Patterico's Pontifications



Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:54 am

You know you want to talk about him. But I don’t want to write about him. So:


111 Responses to “Trump.”

  1. Give the people what they want.

    By which I mean, a post to talk about Trump. Not Trump himself.

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  2. I can’t believe he’s winning. It’s like reading an Onion article that was absurd 4 years ago that not only becomes true but actually didn’t go far enough.

    I mean, I should expect this sort of thing. This is what happens when the left and the media spent the last two elections calling John McCain, Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney the worst human beings in the world simply because they were Republicans running for higher office. So now the Republican front runner is the one guy who’ll run headlong into a sh*tstorm without concern. The people backing him have completely given up on the media. Every terrible thing the media says about him (no matter how close to true) simply reinforces their belief that they are backing the right guy.

    BTW, HBO is really going whole hog into left wing politics this month. Besides the usual talk shows, they had “Confirmation” a pro-Anita Hill version of the Thomas confirmation hearings. Then “Real Sports” had a 20 minute segment on Trump’s golf course in Scotland(? I think it was Scotland). This was pretty much a 20 minute rant on how terrible Trump is. I’m expecting re-runs of their crappy Sarah Palin movie to start showing soon, maybe showings of “Recount”. Hopefully, someone will do some counter programming with repeated showings of “Primary Colors.”

    Xmas (3c8969)

  3. You know, I was actually excited about this election. I’m relatively young, but this is the first time I looked ahead and say more than a dozen strong candidates for the for the Republican party, and any one of them could and should wipe the floor with Hillary. I had my misgivings about all of them in some way or another, but I could have supported really any of them in the general election. I though, barring a disaster, we will have this one in the bag.

    And now… I get to chose between two Democrats. Big Government Democrats.


    Bellerophon (4bd558)

  4. You know, I was actually excited about this election. I’m relatively young, but this is the first time I looked ahead and saw more than a dozen strong candidates for the Republican party, and any one of them could and should wipe the floor with Hillary. I had my misgivings about all of them in some way or another, but I could have supported any of them in the general election. I thought, barring a disaster, we will have this one in the bag.

    And now… I get to chose between two Democrats. Big Government Democrats.


    Bellerophon (4bd558)

  5. If YOU support Donald….Then YOU support higher taxes.

    If YOU support Donald….Then YOU support the use of intimation tactics against your enemies

    If YOU support Donald….Then YOU support the use of childish nicknames disconnected from reality

    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support the denigration of the first amendment

    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support the “assault weapon” scam

    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support Democrats

    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support the use of lies in the furtherance of a political agenda

    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support a trade war with Mexico

    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support the Obamacare Mandate

    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support the selective application of reality to polling data

    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support a landslide victory for ComradeClinton

    Torcer (f045ef)

  6. why the wave has risen, is a better question then invective,

    narciso (732bc0)

  7. Trump has traction because people don’t believe anything politicians say anymore, so they chose the loudest, angriest person in the race. We can thank the GOPe that but the Democrats should also thank Obama, who perfected elections based on empty promises.

    DRJ (15874d)

  8. It looks like it is going to be wave that needs to be ridden, not fought.
    Because Trump somehow created a yuuuge wave of popularity that has swept the country.
    Trump could pretty much win out from here and no one in their right mind would deny him the nomination.

    The GOP now knows it will lose big if Trump supporters stay home in the general election, and could win big if they can convince the Cruz camp to bury the hatchet and make the best of it so Hillary does not get elected.
    When facing 4-8 years of Hillary, it seems nonsensical to withhold a vote against her, even if it would otherwise be for for a newly minted New York values Republican.
    Close the eyes for a minute, go to some place of inner peace and fill in the Trump bubble to stop Hillary.

    It is said that Hillary and Trump are two sides of the same coin which is ridiculous.
    Trump is a force, Hillary is heir apparent party shill.

    Torcer- understood.
    I won’t argue your points, because about now I’m having to look at Trump vs. Hillary.
    Cruz cannot win unless the convention flips to Cruz, in which case a yuuuge amount of voters will stay home
    I will never vote for a Clinton again. I voted for Bill and after the a while thought both he and she were a disgrace

    steveg (fed1c9)

  9. who perfected elections based on empty promises.

    That makes him sound almost innocuous or somewhat harmless. He’s worse than that in my mind because of his overall underwhelming background (eg, his radical parents, his history littered with flaky, disreputable elements) , because of his embracing the ethos of “America, your chickens are coming home to roost,” because of his saying things like “they bring a knife to a fight, we’ll bring a gun,” because of his totally inappropriate light-hearted emotions the day after the Fort Hood massacre, etc, etc.

    As far as I’m concerned, he truly is the *worst* candidate to run for the American presidency in our lifetime.

    I always saw beyond the sharp crease of his pants in 2008, much less 2012.

    Mark (fb60e8)

  10. He won every county in every state last night. Not just the states; but every single county.

    It doesn’t matter what he says or does; it doesn’t matter how poorly prepared he is, how little of substance he has, how crude of a personality: it is the single most astonishing thing I’ve seen. Huey Long rose in the middle of the Depression. Very desperate people. These are difficult times but nowhere comparable to that.

    That people think this man can address the problems is beyond my understanding. I understand the anger; I simply cannot understand how they think he can do anything about it.

    Is this Argentina? Guatemala in the 1940s? It’s like I woke up in a banana republic.

    SteveMG (a63c5e)

  11. Trump is a force, Hillary is heir apparent party shill.

    A force for what?

    He has no substance, no ideas: he has slogans.

    This is simply ridiculous.

    SteveMG (a63c5e)

  12. steveg

    It’s more of the case where you cannot argue my points.

    Did you miss the part where support for Donald means a ComradeClinton landslide?

    Now that Donald has burned down the party, does he really expect it to now resurrect itself to win against her in November?

    BTW, it will be entirely irrelevant whether we support Donald – his negatives are so high our vote and support would be superfluous.

    Torcer (f045ef)

  13. There’s still a long way to go and a lot can still happen.

    If there is one thing we have learned about this election, it’s that everything we thought we knew about how elections work is wrong this time. No one can predict what’s going to happen.

    Let’s just do the best we can with what he have, day by day.

