Patterico's Pontifications


Caption Contest

Filed under: General,Obama — Patterico @ 6:37 pm

The photo comes courtesy of the New York Daily News, which reports:

It looks like President Obama hasn’t gotten acquainted to his White House surroundings. On the way back to the Oval Office Tuesday, the President approached a paned window, instead of the actual door — located a few feet to his right.

Doors didn’t open automatically for Obama’s predecessor either. While making a hasty exit from a 2005 press conference in Beijing, former President George W. Bush tugged on the handles of a door, only to find it locked.

Bush laughed off the blunder, but the pictures still live on as part of Bush’s lame duck legacy. However, there was little note taken of Obama’s rookie mistake.

Weird how that works.

Here’s the true caption:

Obama approaches a window of the Oval Office, instead of the door, shown to the right.

Surely you can do better than that.

92 Responses to “Caption Contest”

  1. Hello? Would you like a subscription to Better Mansions and Gardens?

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  2. Good Afternoon. I’m with the government and I’m here to help.

    voiceofreason2 (c4e384)

  3. Open, Sesame!

    IdahoGal (3f3949)

  4. I won, let me in now!

    St Clair (dda662)

  5. Did I leave my unicorn in there?

    Old Coot (543f9d)

  6. President Obama is mesmerized by his reflection in White House window.

    nk (bf9c84)

  7. Have you taken Me as your personal Savior?

    kaf (1f96af)

  8. I’m surprised he didn’t just walk through the wall.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  9. “Who’s that pretty President in that mirror there?
    Who could that pretty President be? ….”

    nk (bf9c84)

  10. Michelle, you missed a spot.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  11. Open this door or the n… gets it.

    kaf (1f96af)

  12. In 1996, Barack Obama peers thru the oval office window waiting for President Clinton to finish his meeting with an Intern.

    Biscuiteater (9cbc67)

  13. Blazing Saddles for the win!

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  14. “Eek! There’s a black man at the window! Oh, never mind… I forgot.”

    ManlyDad (75cbfe)

  15. Rove

    EricPWJohnson (852352)

  16. (And at least W’s door was really a door, with a handle and everything. O’s fumbling for something that isn’t there.)

    ManlyDad (75cbfe)

  17. Rahm? Anybody?

    Patricia (89cb84)

  18. President Obama discovers that the architects of the White House were racist.

    roy (d6fc79)

  19. “For a black man, even one elected President, it is still ‘on the outside looking in’.” The Editors — L.A. Times

    nk (bf9c84)

  20. “That’s the next thing we change.”

    Stephen Macklin (f552f7)

  21. George Bush’s fault.

    Joco (4cdfb7)

  22. A little further to the RIGHT, Obama, PLEASE!

    SharpRightTurn (7f8f1a)

  23. “Bill Clinton, what are you doing in there…ahhha Michelle, MICHELLE!”

    Joe (17aeff)

  24. Obama begins the Reagan-like window dressing for his Socialist-like stimulus plan.

    SharpRightTurn (7f8f1a)

  25. When God closes a door, he opens a window….seems Obama is still learning the ropes of this Messiah thing.

    SharpRightTurn (7f8f1a)

  26. Well actually, it was the idiotic look on Bush’s face that sealed that photograph’s timelessness.

    Xanthippas (e02a45)

  27. Puppet master Greg Craig tests the ability of the RC system implanted in Barry’s neck to work through the securitized windows of the White House…

    phreshone (aad71d)

  28. “Moron tries to walk through wall.”

    Xanthippas, you’re short three wise men and a sense of humor. Hopefully, you’ll be bailed out post haste.

    Pablo (99243e)

  29. The One walks down to the Oval Office to find George Soros and Greg Craig finishing up the morning business of the Motherland…

    phreshone (aad71d)

  30. Proof positive that only dimmest make it into the Ivy League…

    phreshone (aad71d)

  31. Xanthippas, you’re short three wise men and a sense of humor.

    What was the Blonde Horse talking about, anyway?

    nk (bf9c84)

  32. Re#26: I still am amazed how the Left just can’t quit their BDS.

    Suggestion: humor is a bipartisan sport. Strap in.

    Like when Obama was giving what appeared to be the Vulcan neck pinch to a reporter who dared to ask him a question about a…um…hypocritical public statement regarding hiring lobbyists, while having one of his cabinet do just that.

    Oh, that’s different, right!

    He is the smart guy! Bush is the dumb one. I got it.

    I can’t wait until we actually see Obama’s transcripts, incidentally.

