Patterico's Pontifications


“16 Of The Worst Ways To Respond To ISIS’ Paris Attack”

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 5:40 am

Mollie Hemingway has a great piece at The Federalist titled 16 Of The Worst Ways To Respond To ISIS’ Paris Attack. One thing I like about it is that she saves me the trouble of writing up my own response to the self-righteous morons at The Daily Beast who wrote a piece titled GOP Guvs Rely on ISIS Lies to Reject Syrian Refugees. Their thesis appeared to be that because the Syrian passport found next to one of the dead terrorists was apparently fake, then it follows that the GOP governors rejecting ISIS refugees are stupid idiots falling for an ISIS ruse. Mollie takes that argument apart adroitly:

I don’t know how this isn’t obvious to the folks at the Daily Beast, but the fact that ISIS appears to have intentionally and successfully exploited the refugee system to bust an agent into enemy territory only helps the arguments of those concerned about security and refugees. It’s not like the fakeness of the passport means that the terrorist is fake. He was all too real. And it doesn’t mean he didn’t come into enemy territory by claiming to be a refugee. He still did that. And even that Abott specifically scarequoted ‘refugee’ to point out that the terrorists wasn’t an actual refugee but one posing as such means that he didn’t fall for a “ruse.” This is really stupid analysis, in fact.

If people spent a bit of time understanding the arguments of their opponents, they’d understand that the concern isn’t that refugees are all terrorists waiting to attack but that terrorists could pose as refugees. As happened, apparently, in Paris.

Radical leftists aren’t big into understanding the arguments of their opponents; they prefer mocking them. (Oh, did I mention Gawker is becoming a political site? It plans to take a “Daily Show” approach to online political analysis, which I think we can all agree is sorely needed.)

I also loved Mollie’s piece because it introduced me to this tweet:

By the way, I have also listened to a handful of podcasts at The Federalist, which are hosted by Ben Domenech, one of the co-founders. He has a very easy style that works well for podcasting. Last night I listened to Charles C.W. Cooke talking about his new book The Conservatarian Manifesto: Libertarians, Conservatives, and the Fight for the Right’s Future. (I just purchased the Kindle version with the accompanying Audible narration that seamlessly transfers between text and speech. You can do the same at the link. Bonus: Charles narrates it himself!) Cooke says his book is for that ever-increasing group of people (and this describes me) who feel like libertarians around conservatives . . . and like conservatives around libertarians. This is the future — or at least it should be.

53 Responses to ““16 Of The Worst Ways To Respond To ISIS’ Paris Attack””

  1. Ding.

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  2. i feel sorry for all the idiot failmericans what are gonna get slaughtered cause of how food stamp’s unleashing an indiscriminate flood of terrorist refugees on our towns and cities

    happyfeet (831175)

  3. I should have devoted an entire post to Cooke’s book, which I am beginning today. In the introduction he is hitting all the right notes, and even states “there are no solutions, only trade-offs,” showing that he is also a Sowell fan. (I also just purchased Sowell’s latest but am still waiting for it in the mail.)

    Maybe when I finish it I will do a blog post review.

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  4. I’m sure if I spent enough time and money, I could find a fool or two who thought that all “refugees” were terrorists. I’d much rather that the time and money was spent convincing leftists that the concern about terrorists hiding among refugees was legit.

    [D]id I mention Gawker is becoming a political site?

    When wasn’t it?

    CayleyGraph (353727)

  5. Given the demographic of the “refugee” stream at the border of Hungary, I’d say it’s more accurate to say there might be a few refugees hiding in among the jihadists.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  6. Bought 2 Amazon Fire tablets yesterday (used your sidelink) and will make Cooke’s book my first purchase. Hope it helps, best regards, and thanks for hosting.

    ropelight (2b5a9b)

  7. McCain slams Cruzs call for religious test for refugees in the Hill. Well of course he does.

    One of my favorite things that Trump has done this election cycle is knuckle thump, back stabbing John McCain, and all he got was grief for it.
    I don’t understand that.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  8. Thanks, ropelight. I highly recommend the Whispersync. I am flying through Cooke’s book this morning. He is fantastic. He really gets it.

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  9. Something I have yet to see, but surely I’m not the only one who thought of this…But in regard to the vetting and the “innocent women and children” line, etc…Why should we be putting any faith in the ability of our government, under the direction of this feckless president, to vet thousands of Syrian refugees who have very little paper trail or proof of identity, when this same government under this same feckless president couldn’t vet Muslim Clock Boy based on obvious data readily available, with a documented paper trail on his father, living right here in the US?

    WTP (5c621d)

  10. Absolutely right WTP. There is no way this admin can vet Syrian refugees. There’s no paper trail or data base. He wants to overthrow Assad who would be the only possible avenue for getting a paper trail on these refugees.

    Frankly, I’d be more worried over a government that could vet this incoming. We have that many Arabic office clerks working for the Fed? God I hope not.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  11. Reports of expected mix of women and children in refugee stream leaving Syria but very few arrive in Europe. ISIS is either killing them in-route, enslaving them in Turkey, or sending them back to Syria.

    ropelight (2b5a9b)

  12. That tweet is very good but I like this Facebook post (via Ed Driscoll at Instapundit).

    DRJ (15874d)

  13. But you already saw that because it’s in Hemingway’s article, too.

    DRJ (15874d)

  14. Obama’s hypocrisy on the refugees infuriates me. He was unconcerned about the slaughter of the Yazidis buthe welcomes the Syrian refugees, especially the Muslims. All he really cares about is politics and using this to criticize Republicans.