    Gabriel Hanna (64d4e1)

  14. this is what that trade deficit has bought for china,

    narciso (732bc0)

  15. There will be plenty of tickets available for the maiden and final voyage of the Trumptanic right through November 8. There’s no rush to buy now and triage planning for survivors has a higher priority anyway.

    Rick Ballard (9b249a)

  16. SteveMG

    “Trump is a force”.

    As is the case with most who use intimidation tactics.

    While that might work in the primaries, it will yield disastrous results in the general election.

    Torcer (f045ef)

  17. @Torcer:his negatives are so high our vote and support would be superfluous.

    His negatives are so high he swept every county…

    Look, you just don’t know. Neither Trump nor Bernie were supposed to do anything like as well as they have. Those negative ratings used to mean something, but nothing means anything this time. There’s no point in ranting about it. Just figure out from day to day what your best move for tomorrow is. All you can do.

    Gabriel Hanna (64d4e1)

  18. @narcisco:this is what that trade deficit has bought for china,

    Every trade deficit is zero. If you are counting everything, as you should. All those T-Bills and real estate they bought, they didn’t buy them with yuan.

    The “trade deficit” with China has bought the US exactly as much as it has bought China. Mathematical necessity.

    Gabriel Hanna (64d4e1)

  19. Is this Argentina? Guatemala in the 1940s? It’s like I woke up in a banana republic.

    You did wake up in a banana republic and Trump is not in office so has nothing to do with it SteveMG. The enemy is the democrat socialists. When will you guys realize this? When they put in Net Neutrality and it’s too late?

    Hoagie ™ (e4fcd6)

  20. About the prospects for the Republican nomination:

    Cruz comes across as horriby arrogrant. I think Cruz is arrogrant because he has to be. He can only win if he’s the only alternative to Trump.

    Trump is meanwhile following a “first ballot or bust” strategy – not even worrying about who delegates may be secretly for, and if anything else happens, it’s not clear what he would do. I say what he might do is make a deal with Kasich – the only thing he can do and come out ahead. But now he’s not liking Kasich also. Can he be a king-maker for somebody else, like Rubio? Or Carson??

    Trump might have a choice between:

    1) Walking out and seeing Cruz winning a majority of a convention while missing many delegates, seeing Cruz win while staying in the convention, or throwing his support to somebody not named Ted Cruz. Trump is the only candidate where a large number of his delegates will follow his direction. Trump can throw it to Kasich but Cruz can’t, and Kasich can’t throw his support anywhere, except for most of Ohio’s 66 delegates.

    If Trump walks out, leaving a situation where it is not clear if anyone won the Republican nomination, there might be a struggle across the country to get the state Republican Party to list Trump or Cruz. In some states both might manage to make it on the ballot. Trump will probably get more blue states than anything else. It will at least make it impossible to tabulate the popular vote.

    Cruz is following a second or third ballot strategy. If he doesn’t win right away as soon as delegates are released, it’s over for him.

    Kasich is following a “maybe-something-will-turn-up on the 4th or later ballot” strategy with the thought also maybe that delegates will feel compelled to vote for someone who ran in the primaries -and if it’s not Trump or Cruz, he’s it.

    Sammy Finkelman (a5988d)

  21. Everyone who complains about Trump should read Scott Adams Master Persuader series on his blog at blog dot dilbert dot com.

    The short version is that this is not about logic or policy, it is about persuasion. Like Ronald Reagan and Obama but in his own way, Trump is a master of persuasion. Scott Adams over and over goes into the classic techniques that Trump is using and why they work.

    At our core, we are emotional creatures who occasionally access logic, not the other way around. And that is what is going on.

    luagha (a8d9d0)

  22. I’m pretty disgusted with Kasich’s behavior all through this process. Kasich will be compromise that satisfies no one. I don’t think he’ll do even as well as Bob Dole in the real election.

    Gabriel Hanna (64d4e1)

  23. Hoagie – what makes you think Trump isn’t a leftist?

    JD (34f761)

  24. Before everything else, actually, though, there may be a rules fight, and a fight about what the rules mean.

    Trump may propose a rule saying that whoever gets a plurality of delegates on the first
    ballot, if it is over 45% (or whatever number he can be certain of) gets the nomination.

    Cruz may propose a rule saying that if nobody wins on the first ballot, there is runoff betwene the two top finishers on the second ballot. Or maybe the 3rd or the 4th ballot.

    Kasich may propose a rule saying that delegates can vote only for someone who filed campaign statements with the Federal Elections Commission.

    All 3 may lose.

    Then there will be a fight over what the 2012 rules mean.

    Do they mean, as Chairman of the convention and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan says, that
    ayone withoutthe support of amajority of 8 state delegations, does not get a nominating speech on the floor, and that the votes for that person announced by the head of the delegation for
    that state do not get repeated at the podium, and nothing more or do they mean that no other candidates can be voted for and that votes for them will not be counted. That will probably lose.

    But before all of that there will be some credentials fights. About the Virgin Islands, and olorado.

    Sammy Finkelman (a5988d)

  25. Embrace the Orange Suck.

    Colonel Haiku (2dbed4)

  26. Lets ponder the following 2 points:

    1. Trump is nominated and the amount of #NeverTrump R voters withholding their vote would certainly doom Trump to defeat > then the amount of Dems crossing over to pull Trump.

    2. You had advanced medical inside knowledge that Hillary would die in the first year in office.

    Which Dem VP could you live with for 3 years, albeit one that not be so competetent as to be in for 10+ years?

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  27. John Kasich kinda sucks don’t he?

    Donald (22324e)

  28. @Bellerophon: I was the same way. I knew the GOP had a deep bench, and there were a lot of good candidates to come out of this. I knew that Obama had destroyed the Dems for this election, and the GOP had a great chance to elect a good conservative. He may not be perfect, but he wouldn’t be a McCain or a Romney or even a Bush.

    Then Trump comes along. Its Obama all over again. For that reason, I’m not as astonished or shocked as other people. I’m disappointed and sadden, but in our culture its not surprising. People are angry and they make bad decisions when they are angry. They vote for a cult of personality over principle.

    Now we have to deal with the fallout. Clinton will most likely win in November, and even if Trump wins, we still lose. The people that will be the hardest hurt will be the ones that were angry, with second the ones who didn’t want Trump under any circumstances.

