Patterico's Pontifications


iowahawk: National Me Day

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:09 am

Apparently, today is National iowahawk day.

Go to the link to congratulate America’s funniest blogger. If you’re in the Chicago area, he has details about a meetup tonight.

10 Responses to “iowahawk: National Me Day”

  1. You have no sense of humor.

    nk (31b2d3)

  2. Iowahawk isn’t merely funny. He is flipping hilarious. Too bloody right he deserves his own day.

    Vivian Louise (c0f830)

  3. Iowahawk could be the Lenny Bruce of our day – biting sarcasm with an underlayer of “they can’t be this stupid, can they?”.

    AD - RtR/OS (5c10b1)

  4. iowhawk’s a badass, and I’m not even a conservative. It’s good to have sharp voices on the other side to keep your people honest.

    Leviticus (43095b)

  5. Someone wanna swing by Peoria and pick me up for this gathering? 🙂

    Scott Jacobs (90ff96)

  6. OMG. I never disagree with you, Data Office. Except here. Iowahawk’s takeoff on literary giants was like, the funniest thing I ever read. I laughed, I cried, then I laughed again. My first visit there.

    There’s warm bodies who write and read and hang around the internets. Then there’s Iowahawk. With this, from all, to him, from us. Everyone says:

    You’re the top!
    You’re the Coliseum.
    You’re the top!
    You’re the Louvre Museum.
    You’re a melody from a symphony by Strauss
    You’re a Bendel bonnet,
    A Shakespeare’s sonnet,
    You’re Mickey Mouse.
    You’re the Nile,
    You’re the Tower of Pisa,
    You’re the smile on the Mona Lisa
    I’m a worthless check, a total wreck, a flop,
    But if, baby, I’m the bottom you’re the top!

    Your words poetic are not pathetic.
    On the other hand, babe, you shine,
    And I can feel after every line
    A thrill divine
    Down my spine.
    Now gifted humans like Vincent Youmans
    Might think that your song is bad,
    But I got a notion
    I’ll second the motion
    And this is what I’m going to add;

    You’re the top!
    You’re Mahatma Gandhi.
    You’re the top!
    You’re Napoleon Brandy.
    You’re the purple light
    Of a summer night in Spain,
    You’re the National Gallery
    You’re Garbo’s salary,
    You’re cellophane.
    You’re sublime,
    You’re turkey dinner,
    You’re the time, the time of a Derby winner
    I’m a toy balloon that’s fated soon to pop
    But if, baby, I’m the bottom,
    You’re the top!

    You’re the top!
    You’re an arrow collar
    You’re the top!
    You’re a Coolidge dollar,
    You’re the nimble tread
    Of the feet of Fred Astaire,
    You’re an O’Neill drama,

    You’re Whistler’s mama!

    You’re camembert.

    You’re a rose,
    You’re Inferno’s Dante,

    You’re the nose
    On the great Durante.
    I’m just in a way,
    As the French would say, “de trop”.
    But if, baby, I’m the bottom,
    You’re the top!

    You’re the top!
    You’re a dance in Bali.
    You’re the top!
    You’re a hot tamale.
    You’re an angel, you,
    Simply too, too, too diveen,
    You’re a Boticcelli,
    You’re Keats,
    You’re Shelly!

    You’re Ovaltine!
    You’re a boom,
    You’re the dam at Boulder,
    You’re the moon,
    Over Mae West’s shoulder,
    I’m the nominee of the G.O.P.

    Or GOP!

    But if, baby, I’m the bottom,
    You’re the top!

    You’re the top!
    You’re a Waldorf salad.
    You’re the top!
    You’re a Berlin ballad.
    You’re the boats that glide
    On the sleepy Zuider Zee,
    You’re an old Dutch master,

    You’re Lady Astor,
    You’re broccoli!
    You’re romance,
    You’re the steppes of Russia,
    You’re the pants, on a Roxy usher,
    I’m a broken doll, a fol-de-rol, a blop,

    But if, baby, I’m the bottom,
    You’re the top!

    VN & most of the internet ……….

    Vermont Neighbor (229b93)

  7. A cool dude in a loose mood, indeed.

    A smallish gathering last night – maybe about a dozen fawning admirers – but Mr Burge kept us all entertained with stories about his meeting Ed “Big Daddy” Roth and many other “you hadda be there”-type topics.

    Showed up late and had to leave early – family obligations – but it was an evening to remember.

    MrJimm (cb3046)

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