Patterico's Pontifications


New Investigation of Hillary for False Statements to Congress?

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:35 am

Watching Jim Comey’s testimony this morning, I note that he said the FBI has not reviewed the truth of Hillary’s statements under oath to Congress. The questioner said that one of those statements was that she sent or received no information marked classified. Had the FBI reviewed that statement? No, replied Comey, we have not received a referral from Congress.

The questioner replied: “You’ll have one within a few hours.”

130 Responses to “New Investigation of Hillary for False Statements to Congress?”

  1. Cue the cries of OVERREACHING!!!

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  2. IT’S A WITCH HUNT!!!1!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  3. We know that lying to the FBI is a cardinal sin, punishable by law. This is true even if you didn’t lie to them but they want a jury to think you did (Scooter Libby). So the question becomes, is lying to Congress while under oath an equivalent offense? If Congress was run by the Democrats it certainly would be. But with our go along to get along RINOs, there will be an embarrassing rush to the microphones by all the usual suspects to excuse Hillary! if she apparently misstated a fact or three. Just watch.

    BobStewartatHome (a52abe)

  4. everyone at the sleazy corrupt FBI needs to be fired

    starting with this cowardly useless James Comey person

    we have to start from scratch

    that place is rotten

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  5. Bob, you wanna read over your comment (If Congress was run by the Democrats it certainly would be.)

    ropelight (596f46)

  6. Nothing anyone in this administration does will be prosecuted, perhaps until President Trump does. You know president hillary will not. Historically, previous administrations were never pursued for law violations when the administration changes. Maybe President Trump will really go after the corruption in dc. Prosecuting hillary could be the first shot that things will be different.
    Otherwise, “at this point, what difference does it make?”

    Jim (a9b7c7)

  7. You have a point. The Republicans have elected the Speaker and the Majority Leader, but other than that there isn’t much that would signify control. They do make nice lawn ornaments, however.

    BobStewartatHome (a52abe)

  8. The brazen, disdainful dishonesty that Clinton has shown throughout this saga (and throughout her career) is truly remarkable. Hall-of-Fame level lying.

    We are so f*cked.

    Leviticus (efada1)

  9. Or were you noticing the “was” that wasn’t a “were”?

    BobStewartatHome (a52abe)

  10. Leviticus, I served my country as best I could. With no thought to advantage to myself.

    Now I’m sorry I had anything to do with it.

    Steve57 (ecac13)

  11. No, Bob, nothing so trivial.

    ropelight (596f46)

  12. Hillary’s false statements will just be characterized as “careless.”

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  13. Listening to the Comey interview with Congress.

    A real dog and pony show.

    Apparently “intent” is the condition necessary for prosecution.

    Comey says he has no proof Hillary intended to conceal, destroy, transmit, have in an unauthorized server/location the emails in question.

    He cannot say that Hillary was sophisticated enough to know the nature of what she was doing.

    He also cannot say that anyone who did what she did would be denied employment at the FBI.

    We are doomed!

    Pts (ce7fc3)

  14. 10.Leviticus, I served my country as best I could. With no thought to advantage to myself.

    Now I’m sorry I had anything to do with it.
    Steve57 (ecac13) — 7/7/2016 @ 8:11 am

    Steve57, you know as well as I do guys like you and I didn’t serve our country for the likes of Hillary! or any politician. We served because we love our country. What and who it stands for. We served to Honor the brave Patriots who served before us, many who died doing it. We served for our families, our friends for Patterico’s right to blog and our right to b!tch at his blog. We served for ropelight and Leviticus and happyfeet and Dana and all the rest of us that make America a great country in spite of creeps like the Clintons and idiots like Trump. In short, we served for the every day American and the Idea that is America.

    Rev. Hoagie® (0f4ef6)

  15. thank you for all you did

    it’s still a good idea i think, America

    just in practice a lot of it’s gone rotten

    and going forward i truly believe the best way for to serve is in the privatest sector of the private sector you can find

    that’s where we need peoole something awful

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  16. *people* i mean

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  17. The democrats brought a bunch of frivolous charges against Sarah Palin, so many that it became a full time job just answer them.

    You’re a prosecutor. Bring some charges against Mrs. Guilty As Hell.