    Its time to stock up on guns and ammo.

    Patrick Henry, the 2nd (ddead1)

  29. Dem crossover is a bigger fantasy than Reagan’s disapproval rating or Independents favoring Trump.

    Rick Ballard (9b249a)

  30. Gabriel HannaDo you understand the difference between a primary election and a general election?

    Has Donald attained an absolute majority in all of his primary contests?

    Torcer (f045ef)

  31. she googled symptoms of concussions, right after benghazi, so I take her health claims, right up there with her movie reviews,

    narciso (732bc0)

  32. Donnie’s Problem,
    Being an Illustration of the Lester Dent Formula of Short Story Writing Only Superficially Plagiarized From Inspired by Terry Bisson

    Chapter 1.

    Donnie had a very small penis.

    It would grow when he saw a pretty girl. Or pictures of pretty girls. Or his mommy’s laundry. But not by much.

    When Donnie got older, he found girls he could show his penis to. But they would giggle when they saw it. Even when he gave them expensive presents, he knew that they were secretly giggling inside.

    Donnie wondered whether there was something he could do about it. He went to the library. He asked the Librarian if the library had a book about small penises. The Librarian looked at him strangely. She looked through her card catalogs.

    “We may have one”, she said. Donnie looked at her expectantly. She shrank back.

    “I can’t tell if it’s in”, she said.

    “That’s the one”, Donnie said.

    The Librarian looked at him even more strangely. She ran into the library’s back office. She locked the door.

    Donnie left feeling very disappointed.

    Chapter 2.

    Then Donnie met Ivy.

    Ivy made Donnie’s penis bigger all the time. It was still not very much bigger. But that was okay. Ivy did not giggle when he showed it to her.

    (to be continued)

    nk (dbc370)

  33. Well, we’ve had a shadey real estate dealer with anger management issues before, but I don’t think Trump is going to evolve into another Andy Jackson.

    C. S. P. Schofield (df9f1c)

  34. 23.Hoagie – what makes you think Trump isn’t a leftist?
    JD (34f761) — 4/27/2016 @ 9:25 am

    Why? Do you think he is? He’s a liberal, not a leftist. Hillary and Sanders are leftists in case you for got what a leftist is. Trump is a New Your liberal Republican like Rockefeller, Lindsay and Giuliani. All of those were to different degrees liberal and all were Republican. Would you not vote for Rockefeller over Hillary? Of course you would. So if it comes to it hold your nose and pretend you’re voting Rockefeller but for heaven sake don’t let Hillary win.

    Hoagie ™ (e4fcd6)

  35. Mr. T. Boone Pickens says Mr. Trump would be a good president for America whereas the nasty pee-stanky old woman is no good

    The oil tycoon also weighed in on the 2016 presidential election. Even though in the past, Pickens has seemed to suggest a distaste for political outsiders, he said he would “enthusiastically” support Republican frontrunner Donald Trump should he become the nominee.

    Pickens, a staunch Republican who donated to Jeb Bush before the former Florida governor stepped down, said Trump would be “vastly superior” for the oil industry than Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton.

    “She’d be vastly superior for Goldman Sachs,” he said, referring to her ties to Wall Street.

    So there you go.

    happyfeet (831175)

  36. @Patric Henry: In a way, this is what saddens me the most. I saw the cult of Obama, but I was not dismayed because it affected “those guys”. Now I see the cult of Trump, and I must face the fact that all groups of people, even reliably conservative people, are susceptible to a cult of personality. That they can and will allow their anger to override logic. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but it is depressing.

    I’d like to point out that simple support of a candidate is not what causes me to be dismayed. Its support beyond reason that concerns me. I hear precious few Trump supporters say, “Well I disagree with him on property rights and size of government, but I still believe he will fight for me.”

    Instead, I hear, “He was just pandering/playing the game back then. He won’t do any of those things now because I believe.”

    Or, equally frequent, “Well lying Ted is bought by the establishment/Goldman Sachs/Monsanto/UFO/BigBird…,” as if that has anything to do with their candidate.

    Its like having a conversation with an iMac groupie. There can be no wrong.

    Bellerophon (4bd558)

  37. I’m laughing at all the people who have given up on this election. I wrote off this sick country five years ago at least.

    We have met the enemy, and he is us.

    CrustyB (69f730)

  38. This is an ‘enthusiasm’ election. And with the vote totals Trump is getting compared to McCain or Romney, he’ll do well against Hillary, since she ain’t black and get them all revved up to vote. The Trump voters would crawl on the hands and knees thru burning gasoline liberally seeded with broken beer bottles to vote for Trump!

    It’s amusing to see people in their 40’s and later still obsessing about a politician’s policy positions; they can and will say anything to get elected. Any of you Cruzers actually think he would be able to do 10% of what he’s yakking about? It’s all talk, elect a guy that can stop the left; Trump!

    When Trump dissed the Mexicans, not sending the best and brightest to the US, and NBC pulled the Apprentice and Univision the Miss America pageant, then the SJW’s went berserk and trashed Trump, AND NOTHING HAPPENED TO TRUMP! He got more support. Lots of peeps on the right are fed up with PC bullshit, and Trump is the only one that has been able to fight it. Lyin’Ted won’t…


    dee (0458c0)

  39. Is this Argentina? Guatemala in the 1940s? It’s like I woke up in a banana republic.

    Did you ask that in 2008? How about in 2012?

    Have you asked that when you’ve seen the nonsensically high positive opinion poll ratings of Hillary going back at least 20 years?

    Any person who hasn’t responded in that manner over these past few decades and who, worse of all, has had even a tiny glimmer of warm feelings for her and/or the person she hopes to succeed (hey, Peggy Noonans of America!) deserves to be viewed with suspicion or doubt in my book.

    They need to glance in the mirror when trying to find one of the people responsible for America becoming a banana republic and a place where the chickens are coming home to roost.

    Mark (6af98a)

  40. Bellerophon (4bd558) — 4/27/2016 @ 9:57 am

    I hear precious few Trump supporters say, “Well I disagree with him on property rights and size of government, but I still believe he will fight for me.”