    As for the best caption for the image above: “I thought it was a glass ceiling.” Also, thoughts about mirrors and budgies.

    Eric Blair (e92b94)

  33. This is just like television, only you can see much further.

    Chance the Gardiner

    phreshone (aad71d)

  34. And speak of Chance – how’s this…

    Ron Steigler: Mr. Gardner, uh, my editors and I have been wondering if you would consider writing a book for us, something about your um, political philosophy, what do you say?

    Chance the Gardener:
    I can’t write.

    Ron Steigler: Heh, heh, of course not, who can nowadays? Listen, I have trouble writing a postcard to my children. Look uhh, we can give you a six figure advance, I’ll provide you with the very best ghost-writer, proof-readers…

    Chance the Gardener:
    I can’t read.

    Ron Steigler: Of course you can’t! No one has the time! We, we glance at things, we watch television…

    phreshone (aad71d)

  35. “Hillary? Hillary, uh, very funny, you got me good there, you certainly did….Now hold up, Hillary, uh, you know, you’re, uh (Messiah chuckle), going to have to let me back in sometime….I, uh, wouldn’t get too comfortable in that chair if I were you.


    no one you know (1ebbb1)

  36. NOYK, that is spot on. You know, sooner or later, HRC will sneak into the Oval Office and sit in the chair that she feels is her due. And thus is the terrifying price of identity politics: she was happy to use it, and it was used against her.

    It’s right out of Greek mythology.

    Eric Blair (e92b94)

  37. Hey, nobody has throw this guy under the bus yet.


    JD (d3f294)

  38. I was reminded of this, although it’s not a captain: Simon’s Cat, “Let Me In”

    htom (412a17)

  39. You know, sooner or later, HRC will sneak into the Oval Office and sit in the chair that she feels is her due.

    …and then she’ll go home and soundly smack Bill on the back of the head!

    Dana (137151)

  40. …and then she’ll go home and soundly smack Bill on the back of the head!

    Comment by Dana — 1/28/2009 @ 8:28 pm


    no one you know (1ebbb1)

  41. Michelle, I was just kidding about that inauguration dress. I really did like it.

    Will you let me in now, please?

    I’m late for my bowling lesson, honey.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  42. Groundhog Day comes early for President Obama as he sees his reflection in a White House window, suggesting his honeymoon period will last six weeks longer.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  43. Biden! Get your smelly-ass feet off my desk!

    Pons Asinorum (61628f)

  44. Hmm…new construction project –move the White House three feet to the left – 30 zillion dollars more for the stimulus package.

    Pons Asinorum (61628f)

  45. I’m an Obama lover, but you guys made me laugh!

    obamanaut (055383)

  46. #46, I would recommend a double layer of protection.

    I’m just sayin’.

    Your guy ain’t faithful to you. Remember that.

    Eric Blair (e92b94)

  47. […] who could sometimes be petty but sometimes be pretty damned gracious, too. The president who could make a mistake at a doorway and laugh about it, and whom the press did not have to protect from the passing mockery such a […]

    I miss Bill Clinton! | The Anchoress (a05f7c)

  48. … @23 …

    Like Bill would be caught rubbing the ears on that Ferengi lookin byotch

    bobby (cf7e46)

  49. I like “Open, Sesame!” by IdahoGal best.

    Peter (e70d1c)

  50. Anyone care to guess the odds of this photographer still having a job tomorrow?

    Peter – Congrats on the Twatwaffle of the Day award. You earned it, buddy.

    JD (d3f294)

  51. McCain – too stupid to use a computer.
    Obama – just stupid.

    Perfect Sense (0922fa)

  52. “I looks good”

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  53. Obama, fresh from his historic presidential election victory, discovers that actually being the President of the United States is a real pane in the glass.

    Darkmage (71b97f)

  54. “My johnson looks huge lately!”

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  55. Don’t look up, don’t look around. Be cool. Act like I’m deep in thought. Yeah, that’s the ticket. So preoccupied with saving the country and all that. Damn, at least George had a locked door. I need a smoke. Bet there’s a camera behind me, too.

    allan (0acccb)

  56. #56, heh.

    Iowahawk is reminded of someone else struggling with a door.

    Dana (137151)

  57. Uh, Joe, locking me out doesn’t make you president.

    David (8d61c0)

  58. I won, let me in now!

    Comment by St Clair — 1/28/2009 @ 6:46 pm
    Priceless. That caption is a winner! LOL!