    The other day a video was posted by PJ media of Hillary at a sponsor hosted lunch in California, saying she’s not doing email because it would render her subject to oversight, prior to her Secretary appointment.

    Look at all those witnesses sitting next to her.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  18. Somewhere, Lois Lerner is splitting her sides laughing at the idea that Hillary! would face any real consequences for lying to Congress.

    JVW (eabb2a)

  19. Pts (ce7fc3) — 7/7/2016 @ 8:33 am

    When the director of the FBI lies to Congress, who investigates him?

    kishnevi (ec71b1)

  20. I served because Dad invited Marine recruiters, three of them sitting on the couch, to my 18th birthday party.

    Sure, I’d like to claim it was some high minded love of country, but it was closer to a baby being left on the recruiters doorstep.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  21. I do not recall her taking the oath. Curious.

    Mike (6cce3b)

  22. Once again, Rs fail. Play nice, decorum, activity without accomplishment.

    Gowdy had Comey on the ropes, then pulled up short. Jordan made strong points, then huffed in disbelief, yielded his time and failed to close. Comey needs to be called out as the POS that he is.

    They need to embarrass Comey, humiliate him, unambiguously show him for the hack he is. The nuanced stuff won’t win over a single fence-sitting LIV.

    Matador (77765d)

  23. WRT serving. There’s an old saying I made up. Virtue is its own reward…because there isn’t any other.
    So I think about my MOS and…screw people like Hillary! and Lynch and Obama.
    What does take the wind out of me is the proportion of the citizenry who actually don’t see the problem with Hillary! or the Clintons or any of this other crap.
    Hey, did it occur to you that these clowns are going to be running the FEC?

    Richard Aubrey (472a6f)

  24. We live in the United States of Failamerica.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  25. too many cowardly little fbi girl trashpansies

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  26. You had a good home, but you Left! – You’re Right!

    And, that’s the reason you Left! – You’re Right!

    ropelight (596f46)

  27. Comey needs to be called out as the POS that he is.

    yes yes

    and as far as I can see the usually loquacious and always pervy Mitt Romney has yet to even comment

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  28. Not that it would’ve made a difference, but just learned that Hillary’s “interview” with the FBI last Saturday was NOT under oath.

    Comey said she was not untruthful in that interview.

    He said he was not personally present and didn’t talk to all the agents afterward who were.

    I would guess none of them asked her if she ever had or transmitted classified emails.


    Pts (ce7fc3)

  29. More fun, the House could arrest her on civil contempt charges and hold her in jail until Jan 2017. I’m guessing this would cause too much controversy though, so they won’t do it.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  30. A nugget revealed by Comey.

    “If someone in the FBI had done what Clinton had, it would not be without consequences.”


    Pts (ce7fc3)

  31. …He cannot say that Hillary was sophisticated enough to know the nature of what she was doing…

    So let’s just [blanketety blank] promote her.

    Steve57 (ecac13)

  32. So the question becomes, is lying to Congress while under oath an equivalent offense?

    If you take the attitude that our host has expressed in the past — that lying to investigators ought to be a crime as it can pervert the course of justice — then lying to Congress, whether to investigators or to other fact-finders is worse as it can pervert the course of the nation’s business, not limited to mere justice, but also national security, or the financial well-being of millions.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  33. Nothing anyone in this administration does will be prosecuted, perhaps until President Trump does

    Trying to predict President Trump is impossible. We can’t even predict candidate Trump.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  34. Rev. Hoagie® (0f4ef6) — 7/7/2016 @ 8:35, you said it better than I ever could.

    Steve57 (ecac13)

  35. Hillary’s false statements will just be characterized as “careless.”

    To be lies, you’d have to show intent!

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  36. I do not recall her taking the oath. Curious.

    So? Martha Stewart never took an oath with she fibbed, but USA Comey prosecuted her just the same.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  37. Every word she’s spoken and every act Hillary or her aids and lawyers have performed demonstrate unambiguous intent.

    ropelight (596f46)

  38. Hillary’s “interview” with the FBI last Saturday was NOT under oath.

    They rarely are; it’s not a deposition. Scooter Libby wasn’t under oath either. It’s still a crime to lie to a federal agent.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  39. I didn’t intend to not pay my federal income taxes. I just didn’t pay them, that’s all. (LOL)

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  40. Every word she’s spoken and every act Hillary or her aids and lawyers have performed demonstrate unambiguous intent.

