Patterico's Pontifications


Maj. McClung’s Father Comments

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:15 pm

Maj. McClung’s father has left a comment that you should all read:

I would like to extend my wife’s and my gratitude to every one of the many, many people who have extended their thoughts and prayers. We know that Megan died doing just what she wanted to do and we supported her all the way. It is a shame that I cannot share all of the tributes with each of you, but if I could, you would realize very quickly what a wonderful person Megan was. Her credo as a PAO was: “Be Bold, Be Brief, Be Gone!” She lived her credo to the end.

Life will proceed and this will soon be behind us, but please, do not forget that there were two soldiers killed with her that day. Let us thank them as well. God bless us all.

I agree that we should remember them as well, and I thank Maj. McClung’s father for the comment.

9 Responses to “Maj. McClung’s Father Comments”

  1. There isn’t a whole lot I can add to that. I agree.

    No wait— one thing I’ll add. Her father loves his daughter in the most profound way possible: he supports her work. Her work and her values.

    Christoph Dollis (9824e6)

  2. Mr. or Mrs. McClung:

    I would like to make a donation in your daughter’s honor. If you have designated a special charity or group, I would appreciate it if you would post or link to that information here.

    DRJ (6dbcaa)

  3. […] McClung’s father has since left a few comments at Patterico’s site. I’ll leave you with this: We know that Megan died doing just what she wanted to do and we supported her all the way. It is a shame that I cannot share all of the tributes with each of you, but if I could, you would realize very quickly what a wonderful person Megan was. Her credo as a PAO was: “Be Bold, Be Brief, Be Gone!” She lived her credo to the end. […]

    Hot Air » Blog Archive » Video: RIP, Maj. Megan McClung (d4224a)

  4. I note from reading today’s Los Angeles Times that Major McClung’s father is himself a retired Marine officer. He took care to note and ask us to remember that two others died as well in the attack. That’s an impressive act by a truly
    “reality based” gentleman.

    Mike Myers (4d9a65)

  5. Has either JFK or Rangel said anything about these brave American patriots? I have seen nothing.

    Jo macDougal (2a6514)

  6. May God bless Major McClung’s family, the family of the other two soldiers killed, and the families of all soldiers who have died protecting us and our way of life, in the MidEast and throughout the world. May God also bless each and every soldier who puts his or her life at risk, wherever it may be, so that we can be free.

    Rob Stubbs (ef2601)

  7. Maj. Megan McClung was interned at Arlington Tuesday.

    She was killed escorting Oliver North and a Newsweek reporter through Ramadi.

    Oliver North:

    “A proffered hot cup of coffee was gratefully accepted as the Major helped us load our backpacks, camera gear and satellite broadcast equipment aboard a dust-encrusted Humvee. Just hours later, this widely respected and much admired Marine officer and two brave U.S. Army soldiers were dead, killed by an IED — an improvised explosive device — the insidious weapon of choice for terrorists in Iraq.”

    steve (6830b3)

  8. My name is Marti, not MarchDancer. I live on the extreme western coast of Washington State. This once I want to be identified as a person, not a security conscious internet messenger. A very special, courageous and United States loving woman from a courageous and United States loving family has left us. I believe we are all the poorer when a person with the Major’s outlook on life is taken from us. She will be remembered not only by those who knew her but also by those of us who have read of her. To all of you, her family and good friends, thank you for allowing us to share in what is your story. Bless you all.

    MarchDancer (5ec9c8)

  9. My heart is so saddened to read about the death of Maj. McClung in the line of duty. We are losing our best and brightest in a war that is serious and necessary. Yet the press concerns itself with the tawdry lives and romances of young people in Hollywood who are not worthy to stand by the graves of these wonderful people. Or they waste time with other useless discussions about games and fashion. Where are the stories of the brave deeds, even the ordinary daily acts of kindness done by all our great men and women in service everywhere? Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. McClung for your beautiful, intelligent daughter and her service to her country. We all owe you our gratitude.

    Claudia (8c0913)

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