America I think good night Mr. JD don’t forget to take pickters

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  370. I will endeavor, happyfeet, to be sure.

    JD (d55760)

  371. As Sherrod issue
    works it’s way through meatgrinder
    media sausage

    Two eggs and OJ
    started this media meal
    doesn’t digest well

    Truth above all else
    the new media standard
    is wishful thinking

    Dispensing the truth
    will always have more value
    than molesting it

    Except for FOX News,
    Breitbart, O’Keefe and his pals

    Chris Hooten (5883a7)

  372. One good thing about the focus on Saint Shirley is the light it has shed on the much extended and expanded Pigford settlement she and her husband helped spearhead for black “farmers” “discriminated” against by the evil USDA between 1983 and 1997. It turns out the deadline of the original 1999 settlement was extended, when 22,000 people filed claims, of which 13,000 (round numbers) were approved. Now the number of claimants exceeds 86,000 and they are pretty much automatically approved. The only problem is that number of claimants exceeds the number of black farmers in the country, presumably not all of whom were discriminated against or were in financial trouble, according to USDA and census data for the class period.

    Something smells pretty fishy about the whole thing and Congress has not funded the final settlement. No doubt the Obama Administration will get right on top of investigating the whole thing, including whether people were hustling claimants free government money for fees.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  373. Dispensing the truth
    will always have more value
    than molesting it

    You really have quite a bit of stones. You think Brad Friedman has an honest bone in his body? Think Regress? Media Matterz? Your entire narrative is based in lies, distortions, misrepresentations, and lies, yet you have this maudlin call for the delivery of truth? You would not know truth if it squirmed out your weinerhole and left a giant mushroom bruise on your forehead.

    JD (d55760)

  374. Note again how quickly and cowardly crissyhooten fled.

    JD (d55760)

  375. Hooten flew the coop
    escape while still feathered
    don’t squeeze the Sharni

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  376. Colonel think that too
    many times Hooten owned
    like Deepak Chopra

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  377. I owned, hell yeah man
    oh that’s not what you meant, huh?
    owned is better than pwned

    Chris Hooten (047ade)

  378. Is that how you know truth, JD, because that might not be truth…

    Chris Hooten (047ade)

  379. I notice, Chris Hooten, that you are still repeating the Democratic lie that Fox News got Sherrod fired.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  380. I believe, SPQR, that you give Mr. Hooten too much credit. He is just trolling. I mean, look at the thread. I doubt he believes in much of anything. He is just trying to upset people, and that says a great deal about him.

    Eric Blair (d7ba5c)

  381. Yep, Eric Blair. That and the fact that Hooten is still misrepresenting what Breitbart even said about Sherrod.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  382. How would he upset people, as Eric notes he wants to, without saying upsetting stuff, like repeating the FNC smear?

    Just normal pathetic trollage. It would be like going to bradblog to accuse ACORN of actually setting up a prostitution ring (more than ever claimed, of course). Just going off the rails to drive people nuts.

    I don’t understand what’s so fun about it, because you wind up looking like Chris does here.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  383. Crissyhooten is still to cowardly to address the overt perfidy of his own side.

    JD (6ca166)

  384. Well, Dustin, there are two possible explanations. One is a maturity issue. Lots of college students seem to like this sort of thing (though many college students, like Leviticus, seem pretty mature). It’s a safe form of aggression.

    The other is that the fellow is not in the 18 – 22 year old group, and still acts like, as Vivian Louise would put it, a prat.

    But the posts, from Day One, have been about trollage.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  385. Ms “That guy wants to enslave black people”

    is suing

    Mr “Here is all the limited video I have of a televised speech from a public official”

    This goes right back to the subject of this post. She’s actually pretty nutty and embarrassing. This is one of those dreadful characters that will never let go of the media spotlight, and I think that’s for the best. People should take a long hard look at Breitbart’s mistakes and decide if he is this monster Sherrod is building him to be because of the color of his skin and her inability to tolerate political differences with white people.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  386. It’s a safe form of aggression.


    Dustin (b54cdc)

  387. i need to brush up, but i would wonder what the pleading requirements are for claiming defamation. bear in mind that the malice standard would apply here, because she was a public official.

    Aaron Worthing (A.W.) (f97997)

  388. The problem is trolls, and even our ‘clean toga’
    as a friend of mind calls, what our ‘favorite’ pikachu can stretch this out as long as a string

    ian cormac (e46147)

  389. Aaron Worthing, the reality is that she can’t make a non-frivolous claim for defamation given that what Breitbart wrote about her speech was either true or opinion. Nothing Breitbart wrote was defamatory even before you get to the malice standard of Sullivan .

    SPQR (26be8b)

  390. AW, maybe she’ll claim a tort of IIED or something else. I think defamation makes no sense. She was shown on video saying what she said. She wanted people to see her say this.

    It’s true, there was a context of her saying this attitude was mistaken. So? That doesn’t make it defamatory to point out that she said what she said.

    If Roman said “I’m sorry for raping people”, I could still point out that he admitted to raping people. Is it really harmful that the clip got the timing wrong, or her job title at the time wrong? Nooo, what was harmful was that Sherrod indeed practiced racial discrimination, and thinks her context means it’s wrong to criticize what she herself appears to criticize herself for.

    Anyway, you’re right, she has to prove Breitbart was malicious. She seems to think all white people who aren’t politically aligned with her are malicious racists, so perhaps she can just plead that he’s this inferior race? That would be more honest than what she will plead, I suspect.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  391. spqr

    Well, I believe (and this is not something i have researched in detail) you can assert defamation by implication–that is when an item implies something but doesn’t quite say it. and i could see a claim that he implied that she did all of this as an official in the USDA, although only by implication.

    that’s where i see the malice standard applying.

    But I think i have said it before. Shirrod will not like what happens when brietbart can then rifle through her life in discovery. I have said for some time that her settlement with the USDA stinks to high heaven.

    Aaron Worthing (A.W.) (f97997)

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