Patterico's Pontifications


Brett Kavanaugh: Heartless Judge Wants to Kill Louis, the E.B. White Character

Filed under: Court Decisions,Judiciary — Patterico @ 8:59 pm

Howard Bashman reports that the D.C. Circuit has held that the mute swan no longer has protection under federal law from being hunted or killed.

I have no view as to the correctness of the opinion, but my sympathies lie with the mute swan. I am reminded of Louis, the mute trumpeter swan, who is the protagonist of the E.B. White book I have been reading to my daughter.

I supported Brett Kavanaugh for this position. But that’s before I realized that he wanted to kill Louis.

P.S. Yes, I’m kidding with that last sentence. But I seriously do feel a little bad for the mute swan.

4 Responses to “Brett Kavanaugh: Heartless Judge Wants to Kill Louis, the E.B. White Character”

  1. One of my favorite books as a child. Actually, it still is one of my favorite. It is too bad about the reversal. I think, what we will find, is that in a few years it willl be necessary to give it protection again. So sad.

    Monica (dc2552)

  2. And when he’s up for a Supreme Court nomination, your quote will be all over the People for the American Way ad. Shame. 😉

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  3. according to mr. bashman, this decision was the result of the “migratory bird treaty reform act” amending the “migratory bird treaty act”. that’s the nature of “reform” as congress uses this word. your reform may differ from my reform. i’m guessing that any “reform” allowing previously protected species to be hunted was passed by the republicans. thank you, republicans, for paving the way for the elimination of these annoying swans. for the record, i am pro-hunter.
    migratory birds have gone to the supreme court before. the case of missouri v. holland stands for the proposition that a treaty can confer federal jurisdiction over state matters which would not otherwise exist.

    assistant devil's advocate (385354)

  4. No serious hunter would kill a swan. Swans mate for life and killing one means the death of its mate by pining away. I have even read that the widower commits suicide by flying high and then plunging into the ground.

    nk (956ea1)

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