Patterico's Pontifications


HuffPo Smears Breitbart

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:48 am

HuffPo says that the nefarious Andrew Breitbart has nefariously edited another video for nefarious purposes.

It’s an excellent theory whose one minor flaw is that it’s a complete fabrication.

Conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart’s is being accused of doctoring a press conference clip to make CBS’s Norah O’Donnell seem like she was distraught over the debt compromise.

The clip shown below includes an exchange between O’Donnell and President Obama’s press secretary in which the reporter appears to claim that “you gave them everything they wanted and we got nothing.”

The New Republic’s Jonathan Chait notes that the clip does not include the part of O’Donnell’s question in which O’Donnell says that some “Democrats” are the ones who feel they’ve gotten nothing from the debt deal, not O’Donnell herself.

Actually, Chait accuses Commentary, not Breitbart, of a deceptive edit. Here’s Chait:

Andrew Breitbart has clipped an exchange from today’s press at conference at the White House. In the exchange, reporter Norah O’Donnell press Jay Carney by asking, “Democrats are saying, ‘You gave them everything they wanted and we got nothing.” Commentary has picked up the story, giving it the headline, “CBS’s O’Donnell to Carney: We got nothing.”

CBS’s Norah O’Donnell peppered Carney with terse, accusatory questions about the lack of tax revenue (read: tax increases) in the debt ceiling deal. O’Donnell complained about how many GOP demands were met by the deal, and then said to Carney: “You gave them everything they wanted and we got nothing.” That “we” is very telling. …

O’Donnell, meanwhile, may have to answer to her bosses at CBS for peeling back the veneer of impartiality to reveal the liberal advocacy sitting just beneath the surface of the mainstream networks.

Amazing. They simply lopped off the part where O’Donnell was describing the position of a party and passed it off as O’Donnell talking about herself and liberal Democrats in the first person plural.

Here is the video HuffPo claims was edited:

And here is the video they claim is complete:

Anyone who actually bothers to play the two can easily see that nothing has been edited. The content is exactly the same in the relevant portion of the clip. The sound is a little clear in the second version. That’s all.

What’s amusing, if distressingly predictable, is how few of the commenters at HuffPo actually bothered to watch the clips and notice this. The comments are full of “Typical for Breitbart” style idiocy.

HuffPo owes Breitbart a huge apology. Chait’s post is titled “Smearing Norah O’Donnell.” HuffPo’s should be titled “Smearing Andrew Breitbart.”

But then, “Dog Bites Man” has never been a popular headline.

UPDATE: An Editor’s Note at HuffPo retracts the allegation:

A HuffPost story on an exchange between Norah O’Donnell and Jay Carney incorrectly raised the possibility that Andrew Breitbart had “doctored” a video clip from a White House briefing to make O’Donnell look like she was “distraught over the debt compromise.” A viewing of the clip in question clearly shows that he did not. We regret the error, have removed the story, and apologize to Mr. Breitbart.

Whoever was arguing that HuffPo had it right all along must be feeling pretty stupid right about now.

Always trust content from Patterico.

P.S. First Anthony Weiner, now HuffPo. Apologizing to Andrew Breitbart is apparently becoming a trend!

149 Responses to “HuffPo Smears Breitbart”

  1. Nice looking lady. But she’s pulling 32 inches of vacuum between her ears.

    Comanche Voter (0e06a9)

  2. Breitbart is another entity living under their skin. It “kind of” freaks them out!

    dfbaskwill (ca54bb)

  3. The sad thing is, this is the reaction to a deal that doesn’t actually do anything to solve the underlying problems. All it does is allow the current political class to kick the problem down the road another couple years. Can you imagine how these same folks would respond to an actual debt solution? I’m not sure whether the despairing suicides would outnumber the rioters in that case but either way it wouldn’t be pretty. And the longer we kick the problem down the line the uglier the eventual solution is going to be.

    Soronel Haetir (29fbb7)

  4. As the election approaches and defeat becomes a serious possibility for Obama and the 23 Democrat Senators, watch for the rhetoric to get really nasty. An early example is Yesterday’s NY Times. It is going to get ugly and we had best be prepared.

    You know what they say: Never negotiate with terrorists. It only encourages them.

    These last few months, much of the country has watched in horror as the Tea Party Republicans have waged jihad on the American people. Their intransigent demands for deep spending cuts, coupled with their almost gleeful willingness to destroy one of America’s most invaluable assets, its full faith and credit, were incredibly irresponsible. But they didn’t care. Their goal, they believed, was worth blowing up the country for, if that’s what it took.

    This is just a sample of what these folks will do to keep the national credit card going.

    Mike K (8f3f19)

  5. #3 It’s an incremental victory for us, and an incremental loss for the progressives. And it sets up the next battle space on favorable terms for us. No wonder the progressives are livid. They see their entire basis for holding onto power, vote-buying, endangered.

    Given that we only hold one House of Congress, that’s pretty good. More battles to follow, of course.