    Yes. I guess I need a special irony font.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  41. I didn’t intend to not pay my federal income taxes.

    “I didn’t intend to not report all that World Bank income. I just forgot and TurboTax didn’t remind me. Ooops!”

    –T. Geithner

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  42. Kevin the only thing we can’t predict is what the media will conjour regarding Trump.

    As to President Trump, we can confidently predict that he will respond with an objectively equal degree of vehemence to whomever attacks him, especially if he figures it’s a raw deal.
    Collateral to that we can predict that Hillary will lie just about anything, but especially about Trump.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  43. This nasty woman must not be placed in charge of the FBI, CIA, IRS, DOJ, the Pentagon, or even the Department of the Interior.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  44. BobStewartatHome (a52abe) — 7/7/2016 @ 7:47 am

    This is true even if you didn’t lie to them but they want a jury to think you did (Scooter Libby).

    What Scooter Libby said was untrue. The only way to say he didn’t lie was to say he didn’t remember things right. But hehad motives for lying.

    If he took the 5th amendment, he would lose his job, and furthermore, make it appear the Democrats were telling the truth, and the name Valerie Plame had bene deliberately leaked by the White House “apparently in retaliation”. (when actually it was an “explanation”, provided by the CIA, for the trip to Niger by Ambassador Joe Wilson)

    If he told the truth, he would not only lse his job, but he could get New York Times reporter Judith Miller in very bad trouble. She had prompted him to ask a question of the CIA: Why was Joe Wilson picked to go to Niger? The CIA lied, and said it was because of his wife recommended him, and then spread that disinformation across the U.S. government.

    Actually they sent him to Niger in order to avoid having to retract the claim that Saddam Hussein had tried to buy uranium from Niger. This claim was the work of Tyler Drumheller, a top CIA boss in Europe, who has found or vouched for the spy in Italy who provided the (obviously) forged documents that showed that Saddam Hussein had signed a contract some years before to buy uranium from Niger.

    Voce President Richard Cheney had expressed some doubts about that, or wanted further verification. Joe Wilson was sent to Niger to investigate the question of whether uranium could actually have been sent to Iraq. He brought back an ambiguous report, saying there wer such controls so that uranium couldn’t have actually been sent to Iraq (which nobody claimed) but maybe Saddam Husssein had been interested. This did not deal with the forged contract at all.

    I should mention that, had it been true, it wouldn’t have weakened the case against Saddm Hussein, not strenghtened it, because it would have meant taht Saddam Hussein’s nuclear weapons program had been set back to Square OIne and he didn’t even have any more highly enriched uranium.

    It was the same Tyler Drumheller, whom, years later, Sidney Blumenthal claimed was the original source or even the writer of some of the memoes he sent to Hllary.

    Sammy Finkelman (88f52d)

  45. “We may never know what her motive was.”

    — Loretta Lynch

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  46. Sure, if it was Ted Cruz in the hot seat instead of Hillary Clinton you (and quite a few others here) would be making comments indistinguishable from those of Hillary’s lickspittles.

    ropelight (596f46)

  47. I didn’t intend to kill the bank teller. I just shot him, that’s all.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  48. “Hillary Clinton is the kindest, warmest, bravest, most wonderful person I’ve ever known.”

    — FBI Director James Comey

    Colonel Haiku (f125a7)

  49. News about Trump’s VP: He says he has about ten named and doesn’t known whom he will pick. Personall;y chemistry, like he says Barack Obama has with Joe Biden is amost important consideration, but carrying a state would not be a reason. Senators Corker and Ernst took themselves out of consideration, saying they would be better in the Senate. Mike Pence, who declined to run for president largely because it would give publicity to what happened in his personal life, met with Donald Trump on a golf course and Mike Pence’s wife was there too. This shws you that theer are peiople who think they much take a job from Trump if offered lst he name a really unsuitable person instead. Newt Gingrich maybe also falls into this category. If a few people are doing it, this kind of rreasoning must be coming from someone inside the Trump campaign.

    Rsh Limbaugh says Ann Coulter said Trump should not pick a politician, because if he does he’ll be impeached within 6 months. He should pick someone whom nobody would ever want as president, likke Abraham Lincoln did.

