Patterico's Pontifications


And the Candidate Once Used the “F” Word!!!

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:56 am

Via Dan Riehl, in the wake of the Webb story from last night, now a Democrat is going after a Republican for writing smut.

This is pretty silly stuff, folks.

13 Responses to “And the Candidate Once Used the “F” Word!!!”

  1. HE SAID THE F WORD? Fuck that guy, I’m not going to vote for hime anymore.

    AndrewGurn (c37ea2)

  2. Why just be critical of the “racy” wording in the works and the sexual content. These books are literature, if that be the word that should not be put down lightly, rather they should be hurled with great force. (with apologies to the late Dorothy Parker). The books to use a technical term of artistic criticism, “suck”. Since these works are reflections of the men and women who wrote them, we can only conclude that the authors are mediocrities at best.

    Not a Yank (43f70c)

  3. Hey, I had that idea three years ago. Must credit the Great Xrlq.

    Xrlq (612cc6)

  4. that particular controversy — the texas “porn writing” one — has been alive for several weeks.

    aphrael (12fba5)

  5. Damn, aphrael beat me to it… yet they both still suck as authors… hmmmnnn… anyone see a trend starting? crappy authors running for gov’t positions… maybe I’d better write a crappy smut novella before my run… (lol)

    Pol Mordreth (5b3071)

  6. Hey if they can’t write, maybe they can run for office!

    Mike Myers (af249e)

  7. i locked eyes with the scarlet woman across the cavernous bowling alley. her breasts were like ripe mangoes dilating the surface of her vinyl halter top. the highlights in her hair reflected the bank of fluorescents in a way that reminded me of marcia long ago in the back of my van, pumping and straining with me to the mellifluous sounds of blue oyster cult. my brobdignagian fervor swelled between my loins as i pictured my hand caressing the recesses and convexities of her callipygian fundament. i set down my beer and walked toward her, studying the flecks of anticipatory moisture on her upper lip as the mighty crashes of balls against pins resounded through the space. i knew she wanted me, carnally, viscerally, the way most women do, as i considered whether it was still too soon since my divorce was finalized on monday. her pelvis was swaying and articulating like two basset hounds fighting in a burlap bag. she was water in the sahara, oxygen on the moon so much i wanted to have her, so i grabbed her and mounted her right there on the raised ball return slot, in full view of my fellow greater metro rotarians, as she made noises like an excited young giraffe….

    ok, am i ready to run for office now? can we turn this into an amateur pornwriting thread?

    assistant devil's advocate (af6a6a)

  8. Hey, this was before Webb’s story. And they write that Democrats are voting Republican because of this stupidity.

    Nikolay (939eb6)

  9. Uh-oh, “ada” must have listened to Blue Oyster Cult and either has a passion for bowling… or mocks bowlers. Nominated to run for Governer in ___.

    Seriously, with all of the money in media and all of the people who are unhappy with what we put up with, why is there not a publication of national reputation- other than the well known blog PP’s- with “Harangues that just make sense” where one can you read something and believe it may be true. If someone has found such a source, please let me know. It’s like you need to devote hours a day to get to the bottom of something, or ignore the news altogether.

    Since there is not likely to be changes in libel and slander laws anytime soon, I nominate Pat to be the “Arbiter of Truth”. To be certified, the author of the piece verifies that the story will stand the test of Pat’s cross examination, or will be barred from writing for the public for 6 months. Just like Baseball and the Tigers (sorry Tiger fans), after the 3rd incident, YOU’RE OUT!!
    [Sorry, I guess I was still half dreaming…]

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  10. The obvious thing to take away from this story is that there’s a guy running for office in Texas named Fred Head.

    CraigC (9cd021)

  11. Weekend Wingnut Roundup…

    Less than two weeks until the election – what do you suppose the wingnuts are doing? And can you pick out the direct quote? No peeking. Ace of Spades – we sure do hate us some Andrew Sullivan – he…

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