    LarryD (feb78b)

  6. This post is absurd and the sock who wrote it is smearing Patterico.

    Headline at HuffPost (a website i usually can’t stand0 is “Andrew Breitbart Accused Of Creating False Controversy Over Reporter Norah O’Donnell (VIDEO)”.

    Very first line at The New Republic link: “Andrew Breitbart has clipped an exchange from today’s press at conference at the White House.”

    The phrase “you have Democrats saying” is clearing missing from the Breitbart clip.

    The full line is at The White House website: “But you have Democrats saying you gave them everything they wanted and we got nothing.”

    Guess they haven’t hacked that yet…or maybe it’s an Obama lie!!! (the next fake patterico update, no doubt)

    I can’t get the CBS video to play, nor the White House video but only a MORON wouldn’t be able to hear the missing obviously edited part after 19:50 seconds. Wow, impressive, hackers edited the White House, YouTube video…

    Left leaning socks pretending to be conservatives are just trying to make Patterico look stupid.

    Ron Brynaert (3d3df5)

  7. Ron

    Thank goodness no one is trying to make you look stupid though…

    EricPWJohnson (d84fb0)

  8. Breitbart obviously hacked the phones at the White House press conference.

    I had no problem getting the videos to play. Nora’s reply to Carney clearly does not use the words “some Democrats” as claimed. Progs barking up wrong tree.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  9. Ron, what is the fondness you have for the word “socks” ? Is it that you have a well used one in hand and sniff it from time to time?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  10. Breitbart to be indicted any moment now.

    Ronbryn to be 5150’d any moment now.

    JD (822109)

  11. I’ll repeat…

    The full line is at The White House website: “But you have Democrats saying you gave them everything they wanted and we got nothing.”

    Pointing that out makes me crazy, JD, or you for ignoring it.

    Sheesh…who do you think you’re fooling?

    The only thing wrong with TNR and HuffPo is that they are ASSUMING Breitbart is responsible for the edited video.

    Ron Brynaert (3d3df5)

  12. Well it’s not like he has a solid reputation for selectively editing videos or anything. /sarc

    Live by the sword, die by it.

    Spartacvs (f4e8c9)

  13. The ‘…Democrats are saying…” changes the context of what she said. Reading the stories yesterday, not one of them framed the issue in that context… and I would agree that leaving that part out was not right.

    At the same time, if you listen to her tone, she doesn’t come across as the dispassionate re-teller of what ‘Democrats are saying’. She’s emotional, almost as if she includes herself in the group complaining that ‘we’ got nothing.

    steve (369bc6)

  14. Well it’s not like he has a solid reputation for selectively editing videos or anything.

    That’s right. He doesn’t. Repeating a lie doesn’t make it any truer.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  15. The ‘…Democrats are saying…” changes the context of what she said. Reading the stories yesterday, not one of them framed the issue in that context… and I would agree that leaving that part out was not right.

    And what has that got to do with Breitbart? HuffPo falsely accuses him of editing the video. He did no such thing, and HuffPo’s alleged source does not accuse him of doing so. HuffPo made it up out of thin air, in order to further the vicious smear that this is what he does.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  16. More than just a river in Egypt Richard.

    Spartacvs (029dd1)

  17. I’ve come to the conclusion that everything that the left “knows” about a public person is false.

    Including “and” and “the”.

    Pious Agnostic (291f9a)

  18. I heard “are saying” in both. “Democrats,” if she said it, sounded clipped (and I mean verbally, not necessarily edited).

    LYT (7b9baa)

  19. So what’s funny about sparticvs (imdw? truthnjustice?) is this kind of thing:

    “…Well it’s not like he has a solid reputation for selectively editing videos or anything. /sarc

    Live by the sword, die by it….”

    It’s funny because his whole schtick around here is to be insulting and dishonest. So the last sentence is most appropriate.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  20. #18 I agree with you. There’s some crosstalk right at the beginning, and in the first clip it’s a bit muddled, but if you are listening for it, you can hear it.

    Now, I can understand why some people might miss it, especially if they are inclined to do so.

    But it’s clearly there in both clips, so Breitbart “edited” nothing.

    Pious Agnostic (291f9a)

  21. …but I tend to agree with those people who believe that, no matter what words she used in her question, the “democrats” who “are saying” are her peers in the MSM.

    Pious Agnostic (291f9a)

  22. Why, Pious Agnostic! How can you think that the MSM is biased? They are honest and fair minded at all times!


    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  23. Simon,

    Objective, too!

    Pious Agnostic (291f9a)

  24. I sort of like Jake Tapper. I used to take Tim Russert seriously.

    I don’t mind them being biased, really. I mind them claiming that they aren’t biased!

    Who do you sortofkindof trust in the MSM?

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  25. I don’t mind them being biased, really. I mind them claiming that they aren’t biased.

    Like the “Fair & Balanced” network?

    Spartacvs (ae8699)

  26. Like the “Fair & Balanced” network?

    Stipulated. Name three others.

