Patterico's Pontifications


Happy Birthday to My Dad

Filed under: General,Real Life — Patterico @ 6:50 am

Happy St. Patrick’s Day.

It’s also my Dad’s birthday. He would have been 81. In the spirit of tradition: Happy Birthday, Dad.

He would have liked to have met John Michael.

I am wearing his shamrock bow tie today in his honor.

11 Responses to “Happy Birthday to My Dad”

  1. I have the patriotic “fourth-of-july” bow tie today – somehow it’s red-white-and blue colors doesn’t match the green shirt & pants I wore for St. Patrick’s Day!! LOL!!

    But somehow that doesn’t matter –

    Brotherico (41d24a)

  2. …and I thought it was just me.

    My Dad died sixteen years ago today, at two in the morning. He would have been 79 this May.

    F451 (a41528)

  3. Happy Birthday to you Dad. Remember the best things about him & celebrate that way. This will be the hardest year for you, but you can make it.

    sharon (fecb65)

  4. I find that in certain situations, when I’d love to hear what my Mom would have to say in a given situation, I can just pause for a minute, listen with my heart and the words float in. Try it. See if it works. For me, sometimes yes (and then it’s so special) and sometimes no (And then I just use that time to remember her.)

    paul (f64e3d)

  5. Our prayers are with you on this bittersweet day.

    DRJ (3c8cd6)

  6. Patterico,

    I remember you shared the shock of his leaving and you are remembering him. I have never lost my mom or dad and so do not know what it feels like. Time to time, we pick up some flowers and go to my father-in-law’s grave and put the flowers there. I wish the legacy your dad left you, stays and grows. Have a happy memorable day. Thanks for sharing with us.

    Yi-Ling (4bae70)

  7. Hi, Patterico. This is a nice post. I especially like the picture of your father crowned king. You obviously have a great family. God bless.

    Federal Dog (43c7eb)

  8. Patrick,

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day. [ 387-493/460/461 AD] . Your name sake wrote in old Irish and translated literally it goes …

    I bind to myself today….

    I bind to myself today
    God’s Power to guide me,
    God’s Might to uphold me,
    God’s Wisdom to teach me,
    God’s Eye to watch over me,
    God’s Ear to hear me,
    God’s Word to give me speech,
    God’s Hand to guide me,
    God’s Way to lie before me,
    God’s Shield to shelter me,
    God’s Host to secure me,
    Against the snares of demons,
    Against the seductions of vices,
    Against the lusts of nature,
    Against everyone who meditates injury to me,
    Whether far or near,
    Whether few or with many……

    * Your dad born March 17, 1925.
    * St. Patrick died 17th March either 493 or 460 or 461 AD.

    To me,

    a) your dad gave you his personal legacy of [ your dad] being born on St. Patrick’s Day [ born 17th March] and naming you Patrick, while your other brother is named Kerry and your sisters are named Marianne, Susan, Holly, Carol and Betty; thus,

    b) your dad gave you his birth right.

    Have a happy memorable day !

    Yi-Ling (4bae70)

  9. i am wearing my favorite loincloth…a shamrock loincloth. Like many Whites, i might have some Irish in me, but my former last name suggests otherwise.

    Canterbury doesn’t sound or seem Irish, even after a few letter changes. i have longer arms than most humans, and am a natural with a bow. Not a bow tie, btw. Heck, i dislike ties, and wear V-necks in winter…

    i am American…but, like the Irish.

    KarmiCommunist (12f8ac)

  10. No matter what anyone says, bowties will NEVER look good. They will always portray a sense of “I have to live in the past because I don’t understand the present.”

    mike santos (5b5e0b)

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