Patterico's Pontifications


Extra! NARAL Runs Sleazy, Deceptive Commercial

Filed under: Abortion,Scum — Patterico @ 10:01 pm

If you still have the capacity to be shocked by NARAL, read Power Line’s post on the group’s smear of John Roberts.

Honestly, I’m glad someone can muster outrage. Just because something like this is utterly predictable doesn’t mean it’s not also sickeningly wrong.

4 Responses to “Extra! NARAL Runs Sleazy, Deceptive Commercial”

  1. In a twisted sense, I think these type of excesses are helpful. Thanks to you bloggers, such hateful nonsense no longer goes ‘unpunished’. You guys and gals publicize it and the American people get to see the new liberalism in all its despicable glory.

    mikem (fd2aad)

  2. Since we’re talking about the rhetorical excesses of the abortion lobby, have you seen this yet?

    See Dubya (c2cfe0)

  3. One day, Patterico, you’ll look back on such attacks the way a boxer looks back on an opponent who telegraphed his punches. Enjoy it while it lasts.

    ras (f9de13)

  4. Extra! Dog bites man!

    Al (00c56b)

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