    Sammy Finkelman (88f52d)

  50. My #47 was directed at Kevin. But it also applies to all those with appropriate shoe sizes.

    ropelight (596f46)

  51. How many of Trump’s vendors used those same bankruptcy laws to reorganize their business interests in the wake, as is right and proper with equal protections before the law?

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  52. @Kevin M It’s only when talking to the FBI, or maybe some other employees of the executive branch, that you don’t need to take an oath to be in violation of the U.S. code if lying. I don’t think a committee of Congress is included. This section of law might even be limited to the FBI. A lot of people don’t know about this law, or didn’t till after Martha Stewart got indicted.

    Martha Stewart lied to the FBI. Hillary Clinton never spoke to the FBI until she was certain that any lies would remain undetected, and maybe even the questions were arranged and known in advance, and anything off topic objected to by her lawyers, so she wouldn’t even actually have to lie to fool people.

    Sammy Finkelman (88f52d)

  53. Typo 50. Trump says he has about ten names on his VP list.

    Sammy Finkelman (88f52d)

  54. We’ve learned that although negligent manslaughter is criminally punishable in every state in the USA in some for or other, negligent lying about classified Federal records, keeping them in an unauthorized place, destroying them, possibly exposing them to enemies of the USA etc., is NOT criminally punishable or even as a misdemeanor Federally.

    Attention would be crooks!

    If you’re going to make a career in crime, do it on the Federal level… a real cakewalk, apparently… very hard to be prosecuted.

    Pts (ce7fc3)

  55. * This [fact, that Mike Pence would allow himself to be vetted for vice president] shows you that there are people who think they had better take a job from Donald Trump if one is offered,lest he name a really unsuitable person instead.

    Sammy Finkelman (88f52d)

  56. IT’S A WITCH HUNT!!!1!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a) — 7/7/2016 @ 7:45 am

    Well, considering it’s a witch we’re after…..

    Bill H (971e5f)

  57. The New York Times says the e-mails would probably have been equally or less secure on the state department server.

    Mrs. Clinton’s best defense, and one she cannot utter in public, is that whatever the risks of keeping her own email server, that server was certainly no more vulnerable than the State Department’s. Had she held an unclassified account in the State Department’s official system, as the rules required, she certainly would have been hacked.

    Sammy Finkelman (88f52d)

  58. Look, I think all of us here commenting at need to realize that we don’t actually live in the country we think of as “the United States of America.” We live in a corrupt place where there are two sets of “citizens,” one set who enjoy special privileges, and another set who don’t…

    champ (56cd04)

  59. Steve57, you know as well as I do guys like you and I didn’t serve our country for the likes of Hillary! or any politician. We served because we love our country. What and who it stands for. We served to Honor the brave Patriots who served before us, many who died doing it. We served for our families, our friends for Patterico’s right to blog and our right to b!tch at his blog. We served for ropelight and Leviticus and happyfeet and Dana and all the rest of us that make America a great country in spite of creeps like the Clintons and idiots like Trump. In short, we served for the every day American and the Idea that is America.

    Rev. Hoagie® (0f4ef6) — 7/7/2016 @ 8:35 am

    I think I’ll just leave a +1 here, say “Thank you”, then go on my way.

    Bill H (971e5f)

  60. #55, If you’re going to make a career in crime, do it on the Federal level…

    And be sure to register Democrat, vote regularly, and contribute 10% of your swag to the Democrat National Committee in order to secure immunity from the unpleasant consequences official entanglements.

    ropelight (596f46)

  61. Sammy, Scooter was in he-said vs he-said situation. Judith Miller provided some information at the trial but didn’t realize how it was being contorted to support the prosecution. She said on air that if she had known how her words would be misconstrued, she would have used different words, words that made it likely that Scooter wouldn’t have been found guilty.

    And the FBI’s witness that contradicted Scooter was a two-bit journalist. And I think we can all agree that they are not to be trusted to tell the truth if a political issue is in the balance. They will always lean left, going so far as to put a bomb in the gas tank to make the video more compelling.

    BobStewartatHome (a52abe)

  62. Comey basically stated that since Clinton is no longer a Federal employee, she is not subject to significant consequences short of prosecution, that would befall someone who had done what she had while employed by the Federal Government, e.g. being fired, reprimanded, losing security clearance, being fined., etc.


