Patterico's Pontifications


Galloway on Tour

Filed under: Scum,War — Patterico @ 9:35 pm

Saddam supporter George Galloway is going on tour, and will be making a stop in Los Angeles on September 22. (Here is some background on Galloway generally, and here is some background information from Clint Taylor on some of Galloway’s apparent lies to Congress.) I am considering going — to heckle, hand out leaflets, ask embarrassing questions, and/or generally make a stink. Anyone else interested?

P.S. Armed Liberal is interested in handing out leaflets. He says the crowd will be thick with Hollywood types. Jane Fonda might speak, and so might Sean Penn — fresh off his heroic rescue efforts with his personal photographer and his tiny, leaking boat.

UPDATE: I knew that date sounded familiar. I have recollected that I have a previous engagement: a party celebrating the promotions of numerous people in my office — including Mrs. P. (Yes, I remembered on my own. I’m not in the doghouse — at least not completely.)

Can’t go; sorry. But don’t let that stop you!

13 Responses to “Galloway on Tour”

  1. Bummer, I’ll be out of town that week. Have fun!

    Xrlq (428dfd)

  2. Going up north? He’s appearing in San Francisco as well!

    Patterico (756436)

  3. George Galloway Watch: Coming to Los Angeles

    Patterico has Galloway on Tour.

    Saddam supporter George Galloway is going on tour, and will be making a stop in Los Angeles on September 22. (Here is some background on Galloway generally, and here is some background information from Clint Taylor…

    FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog (baa0b4)

  4. Flaps in!

    My son and some of his Large Football friends will provide security and LOUD Voices.


    Flap (cc77c4)

  5. Sweet.

    Patterico (756436)

  6. Patterico,

    I will join. Are we allowed to carry guns for self-defense? You should know, you are the prosecutor! Or maybe we can get the LAPD escort us, in case there is a Muslim vs. Christian/Jew/Buddhist, etc. confrontation.

    David (822ea3)

  7. Let the nasty little man speak, hell, give him a bull horn. Put him on prime time TV. He’s such pinched up, hate filled, lickspittle that every word from his mouth is a convert from the Left to the GOP. He’s one of the biggest sources of new votes for Republican candidates there is. Where do I send him a check?

    Black Jack (ee3eb6)

  8. Heck, I’ll be more than happy to take a vacation day and join you. Is Galloway going to be speaking on the LAX tarmack? Wonder if signs will be allowed (I could always smuggle a cloth banner)


    Darleen (f20213)

  9. Folks drop me a note if you’re interested in coming, and please spread the word – we need 100+ people to make this really fun.


    Armed Liberal (e6ad60)

  10. Anti-American: George Galloway Visits Los Angeles

    “America and Britain are the two greatest rogue nations in the world today” — George Galloway, during a recent debate with Christopher Hitchens in New York.
    On the road for his promotional book tour, Galloway, who bills himself as &…

    California Conservative (53ecd1)

  11. […] He’ll be speaking in Los Angeles today as he continues his promotional book tour. California Conservative has the details and a round up of blogger reaction to Mr. Galloway’s upcoming visit – including the cast of crazies he’ll be surrounding himself with. Patterico has more info on Galloway’s visit as well. […]

    Sister Toldjah » Natural disaster to descend on L.A. (a936fc)

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