Patterico's Pontifications


Maybe This Should Tell You Something

Filed under: Judiciary — Angry Clam @ 12:54 pm

[Posted by The Angry Clam]

Orin Kerr highlights two interesting quotes over at the Volokh Conspiracy.

First, there’s this, taken from a New York Times article:

Sean Rushton, executive director of the Committee for Justice, said generating enthusiasm for Ms. Miers was proving difficult because “anytime we put out something positive about her it gets shot to pieces by all our allies and the blogs.”

Gee, I don’t know, but if that kept happening to me, I’d wonder what it was I was missing. I mean, hey guys, why don’t they just keep reprinting our press releases and talking about how awesome she is? C’mon, Bush picked her!

I won’t go on to mention the second quote, which involves Sen. Specter’s statement that Miers isn’t ready to handle high-level constitutional questions such as inquiries about her views on recent Commerce Clause jurisprudence. I could, but won’t, explain how shocking this is for someone to be called to rule on those very issues. I won’t mention how this means that she will likely be a slave to her law clerks, who control the flow of information and research to her desk. I’ll even skip over how this is likely to lead to her being a “pragmatic” and infuriating justice like O’Connor.

(Sorry about that last bit, it’s a rainy Saturday here at the Clam Compound, and, being so angry at Bush, I felt that I should re-read Cicero’s In Catilinam orations. He loved his praeteritio.)

One Response to “Maybe This Should Tell You Something”

  1. More thoughts on the Harriet Miers kerfuffle

    After several updates my previous post on this subject is getting a little long. Guess it’s time to start a new one closer to the top of the page. Juliette Ochieng has a well thought out post on the Miers

    Small Town Veteran (af7df9)

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