Patterico's Pontifications


Another Online Politics Test

Filed under: General,Politics — Patterico @ 1:21 pm

Here is another online politics test. My results are below the fold.

You are a

Social Moderate
(55% permissive)

and an…

Economic Conservative
(70% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid

28 Responses to “Another Online Politics Test”

  1. Squish.

    Social Conservative (23%)
    Economic Conservative (95%)

    Angry Clam (a7c6b1)

  2. Social Moderate 50%
    Economic Conservative 66%

    Dwilkers (a1687a)

  3. Looks like I am a Patterico clone:

    Social Moderate 55%
    Economic Conservative 70%

    Stu707 (7c4f65)

  4. […] Via Patterico, I just did an online politics test. The results, which are fairly accurate (as much as these online tests can be), are below: […]

    Fox Gnaws - When the fox gnaws- Smile! » Blog Archive » (9b413a)

  5. I seem to be a Capitalist.
    Social Liberal (65% permissive)
    Economic Conservative (91% permissive)

    I’m not happy that the word “liberal” showed up in there. Clearly I need to reach my more despotic inner self.

    Bostonian (34df6e)

  6. Social Moderate (43% permissive)
    Economic Conservative (68% permissive)

    You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.

    On the black/white map, I’m pretty much in the bottom-right corner of the Capitalist section, right next to Republican and Centrist.

    Leigh (3af625)

  7. Just did a politics quiz thingy

    I thought it was interesting. Here were my results:

    You are a
    Social Moderate (43% permissive)
    Economic Conservative (68% permissive)
    You are best described as a: Capitalist

    The House Of Wheels (3af625)

  8. Social Liberal (66% permissive)
    Economic Conservative (78% permissive)

    Libertarian. Well, I guess that’s what you get for buying Randy Barnett’s book.

    Matto Ichiban (cd9a4c)

  9. Nice quiz. Here are my results:
    Social Conservative (26% permissive)
    Economic Conservative (65% permissive)
    You are best described as a: Republican

    Mike S. (1f02e6)

  10. My numbers:

    Social Moderate 56% permissive

    Economic Conservative 71% permissive

    That makes me 2% more more of a Capitalist than Patterico, which seems about right.

    PrestoPundit (c8886f)

  11. Social Liberal (80% permissive)
    Economic Conservative (61% permissive)
    You are best described as a: Democrat

    I don’t think so.

    Nels Nelson (e88b48)

  12. I seem to be a Libertarian. Imagine that.

    (Social Liberal 66% permissive, Economic Conservative, 81% permissive)

    My single law: “I would dictate that…all children learn to read before they can watch television.”

    Kevin Murphy (6a7945)

  13. WHO Are YOU?

    On this test, I came out here: You are a Social Liberal (70% permissive) and an… Economic Conservative (95% permissive) You are best described as a: Libertarian Link: The Politics Test on OkCupid Free Online Dating Hat tip to Patterico…

    Big Lizards (fe7c9d)

  14. Patterico:

    As usual, I’m the most extreme person here!

    Librarian: Social liberal, 70% permissive; economic conservative, 95% permissive.

    “You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.”


    Dafydd (f8a7be)

  15. I’m closer to one end of the social scale than you are.

    Here’s a clue: I didn’t hit the “Republican” category. Things like “strongly agree” answers to the questions like “protesters should shut up” turn out to be very good for the social conservative score.

    Angry Clam (a7c6b1)

  16. Enraged Mollusk:

    Aha, you’re right — you are more extreme! We’re both 95% on the economic scale, but you’re 7% more extreme on the social scale (and at the opposite end, of course).

    Part of the problem is that they didn’t ask precise enough questions. In fact, I support abortion rights up to the moment the foetus’s cerebral cortex activates… after which I’m a complete hard-ass anti-abortionist. I suppose that counts as “pro-choice,” but a lot of pro-choicers would disagree.

    There were a number of questions like that where I knew what they were getting at, but the way they worded the question forced me to answer ironically.

    Too, they did nothing to measure relative importance of issues. For example, I oppose the drug war; Bush supports the drug war; but Bush and I agree on the Iraq war, and that is far more important to me… therefore, I support Bush. But reading my score, one might imagine that I was anti-Bush; after all, nearly all self-styled “libertarians” are anti-Bush (which is the prime motivation of my next Lizard’s Tongue column, with a really cool title I expect to steal from Brad Linaweaver, if he lets me get away with it).

    These little clicky things are fun but rather meaningless. Or perhaps they’re fun because they’re meaningless.


    Dafydd (f8a7be)

  17. Social liberal: 78% permissive
    Economic liberal: 13% permissive

    You are best described as (wait for it…): Socialist.

    ““You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in social justice.”

    Hmm…must have been that whole redistribution-of-wealth thing…heh.

    Tom (eb6b88)

  18. The “[y]ou exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in social justice.” is actually included at the bottom of every single category.

    Because, if you think about it, it’s true- politics is about bickering over what those words mean.

    Angry Clam (fa7fff)

  19. Because, if you think about it, it’s true- politics is about bickering over what those words mean.

    Indeed. “If only it were as clear to everyone else as it is to me,” we all individually think to ourselves.

    Tom (eb6b88)

  20. 61% permissive Social liberal/80% permissive Economic Conservative

    Donald Trump type.

    Sounds about right, but I prefer Ben Franklin.

    vnjagvet (d3d48a)

  21. I am a libertarian, but on that test I scored 60% permissive (socially liberal->classical liberal) and 96% permissive (economic conservative->classical liberal) which they called a Capitalist. That’s ok, my BBS handle was CapitalistPig :).

    Charles D. Quarles (5d11c1)

  22. Oh yeah, there’s no such thing as a free lunch, price gouging, or social justice. There is such a thing as justice.

    Charles D. Quarles (5d11c1)

  23. Capitalist here.

    Social Moderate
    (55% permissive)

    and an…

    Economic Conservative
    (73% permissive)

    You are best described as a:


    Dan Kauffman (0cf47b)

  24. that was a fun test. Thanks!

    I am

    Social conservative (33% permissive

    Economic Conservative (61% permissive

    Republican (yessss!
    (You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.)

    cc (f189ca)

  25. Social Liberal (88% Permissive)

    Economic Conservative (83% Permissive)


    I don’t think so.

    rls (0516f0)

  26. Words have consequences. It is unfortunate that you are promoting such shallow thinking. See Talk Is Cheap

    pbswatcher (c67a2b)

  27. You are a

    Social Liberal
    (76% permissive)

    and an…

    Economic Liberal
    (16% permissive)

    You are best described as a:


    Lenzen (5db497)

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