    But not all Trump voters are Trump supporters of the kind you encounter. Supporters are one thing. Voters are another.

    Sammy Finkelman (a5988d)

  41. If YOU support Donald….Then YOU support higher taxes.

    If YOU support Donald….Then YOU support the use of childish nicknames disconnected from reality
    So “sniveling coward” is not a childish insult?

    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support the denigration of the first amendment
    Sorry, but the current libel laws ARE ridiculous. Not only do you have to prove that what was printed was false, and not only do you have to prove that they KNEW it was false, you have to prove that they did so with the INTENT to harm you. They can literally print that you had sex with your mother in an outhouse, and you have no recourse.

    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support the “assault weapon” scam

    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support Democrats
    That is so laughable. But if you like bending over for the GOP kingmakers, keep up the good work.

    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support the use of lies in the furtherance of a political agenda

    “Carson has dropped out of the race.” Lather. Rinse. Repeat. A couple of times.

    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support a trade war with Mexico
    I support trade policies that do not put the interest of foriegn governments and contributors ahead of US citizens. Like using eminent domain against US citizens to help Carlos Slim (he’s a Mexican citizen, in case you didn’t know) and the Trans-Pecos Pipeline or Candian firm TransCanada and the Keystone XL pipeline. I guess you like being a lapdog for foreign interest, huh? Just like Ted.

    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support the selective application of reality to polling data
    I don’t know what you mean by that, but there is only one poll that counts in elections, the one where you pull a lever (or bubble in a choice, punch a hole, press a computer screen). And Ted loses those. Overwhelmingly.

    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support a landslide victory for ComradeClinton
    The same can be said for Ted. He has shown a complete inabilty to even get Republican voters to vote for him, instead depending on “convincing” delegates to ignore the voters that sent them to the convention. Sadly, there are no delegates that can be swayed in backroom deals in the general, but that is all Ted excels at. So how does an unlikeble little shyster from Canada convince voters of all parties to vote for him when he can’t even get his own party to vote for him?

    prowlerguy (fa36d8)

  42. Geez, I wish I had seen nk’s fine work @32 earlier. Hey Torcer, you want to scold nk about childish insults?

    Yeah, I thought not.

    prowlerguy (fa36d8)

  43. Mr. T. Boone Pickens says Mr. Trump would be a good president for America whereas the nasty pee-stanky old woman is no good

    J R Ewing, Conrad Grayson, Tripp Darling and Michael Corleone all back Trump. Out of their natural patriotism.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  44. Cruz will announce Fiorina as VP…

    Colonel Haiku (2dbed4)

  45. well Pickens was one of the few to actually strike oil in the Permian in the 80s, the other was ken lay, conrad grayson, I miss revenge, the series,

    narciso (732bc0)

  46. 33. C. S. P. Schofield (df9f1c) — 4/27/2016 @ 9:52 am

    Well, we’ve had a shadey real estate dealer with anger management issues before, but I don’t think Trump is going to evolve into another Andy Jackson.

    He hasn’t got a Martin Van Buren to write his speeches and papers.

    Sammy Finkelman (a5988d)

  47. So, Cruz to make major announcement at 1pm PDT.


    1. Campaign suspension. Doubtful, but I’d expect the Trumpies to suggest it, so I will do it first.

    2. Mike Pense endorsement. Apparently not — Pense won’t be there.

    3. VP announcement. Likely. Cruz needs to change the news cycle from “Liberal east coast states unexpectedly opt for east coast liberal.”

    a. Fiorina. OK. fine. A solid choice, but no real gain. Does change the MSM narrative to “how HP lost all those jobs” — never mind that that she saved most of two dying companies. The MSM never gets that kind of thing.

    b. Kasich. This, now, takes Kasich out of all the remaining primaries PLUS adds delegates to Cruz’s total to the degree that Cruz can inherit delegates. It also “softens” Cruz’ hard edge. Kasich is not the ideal VP candidate, as he is more a yap dog than a pit bull, but he at least has more social skills than Cruz.

    So, I’m hoping it’s Kasich. Words I never thought I’d say.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  48. @Torcer:Do you understand the difference between a primary election and a general election?


    Has Donald attained an absolute majority in all of his primary contests?


    I’m not sure what your point is. My point is that nothing you think means anything, means anything. If you think his high negatives NOW translate into bad results in the general election, against a candidate with negatives very nearly as high NOW, that is based on experience from previous elections, and what happened in previous elections is not relevant to this one.

    If we’ve learned one thing from this fiasco it’s that nothing we thought was true applies.

    Gabriel Hanna (64d4e1)

  49. Gabriel Hanna (64d4e1) — 4/27/2016 @ 9:11 am

    No one can predict what’s going to happen.

    The Republican convention will adjourn after the 11th ballot, at about 3:30 am on Friday, July 21, 2016, without reaching a decision, voting to reconvene on the day before Labor Day, that is, Sunday, September 4, 2016, at a location to be selected by the Republican National Committee, unless the RNC, by a two thirds vote, shall pick a nominee both for President and Vice President.

    And then, about August 22, the RNC will select Paul Ryan for president and someone Donald Trump agrees to for vice president.

    Democrats will scream bloody murder and try to keep his name off the ballot.

    Sammy Finkelman (a5988d)

  50. Sammy Finkelman: True, not all supporters are like that. But all that I know personally are like that, and 90% of comments over at HotAir are like that. They remind me of Ron Paul supporters: immune to reason and allergic to debate.

    Bellerophon (4bd558)

  51. @Sammy Finkelman:The Republican convention will adjourn after the 11th ballot, at about 3:30 am on Friday…

    Anybody can make a statement about what could happen in the future, and thousands of people are doing so, but if they end up being right it’s only by chance, because no one can base anything in actual evidence.

    Usually when people say “predict” they do not mean “guess”. Everyone now is guessing, and most have guessed wrong.

    Gabriel Hanna (64d4e1)

  52. Pointing to the election of Obama or anyone else has nothing to do with the subject on the table right now. That is: the rise of a man totally unfit to be president.

    Saying “What about Obama!!” is simply distracting the question.

    In any case, how is electing Trump going to address Obama’s election? Electing Obama was a mistake so let’s elect Trump? How does one follow from the other? It’s a non sequitur.