    Pts (ce7fc3)

  63. Actually he did no such thing, they took the word of the dgse who had been implicated in the wiretapping of chiraq, and who had close ties to the baathist regime, the bnd lied about their hAndling of curveball.

    narciso (732bc0)

  64. I heard just a blurb of Gowdy grilling Comey that sounded reasonable,
    I am looking forward to pat and nk and Beldar with courtroom experience weigh in on whether anyone went after Comey effectively,
    from my uninformed perspective I would have thought one could make Comey look like a corrupt fool,
    though I guess there are hazards of doing that to the director of the FBI if you are a R.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  65. I like Ryan’s request to withhold classified information from her, as she has been shown to be untrustworthy in handling it…

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  66. ropelight, one of the reasons I supported Cruz is that I think it very unlikely that he would commit crimes, endanger the national security, and use a public office to enrich himself, or some phony foundation. This is to say I judged his character to be superior to any of the other candidates for the Republican nomination, and superior to the Democrat alternatives, which was a much less rigorous test. I could be wrong. But he hasn’t left a trail of dead bodies, molested women, crooked futures transactions, and pay for play governance like Hillary! My concern with Trump is based solely on the actions Trump took against Cruz and his family which I personally observed. I don’t think Trump is a very good candidate, but I’m just one vote, and Trump won the nomination. Being a poor candidate has not been a disqualifier in recent Republican nominations, nor, alas, will it be in Cleveland. I think the Republican Party is toast, and I’m wondering how we can pick up the pieces in a few years.

    If Cruz behaved like Hillary! or Trump, I can assure you that most of his supporters would abandon him. I think we are driven by the principles underlying of the man’s policies. We are not cultists attracted to his personality. That should be obvious.

    BobStewartatHome (a52abe)

  67. More interesting info

    If Hillary is elected President and sets up a server situation exactly like before, and lied to the American People about it, destroyed emails, transmitted classified documents in a non-safe internet environment, there would be no criminal wrong doing found with no consequences.

    Pts (ce7fc3)

  68. Comey: “I know, from 30 years at the Department of Justice…”

    That’s just too much time at the trough.

    Matador (77765d)

  69. Rev. Hoagie® (0f4ef6) — 7/7/2016 @ 8:35 am

    Standing ovation.

    felipe (408c5f)

  70. the National Soros Radio propaganda sluts make no mention of today’s hearing on their home page

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  71. #67, We are not cultists attracted to his personality.

    Permit me to doubt.

    ropelight (596f46)

  72. Judith Miller wasn’t sure that Scooter Libby had been her source for the name Valerie Plame – and as a matter of fact, she had it Flame. But the point was why Joe Wilson went to Niger. The real reason was to avoid answering the question that came from Dick Cheney’s office, and he was selected because he would give an ambigous report – which was not written, and never went went to the vice president’s office anyway. Judith Miller, and it probably was her, was rightly suspicious of the purpose of that trip.

    I have a book that has a lot of the testimony from the trial, but didn’t read much of it. Maybe if I can find it, I can check up some of this. But I think it’s wrong to go around and say Scooter Libby didn’t lie. I think he did, but he also knew he was not the source of the leak that went public – he was not Bob Novak’s source. He lied about where he learned about Valerie Plame.

    Sammy Finkelman (88f52d)

  73. If she was president, she’d have complete authority on what’s classified and what’s not. Theer are some laws about record-keeping.

    Sammy Finkelman (88f52d)

  74. “in spite of creeps like the Clintons and idiots like Trump.”

    I dunno, man. It’s perfectly reasonable to disagree with Trump (I don’t, but I also recognize that it’s not a sign of idiocy to do so), and it’s certainly reasonable to wish (as I do) that we had somebody better in the running, but calling Trump an “idiot” is sort of over the cliff. Is he Jemmy Madison, author of the Constitution? Nope, not by a long shot. Did he figure out how to build giant skyscrapers in the middle of Manhattan? Yes, he did. Did that require some ability? Yes, it did. Is that “idiot” status? No, it is not. QED.

    hunson abedeer (80144e)

  75. Kevin M (25bbee) — 7/7/2016 @ 9:53 am

    “I didn’t intend to not report all that World Bank income. I just forgot and TurboTax didn’t remind me. Ooops!”