    Pious Agnostic (291f9a)

  27. ________________________________________

    she was distraught over the debt compromise.

    Her tone certainly sounds like that of a person who is upset or clearly resentful or indignant. One can spin that to imply her attitude is due to her being unhappy that Obama wanted to increase taxes and is unconsciously trying to goad Carney into saying “mea culpa!” But how realistic is that assumption?

    After all, she is a member of the MSM, of CBS “Dan Rather’s Fake Papers” News, a relatively younger person who’s female. Yep, she’s probably of the right or even truly centrist. Uh-huh, yep.

    Mark (411533)

  28. I saw the story, watched the vids, and wondered to myself what I was missing. It took three complete playings of both vids to finally understand that the claim was absolute bunk.

    I am noticing an increasing trend by leftists of not actually watching an video that is inconvenient to their side. We saw that in the Ken Gladney fiasco. Virtually everyone claiming no attack occured never actually watched the video of it.

    East Coast Chris (c31a9b)

  29. The full line is at The White House website: “But you have Democrats saying you gave them everything they wanted and we got nothing.”

    Not sure why, the video(s) clearly does not demonstrate O’Donnell saying this. The White House wouldn’t coordinate with NBC to provide damage containing spin now, would it?

    East Coast Chris (c31a9b)

  30. That’s moronic, obvious hacker East Coast Chris.

    So are all the comments following my last one.

    The YouTube clip obviously is missing audio at the time mark I noted above.

    You’re a bunch of clowns.

    Ron Brynaert (3d3df5)

  31. I can’t stand Obama, NBC News or The Huffington Post (MSNBC had “exclusive” coverage of the Iraq “withdrawal” and the White House stage-managed a question about Iran with a HuffPost reporter) but this is ridiculous pranks that ten-year-olds can see through.

    Why not just use the reporters you are hacking to expose the real fake stories instead of parodying them?

    That would at least be doing something semi-constructive.

    The posts on absurd Fast and the Furious story here last month were great…I assume the real Patterico wrote them.

    Ron Brynaert (3d3df5)

  32. Spartacvs, “CNN the most trusted name in news” ? Not if you actually knew how they bought off Saddam Hussein with favorable story’s in exchange for not being thrown out of Iraq.

    Your Fox News obsession only reinforces that you are a clown.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  33. “The full line is at The White House website: “But you have Democrats saying you gave them everything they wanted and we got nothing.””

    Ron – Since you admit you cannot watch the videos, how do you know the line at the White House website is accurate?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  34. Was Nora wearing a pimp suit?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  35. Ron, you can’t open the CBS Video but you know what’s on it? That’s hilarious crazy.

    Both the videos embedded by Patterico above have the same uninterrupted audio track. It can’t have been edited. In fact, the lead in to the phrase by O’Donnell is her talking over Carney. One can argue that the audio is unclear but you can’t rationally claim that Breitbart did any editing.

    Unless you are still pretending to be a loon.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  36. daleyrocks, the audio does not support “But you have Democrats saying …” that line is too long for the leadin to the rest to fit into the time on the video.

    I might hear “People are saying …” but its muddled by overtalking between Carney and her.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  37. Like the “Fair & Balanced” network?

    FOX News seriously tries to play it down the middle. Their reportage still often ends up tilted to the left, and in any case it tends to be shallow, but at least they’re trying to be neutral. A right-wing news source does not exist in the USA.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  38. To state the obvious, Nora O’Donnell is still one very pretty, young woman.

    When did she leave MSNBC and go to CBS? I was surprised.

    On the fingers of one hand, I could count the number of times that I’ve bothered to watch MSNBC or CBS in the past 20 years, and even then, I watched them only briefly while channel surfing.

    Summit, N.J. (75c9eb)

  39. “daleyrocks, the audio does not support “But you have Democrats saying”

    SPQR – And then after Carney responds, in Nora’s second point she clearly she “we” in a completely unqualified manner.


    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  40. Frogmarch of Breitbart any second now …

    Heavily edited!!!!!!!!!!

    JD (6e25b4)

  41. daleyrocks, actually I may hear “People are saying we …” there. Hard to be sure. But the WH quote? Not hearing that at all and don’t think it fits.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  42. You’re a clown, SPQR, the YouTube video is clearly interrupted audio and the White House transcript doesn’t even indicate that there was any troubles hearing what she said.

    I can see and hear the White House clip, now, and you can hear Norah say that phrase “you have Democrats saying” at around 19:54

    And I already SAID there it was wrong to ASSUME Andrew Breitbart doctored the video. Hacktivists did all the pranking and editing and hacking.

    Ron Brynaert (3d3df5)

  43. Ron, the video you can’t get to play is clearly interrupted? And I’m the clown?

    The video is not interrupted at all because Carney speaks uninterrupted throughout the leadin to the disputed passage.

    You are full of crap as usual. How’s the sock smell right now?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  44. And now it is removed with an apology to Breitbart ;D

    Crispian (70c05e)

  45. “Ron, the video you can’t get to play is clearly interrupted?”