    SteveMG (a63c5e)

  53. Perhaps it follows only in the sense that the public has been dumbed down, knows it is being manipulated and lied too, and doesn’t know any better.

    Public education and the media have created a monster that is rebelling.

    MD in Philly (75cf1d)

  54. actually it has a lot to do with it, not only the initial surrender to obama, but accepting his strategems like the salafi spring, yes wehner and kristol, we haven’t forgotten,

    narciso (732bc0)

  55. No one can predict what’s going to happen.

    Have you met Sammy?

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  56. A bit of perspective
    The leading contenders include:
    A pathological liar whose main accomplishments have been to minimize the impact of scandal
    A previously ignored minor senator rehashing disproven ideas that too many never heard were disproven
    And a populist known for his vulgarity and being a successful business man, except he is not. A successful salesman yes, but not a leader of business.

    With those people attracting over 50% of the vote collectively, the whole thing is a mess, no matter who else is in the race.

    MD in Philly (75cf1d)

  57. Cruz to Indiana: “You are my Alamo!”
    Trump to Indiana: “They lost, too.”

    DCSCA (a343d5)

  58. I only discovered this blog last week or so as I was searching for some light in our current darkness., So, while I feel today that I’ve truly fallen down the rabbit hole on an acid trip, must express a big thank you to Patterico and most all of you commenters for the ray of hope you’ve been providing to true Conservatives like myself.

    It makes me physically ill to contemplate Trump as the Republican nominee. Hello President Hillary. Goodbye to the Bill of Rights, particularly the First and Second Amenments.

    Praying for Cruz and somehow a return to common sense!

    Gretchen in EOr (52e0db)

  59. Welcome, Gretchen

    JD (34f761)

  60. And why do I keep coming back to THIS?
    It’s not that very hopeful.

    Turning and turning in the widening gyre
    The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
    Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
    The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
    The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
    The best lack all conviction, while the worst
    Are full of passionate intensity.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  61. Thanks, JD.

    An edit to my post: “First and Second Amendments not “Amenments”. Kind of funny oops.

    Gretchen in EOr (52e0db)

  62. 49. Errata. That should have been:

    The Republican convention will adjourn after the 11th ballot, at about 3:30 am on Friday, July 22, 2016…

    Because it is the next day it is July 22. I got the day of the week right, but I didn’t change the day of the month from the 21st. July is just like April.

    They invariably rent the convention center only while they are using it – that would be only through Friday morning – so they’ll have to leave.

    Sammy Finkelman (a5988d)

  63. Reading the comments of the Cruz supporters, well, I think this video sums it up nicely.

    It does have a bit of strong language in it, but that is to be expected after the “Thrumping” Cruz took yesterday.

    Angry Webmaster (c2a001)

  64. 50.Bellerophon (4bd558) — 4/27/2016 @ 10:48 am

    True, not all supporters are like that. But all that I know personally are like that, and 90% of comments over at HotAir are like that. They remind me of Ron Paul supporters: immune to reason and allergic to debate.

    The ones at Hotair are probably like that, and maybe people who make a point of supporting Donald Trump. I do know one or two people – maybe one – who voted for Donald Trump, and it wasn’t because he thought he was the greatest thing, but because who else is there for him to vote for.

    Now Trump voters may like one or two things he says, particularly the “toughness,” and may not see or know his faults, but his voters, as a group, are probably not like the people who stand up for Trump everywhere.

    Ron Paul supporters were a smaller minority, and they could be like that. They absorbed a whole lot of propaganda.

    Sammy Finkelman (a5988d)

  65. The Cruzers (many formerly known as Palin fans) should look on the bright side – they will finally get to see her in the white house on special occasions. I’m hoping for a Secretary of Education pick for her.

    spokanebob (6797b5)

  66. @ Gretchen (#57): Glad to hear from you, and welcome.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  67. Spokane bob – could you give any evidence for Cruz supporters being former Palin supporters? Is Patterico? Dana? JVW? Me? DRJ?

    JD (34f761)

  68. Hi Gretchen, and welcome. Feel free to antagonize some of our more, um, vociferous Trump supporters. You’ll quickly discover who they are. With Happyfeet, well…..

    Bill H (576c5e)

  69. Cruz picking Fiorina pretty much ices it for Trump. Fiorina brings almost nothing ti Cruz — women are not going to be less likely to vote for Trump because of Carly, she shares Ted’s coldness and stridency and adds no charm where charm would be easy to add. She has some serious baggage in the superficial mythology of the MSM.

    Frankly, Cruz has run a terrible campaign. It has succeeded this far because he was the last Republican standing and he wasn’t hogtied to the DC establishment. But it has just been terrible.

    He has had several opportunities to put Trump down and he has not mananged to turn the trick. Yes, Rubio could have helped him, but it was Cruz’ job to convince Rubio, not Rubio’s job to sign up, and Cruz couldn’t close the deal.

    He missed another one here — clearly they were talking with Kasich about the VP slot and that criss-cross was the consolation “prize.” Whatever Kasich wanted, Cruz wouldn’t give.

    TFB. Say hello to President Clinton and an continued slide into mediocrity and malaise.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  70. So, Bill, are you trying to start a game of Let’s you and him fight?

    ropelight (2f9716)

  71. JD–

    I was a Palin fan in 2008, at last as far as that GOP ticket was concerned. But only by comparison. And frankly, Palin towers over Trump in knowledge, inquisitiveness and IQ.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  72. It is time now for the Ohio GOP to send a delegation to Kasich to tell him to get out or else.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  73. Cruz will name Carly Fiorina his VP running mate this afternoon. Early confirmations are circulating. It’s a desperation move after the serious shellacking Trump put on him in New England.

    ropelight (2f9716)

  74. JD – are you saying no Cruz fan was a Palin fan? You mention five people and I really don’t know what their vibes were about Palin but there are six million voters who pulled the lever for Cruz. I’m sure some of them were big Palin fans at some time or another. Do you have evidence that no Cruz supporters were former Palin supporters?

    spokanebob (1aaf2a)

  75. Kevin M (25bbee) — 4/27/2016 @ 12:27 pm

    Fiorina brings almost nothing to Cruz — women are not going to be less likely to vote for Trump because of Carly, she shares Ted’s coldness and stridency and adds no charm where charm would be easy to add.

