Patterico's Pontifications


(See-Dubya) Berkeley is Right to Impeach George Bush

Filed under: General — See Dubya @ 5:11 pm

(A guest post by See-Dubya)

One day the Missus and I drove through the lovely seaside town of Santa Cruz, California.  I think we stopped at a winery on the way in, then went to the boardwalk and shopped around downtown.  (I could swear that boardwalk is where they shot the Dirty Harry movie “Sudden Impact”, but I may be mistaken.)  Pretty  town, absolutely full of filthy, sullen, deranged neo-hippies stumbling around in a half-baked haze of hash and radical politcs.  

I was relieved to learn–as I recall, from a sign posted at the city limits–that the city of Santa Cruz is a “nuclear free zone“.  No way I want nuclear weapons falling into the hands of these clowns.    Sure, I had to leave my personal light-water reactor at home, but it was worth it to know that MoonStar and Peace wouldn’t accidentally trigger Chernobyl as they smoked up in their atomic Microbus.  I wondered whether the city had unhooked from the regional power grid, which is supported in too small a part by nuclear power, and generated its own electricity through clean-burning natural love-power and incense-driven turbines. 

I just hope the Commies were willing to observe that sign as well, and not let their ICBMs traverse Santa Cruz’s airspace.  Anyway…

Why they thought they could  beat the Supremacy Clause and prevent the Federal Government from, say, transporting a nuclear-capable cruise missile warhead through town was unclear.  They couldn’t possibly be so dumb as to overlook this fact, especially with all that “expansion” of their minds, and certainly they don’t look like Federalists or States-Rights types who usually wear blue blazers and red ties, or sometimes polo shirts.  After all, a municipal regulation doesn’t usually control over Federal law. 

Nor do church regulations.  As I googled to see if I remembered that correctly about Santa Cruz, I ran across a resolution passed by the Unitarian Universalist Church.  Apparently, they actually do believe something.  Let’s just say if you’re looking for America’s weapons of mass destruction, there’s no need to look inside a Unitarian church.  Anymore. I understand that the Air Force was appalled and had to move several Minuteman silos from their super-secret locations underneath Unitarian pulpits.  In fact, I  think the New York Times broke that story and published a map to all the American missile silos.  Anyway…

We were talking about futile gestures in California.  After a spate of Patriot-act-denouncing by municipalities, we now see Berkeley considering a motion to impeach George Bush, who is presumably the Acting Mayor of Berkeley, and that’s why they think they have the jurisdiction to impeach him.  They probably should.  Berkeley is a wacko town, crime-ridden and full of rude people who like to take grocery baskets away from the homeless and deep-freeze them.  The baskets, not the homeless.  They have a college in Berkeley and when I went there one time, I found masses of brightly colored paper flyers thrown down all over the place.  They were from an environmental rally earlier that day.  Anyway…

Yeah, Berkeley’s a hole and its Acting Mayor George Bush ought to be impeached for letting it get so out of hand.

–by See-Dubya, cross-posted at Junkyard Blog.

11 Responses to “(See-Dubya) Berkeley is Right to Impeach George Bush”

  1. Who pays attention to anyone from Berkley. They burned their brains out with pot in the 60’s and nothing has changed. The people of Ca. should be ashamed of the fools and do like the rest of the country. Pray that a major earthquake takes the entire city and everyone in it out. That’s one loss that would count as a gain.

    Scrapiron (9f37aa)

  2. They say it never rains in southern California.
    Do they say there are no brains in northern California?

    nk (41da82)

  3. Since Berkeley cannot impeach the president, this vote is in no way a legitimate municipal function. Whatever federal taxes they receive that are abused to fund such empty activities, instead of legitimate municipal activities, should be immediately cut off.

    I have no interest in funding the ongoing Berkeley narcissism show. Let them fund their self-absorbed prancing and preening themselves.

    Federal Dog (9afd6c)

  4. If there arent enough plain reasons to impeach this liar in chief who starts a war for reasons that shift as each is proven false, tramples on the Constitution, places his cronies in vital positionss, uses division and hate to win elections, fails to protect our boarders, alienates the entire world, and threatens to bankrupt the nation all the while claiming the mantle of his heavenly father.. The man is responsible for not at least trying to avert the deaths of thousands at the World Trade Center and is responsible for the deaths of nearly as many US solders, the wounding of 20,000 and the murder of tens of thousands of Iraqis in a war that only feeds the enemy. He is an ignorant arrogant reckless fool who knows only meaningless photo ops and empty platitudes. But I guess I will have to wait until he does something really serious like have sex with an intern in the White House before we get rid of Osama Bin Ladins best ally!

    charlie (e16458)

  5. Berkeley also voted to condemn the Taliban when you morons were still calling them “Freedom Fighters”.

    Pug (2bcb61)

  6. Berkeley to Vote on Bush Impeachment…

    Because it’s like their job.
    Reuters reports: “The municipal council in the liberal California city of Berkeley plans to give voters a say on a measure calling for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, the mayo…

    California Conservative (520ef7)

  7. Berkeley also voted to condemn the Taliban when you morons were still calling them “Freedom Fighters”.

    Er … what “morons” do you have in mind? I don’t think al-Reuters is reading this thread.

    Xrlq (f52b4f)

  8. XRLQ The Talilban were referred to as freedom fighters when the US armed them to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan.. Osama Bin Ladin was one of these “freedom fighters””

    charlie (e16458)

  9. “Because it’s like their job.”

    Where the hell did people get the idea that municipalities have the power to impeach federal officials? What the hell has happened to elementary school education in this country?

    BTW, I read elsewhere that Berkeley is wasting over $10,000 just to put the matter on a bogus municipal ballot. Let the ignorant kooks funds that themselves with city taxes, and refund any federal support they have received from lucid, informed taxpayers.

    Federal Dog (9afd6c)

  10. Charlie:

    XRLQ The Talilban were referred to as freedom fighters when the US armed them to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. Osama Bin Ladin was one of these “freedom fighters”


    Xrlq (a42357)

  11. Re, Santa Cruz and _Sudden Impact_:

    You’re right. Those of us familiar with the boardwalk were amazed to find that a perp could get shot, fall off the top of the ‘coaster (Giant Dipper – an exact copy of the Big Dipper at Coney Island) and fall through the top of the carousel which was about 50 yards north of that point.

    bud (46e4bf)

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