Patterico's Pontifications


Ace Pegs Democrat Senators

Filed under: Humor,Judiciary — Patterico @ 6:34 pm

The Roberts confirmation hearing has started at Ace’s, where Democrat Senators are questioning Roberts about Katrina, with hilarious results.

In Which I Hold a Brief and Pointed Political Conversation with the Ragged Hole in the Left Knee of Jeff Goldstein’s Quicksilver Blue Jeans

Filed under: Humor — Patterico @ 7:07 am

Part 2 of the Patterico Rips Off Goldstein Series:

Me: “So, what do you think of this same-sex marriage bill? Is Arnold right to say he’ll veto it?”


Me: “I think he’s right to say Proposition 22 can’t be legally changed without submitting the issue to the voters. On the other hand, I don’t like his suggestion that the issue be left to the voters or the courts. The courts shouldn’t have any say.”

Me: “Fu –”

Hole: “Actually, I think all he meant by that is that the courts are going to decide the legality of Proposition 22. Obviously, they have a role to play in deciding that issue, and the legality of Proposition 22 will be a central factor.”

Me: “Hmmm. You know, you make some pretty good points. For a hole.”

Goldstein: “Uh, why are you wearing my pants?”

(Part 1 of the series is here.)

Tomorrow: a roundtable discussion with the ghost of John Merrick, Grieving Mom Cindy Sheehan, and 70s Kung-fu expert and counterculture icon Billy Jack.

Dafydd: Only a Brief Respite

Filed under: Government,Law,Politics — Dafydd @ 5:19 am

UPDATE: See the update below.

NOTE: This post is not by Patterico; it is by Dafydd ab Hugh. Do not accuse Patterico of supporting traditional marriage. Do not address comments here to Patterico. Do not fold, spindle, or mutilate Patterico; that is my job.

Two great issues divide the state. But they are inextricably linked together… and for those of us who support a California ruled by the people, not by professional liberals, it is vital that we win on both of them.


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