    I think that’s why he picked her. He wants an echo. The way it was leaked, it sounded pretty certain a few days ago. His advisers (what kind of people are they?) think this pump up his campaign. Reassure his supporters, maybe, what?

    This is how the New York Times article, hot off the keyboard, starts:

    INDIANAPOLIS — Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, desperate to alter the course of a presidential primary fight in which Donald J. Trump is closing in on victory, will announce Wednesday afternoon that Carly Fiorina will be his running mate if he wins the Republican nomination, two campaign advisers confirmed.

    Did they confirm he was desperate, too?

    Mr. Cruz’s decision to rush out a vice-presidential pick before next week’s primary in Indiana, which is becoming make-or-break for his candidacy, was the political equivalent of a student pulling a fire alarm to avoid an exam: It was certain to draw attention and carried the possibility of meeting its immediate goal, but seemed unlikely to forestall the eventual reckoning.

    Still, for Mr. Cruz, it could serve to shift the focus away from Mr. Trump’s success and from his own wheezing alliance with Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, who agreed to clear out of Indiana if Mr. Cruz withdrew from competition in Oregon and New Mexico.

    This is not an editorial.

    Sammy Finkelman (a5988d)

  76. First time in years I’ve agreed with the NY Times.

    ropelight (2f9716)

  77. snarly carly doesn’t even balance the ticket in terms of being easy on the eyes

    she’s just an oogie mess

    and she lies like a pooper

    so she doesn’t balance the ticket there either

    and she’s so weird

    plus she’s stupid

    happyfeet (831175)

  78. HF – here is a visual for you from the Beacon “A new Hillary Clinton fundraising email wants donations to help handle the “wild ride” that awaits if her Republican opponent winds up being businessman Donald Trump.”

    spokanebob (6797b5)

  79. for some reason my first thought was Mr. Toad

    that’s a good springtime book for to read

    happyfeet (831175)

  80. Cruz and Kasich should have assigned Indiana to Kasich. That would have worked better. Especially since Indiana has early voting and had ballots already cast. As it is, Trump may now sweep Indiana. *

    But Cruz is too intent on pushing the proposition that he is the only alternative to Trump, and he wasn’t conceding anything, and doesn’t at all want Kasich to be perceived as a contender at the convention. He agreed only to assign Oregon and New Mexico to Kasich – both proportional states. Kasich didn’t manage to get biography included in the Oregon voting materials because he missed the deadline for that, but he’ll be listed. Oregon votes entirely by mail, starting next week or so.

    This agreement, by the way, applies really only to campaigning, and maybe not even that. They’ll split the vote maybe more evenly now in Indiana between themselves.

    Indiana is different from Wisconsin, where a lot of voters cast strategic votes, and were encouraged to do so by local Republican leaders, like Governor Scott Walker, and many did so with the intention of getting Paul Ryan as the nominee.

    My comment there was a lot of people were doing that already by the time the polls were taken. I noted that also happened in Utah, and strategic voting was the reason Kasich won Ohio.

    See also:

    Since then, people have not seen Cruz reciprocating, and instead have seen him claiming that a vote for Cruz is a vote for Cruz, and Paul Ryan has made stronger statements about not being the nominee.

    Cruz should have endorsed Kasich in New York and the other states on the east coast – any place he was running a clear third and could not get any delegates, but maybe Kasich could.

    * Of course, maybe Cruz may get the actual delegates, depending on how they are actually selected. Cruz has a second or third ballot strategy.

    Sammy Finkelman (a5988d)

  81. Man, it is looking more and more like 1976 all over again, at least as far as the Republican nomination goes. Although 1976 was much closer going in, the runner-up desperately tried to announce his VP pick early, only to find that the pick did nothing to help him. Once the convention starts, Cruz-initiated shenanigans in the rules committee and credentialing process is almost certain. Then, just as in 1976, the leading candidate will win the nomination.

    Always trust content from prowlerguy.

    prowlerguy (fa36d8)

  82. how is it good for cruz’s career to be play the petulant spoiler

    give it up loser

    you lost

    Mr. Trump won

    what did you think was gonna happen toad boy

    happyfeet (831175)

  83. prowlerguy

    If YOU support Donald….Then YOU support higher taxes.
    Are denying Donald said this:

    Trump: I Believe in Raising Taxes on the Rich

    If YOU support Donald….Then YOU support the use of childish nicknames disconnected from reality
    That is one compared to how many spewed from Donald?
    Do YOU condone that? Yes or No?
    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support the denigration of the first amendment
    So that would be a Yes then?
    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support the “assault weapon” scam
    Did he support that in the past – Yes or No?
    Has he changed his policy agendas in other areas – Yes or NO?
    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support Democrats
    Has Donald supported Democrats in the past? Yes or No?
    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support the use of lies in the furtherance of a political agenda
    1. That story began with a CNN report – are you denying this fact?
    2. What specific actions by Ted Cruz are you referring to? Please back up you allegations with FACTS beyond ‘Lather. Rinse. Repeat’
    Most Donners can’t get past that point – let’s see you try to be different.

    BTW, this shows that should be applied to Donald

    Lyin’ Donald: 101 Of Trump’s Greatest Lies

    Donald Trump may be a self-starter, but he’s not self-funded

    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support a trade war with Mexico
    Dodging the question – TRY AGAIN
    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support the Obamacare Mandate
    Are you going to respond to this?
    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support the selective application of reality to polling data.
    That refers to all the polls that predict that Donald will LOSE a general election contest.
    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support a landslide victory for ComradeClinton
    Again – you have failed to address the question.

    Donald Trump is the most unpopular presidential candidate since the former head of the Ku Klux Klan

    Electoral Map: A Clinton blowout, higher GOP ‘defection rate’ via @DCExaminer

    Now, are you going to deny these items – as in the previous item?

    Torcer (f045ef)

  84. prowlerguy
    If YOU support Donald….Then YOU support higher taxes.
    Are denying Donald said this:

    Trump: I Believe in Raising Taxes on the Rich

    If YOU support Donald….Then YOU support the use of childish nicknames disconnected from reality
    That is one compared to how many spewed from Donald?
    Do YOU condone that? Yes or No?
    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support the denigration of the first amendment
    So that would be a Yes then?
    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support the “assault weapon” scam
    Did he support that in the past – Yes or No?
    Has he changed his policy agendas in other areas – Yes or NO?
    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support Democrats
    Has Donald supported Democrats in the past? Yes or No?