    Who are you fooling, bozo? That’s a complete distortion of what I said.

    Who cares what the CBS video shows…I was looking at White House video and transcript.

    Ron Brynaert (3d3df5)

  46. Yeah, the Huffington Post note proves you’re right, hackers.

    No one in the world has eyes except for socks on blogs, hackers hacking websites, and clowns cloning twitter accounts.

    Stupid lulz hacktivist jerks….

    Ron Brynaert (3d3df5)

  47. It doesn’t matter if Fox is “fair and balanced”.

    If you can keep an open mind, and if you obtain news of current events from multiple, even only marginally credible sources, you should be able to separate the wheat from the chaff.

    It’s the people who can’t who have misconceptions about current events.

    Exclude MSNBC, imo. They don’t have any credibility, absolutely none whatsoever, imho. They are the Jon Stewart Show without the humor.

    Adversely, C-SPAN provides a wealth of information for news junkies interested in political events, and The Washington Times Weekly Edition by subscription is an invaluable, very credible source, too.

    Summit, N.J. (75c9eb)

  48. Ron, you’re sputtering nonsense.

    You said “The phrase “you have Democrats saying” is clearing missing from the Breitbart clip.”

    It is clearly present in the video. As well as the CBS video.

    Crispian (70c05e)

  49. Nonsense? lol

    The White House transcript clearly quotes her and you can hear it on the the White House video pretty damn clearly.

    I can’t hear crap on the Breitbart version and the YouTube version had a small chunk of audio missing. You guys can change videos back and forth later if you want, too, still is as ridiculous as Obama twitter trolling and White House rick rolling.

    You guys are having your fun now, but many of you 4chan, beandog and lulz hackers are going to jail.

    This is a lie based on crappy Breitbart audio….which is more muffled than White House:

    “It’s difficult to tell if O’Donnell is quoting the Democratic base for the sake of the question (inaudible due to crosstalk in the beginning) or if she included herself in that “we” to cast her lot in with Democrats on this, but it’s an interesting clip.”

    Ron Brynaert (3d3df5)

  50. “The White House transcript clearly quotes her and you can hear it on the the White House video pretty damn clearly.”

    Ron – You admit now you were just making sh*t up earlier because you could not get any of the videos to play. Now you are claiming Nora’s words which are lost in garbled cross talk and only captured on a transcript and therefore must be clear to any listening audience.

    You sir, are full of sh*t.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  51. Daley – be nice to the many insane bugf@cknutz personalities of ronbryn. Hacker. Racist.

    Denounced and condemned.

    JD (d56362)

  52. Yes, nonsense. lol

    No duh the transcript says so, because that’s what she said. As shown in both videos above. I don’t know what “youtube version” you’re talking about, but we’re discussing Breitbart’s video. The links to the videos are the same.

    But let’s spell out your theory: 4chan (ha!) and others muffled a little part of the video to be distributed to CBS just slightly (not silenced it, mind you), knowing somebody would notice that little bit of video and say O’Donnell was speaking for herself. And then people like Jonathan Chait (because he wasn’t in on the plan) would chastise Commentary Magazine for missing the relevant but slightly muffled quote.

    Eh, just wanted to clarify your theory.

    Crispian (70c05e)

  53. Breitbart and fat cat CEOs committed the oslo terrorist attack


    DohBiden (d54602)

  54. Daleyrocks: without a transcript I couldn’t make out what she said, but it sure sounds like it could have been ‘… democrats…’. Put another way, I don’t know what else that snippet could have been.

    steve (369bc6)

  55. _____________________________________________

    I was looking at White House video and transcript.

    So? It merely backs up the video, used by Breitbart’s website and which is no different from the actual feed.

    HuffPo would have a case to make if Breitbart (or their blogger Dana Loesch) had proclaimed something like “CBS Reporter Totally Biased in Including Herself in a ‘We’ Question!”—and I’m not even dealing with the particulars of the video they might have used to go with such a statement. IOW, HuffPo could have raised a stink if Loesch/Breitbart had said flatly that the CBS reporter made a totally partisan comment or asked a totally partisan question. But Loesch didn’t say that and the video posted at doesn’t justify what HuffPo is alleging. The sound of the reporter’s question captured by the video and posted in Loesch’s blog entry is fuzzy at the beginning, but that’s about it.

    As for the reporter’s tone coming off as biased, that’s another matter.

    All in all, Huffington and super vibrant AOL: a match made in heaven.

    Mark (411533)

  56. If Nora thinks I got everything I wanted, she’s a dunce.
    And, AFAIC, the Progs should get nothing, as what they have done for the last four-decades or more has crippled this country, and we can only hope that it is reversible; for if it is not, we have a very bleak future staring at us.

    AD-RtR/OS! (cf2da4)

  57. O’Donnell is a regular panel member on Chris Mathews Sunday show following Meet the DePressed.
    In context she’s as reliably deranged as Keith Olbermann.