    –T. Geithner

    He did report it, and it went into Adjusteed Gross Income and he paid income tax on it. Turbo tax didn’t catch that Social Security and Medicare taxes had (legally) not been withheld, and that he owed self-employment tax on it.

    Sammy Finkelman (88f52d)

  76. nothing a big steaming mug of gtfoi harvardtrash ted lost won’t fix

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  77. Oh and also, on the flip side, if Trump is really stupid enough to name Gingrich as VP, which will essentially bury him, then your “idiot” remark will be more than fully vindicated.

    hunson abedeer (80144e)

  78. Mr. Gingrich is ok

    his wife is a challenge though

    she’s not normal or mainstream at all

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  79. narciso @64 Could you expand on that so that I can understand it?

    Who did no such thing, and what thing?

    Who took the word of the dgse?

    What does dgse stand for?

    I see you’re saying German intelligence lied about the handling of curveball. But curveball was the source for the story about trucks converted into mobile labs carrying around biological weapons research samples to protect them from bombing, not the uranium from Africa. That came from forged documents in Italy. There actually were trucks visible in satellite photographs – they just didn’t have that kind of purpose.

    The CIA, and others, unprompted, were adding fuel to the fire to make a bigger case for the invasion of Iraq. (which meant not invading some other country, like maybe, Saudi Arabia.)

    Sammy Finkelman (88f52d)

  80. Trump knows Newt Gingrich personally, so I think he’s a very possible choice. Cristie also, but he’s more likely to go with Gingrich.

    Then, as Ann Coulter points out, Republicans in Congress will feel it would be safe to impeach Donald Trump, which is why she wants him instead to name somebody whom nobody would want as president.

    Sammy Finkelman (88f52d)

  81. FYI, here’s an excerpt from CNN 7/7/2016 by Jeremy Diamond and Noah Gray

    Donald Trump meets with Ted Cruz, Reince Priebus

    Donald Trump met Thursday with former GOP presidential rival Sen. Ted Cruz and Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus in Washington, a source told CNN.

    The meeting is the first time Cruz and Trump have met in person since the Texas senator dropped out of the presidential race after losing the Indiana primary more than two months ago.

    The source could not say what the men discussed as they conferred at the National Republican Senatorial Committee headquarters where Trump also met with several dozen Republican senators on Thursday.

    The Texas senator has so far refused to endorse Trump, but has not ruled it out.

    ropelight (596f46)

  82. The late Mr drumheller accepted hannings excuses for not providing curveball to us officials, the chief of the bnd lied to drogin, Stephen Grey discovered the question arises why.

    narciso (732bc0)

  83. no way jose

    you can’t impeach Mr. Trump unless he does intent on you

    and he’d never do that

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  84. … lying to Congress while under oath an equivalent offense?

    Lying to Congress while not under oath is crime.

    If the FBI is still the FBI.

    Note to future Capitol Hill witnesses: it’s a crime to lie to Congress, even if you’re not under oath.

    Stephen Griles, the former number two official at the Department of Interior, learned this recently, pleading guilty to misleading a Senate committee about his ties to lobbyist Jack Abramoff…

    Steve57 (a8355f)

  85. Let’s see Comey rewrite this one.

    Steve57 (a8355f)

  86. Well he was a republican, unpeople don’t count.

    narciso (732bc0)

  87. the FBI is a corrupt ineffective poofter club of trashy cowardly john koskinen fanbois

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  88. It all boils down to what your definition of intent is.

    ropelight (596f46)

  89. Gingrich is done and dusted, he’s been a has-been for as long as I can remember; he is, intellectually speaking, a weirdo, and there is a large, quantifiable number of people who simply despise him becuz frankly he deserves to be despised. Look at his face: it’s a despicable face, it makes you just want to punch him. (Ted Cruz has the same problem.) This is an actual, tangible problem in electoral politics. Probably unfortunate, but also unpleasantly true. Trump has enough problems with that scowl and that hideous orange ‘do. (Good fortune that his opponent is the even more odious Sea Hag.) Hitching himself to an obnoxious, faded retard whose name can be easily crunched into “Grinch” is not going to do him any favors, not against the unbelievably gangsterish election that will be put on by Hitlery. Get a grip.

    hunson abedeer (80144e)

  90. Trump offered Ted Cruz an opportunity to speak at the GOP Convention, and Cruz has tentatively accepted.

    ropelight (596f46)

  91. Sure, if it was Ted Cruz in the hot seat instead of Hillary Clinton you (and quite a few others here) would be making comments indistinguishable from those of Hillary’s lickspittles.

