Patterico's Pontifications


Newspaper Bailouts Become Real . . .

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 1:52 pm

. . . in France.

But it could never happen here.


Thanks to Dana.

7 Responses to “Newspaper Bailouts Become Real . . .”

  1. A very bad idea. Without independence, the media can’t really be credible. Whatever the solution is, it will have to be a strictly private sector affair.

    Tim McGarry (9fe080)

  2. NOOOOOOO!!!!!!

    Patricia (89cb84)

  3. Given his creeping influence over the media

    The linked article states that Sarkozy’s influence over the media has been “creeping” (slowly, perhaps silently and perhaps cautiously). What a far more greater danger is that Obama’s influence over the media has been anything but “creeping”. There has been no silent transition, exerted caution, hesitancy, or at the very least, an attempt to maintain a pretense of objectivity – rather it’s been a massive collective of print media throwing it’s all behind Mr. Obama. Such a symbiotic relationship between the two cannot bode well for any sort of objectivity. And with such a high-need mutually satisfactory relationship, it’s not unreasonable to see a bailout on the horizon.

    Dana (137151)

  4. #1 — The media stopped being credible long ago. What have they to lose?

    Evil Pundit (843b74)

  5. Somebody had to step forward to protect a French journalist’s right to six weeks of vacation.

    Perfect Sense (9d1b08)

  6. I agree with Evil’s #4 re: – Without independence, the media can’t really be credible.

    Stop it, my sides are hurting!

    Apogee (f4320c)

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