    I’ve seen her browbeat a teenage girl for the crime of waiting in line to meet Sarah Palin. When it comes to yellow journalism and high-handed arrogrance, Nora O’Donnell fits right in with the committed professional leftists and racist smear merchant Journolistas.

    ropelight (463353)

  58. Ron, you don’t post comments on Disqus under the name “tstev” do you? Because there is a moron under that handle who misuses “hacker” like you do. More of a English as a Second Language feel too.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  59. “Daleyrocks: without a transcript I couldn’t make out what she said”

    steve – Agreed, without a transcript it is unintelligible. How many people watching a clip actually go research a transcript? Damn few.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  60. UPDATE: An Editor’s Note at HuffPo retracts the allegation:

    A HuffPost story on an exchange between Norah O’Donnell and Jay Carney incorrectly raised the possibility that Andrew Breitbart had “doctored” a video clip from a White House briefing to make O’Donnell look like she was “distraught over the debt compromise.” A viewing of the clip in question clearly shows that he did not. We regret the error, have removed the story, and apologize to Mr. Breitbart.

    Whoever was arguing that HuffPo had it right all along must be feeling pretty stupid right about now.

    Always trust content from Patterico.

    P.S. First Anthony Weiner, now HuffPo. Apologizing to Andrew Breitbart is apparently becoming a trend!

    Patterico (787a5c)

  61. Ron Brynaert claims HuffPo hacked in 3…2…1…

    Patterico (787a5c)

  62. HuffPo has been hacked. Clearly. Racists.

    JD (318f81)

  63. Ron Brynaert claims HuffPo hacked in 3…2…1…
    Comment by Patterico — 8/2/2011 @ 12:25 pm

    He won’t be doing it here unless you take him out of the penalty box. He’s been trying to “out” Dustin, along with smearing him, much of the day. I just put him in moderation after giving him a warning.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  64. So, her “distraught” condition was not from a “hack”, but was all her own (Heh!).

    “But, Jay, what is in the deal for me?”

    AD-RtR/OS! (cf2da4)

  65. Dustin has more integrity in his toenail than ronbryn could ever dream of having.

    Who hacked me?

    JD (318f81)

  66. Also your a white supremacist if you oppose affirmative action according to these tards.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  67. “You know what they say: Never negotiate with terrorists. It only encourages them.”

    Great argument for never negotiating with the Dems, seeing as how they employed political terror and murdered thousands of people back in their Jim Crow phase.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  68. Words of encouragement:

    I suppose, indeed, that in public life, a man whose political principles have any decided character
    and who has energy enough to give them effect must always expect to encounter political hostility from those of adverse principles.”
    Thomas Jefferson, letter to Richard M. Johnson, 1808

    AD-RtR/OS! (cf2da4)

  69. AD-RtR/OS I’ve never been enamored with any of Thomas Jefferson’s wisdoms myself. Jefferson had no personal integrity – to the point of secretly paying for the most vile rumors to be spread about his opponents, including people who mistakenly thought him a dear friend at the time (the Adams).

    SPQR (26be8b)

  70. #57 – Yeah, but she is such a hottie that who pays any attention to what Nora is saying? 🙂

    I can’t remember anything that HLN’s Robin Meade or FOX’s Ainesley Earhart have ever said, can you?

    Okay, slap me upside my head for being a male chauvanist pig.

    Summit, N.J. (75c9eb)

  71. Okay, slap me upside my head for being a male chauvanist pig.
    Comment by Summit, N.J. — 8/2/2011 @ 1:12 pm


    *slaps self*

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  72. ‘At the same time, if you listen to her tone, she doesn’t come across as the dispassionate re-teller of what ‘Democrats are saying’. She’s emotional, almost as if she includes herself in the group complaining that ‘we’ got nothing.’

    Saying that Norah O’Donnell is almost a liberal Democrat is kinda like saying that Heinrich Himmler was almost a Nazi.

    If you know what I mean.

    When has O’Donnell ever been anything but a hack reporter and a cheerleader for liberalism and the Dems?

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  73. “I’ve seen her browbeat a teenage girl for the crime of waiting in line to meet Sarah Palin.”

    I’ve also seen her try to claim that her hero, Barry the O, was more aggressive in dealing with terrorism than Georgw W. Bush.

    I about died laughing at that one.

    She’s a shill for the Dems.

    Always has been.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  74. Comment by SPQR — 8/2/2011 @ 1:09 pm

    His personal proclivities do not detract from the general wisdom of his words, and writings.

    I can’t stand the political garbage the comes from the mouth of Babs Streisand, but she is one great singer; and, would you discount the musicality of a Miles Davis over some of his less-than-profound statements?

    AD-RtR/OS! (cf2da4)

  75. AD-RtR/OS, oh I’d be happy to buy Thomas Jefferson’s next album.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  76. Yeah, I’ve been told he plays a mean harpsichord.

