Patterico's Pontifications


More from Kersten on the Flying Imams

Filed under: General,Terrorism — Patterico @ 10:23 pm

What were the flying imams up to? I gave you my opinion the other day:

[T]he imams were trying to increase Americans’ reluctance to report or challenge suspicious behavior on an airplane.

Now Katherine Kersten corroborates my speculation with specifics. (Via Power Line.)

6 Responses to “More from Kersten on the Flying Imams”

  1. It is not a coincidence that this incident took place in Ellison’s district.

    These people would not be making such a fuss if they didn’t have ulterior motives. Asking them to understand why we have these security measures in place after 9/11 is, I suppose, asking them too much. After all, there is something to be gained here – financially, and other obvious benefits to them.

    We are making our own rope. I guess we’ll hand it over to them whenever they ask. I dread next year with the new congress.

    rightisright (2cbc9b)

  2. that’s called “desensitization”. multiple feints at an adversary will eventually lull it off guard. the adversary’s best course is to kill and eat the provocateur first time out. that’s called “deterrent”.

    assistant devil's advocate (89a1a7)

  3. You guys scare me.

    Not sure if it’s just the paranoia…

    …or that you can’t see how unattractive anyone who espouses it appears to most Americans.

    Neville Chamberlain (80a4fa)

  4. It’s not paranoia if they really are out to get you.

    The imams engaged in highly suspicious behavior (asking for seat belt extenders they didn’t need and didn’t use; not sitting in their assigned seats but in seats that covered all access points of the aircraft, etc).

    Omar Shahin has links to Hamas and Osama bin Laden.

    And take a look at Mahdi Bray’s background.

    Check the timeline of events and tell us this is not an orchestrated stunt>

    larry (feb78b)

  5. …or that you can’t see how unattractive anyone who espouses it appears to most Americans.

    I’m not sure who appointed “Neville Chamberlain” to speak on behalf of “most Americans,” but I want it on the record that he does not represent me.

    JVW (255a81)

  6. This is not racial or religious profiling. It is terrorist profiling, which is fine in my book. What would have the reaction been if the 9/11 hijackers had acted in a similar manner, and no one did anything to stop them?

    Rob Stubbs (ef2601)

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