Patterico's Pontifications


Blogger Cookbook

Filed under: Blogging Matters,General — Patterico @ 9:36 am

There is a blogger cookbook out, called Blogalicious — A Cookbook of Favorite Recipes from the Blogosphere. It will soon be available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, and the like — but for now, you can order it only at the above link.

I am one of the bloggers who contributed a recipe. I considered doing one of those hokey recipes — you know, something like:

How to Make a Biased Newspaper

Take three heaping scoops of misleading quotes
Mix in one pinch of sock-puppetry
Add arrogance to taste

And so on. But I realized that it would be kind of annoying, so I just did a brief, real recipe — for something I had just eaten when the author contacted me. It had turned out quite tasty, so I thought: why not that? It’s very simple, but the ingredients are key.

Anyway, it sounds like the author got most major bloggers (and me) to participate, so it should be a hoot. I’m going to order mine right now.

2 Responses to “Blogger Cookbook”

  1. there isn’t anything i can think of to say about this that wouldn’t be snarky.

    assistant devil's advocate (385354)

  2. It’s a fun thread. Snark away.

    Patterico (de0616)

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