    AD-RtR/OS! (cf2da4)

  77. Joe Scarborough has this mocking style that can be grating and he has a habit of firing this at woman (the guy is a big time sexist, treating Mika with condescension pretty often, as well as righty woman, ex-the equally grating Peggy Noonan). A couple weeks ago he mocked O’Donnell without mercy, to the point where Mika tried to rescue her, unsuccessfully, and I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her as she was completely thrown off stride.

    Scarborough is insufferable, though I like the show and note that he’s made it a point to have a rightie at the table lately (this came after the show reviewed its guests over the previous couple months and found they had a left to right ratio of 10-1, O’Reilly targets a 1-1 ratio on the evil FNC for comparison). In recent days he’s taken to gloating. A week ago he was attacking the tea party, now he IS the tea party. No wonder lefties hate righties: Scarborough is supposed to be a reasonable rightie when he’s really just a preening establishment rightie asshole now.

    East Bay Jay (2fd7f7)

  78. Obama won’t veto this bill unless some GOP member slips in a defund PP bill.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  79. To be fair, East Bay Jay, Mika works hard to earn that condescension and mockery.

    The woman is an idiot, after all…

    Scott Jacobs (effddf)

  80. He is an right wing extremist?

    So why did he hate bush and captialism?

    Why did he hate Christianity?

    He is an eco-terrorist you morons.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  81. He was pro-gay as well.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  82. It’s nice to know the new civility, Friedman calls us Hezbollah, Michael Lind, the Confederacy, and
    the Arizona Daily Star, urges they send Seal TEam
    6, after us.

    ian cormac (81c5c2)

  83. Nice to know these sam e jackwagons call the oslo terrorist a right wing extremist muslim hater when the crap he spews sounds like he mimcked an eco-terrorist and not only that he didn’t attack mosques or muslims.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  84. East Bay Jay – That is some unbiased analysis there, sport. Mika deserves all the scorn she gets. The White House calls her to get spin on the show corrected live on the air. Mika comparing Sarah Palin to Paris Hilton was one of her recent high points. It is really more like Mika is famous for being famous because of her dad, who was a crappy advisor to a crappy president.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  85. Mika ‘Lincoln is my favorite Founder’ Brezinksi, grand daughter of a Czech premier, and a Polish prince, shirley you gest

    ian cormac (81c5c2)

  86. Hmm. I wonder what sort of history Andrew Breitbart has that might make the notion of him editing videos to distort events depicted such an easy assumption to make.

    Snertly (b9e636)

  87. I see snertly is one of those dishonest drive-bys. You did not have to assume or guess. It was demonstrably untrue.

    JD (318f81)

  88. . I wonder what sort of history Andrew Breitbart has

    One where the left repeatedly lies about him, claiming he edited things he did not edit. Then they cite the lies as evidence. Even as they are proved to be liars, the left blames Breitbart for the history of lefties lying about Breitbart.

    Just as you are doing.

    It is amazing just how evil some of you guys can get in this effort, too.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  89. ian cormac – She does have nice fun bags.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  90. “Hmm. I wonder what sort of history Andrew Breitbart has…”

    The same sort of “history” everyone that lefties hate has.

    A history of not being a lefty.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  91. “shirley you gest”

    I’ve never gested in my life.

    And, don’t call me Surly.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  92. Your trouble, Mr. Surls, is that you are always so wishy-washy. You never just tell people what you think!

    Seriously, I enjoy your posts, whether or not I agree with you 100%. You almost always make me chuckle…your sense of humor is so dark, it is ultraviolet.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  93. mika has the curse
    of looking like Zbigniew
    in blond wig and heels

    ColonelHaiku (38526a)

  94. Thanks, Simon. I appreciate the compliment.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  95. she deserves a li’l
    sympathy she ain’t sharpest
    tool in ANY shed

    ColonelHaiku (38526a)

  96. besides being shill
    for Petulant Obama
    she serve Joe coffee

    ColonelHaiku (38526a)

  97. FOX News seriously tries to play it down the middle. Their reportage still often ends up tilted to the left, and in any case it tends to be shallow, but at least they’re trying to be neutral. A right-wing news source does not exist in the USA.

    Funny. Clearly you don’t get enough Rachel Maddow in your TV diet, or Daily Show, Colbert or Real Time with Bill Maher.

    spartacvs (4576a2)

  98. So Tapper’s takes up for Norah O’Donnell that’s so ‘unexpected’

    ian cormac (81c5c2)

  99. Spurty – have you acknowledged how wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong you were? Have you admitted to all of the names you have commented under?

    JD (109425)

  100. Funny. Clearly you don’t get enough Rachel Maddow in your TV diet, or Daily Show, Colbert or Real Time with Bill Maher.

    Comment by spartacvs

    Sparty, obviously, you get way too much.

    BfC (2ebea6)

  101. “Funny. Clearly you don’t get enough Rachel Maddow in your TV diet, or Daily Show, Colbert or Real Time with Bill Maher.”

