Patterico's Pontifications


N.Z. Bear Asks, And I Answer: I Oppose the Miers Nomination

Filed under: Judiciary — Patterico @ 3:44 pm

I oppose the Miers nomination.

Regular readers already know this. But N.Z. Bear is asking bloggers to state their position on the Miers nomination in an unmistakable fashion. Hence, this post.

One of these days soon, I plan to collect my reasons in one post. For now, the reasons are summed up in my Judiciary category, or by simply searching my blog for the term “Miers.”

If you have a blog and an opinion on the Miers nomination, go to the N.Z. Bear link above and follow the instructions. You can see which bloggers are taking which positions at the tracking page, here.

Incidentally, Armed Liberal opposes her nomination too.

3 Responses to “N.Z. Bear Asks, And I Answer: I Oppose the Miers Nomination”

  1. Harriet Miers Watch: N.Z. Bear Asks, And I Answer: I Oppose the Miers Nomination

    I oppose the Miers nomination.
    The Truth Laid Bear has Call to Bloggers: Take Your Stand on Miers
    Flap opposes the Miers nomination.
    Captain Ed at Captain’s Quarters has Bad News Turns Into Flood On Miers.

    In response, let me say that I …

    FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog (baa0b4)

  2. What took y’all so long? I opposed the Miers nomination, let see, that would have been on DAY ONE.

    [That’s why they call you “PrestoPundit”! — P]

    I’m still guessing she’ll get confirmed.

    [Me too. — P]

    PrestoPundit (c8886f)

  3. Where does he get such wonderful toys?

    Tom Dunson (149cde)

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