I Read the Kossacks So You Don’t Have To
There is a “story” up at Daily Kos called I read the right-wing blogs, so you don’t have to. This fellow reviews certain right-wing blogs and finds their coverage of the hurricane wanting. One of his complaints is that some of the right-wing blogs are simply ignoring the hurricane. He characterizes these blogs’ attitude as:
If there is a problem, ignore it. Many blogs simply did not want to talk about what is doing on — instead they concentrate on defending the war in Iraq, or talking about the craziness of social security.
As an evident example of this, the Kossack offers up: Instapundit. No, I’m not kidding:
Glenn Reynolds links to story that claims the L.A. Times edited a story to say that George Bush never met with Cindy Sheehan when in fact he met with her before his many months ago before his vacation, but not in Crawford.
It’s hard to believe this is his lead story.
The implication is that Glenn Reynolds is not talking about Katrina and relief efforts on his blog. A more blatant version of “The Big Lie” you will never see. It’s almost all he has talked about for several days running. He organized a blogosphere-wide donation effort and documented the links in this massive post. He did far more good for the victims in one day than this carping Kossack ever will.
I take this a little personally since it was my link that the Kossack is discussing here. This was Glenn’s “lead story” for all of two minutes, from 10:01 a.m. Eastern time to 10:03 a.m. Eastern time. He puts up a lot of posts, Kossacks. And lately, most of them have been about Katrina. So trying to stop lying for half a second, mmkay?
UPDATE: Link to Kossack post now fixed.