    Spurty – Watching the above lefties have nothing to do with whether Fox plays it down the middle, moron.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  102. Fox plays it down the middle

    That has to be the funniest comment ever posted here at Patterico’s reactionary retirement home. Even Limbaugh isn’t that unintentionally funny any more these days.

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  103. Shep Smith is squishier than a Mississippi mud pie,

    ian cormac (81c5c2)

  104. “That has to be the funniest comment ever posted here at Patterico’s reactionary retirement home.”

    Spvrty – Naw, watching you bite your pillow and clutch your pearls about Christians when 85% of the country self-identifies as Christian is a heck of a lot funnier.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  105. At least Mika has a nice rack.

    You deserve to be smacked into next year.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  106. For saying Mika has a nice rack.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  107. Spvrty – Your claims that Bush is responsible for Obama’s deficits when Obama increased government spending by $1 trillion per annum are also pretty damn funny.

    I’m here all week, don’t forget to tip your waitresses.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  108. spurty your mom called
    she said she’s told you to clean
    your room for last time

    ColonelHaiku (38526a)

  109. It’s difficult to tell what has ticked Ms. O’Donnell off more: Jay Carney’s scolding that he has already addressed this, Norah, or that her team didn’t win like she wanted. I’m going with a combination of the two. A woman who looks like that isn’t going to take being dismissed easily.

    I watched conference live on the LAT website and watched both of these again. No editing. Just wishful thinking on the part of HuffPo’s source. When it really hasn’t happened, just pretend it has. Eventually, you’ll get a bite (see Huffpo commenters).

    Dana (4eca6e)

  110. 85% of the country self-identifies as Christian

    I got nothing against Christians per se, Martin Luther King was a great man and a Christian. It’s the Christianists I abhor. Jesus would not be a Republican, I think we can all agree on that much.

    [note: fished from spam filter. –Stashiu]

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  111. spurty only dis
    colonel give your poor mama
    is disinfectant

    ColonelHaiku (38526a)

  112. $1 trillion per annum

    Cite please

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  113. Cite please

    Comment by Spartacvs

    There really is no reason to interact with him. If you do cite it, as I have a few times, he will ignore you and then demand it cited again later on.

    He’s ridiculous.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  114. Not only that he will call you a seditious liar also.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  115. spurty often seems
    to lose control of functions
    medicine for that

    elissa (29c534)

  116. “Cite please”

    Spvty – Look it up yourself, nimrod.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  117. Newsbusters has a nice roundup of Ms. O’Donnell’s less than enthusiastic take on the right,

    O’Donnell sees racism in criticism of President Obama. When Newt Gingrich jibed Obama for wasting time playing basketball, she saw racism. The comment “suggests that the President is an athlete and some people may suggest, you know, because all black people are good athletes.” Fellow guests on Morning Joe laughed at the claim.

    Though not as frequent as the racism charge, Islamophobia is a popular one… In the midst of the debate over the “Ground Zero mosque,” O’Donnell claimed that the project’s opponents were “act[ing] like the people who attacked America and killed 3,000 people.”

    She was part of the MSNBC chorus that attempted to link the Tea Party movement to so-called “birther” movement.

    Tea Party’s primary target earned O’Donnell’s effusive praise – often in spite of the facts. Reporting on the so-called health care “summit” last year, O’Donnell embarked on a misguided attempt at “truth-squadding.” She heaped praise on President Obama for laying out the facts behind his reform proposal, such as the fact, by her telling, that insurance premiums would decline by 10 to 13 percent under Obamacare. In fact, the CBO score at the time showed premiums for individuals would rise by 10 to 13 percent. Giving O’Donnell the benefit of the doubt, she played defense for the president without bothering to check the facts.

    Re: Republican efforts to block Obamacare’s passage, “Are you the Grinch that stole Christmas?” she asked GOP Sen. Judd Gregg in December 2009.

    Norah also harped on the Palin “hand note” non-story perhaps longer than any other television personality.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  118. You don’t understand he is telling someone he wants his sight back.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  119. Spvrty took spear
    up wrong place now
    roids spur rage

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  120. “Jesus would not be a Republican, I think we can all agree on that much.”

    No doubt. On the other hand, I can’t really see Christ signing executive order 9066, enforcing Jim Crow laws, dropping atom bombs on Japanese cities, drafting millions of guys into the army, killing Commies in Vietnam, locking up other Commies just for being Commies, or creating a gigantic government that steals from people 24/7, either.

    Just to name a few things Dems have done that I’m betting Christ wouldn’t have done.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  121. The Dems do have a point on the Tea Party terrorist thing.

    They’re terrified that the Tea Party will put a stop to the Dems’ endless stealing.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  122. Was Breitbart indicted today?

    JD (318f81)

  123. Spartacvs, you want a cite? CBO.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  124. “Christianists”… colonel
    laugh cuz he now know spurty
    dating Sullivan

    ColonelHaiku (38526a)

  125. From Der Spiegel, it seems Herr Schmidt, seems to reading too much Stengel and Schama:

    America’s Founding Fathers thought of everything. They wanted to establish several centers of power in Washington rather than just one. They wanted the occupant of the White House to be strong, but Congress was to have the power to check that strength. The friction between Capitol Hill and the White House — a product of this system of checks and balances — was to make the decisions of America’s leaders cleverer, wiser and better.

