Patterico's Pontifications


How Come *You* Guys Aren’t This Nice?

Filed under: Humor — Patterico @ 7:00 am

I have received a surprising number of compliments on the site lately, from people who just happened to be searching for information on various commercial products and services, such as office supplies and voip Internet telephone service. The feedback I have received from these commenters has been uniformly positive. Typical of these plaudits is a comment I received today from someone who calls himself “cheap cellular camera phones”:

I can’t believe how nice this site is. I can’t believe how much information is here. Keep the content flowing.I will be back soon.

Why, thank you! My face is red!

This flood of adulation has been so downright embarrassing that I have been forced to delete all such comments. I don’t want it to go to my head.

But I just wanted to say a hearty “Thank you!” to these commenters. Just because I deleted your comments doesn’t mean I didn’t appreciate them! If only the regular commenters were so unguardedly effusive in their acclaim, I’d be a happy blogger, every day.

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