Patterico's Pontifications


Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies

Filed under: Judiciary — Patterico @ 9:02 pm

The AP is reporting that Chief Justice Rehnquist died tonight.

He was a great man and a great Chief Justice. May he rest in peace.

UPDATE: A Kevin Drum commenter reacts. I’ll put his comments below the fold, for those who are offended by profanity:


Couldn’t this Rehnquist fuck have died a couple days BEFORE Katrina? Goddamn fuckin prick. What, did Karl instruct him to die or something?

Lovely. Just lovely.

24 Responses to “Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies”

  1. This week, one of my favorite conservative columnists (Jude Wanniski) passed away. And now, this…

    It seems that there has been too much tragedy this week, happening in too short of an amount of time.

    Aakash (fec161)


    Nothing less. A strict constructionist. No more inventing of new Constitutional Rights. no more penumbras

    This is Pres. Bush’s moment with history. He will be remembered by the Justices he nominates and of course gets confirmed.

    David (03f14c)

  3. Chief Justice Rehnquist died

    My deepest condolence. He was an erudite jurist. I think he wanted to die in office than retire and die at home. Law must have been really his love and passion. Fortunate is one whose career is his love and passion for then they give of their best in their professional juristic endeavor 🙂

    Yi Ling (f42fca)

  4. The king is dead. Long live the king.

    As much as conservatives liked Chief Justice Rehnquist, he’s pretty much going to be forgotten as we concentrate on who will replace him. Assuming that Judge Roberts is confirmed, we will have traded a moderately conservative justice (Mrs O’Connor) for a more conservative justice, which will be progress. A thoroughly conservative replacement for the Chief Justice will simply be standing pat; here’s where we have to hope that the President doesn’t nominate someone less conservative than Mr Rehnquist, or the gain we (hope to) see with Mr Roberts will be wiped out.

    The real break will come next summer, when Justice Stevens retires. (You read it here first.)

    Dana R. Pico (1d6514)

  5. 10-1-1924=1+1+1+9+2+4= 18/9

    Born: Oct. 1, 1924

    hmmmm…. his pinnacle was integrity and wisdom and serving humanity, jolly good !!! looks like he U.S. Chief Justice Rehnquist who died at 80 did it 🙂

    Yi Ling (09747b)

  6. I am crushed

    Chief Justice William Rehnquist has died.

    He was a great man and a great justice; I have no doubt that he will be unanimously confirmed to Heaven’s tribunal

    Huperborea (59ce3a)

  7. I read in his obit that he smoked in private.

    Those things will kill you, I mean, look at him. Snuffed out in his 80s. Goddamned tobacco corporations.

    Angry Clam (a7c6b1)

  8. Patterico:

    Well dadburn it, what the heck is wrong with Emilio Garza? Why can’t we have a conservative justice who believes in judicial restraint, but who is also a Hispanic who can shift some marginal support from a fast-growing and conservative-leaning group whose political affiliation is up for grabs?

    And he’s a Marine!


    Dafydd (f8a7be)

  9. Patterico:

    I didn’t see it, but my friend Lee tells me that Rehnquist was just “eulogized,” if that’s really the word I want, by Alan Dershowitz — who called the chief justice a “Republican thug.”

    Sometimes I’m ashamed to be Jewish.

    I hope Dershowitz is stricken tonight with a seizure of Jewish-mother guilt and spends the rest of his days in an agony of remorse for speaking ill of the dead. He should only rot in hell (alava shalom).


    Dafydd (f8a7be)

  10. A thoroughly conservative replacement for the Chief Justice will simply be standing pat; here’s where we have to hope that the President doesn’t nominate someone less conservative than Mr Rehnquist, or the gain we (hope to) see with Mr Roberts will be wiped out.

    I am hoping for Luttig, Alito, or Edith Jones (with Scalia as Chief Justice).

    The real break will come…when Justice Stevens retires…

    Amen to that.

    Robert OBrien (d606a4)

  11. He was a great man and a great Chief Justice. May he rest in peace.


    Robert OBrien (d606a4)

  12. I hope Dershowitz is stricken tonight with a seizure of Jewish-mother guilt and spends the rest of his days in an agony of remorse for speaking ill of the dead. He should only rot in hell (alava shalom).

    Dershowitz is a schmendrick who deserves to be punched in his pisk.

    Robert OBrien (d606a4)

  13. I echo the sentiments regarding Chief Justice Rehnquist; he did good by doing well.

    And as for a new nominee: Justice Maura Corrigan, terrific administrator as Chief Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court for 4 years (they rotate the position), wonderful credentials, widow of the late, great Professor Joe Grano.

    The only problem is we can’t afford to lose her here in Michigan.


    tbaughman (7d7f4f)

  14. Mr. O’Brien:

    Edith Clements will be the nominee to replace Chief Justice Rehnquist directly; there will be no promotion of Justice Scalia. The reason: Mrs Clements would be the first female chief justice nominee, making her harder for the libs to touch. Michael Luttig will be nominated in 2006 to replace the retiring for health reasons, then 86-year-old John Paul Stevens.

    Remember where you read it first!

    Dana R. Pico (0f4734)

  15. Remember where you read it first!


    Yi Ling (994abb)

  16. 🙂

    Yi Ling (994abb)

  17. A reporter recently asked Rehnquist when he was going to retire from the Supreme Court. His response was: That’s for me to know, and you to find out. It was a big deal to him to serve out his life term on the court.

    Shredstar (532850)

  18. “He was a great man and a great Chief Justice. May he rest in peace.”

    I liked his election monitoring work in minority districts. May he rest where that takes him.

    actus (5b2f21)

  19. Less than a year after being diagnosed for throat cancer and just a few days when his health declined so badly that he dies … !!!

    That’s the ideal way to go !! Good deeds begats good way and easy way to die. Most time cancer patients suffer a lot and even morphin is not enough for the pain.

    From my point of view that is a really good way to die, die at ripe old age, still holding highest judicial office, and with serious disease that takes 1 year’s toll and few days at the end . What luck and good fortune and blessings !

    Yi Ling (994abb)

  20. I believe Rehnquist was most proud of his work designing the special robe he wore presiding over the impeachment trial of the 42nd President of the United States.

    Shredstar (532850)

  21. I’m glad you just picked one of the comments. There is a plethora of pigs over there rooting around in the mud.

    rls (0516f0)

  22. Edith Clements will be the nominee to replace Chief Justice Rehnquist directly; there will be no promotion of Justice Scalia. The reason: Mrs Clements would be the first female chief justice nominee, making her harder for the libs to touch. Michael Luttig will be nominated in 2006 to replace the retiring for health reasons, then 86-year-old John Paul Stevens.

    Remember where you read it first!

    Na! na ! na! 2 hours ago 🙂
    Bush Nominates Roberts for Chief Justice

    Yi Ling (2cbfb8)

  23. Remember where you read *that* first!

    Patterico (756436)

  24. Remember where you read *that* first!

    Comment by Patterico

    Glad you asked 🙂
    Take your pick Patterico !

    1. I looked up the clear morning sky and a zeppellin zapped by and sprayed the words “Bush Nominates Roberts for Chief Justice”

    2. I had a cup of coffee and opened the fortune cookie and would you believe it, it read “Bush Nominates Roberts for Chief Justice”

    3. I was looking at the screen at the Bart, for when the next train was due, and guess what, it showed “Bush Nominates Roberts for Chief Justice”

    Hmmmm….. shall I go on, Patterico?

    Yi Ling (2cd6f6)

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