Patterico's Pontifications


Tell Us About Yourselves

Filed under: Blogging Matters,General — Patterico @ 1:22 pm

[BUMPED to top all weekend; new posts appear below.]

A while back I had a thread asking readers to tell us something about themselves. Some regular commenters weighed in, but many of you haven’t.

I’d like anyone who hasn’t already participated in that thread to go here and tell us a little something about who you are: where you’re from, how old you are, what you do for a living and for fun, and that sort of thing.

I’m not just interested in the regular commenters, but also in the lurkers. I know there are a few of you out there. Let’s hear from you!

P.S. No comments to this post allowed. Any responses should be left at the link above.

Another Online Politics Test

Filed under: General,Politics — Patterico @ 1:21 pm

Here is another online politics test. My results are below the fold.


A Dissent on the Legislature Taking Illegal Actions

Filed under: Civil Liberties,Dog Trainer — Patterico @ 11:38 am

Three cheers for Karin Klein, an L.A. Times editorial writer who has this piece in today’s paper. The paper recently published an editorial which praised the Legislature for ignoring Proposition 22 and passing legislation in favor of gay marriage. Klein’s piece is a signed dissent from that editorial. Klein says that (like me) she supports gay marriage, but (like me) she believes that the Legislature does not have the right to overrule the will of the people as expressed in Proposition 22. Klein shows real integrity with this piece, and I salute her for it.

Famous Courtroom Drops Four Floors

Filed under: Crime,Current Events,Dog Trainer — Patterico @ 10:07 am

Newspapers get facts wrong — all the time. Have you ever read a newspaper article about a topic concerning which you had personal knowledge? Did it get all the facts right?

When I ask people that question, the answer is, invariably, “no.”

Case in point: the other day, the L.A. Times reported on Antonio Villaraigosa’s jury duty downtown, in the Criminal Courts Building where I work.

Although the criminal courthouse is across the street from City Hall, its atmosphere is a world away from the stately home of the city’s government, with its high frescoed ceilings and engraved quotations from the likes of Cicero.

The fifth floor hallway — which leads to the courtroom of Judge Lance Ito, among others — was a bustling, chaotic scene. Accused felons consulted with their lawyers. Inconvenienced mothers crocheted angrily. An unhappy toddler keened in the background.

Since when is Lance Ito’s courtroom on the fifth floor? It’s been on the ninth floor since O.J. It was on the ninth floor when I was sent there for a murder trial several months ago. And I’m pretty dang sure it’s still there. (If I’m wrong about this, I’ll let you know tomorrow, when I’m back at work.)

This mistake seems especially odd to me. I mean, I already know these people hardly ever get anything right. But can’t they at least figure out what floor they’re on?

P.S. I’m not really planning on seeking a correction on this, since it seems so trivial. However, if any of you are sadistic and want to pursue it, you know what to do. Just don’t tell ’em I sent you.

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