Patterico's Pontifications


Criticism of Lancet Study

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:35 pm

Iraq Body Count points out some of the sillier implications of the Lancet study. Via Instapundit, who notes:

IRAQ BODY COUNT, often criticized for offering inflated civilian death figures, is now criticizing the Lancet study for offering inflated civilian death figures.

Heh. Indeed.

4 Responses to “Criticism of Lancet Study”

  1. Who criticises iraq body count? They source things twice.

    actus (10527e)

  2. Twice? More like a dozen.

    (When you say source, you mean count, right?)

    Dave (9090dd)

  3. (When you say source, you mean count, right?)

    I mean as in they look for at least two reports of a given casualty.

    Which is a completely different project than what Lancet is doing. Lancet is trying to estimate a mortality rate. Is there a known mortality rate for Iraq?

    actus (10527e)

  4. I haven’t seen the recent Lancet article, but I have heard repeatedly that it was produced by the same folks who published a similar report a few years ago, (also only a number of weeks before a US election- for any readers unaware, The Lancet is British).
    That study I read closely, as did other people who criticized it. According to its calculations, the infant mortality rate in Iraq, prior to the US invasion, was only 1/3 of that in the US. So which was it- that children were dying because of the sanctions against Iraq, or did Iraq have the healthiest children in the world?

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

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