Patterico's Pontifications


See-Dubya: Evil Bastard Slime-Toads

Filed under: Crime,General,Scum — See Dubya @ 8:26 pm

Got a spoof e-mail just now to another hotmail account, and it’s really slick, and really sick:
fake amazon.jpg

It is better quality than most spoof e-mails I receive, and the grammar is flawless. Only a close reading of the punctuation reveals it’s a fraud. After searching out the IP addresses, I discovered the mail originated from a Singaporean web provider and the spoof site is hosted in Beijing.

I forwarded the mail off to and I would encourage anyone else who receives this email to do the same. I lack the time to come up with sufficiently harsh invective to convey my contempt for these parasites. They are worse than looters, I believe, since they are effectively stealing from the Red Cross as well as from the owners of the credit card numbers they will steal. They prey on the generosity of good people, and they deserve no better than a looter would receive if he were caught stealing from the Red Cross.

PLEASE NOTE: This spoof e-mail did not actually come from–it was mocked up by criminals in Asia to appear as if it came from Amazon. Amazon is another victim in this matter, as their reputation and relationships with their customers are damaged by it.

{Cross-posted at The Jawa Report.}

2 Responses to “See-Dubya: Evil Bastard Slime-Toads”

  1. This is unbelievably deceptive. They actually did a very good job of making it look real, except for the period in the word Katrina, instead of the apostrophe. I hope you sent this to That’s where I always go to check out suspicious email stories to see if they’re true or a hoax. The fact that this one is a HOAX needs to get pubicized now!!

    bond (03a3ec)

  2. We need to start pestering the major online businesses to use signed certificates on their emails. Bills, ‘opt-in spam’, customer service – all should be signed by the originating company.

    If Amazon, eBay and the banks did that, my personal raw email count could be ‘perfectly’ filtered from 200 per day to 50. Where 30 of those might still be SPAM, just not phish attacks that I care about.

    Al (00c56b)

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