    1) Cruz would not be in this kind of pickle. He has may faults but being a congenital liar is not one of them.

    2) I was not a Cruz supporter until it was only Cruz left. You Trumpies demonize your opponents every which way, but never ever look at your own guy. It’s why we all think you’re a cult.

    3) Cultists should never use the word “lickspittle.” It makes everyone’s irony meters go tilt.

    4) I would rather we ran ANY of the other 16 declared candidates. Pick one at random. I’ll be happy.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  92. Is Comey the defense attorney for the pant-load in the lined pant suit?

    mg (31009b)

  93. Sammy, you are right. The law against lying to the FBI only applies to the FBI.* But there are other laws. For an administration official to lie, under oath or not, to an oversight body of Congress, is at minimum contempt of Congress. There are probably other statutes; I cannot imaging that Congress missed that.

    * The First rule of Tautology Club is the First rule of Tautology Club.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  94. They always yelp when you hit the sore spot.

    ropelight (596f46)

  95. He did report it, and it went into Adjusteed Gross Income

    You are no fun at all.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  96. IT’S A WITCH HUNT!!!1!

    I say tie her up and throw her into the Potomac. If she floats, she’s a witch!

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  97. she’s not normal or mainstream at all

    A nose job would help a lot.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  98. that would befall someone who had done what she had while employed by the Federal Government, e.g. being fired, reprimanded, losing security clearance, being fined., etc.

    How droll.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  99. Stan Lee needs to raise his security level “Sheldon”. Those Clintons play rough, Stan.

    Def Con 3.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  100. Then, as Ann Coulter points out, Republicans in Congress will feel it would be safe to impeach Donald Trump, which is why she wants him instead to name somebody whom nobody would want as president.

    Like Ann Coulter, who is actually quite a bit more qualified than Donald Trump.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  101. They always yelp when you hit the sore spot.
    ropelight (596f46) — 7/7/2016 @ 12:53 pm

    You yelp a lot.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  102. Did he figure out how to build giant skyscrapers in the middle of Manhattan?

    How is writing a check difficult? That’s like me claiming to know how to lay tile.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  103. “You Trumpies demonize your opponents every which way, but never ever look at your own guy. It’s why we all think you’re a cult.”

    See, it’s this whole “your own guy” thing that is the problem. There’s no cult. Trump has his flaws, and lots of ’em, I’d be the first to admit it, but he is the ONLY candidate putting his finger on what are the actual problems, issues, and discontents of the electorate at present. The ONLY one. It’s not a cult, it’s an awareness of what reality is for this nation at the specific moment. The fact that it takes someone as loud and obnoxious as Trump to ring the alarm bell should tell you something.

    hunson abedeer (80144e)

  104. President Trump will do the rule of law and fire all the corrupt fbi poofters.

    And sleazy chunky-butt Loretta will be out of a job and she can stay home and eat cake all day.

    And Hillary can stay home and touch herself in her potentially historic places all day long, and also eat cake too.

    And I will be very happy, and Mr. Trump will be happy too, and America will begin to change.

    This sad pathetic country will at long last get its ducks in a row to where they’re pleasing to look upon, and greatness once again will be ours to claim.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  105. “How is writing a check difficult?”

    Congratulations. You win the internet for stoopid.

    hunson abedeer (80144e)

  106. You know what, Kevin? I’d trust you to lay tile. I think you would care enough to get good at it. Eventually.

    Steve57 (a8355f)

  107. And all work is honorable.

    Steve57 (a8355f)

  108. not if you work at cowardly james comey’s sleazy corrupt fbi

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  109. Mrs. Clinton’s best defense, and one she cannot utter in public, is that whatever the risks of keeping her own email server, that server was certainly no more vulnerable than the State Department’s. Had she held an unclassified account in the State Department’s official system, as the rules required, she certainly would have been hacked.

    Sammy, you recognize this for what it is right? Hillary can’t publicly divulge the apparently incontrovertible fact that the State Department’s servers aren’t any more secure than her home-brew server(s), but her team can tell that whopper “on background” to a credulous NY Times reporter who will repeat that malarky as fact.