    Torcer (f045ef)

  85. prowlerguy
    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support the use of lies in the furtherance of a political agenda
    1. That story began with a CNN report – are you denying this fact?
    2. What specific actions by Ted Cruz are you referring to? Please back up you allegations with FACTS beyond ‘Lather. Rinse. Repeat’
    Most Donners can’t get past that point – let’s see you try to be different.

    BTW, this shows that should be applied to Donald

    Lyin’ Donald: 101 Of Trump’s Greatest Lies

    Donald Trump may be a self-starter, but he’s not self-funded

    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support a trade war with Mexico
    Dodging the question – TRY AGAIN
    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support the Obamacare Mandate

    Torcer (f045ef)

  86. prowlerguy
    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support the selective application of reality to polling data.
    That refers to all the polls that predict that Donald will LOSE a general election contest.
    If YOU support Donald…Then YOU support a landslide victory for ComradeClinton
    Again – you have failed to address the question.

    Donald Trump is the most unpopular presidential candidate since the former head of the Ku Klux Klan

    Electoral Map: A Clinton blowout, higher GOP ‘defection rate’ via @DCExaminer

    Now, are you going to deny these items – as in the previous item?

    Torcer (f045ef)

  87. Tminus 6 days till full meltdown mode for the cruzers.

    spokanebob (56dac6)

  88. spokanebob

    Au contraire. you misunderstand our motivation for what we do.

    We support Ted Cruz because Donald is woefully unprepared to be President – which he proved once again today with his ‘foreign policy’ speech:

    Trump’s ‘Foreign Policy’: Incoherent and Shallow via @NRO

    We oppose Donald’s nomination because it will be a Disaster of epic proportions for the cause of Conservatism and the country at large.
    We have attempted to calmly talk to Donners about the reasons why this will be a calamity and such reasoning has been rejected.

    So we have done our job, we have made our attempt at averting this catastrophe.
    We have screamed at the top of our lungs from the crows nest that an iceberg is ahead and the people at the helm ignore our pleas.

    Make no mistake, if the Donald debacle befalls the nation it will those who refused to heed the warnings or even rationally consider what we have to say on the subject who will be at fault.

    Our support of lack thereof will be entirely irrelevant give the man’s negatives.

    We mention the consistently bad polls in a match-up with Comrade Clinton and this is met with disdain. We cite all of the items that will be used against the man and such things are blithely explained away.

    So it is on the shoulders of those who support Donald whose will be responsible for the nation’s misfortune were he to get the nod.

    It won’t be our fault given how much we have tried to warn, cajole and argue this issue.

    It will be YOUR fault for supporting Donald, hopefully you will be able to live with yourself knowing that.

    Have a pleasant afternoon…

    Torcer (f045ef)

  89. Torcer – your Quixote attempt is admirable, yet doomed to fail. They don’t give a shlt that Trump held leftist views for years and years and years, and is now spewing platitudes and caricatures of what w leftist might think conservative and religious views are. And after doing so; retract to get another position. They. Don’t. Care.

    JD (34f761)

  90. Mr. Patterico has gone from Trump 24/7 to “I don’t wanna write about Trump” awfully quickly.

    Boris (77667e)

  91. Torcer that is simply the most beautiful sentiment I have read in sometime. Problem is that you assume Cruz would win against Hillary. If Trump can’t beat her and in turn Cruz can’t beat trump….. The GOP will get spanked in either case.

    spokanebob (56dac6)

  92. spokanebob

    The polling data tells another story – Ted Cruz at least has a chance.

    Donald does not.. He’s been around for decades and he’s a very polarizing figure.
    It’s not as if he stumbled coming on to the public stage and a few media appearances will patch it up..

    No, the very same reason he attracts crowds and polls well in some cases will be his downfall – his celebrity status will be a double edged sword.

    Torcer (f045ef)

  93. I oppose Trump because he’s a New York slime without the balls to be a full-blown gangster married to a Slovenian golddigger without the work ethic to be a full-blowing street-walker, neither of whom should be allowed within a mile of the White House. It’s more important that Trump loses than that any particular person wins. #nevertrump

    nk (dbc370)

  94. Torcer, by your logic kasich should be your pick.

    spokanebob (56dac6)

  95. So, Bill, are you trying to start a game of Let’s you and him fight?

    ropelight (2f9716) — 4/27/2016 @ 12:30 pm

    Not at all, Ropelight. If I wanna pick a fight, I’ll start one with you right up front. Here, I’ll go first: Yo mama Trump’s mama.

    Bill H (dcdd7b)

  96. JD
    Thank you for your kind words – my intent there was to head off the inevitable Blame-throwing come election time were a Donald Disaster come to pass.

    Were Donald to get the nod, the die will be cast and the support of those who Donald and his Donner’s ridicule and disparage will a moot point.

    Speaking of which, the Blame-throwing has already begun:

    Trump Supporters Already Pre-Spinning November Trump Loss | RedState

    Torcer (f045ef)

  97. spokanebob
    Were I making the attempt to talk some sense into you, I would merely cite that as an irrelevant Red herring of no merit and shake my head in frustration.

    But that isn’t the case, and so I will simply admonish you to re-read my previous remarks and please comprehend their import.

    Torcer (f045ef)

  98. Donnie’s Problem,
    Being an Illustration of the Lester Dent Formula of Short Story Writing Only Superficially Plagiarized From Inspired by Terry Bisson

    Chapter 2. (continued)

    But a time came when Ivy did not make Donnie’s penis bigger anymore. Donnie blamed Ivy. Ivy blamed herself.

    Maybe, Donnie thought, surgery would help. So plastic surgeons operated on Ivy. But it did not help.

    Maybe if Ivy’s breasts were smaller, thought Donnie. So doctors made Ivy’s breasts smaller. To no avail. Donnie’s penis also stayed small.

    Donnie did not know which way to turn. He talked to his friend Stoner Roge. Stoner Roge was a swinger. A libertarian and a libertine. He invited Donnie to a private party with him and his wife.

