Patterico's Pontifications


Dana Priest: This Person Was Too Partisan! Mary McCarthy? No . . . Porter Goss!

Filed under: General,Media Bias — Patterico @ 12:15 pm

Allah has the big Goss roundup. Buried in the updates is a little nugget that is sure to infuriate those of you who have been following the Mary McCarthy story: the Washington Post Goss obituary is written by Dana Priest, and accuses Goss of having been . . . partisan!:

Goss, then the Republican chairman of the House intelligence panel, was handpicked by the White House to purge what some in the administration viewed as a cabal of wily spies working to oppose administration policy in Iraq. . . . The perception that Goss was conducting a partisan witch hunt grew, too, as staffers asked about the party affiliation of officers who sent in cables or analyses on Iraq that contradicted the Defense Department’s more optimistic scenarios.

As Allah says:

How could we expect independent-minded American patriots like Mary McCarthy to do their jobs in such a politicized environment?

And yes: the L.A. Times still hasn’t printed one word about McCarthy’s partisanship.

4 Responses to “Dana Priest: This Person Was Too Partisan! Mary McCarthy? No . . . Porter Goss!”

  1. Why would we expect anything different from Dana Priest?

    Paul (c169e9)

  2. Dana Priest at least understands what a partisan is. It is someone who, at best, does legwork for a party and at worse does dirty work for a party. An extreme partisan, like Hewitt, will put party above ideology or country. An extreme ideologue, like Kristol, will put ideology above party or country. Then there are people like Mary McCarthy and most of the rest of us who simply belong to a party. Often they vote for their party and sometimes they even give money to their party. Sometimes, too, and we all know such people, they vote for and give money to members of the opposing party. Merely writing out a check to a political party, be you a CIA op, a journalist, or even a dentist, doesn’t make you a partisan, except to those who don’t know what a partisan is.

    Asinitra (233b3a)

  3. Well by Asinitra’s standard (with which I do not agree) it seems to me that Dana Priest is a partisan–and probably an extreme partisan at that.

    Mike Myers (3a4363)

  4. Seems like one is a partisan when one hates the party in power so much that one is willing to damage one’s country to bring them down, as well.

    sharon (fecb65)

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