    But the system only works when all branches of government play the role designed for them. For almost 235 years, the system worked reasonably well. But, about a year ago, things started to go wrong in the US capital; the system began to melt down. The friction is no longer propelling the country to greatness, rather it is hastening its decline.

    ian cormac (81c5c2)

  126. NewsBusted’s Matthew Balan reports on Nora O’Donnell’s CBS interview:

    “…Norah O’Donnell played the role of a clairvoyant on Tuesday’s Early Show as she hinted that President Obama’s reelection is assured in 2012. Anchor Erica Hill asked O’Donnell how the White House viewed the debt ceiling bill. She replied, “I think they feel like this was… not necessarily a victory for the President. He did get an extension of this debt ceiling through 2012 and through his reelection.”

    ropelight (463353)

  127. Seems silly to even note MSNBC’s ridiculous bias, but to assert a president with 40% approval and horrible economic performance of reelection seems damn remarkable.

    You’d almost think they are trying to convince themselves it’s not all over.

    Why the big effort?

    Because the reality is that Obama just became a lame duck. He already was one, to some extent, since the 2010 election, but now it’s quite clear. His bluff was largely called. While this isn’t a Tea Party budget by any stretch, Boehner is running around telling people he got 98% of what he wanted because that helps underline that Obama is a lame duck.

    Obama did not sign this bill in a big ceremony. He wants you to forget it ever happened. Next on his agenda: absolutely nothing.

    I love this photo. Obama doesn’t appear to be the most relevant man in a small room full of his own staffers. He looks like a White House intern, really.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  128. Next on his agenda: absolutely nothing fund raising.


    AD-RtR/OS! (cf2da4)

  129. AD, yeah, that.

    He’s going to bring a lot of money in, too. He’s done an excellent job laying the groundwork with so much cronyism. GE, GM, and GD the USA.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  130. Clearly you don’t get enough Rachel Maddow in your TV diet, or Daily Show, Colbert or Real Time with Bill Maher.

    Madcow is a liar, a phoney, and a whore. Stewart and Colbert thought it a good idea to have an Islamist supporter of terror star at their supposedly nonpolitical rally. And Maher is a fraud who pretends to be a libertarian. Why would I want to get any “news” from them?

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  131. With the economy entering a “Double Dip”, who’s going to have any money to donate to Colbert’s Super-PAC?
    Other than crony’s of the WH, I mean.

    AD-RtR/OS! (cf2da4)

  132. “Obama did not sign this bill in a big ceremony. He wants you to forget it ever happened. Next on his agenda: absolutely nothing.”

    Dustin – Wrong. Next on the agenda? Obama is making JOBS priority one, yet again. Ho hum.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  133. Obama is making JOBS priority one

    Well of course the agenda will be a lot of BS meant to show Obama hard at work. Hell, my photo shows he’s typing away and probably directing the phone calls.

    But does Obama still have a real agenda? Will he be able to accomplish anything non lame-ducky?

    Dustin (b7410e)

  134. “But does Obama still have a real agenda?”

    Dustin – Of course he does, but he will never reveal it because then nobody but the most bug nucking futz progressives will ever vote for him. Heh.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  135. Its all Bush’s fault.

    Eddy Rojas (535800)

  136. It was also the illuminati’s fault.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  137. The Stone Cutters clearly, and the Reverse Vampires

    ian cormac (81c5c2)

  138. Barack is quite content knowing that he has spartacvs’ vote.

    Michelle (3c6199)

  139. Every time the leftists focus o jobs,for what seems like the 10th time now, it seems like they get it backwards and start killing even more jobs.

    JD (2da347)

  140. Uh the dems wouldn’t lock up commies they would be friends.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  141. “Uh the dems wouldn’t lock up commies”

    Maybe not now, but they sure were doing it back in the 1940s.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  142. “Uh the dems wouldn’t lock up commies”

    Maybe not now, but they sure were doing it back in the 1940s.

    Was that before or after they made a commie vice president to an invalid?

    Milhouse (9a4c23)

  143. In any case, what’s your problem with killing commies? Got a problem with killing nazis too?

    Milhouse (9a4c23)

  144. I got nothing against Christians per se,
    — Except for the ones that use proper grammar; right? Or, is it like the way you lefties feel about the military … hate the war but support the troops?

    Martin Luther King was a great man and a Christian.
    — One could say he was your token good Christian.

    It’s the Christianists I abhor.
    — Do you know what I abhor? People that make up words like “Christianists”. Judge not, lest ye …

    Jesus would not be a Republican, I think we can all agree on that much.
    — Jesus was pretty much apolitical (“Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s”) yet, I think we all know which political party is more comfortable with Jesus.

    Icy Texan (093cc2)

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