    At the party, Donnie still did not know which way to turn. The experience left him with a bad taste in his mouth. Not much of a party. More of a pain in the butt.

    Then the most awful thing happened. Donnie lost his penis altogether. He woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and it just was not there.

    (to be continued)

    nk (dbc370)

  99. Donnie’s Problem,
    Being an Illustration of the Lester Dent Formula of Short Story Writing Only Superficially Plagiarized From Inspired by Terry Bisson


    Chapter 3.

    “Can you describe your penis for me, Mr. Donnie?”, asked the private detective.

    “It was a very good penis”, Donnie said. “I have”, and his voice broke, “had a very good penis. A fine penis. The very best penis.”

    “I’m sure it was, Mr. Donnie”, soothed the private detective, “but was there anything unusual about it that could help us find it?”

    Donnie felt himself turn red. Actually, a shade of Mandarin orange but that’s not important.

    “What do you mean unusual?”, he asked.

    “Well”, said the private detective, “for example, was it on the list of Registered Historical Penises? Or a National Security Classified Penis?”

    “No, no, none of those things”, said Donnie. “Not yet”, he continued, now with passion building up in his voice. “But it could have been. It could have been a tremendous penis. A huge penis. A penis Mexico would pay for.”

    “Mr. Donnie”, said the detective, “I am going to put your penis in the hands of our finest operative. Our agency’s foremost expert on penises. Mar Map!”

    “Mar Map?, asked Donnie. “I’ve never heard of him. Is he really that good?”

    “Him … she”, said the detective. “She’s a woman. Her real name is Marlene Sycamores but the writer of this story thinks that private eyes should have one-syllable names. It makes them sound tougher. Also, the pulps pay per word not per letter.”

    “And to answer your question”, continued the detective, “she is the best. Your penis will be back in your pants before you know it.”

    He pushed a button on the intercom on his desk. Almost immediately, the door opened and a young woman walked in. She was dressed in the latest fashion in a vulva-length mini skirt, mid-rib cleavage tank-top, and six inch-spike heels. Her eyes looked as old as her gums and a little bit older than her teeth.

    “I’m Mar”, she murmured, and extended her hand. Donnie reached to take it, but she avoided his hand and went straight to his pants zipper.

    Donnie looked down and there was his penis.

    “You’re amazing”, he said.

    “All in a day’s work, sugar”, she drawled.

    “I’m not taking any more chances”, Donnie said. “I’m putting you on retainer to make sure this never happens again”.

    “I get $2,000.00 a day plus expenses, sweetheart”, said Map. “Are you sure you can afford me?”

    “I’m rich”, said Donnie. “Some days I’m worth $100 million. Some days I’m worth $250 million. Some days I’m worth $4 million. Other days I’m worth $10 million. It depends on how I feel.”

    “It’s a deal”, said Map. “And if you give me a long-term contract, I’ll tell everybody how huge and tremendous your penis is. No extra charge.”

    “You know, Mar”, said Donnie, “this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”


    nk (dbc370)

  100. The Lester Dent Formula as tweaked by nk:
    1. Get your hero in trouble.
    2. Get him into more trouble.
    3. Get him into even more trouble.
    4. Keep it up as long as you can stand it or will get paid for it.
    5. Get him out of trouble.
    Additionally, per nk:
    6. Biggest obstacle: Verisimilitude. Nothing will slow you down like trying to keep your story realistic.
    7. Easiest obstacle to overcome: Verisimilitude. F*** realism. Just make s*** up. You’re writing fiction not history.
    8. Don’t waste your life writing this crap unless you’re getting paid for it.

    nk (dbc370)

  101. like lethal weapon, dirty harry, and a few others I can think of,

    narciso (732bc0)

  102. It’s not a big secret. Lester Dent was the principal author of the Doc Savage books. His two very fine hard-boiled stories starring Sail, the original Travis McGee, have been relentlessly anthologized. You will run across them in any number of mystery and detective collections.

    nk (dbc370)

  103. All I can say is people have to be awfully stupid to think Trump is smart. It is not clear that he has even average intelligence. “The Marching Morons” was supposed to be a cautionary tale, not a guidebook. Still, I guess it’s better than Nehemiah Scudder.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  104. How many ways can you guys say Trump supporters are stupid before you begin to sound stupid

    Hoagie ™ (e4fcd6)

  105. How do I detest Trumpkins?
    Let me count the ways:
    I detest them with insults.
    I detest them with satire.
    I detest them with ironic retorts.
    I detest them with rude nicknames.
    I detest them with dismissiveness.
    I detest them with disdain.
    I detest them with condescension.
    I detest them with disregard.
    I detest them with jokes.
    I detest them with graphic images.
    I detest them with song lyrics.
    I detest them with slogans.
    I detest them with hand gestures.
    I detest them with snorting sounds.
    I detest them with well-reasoned arguments.

    Fifteen, Hoagie.

    nk (dbc370)

  106. Then mission accomplished, nk.

    Hoagie ™ (e4fcd6)

  107. They may be good
    They may be fine
    They may get love
    But they won’t get “Well done”.
    (Unless they’re taking my hamburger order.)
    Because like that guy who goes around wrapped only in Saran Wrap, I can clearly see they’re nuts.

    nk (dbc370)

  108. was he, I saw a Doc Savage movie, with the guy who looked like Adam West’s bros, you know of whom I speak,

    yes the green eggs and ham platform, but then again you’re voting for duckworth, how does say ‘are you crazy’ in greek?

    narciso (732bc0)


    It’s not for sure I’m voting for Tammy.
    The hole in my head tells me to vote for Kirk.
    My left foot tells me to vote for Tammy.
    I’m leaning towards the one most likely to vote to impeach Trump.

    nk (dbc370)

  110. I just caught up today with a New York Times article from Monday that compared Trump’s appeal to that of former Philadelphia mayor Frank Rizzo, although it said Rizzo acted tougher than Trump does.

    Despite the similarities between the two men, many who remembered Mr. Rizzo mused that the parallels stopped at politics, and some suggested that Mr. Rizzo’s actions might have made even Mr. Trump blush.

    Sammy Finkelman (047868)

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