    Emperor7 (0c8c2c)

  59. “You can’t fix stupid.”

    redc1c4 (9c4f4a)

  60. […] Bush and President Bill Clinton.  Actually President Obama was pretty funny yesterday though, apparently he couldn’t find the door to his office, but we can’t mock him about […]

    Presidential Humor | Caffeinated Thoughts (84d4bb)

  61. Huh! These don’t look like the doors on all the dollar bills.

    (oh, and Patterico: cleanup at 53 and 55?)

    fat tony (8b940d)

  62. “Crap. Michelle said she’d lock me out if I smoked again, but I didn’t think she meant out of HERE!”

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  63. “Just a quick smoke between classes…”

    Stephanie (7664db)

  64. Worst. French door. Ever.

    Simon Diamond (17b3a3)

  65. “I’m sooo pretty, ohhhh soooo pretty!!!!”

    URBuddy (506747)

  66. “Crooks always use windows”

    Stephanie (7664db)

  67. Open the pod-bay door Hal.

    Daniel Dare (eb84ac)

  68. Black man caught on tape attempting breaking and entering into White House.

    Dr. K (acd87f)

  69. Willllllmmaaaaaaaa!!!!!

    kaf (b551f1)

  70. It would be my guess that Amadinijad has never done this. Putin neither.

    Jack (d9cbc5)

  71. Uh, I guess that Windex commerical with them birds was not fake after all.

    ChrisC (835e84)

  72. I have some fairy dust here somewhere

    Magic (6797b5)

  73. Xanthippas, you’re short three wise men and a sense of humor.

    Hey, funny is funny.

    Funny = guy trying to walk through locked door.
    Funny = guy trying to walk through window.
    Not funny = whining about media bias.


    Xanthippas (e02a45)

  74. Also, not funny = 2/3 of the comments here. The ones premised on Michelle locking him out are close though.

    Xanthippas (e02a45)

  75. Not funny = whining about media bias.

    And you see that where, exactly?

    Also, not funny = 2/3 of the comments here.

    Oh, come on. You haven’t posted nearly that many of them!

    Pablo (99243e)

  76. “Okay, Joe, this isn’t funny anymore. Go unlock the goddamned door and let me in!”

    Steverino (69d941)

  77. When a door closes a window opens, or maybe not.
    Wonder why no comedy sketches about black man trying to break into Oval Office and is arrested by Secret Service, only to find out it’s President trying to get into WH but forgot his keys. Oh, Obama is tooo intelligent and too brilliant and toooo pure to be the subject of comedy. Or maybe it has something to do with skin color? Naaah.

    eaglewingz08 (c46606)

  78. Watchtower!

    CW (ad6f90)

  79. My vote’s for David @10:20 (#58).

    PCachu (e072b7)

  80. Obama finally realizes the stimulus package didn’t work when he too loses his job.

    Dude (350a8c)

  81. […] who could sometimes be petty but sometimes be pretty damned gracious, too. The president who could make a mistake at a doorway and laugh about it, and whom the press did not have to protect from the passing mockery such a […]

    Kenneth Hynek » Blog Archive » The Anchoress misses Bill Clinton (0ae8cb)

  82. Much ado about nothing. Style of window and door is similar. Anyway, one could do with a bit of humour in these challenging times.

    M. Taylor (71aebd)

  83. Has anyone notified the Council for Comparative Building Opening Effectiveness Research?

    Chris C (e4e736)

  84. “For the last time I am not playing hide and go seek with you Pres. Bush. I actually have work to do. Plus, you are not very good, I can see your feet!”

    Scott M. (ca0279)

  85. I forgot… I don’t have to use the service entrance!

    Joel (20ee0a)

  86. “Yes there is finally transparency”

    Oiram (983921)

  87. “Sorry sir but the name “Hussein” is on the White House watch list, we can’t let you in.”


    Don’t you just hate it when you step outside for a quick doobie and you leave your keys on your desk?

    walruskkkch (5da392)

  88. Obama is seemingly already puzzled by his own “Open Door Policy” as he struggles through the first few days as Commander & Chief.

    lisacambi (5e1508)

  89. The difference between windows and doors: the only radical theory he never embraced.

    Vermont Neighbor (ab0837)

  90. “Michelle! The call’s coming from inside the house!”

    “I watered the bush, and discovered I needed the reading room.”

    “Tell the doorman he’s fired.”

    Eileen M. (e5b3d9)

  91. […] who could sometimes be petty but sometimes be pretty damned gracious, too. The president who could make a mistake at a doorway and laugh about it, and whom the press did not have to protect from the passing mockery such a […]

    Obama and Doing vs Being » The Anchoress | A First Things Blog (f2568a)

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