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iowahawk: Howard Dean Appeals to Homophobic Republican Voters

Filed under: Buffoons,General,Humor,Politics — Patterico @ 11:49 pm

iowahawk has found a transcript of Howard Dean’s appeal to homophobic Republicans: It’s the Homos, Stupid!

[W]e would like to take this opportunity to start a dialog with you, the conservative “values voter,” by addressing an issue of vital importance to all of us — the growing Republican homo menace.

It gets worse. Listen to Howard Dean as iowahawk has him say the following:

What we have found so far has been shocking. You may have already read the disgusting story of Mark Foley, the Florida Republican gay pervert congressman who spent night after night on the godless internet discussing unnatural sex acts and interior decoration with innocent underaged pages. And now our investigators have learned that Idaho Republican Senator Larry Craig is less interested in Boise than he is in “boy-sies.” Now that his sickening secret is out, the good conservative folks of Idaho can send this pansy packing to San Francisco where he can be Potato Queen in the the next pride parade.

Sadly, though, this is just the tip of the GOP gayberg. House Speaker Dennis Hastert, the mincing minnie who ran the GOP’s Foley coverup? A former high school “wrestling coach.” California governor Arnold Schwartzenegger? A curious fondness for flexing his oiled pecs while parading around in a pair of skimpy Speedos. “Dick Armey”? You do the math.

You have to agree, there’s definitely something very gay about a Dick Armey.

13 Responses to “iowahawk: Howard Dean Appeals to Homophobic Republican Voters”

  1. are you afraid that the homophobes will desert your party? let’s hear your pitch to keep them!

    assistant devil's advocate (abf1f6)

  2. Haven’t you said that before? The Dick Armey thing, I mean …

    rightwingprof (5649f5)

  3. Pat! You forgot to include any warnings that this was a parody! Thus, our liberal friends might believe assume that it is a genuine transcript from Dr Dean.

    It was a parody, right?

    Dana (3e4784)

  4. Love how effortlessly iowahawk is able to conjure up a link between Mike Rogers and with Howard Dean. Afterall, if a gay activist is hell-bent on outing closeted Republicans, Howard Dean must have had something to do it.

    At least, that’s what I’m apparently supposed to think here…

    Tom (2ae076)

  5. I was waiting for this puerile topic to reach rock bottom before jumping into the cesspool. Perfect. Almost an entire week of trying to gin this up into a (ho-ho) election turning issue (you little Roveniacs climbing into bed each night dreaming of Tim the Great Pumpkin putting Dems to the fire for the next three weeks: “Tell us Mrs. Clinton, do you or don’t you denounce the ENTIRE left side of the blogosphere for outing Sen. Craig? Don’t look to your husband for help. Answer the question!”) And so it comes down to a Rightwinger reverting to form—gay bashing—smearing—and rank cowardice. Yes, I know one man’s cowardice is another man’s comedy, Patty, me boy. I know Iowahawk is supposed to be satiric…supposed to be ironic (even though you file it under “general” and “politics”). I also know that your saying it doesn’t make it so. Just like your denying Greenwald’s compelling case that it’s all about the hypocrisy doesn’t refute the truth of that either (not unless you have one of those special J&J law degrees– Judge & Jury). But it’s always about the hypocrisy with you guys. To paraphrase: Hypocrisy is the mother’s milk of Republican politics.

    I’m eagerly awaiting November 8 so I don’t have to punish myself any further by trying to take the pulse of the Right. As of today, I’d say it’s at the point where the HAL 9000 breaks into Daisy…Daisy. With Hewitt in his burgundy-colored glasses grasping at Zogby polls and anonymous emailers for hope and the Pontificators breaking out the “Win One for Larry” strategy, I’m beginning to feel that the prognosticators are on target and our long national flirtation with authoritarianism is about to be terminated.

    Asinistra (6ba5e5)

  6. Just like your denying Greenwald’s compelling case that it’s all about the hypocrisy doesn’t refute the truth of that either

    It doesn’t matter if it’s all about the hypocrisy. Saying “he’s a hypocrite so I have the right to abuse him” doesn’t make the abuse any better.

    aphrael (e0cdc9)

  7. You’re trying to be funny, but that’s a rather homophobic post you have there. Just proves even further that most on the right are anti-gay bigots.

    Downtown Lad (d1ab59)

  8. Seems like a forgery to me.

    Jaxebad (469cca)

  9. Never ever trust a liberal demacrat BEWARE OF ROMULANS BARING GIFTS

    krazy kagu (044dd0)

  10. Hey, aphrael, I’ve only been a writer for about 30 years, so maybe you’ve come up with a different use for QUOTATION marks that slipped by me. If not, do tell, who the hell are you quoting here:
    Saying “he’s a hypocrite so I have the right to abuse him” doesn’t make the abuse any better.

    Asinistra (ee4de5)

  11. Asinistra: that’s my characterization of what the pro-outing camp is saying. If you accept that outing someone against their will is abuse, which is the premise I have been putting forth through this entire conversation, it’s fairly easy to equate “it’s ok for someone to out him because he’s a hypocrite” to “it’s ok for someone to abuse him because he’s a hypocrite.”

    Do you deny that “it’s ok for someone to out him because he’s a hypocrite” is a fair characterization of Greenwald’s position? If so, please explain to me what i’ve misunderstood, because it seems a fair characterization to me.

    If not, replacing terms which you believe to be equivalent in order to reframe the issue is a fairly standard rhetorical technique; I don’t believe I need to apologize for using it.

    aphrael (12fba5)

  12. DL, Just proves even further that most on the right are anti-gay bigots. Of course you know that it proves no such thing, but then again the ad hominem comment was too good to pass up, wasn’t it?

    Harry Arthur (5af33b)

  13. But it’s always about the hypocrisy with you guys. To paraphrase: Hypocrisy is the mother’s milk of Republican politics. In the 30 years you’ve been a writer it’s unfortunate that you neglected to develop a logical thought process beyond the ad hominem unsubstantiated allegation level. Nice horse hockey two step, though.

    Harry Arthur (5af33b)

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