    JVW (eabb2a)

  110. All real work is honorable.

    Steve57 (a8355f)

  111. Here’s a post from Free Republic 7/7/2016, 2:03:11 PM · by CivilWarBrewing (emphasis added)

    Is Ambassador Chris Stevens DEAD because Hillary’s unsecure server was hacked?

    Was the Ambassador’s location and mission in Benghazi compromised because the bad guys hacked Hillary’s server? I think Comey knows more than he is willing to disclose. Did a video cause the attack in Benghazi? No. THAT WAS A BLATANT LIE. It’s far more likely Hillary’s server getting hacked is the reason for the attack in Benghazi. Emails leading up to Benghazi are MISSING and were deleted from Hillary’s server. That is a FACT. Hillary is covering her tracks and the FBI knows it.

    ropelight (596f46)

  112. um. Yes. He’s dead, Jim. (YouTube)

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  113. Yese’s dead, Jim. Thank you for helpefully reminding us.

    Steve57 (a8355f)

  114. Yes, I know I misspelled yes.

    Steve57 (a8355f)

  115. It is hard to get a three letter word wrong, I did it.

    Steve57 (a8355f)

  116. There’s nothing about Hillary a hunting trip with Cheney couldn’t fix.

    Pts (ce7fc3)

  117. Are you telling me that a politician lied? How shocking. I’m mortified.

    Tillman (a95660)

  118. Are you telling me that a politician lied? How shocking. I’m mortified.

    1998: It’s totally cool if the President lies under oath about matters related to sex; anyone would do it.

    2016: It’s totally cool that a would-be President lies under oath about national security matters; anyone would do it.

    Bill and Hillary Clinton: Lowering our standards for a quarter-century.

    JVW (eabb2a)

  119. actually steve, I think it’s a sign of emphasis, or conversely, how crazy the world is, pick one,

    narciso (732bc0)

  120. JVW, I believe that the security breach is exaggerated. Wake me up when one lies us into a war with the wrong country, killing tens of thousands of people.

    Tillman (a95660)

  121. well we did go to war with libya, and the spillover has reached all the way into the niger river delta, and north into brussels and paris,

    narciso (732bc0)

  122. Tillman,

    You’re still an idiot.
    You left wingers love government force, but you hate the law.
    Whatever you think of Bush 43’s wars, he facilitated them legally. On the other hand, your dominatrix Hillary exposed national security secrets on an unsecured server.
    Whatever you personally think of that is irrelevant. What is relevant is that it’s against the law to have an unsecured server.
    By the way, your dominatrix Hillary wouldn’t have had to lie if she hadn’t broken the law. Duh.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  123. yes, this was a secret war, involving al queda terrorists as trainers, was one sprung from ali salem prison for that reason, did it have to do with deal between drumheller’s consulting and grange’s outfirm

    narciso (732bc0)

  124. ropelight (596f46) — 7/7/2016 @ 1:56 pm

    Emails leading up to Benghazi are MISSING and were deleted from Hillary’s server. That is a FACT. Hillary is covering her tracks and the FBI preknows it.

    More precisely, there are no emails concerning Libya or Benghazi from a ertain time period. But they may have been excluded from the subpoena.

    Sammy Finkelman (88f52d)

  125. Hillary Clinton’s growing collection of reasons she should be elected president |(reader’s are invited to submit more)

    Or maybe she’s inviting people to pick their favorite reason.

    Number 1: As a former secretary of state, U.S. senator, first lady, and a lifelong advocate for women and families, no one is more qualified to be president than Hillary.

    I think number 17 is a lie.

    17.She declared on the world stage that “gay rights are human rights.” Wasn’t it about women’s rights that she said that, in Beijing, in 1995? And that’s wrong too anyway! Human rights are women’s rights, and not the other way around. The way she put it, it takes the butches of Beijing off the hook.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  126. The way she put it, it takes the butches of Beijing off the hook.

    Now why do you have to go all anti-Chinese lesbian on us, Sammy?

    JVW (eabb2a)

  127. Naturally, I’m just yanking your chain, Sammy. I really like your point about “human rights are women’s rights and not the other way around.” Well said.

    JVW (eabb2a)

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