Patterico's Pontifications


Tough to Listen To

Filed under: General,Scum,Terrorism — Patterico @ 10:05 pm

Another harrowing call from the World Trade Center.

Stephen Yagman’s ‘Emotional Distress’ Lawsuit Against Retired Cop Tossed Out Of Court [The Exclusive Inside Story!]

Filed under: General — Justin Levine @ 7:27 am

[Posted by Justin Levine

Greetings Patterico readers! It is indeed an honor to be guest blogging here. You can click on my name above to learn a bit more about me, or you can read more of my rants over at the Socallawblog (another great site where I am privileged to be able to guest blog).

Thanks to Patterico for letting me guest blog about a case that he turned me on to after posting about it.

A recap of the particulars:

Notorious “civil rights” attorney Stephen Yagman was indicted for tax evasion.

Patterico and I are generally of the same mind about this guy.

There are many who would describe Yagman as a cop hater – pure and simple. Retired LAPD officer Jerry Le Frois apparently thought so as well. He wrote a letter to Mr. Yagman expressing his “unlimited glee and profound satisfaction” over his indictment. Yagman’s response? He sued Le Frois in federal court for “intentional infliction of emotional distress”.

Yagman’s complaint is here [with a full copy of Le Frois’ letter attached at the end – Adobe PDF reader required].

Jerry Le Frois and I ended up speaking, and (more…)

New Occasional Guest Blogger Justin Levine

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:52 am

I am hopeful that in the near future we will have some guest posts from Justin Levine — including, very possibly, an exclusive on the Stephen Yagman civil case against the retired LAPD cop who wrote Yagman a letter expressing glee at Yagman’s indictment.

Justin is a producer for controversial local morning radio host Bill Handel at KFI, and a lawyer who specializes in First Amendment issues. He is a member at the Magic Castle, a magician himself, and an all-around interesting guy. He has been a guest blogger at Calblog and SoCalLawBlog, and after my incessant nagging over a period of time, has finally agreed to do some posts here.

He has a series of interesting posts on the “tyranny of copyright.” Go here and scroll backwards.

Hopefully we’ll get that Yagman post later today.

Going to the Source

Filed under: Dog Trainer,General,War — Patterico @ 1:10 am

Remember that contradiction between an L.A. Times report and statements by the Marine Corps regarding when Gen. Hagee briefed Jack Murtha on Haditha? I have put the question to General Hagee, through a major in his office who handles media requests. I’ll let you know what I hear back.

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