Patterico's Pontifications


Accepted Wisdom™ on Jamil Hussein

Filed under: General,Media Bias,Movies — Patterico @ 5:23 pm

(Accepted Wisdom™ is a semi-regular feature of this site, highlighting contradictory viewpoints held by the elite.)

It is Accepted Wisdom™ that:

Everybody knows that the real name of the AP‘s source for the Burning Six story is Jamil Hussein. Therefore, conservative bloggers who speculated to the contrary are idiots.

And at the same time:

Everybody knows that the real name of the AP‘s source for the Burning Six story is not Jamil Hussein. Therefore, conservative bloggers who talk about revealing his true name are evil and soulless.

Technically, in this case, the “elite” consists of the AP, Editor & Publisher, and some lefty moronblogs written by stoners who look like Shaggy’s less literate, more drug-addled cousin. I.e., not necessarily the actual “elite.”

But you know what I mean.

5 Responses to “Accepted Wisdom™ on Jamil Hussein”

  1. What… was it something I said?

    Confederate Yankee (4ee6a7)

  2. This would be more effective with a link for each statement.

    [I don’t link these yahoos. Just see any lefty moronblog that has discussed the issue. — P]

    aunursa (8a5740)

  3. Nice.

    Here’s a couple more:

    Bad: Americans consume way more than their fair share of the earth’s resources.

    Good: Import massive numbers of foreigners because they are needed to expand America’s usage of the earth’s resources.

    Bad: America is neglecting homeland security while it fights enemies abroad.

    Good: Open borders and “sanctuary cities” for anyone who wants to illegally enter America.

    J Curtis (d21251)

  4. I don’t have any idea if the man’s name is really Jamil Hussein, as I’ve been ignoring the subject as much as I can.

    That said, if his name *isn’t* Jamil Hussein, it’s probably a safe assumption that there was a good reason for not disclosing his real name, and unearthing it and disclosing it would probably be harmful to him.

    That said, if the AP *knew* that wasn’t his real name, they should have said they were using a psuedonym.

    aphrael (9e8ccd)

  5. In the prehistoric days before blogs (Jerry Pournelle disagrees with me on this), I still could use the internet to access UPI stories about the war in Kosovo. I would find stories that some “stringer” (defined as anyone who can type) had picked up some guy at a bar who told her about horrific atrocities he had committed as a Serbian para-military. No MSM would pick up the story as far as I could tell. Sloppy reporting? Purposefully planted propaganda? Are wire services Macy’s or a flea-market — (for those from Rio Lindo) do they offer only quality product or whatever the market will accept?

    nk (b57bfb)

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