    DRJ (15874d)

  15. Obama’s spokesman Josh Earnest said today that the only reason the French air raid on ISIS’s headquarters in Raqqa was a success is that is was based on American intelligence.

    So why didn’t Obama order the strike? Probably because Obama hates collateral damage and will risk innocent lives here and in Europe to avoid hurting or killing Muslims.

    DRJ (15874d)

  16. Greetings:

    At the risk of causing some upset, a couple of evenings ago, I saw a “Daily Beast” guy, Michael Weiss by name if I remember correctly, on PBS’s “Charlie Rosie” interview program and he seem to have both a depth and breadth of knowledge of our Muslimaniacal brothers and sisters in ISIS.

    11B40 (6abb5c)

  17. Man DRJ, those links say it all. What idiots. BTW, I copied it and a sending it to some friends. Hey 11B40, would you happen to have any links to this guy?

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie™ (f4eb27)

  18. I think this ISISplaining is better:

    “We did this because our holy texts exhort us to to do it.”

    “No you didn’t.”

    “Wait, what? Yes we did…”

    “No, this has nothing to do with religion. You guys are just using religion as a front for social and geopolitical reasons.”

    “WHAT!? Did you even read our official statement? We give explicit Quranic justification. This is jihad, a holy crusade against pagans, blasphemers, and disbelievers.”

    “No, this is definitely not a Muslim thing. You guys are not true Muslims, and you defame a great religion by saying so.”

    “Huh!? Who are you to tell us we’re not true Muslims!? Islam is literally at the core of everything we do, and we have implemented the truest most literal and honest interpretation of its founding texts. It is our very reason for being.”

    “Nope. We created you. We installed a social and economic system that alienates and disenfranchises you, and that’s why you did this. We’re sorry.”

    Check out the rest of it at the link above.

    seeRpea (71d373)

  19. I found Weiss on The Beast and , thanks.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie™ (f4eb27)

  20. That’s what DRJ was linked to, seeRpea.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie™ (f4eb27)

  21. The Europeans have already found 13 copies of the fake Syrian passport. It was mass produced.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  22. Why should we be putting any faith in the ability of our government, under the direction of this feckless president, to vet thousands of Syrian refugees who have very little paper trail or proof of identity

    I suggest reading this Belmont Club post.

    Third, events in Paris may have blown the lid off the problem of the unassimilated immigrant communities, which serve as the social basis of the Jihad. The official fiction is that these communities can be managed by government funded outreach programs. In the last few days, however, Molenbeek in Belgium has made the news as the epitome of Jihadi central. In a Reuters article titled “Islamist ‘airbase'”, the authors attempted to portray it as a throwback from Europe’s otherwise advancing civilization.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  23. re #21: they have me on moderation so when i post is not related to when it shows up.
    in this case i guess they kept it since the link i used was not to faceBook.

    seeRpea (71d373)

  24. I don’t know why the incapacitated President amendment to the Constitution isn’t invoked for the cause of Obama’s psychotically held delusions. Paris proved him wrong and delusional about ISIS not infiltrating terrorists into the refugee hordes.

    PCD (39058b)

  25. re #22: seems to be that the fact they were false passports makes the situation worse.

    seeRpea (71d373)

  26. Another question: HOw can the public trust this administration when they still accept Mexico’s Councular Matricula cards as positive id, even when the person selecting the card for ID has to sort through 5 or 6 of them.

    PCD (39058b)

  27. I don’t know how this isn’t obvious to the folks at the Daily Beast, but the fact that ISIS appears to have intentionally and successfully exploited the refugee system to bust an agent into enemy territory only helps the arguments of those concerned about security and refugees. It’s not like the fakeness of the passport means that the terrorist is fake. He was all too real. And it doesn’t mean he didn’t come into enemy territory by claiming to be a refugee. He still did that.

    This misses the all important point that he would not have come into the United States that way!

    Because we would have detected the forgery. Almost immediately.

    Syrian passports have certain serial numbers and so on and this one had an unused number. And the United States government knows about that and would check.

    This also ignores another point. You know, with diseases, there is the idea of quarantine. You wait 40 days or whatever until you can be sure somebody is not infected. It works actally with this, too. It’s an unintentional quarantine, but there’s definitely a long quarantine period, and that alone pretty much guarantees that anyone being brought into the United states is not a terrorist.

    All these refugees acoming in now are already in the pipeline. They’ve waited a minimum of six months, and more likely more tahn ayear, a year and a half maybe two. No terrorist organization is going to send anyone to wait around in a refugee camp, where he might give himself away, or defect, with no guarantee of being picked to go anywhere in particular. In fact, I kind of think he might be motivated to talk just to try to get himself out of there.

    The people coming into Greece now may have left Damascus three weeks before. Actually that also would not be a link to ISIS. Maybe this guy left Raqqa two weeks before getting into Greece.

    That’s not the case with any of the refugees coming into the United States.

    More important, actually, the vetting is good enough to catch something like this. It probably would have caught him in Europe, too, if he had tried to register as a refugee, or undergone even light interrogation, but he probably did not use that passport to travel out of Serbia, but rather
    switched passports or was smuggled hidden in a car, then made t\sure to take his passport with him to mislead people.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  28. PCD (39058b) — 11/18/2015 @ 9:23 am

    HOw can the public trust this administration when they still accept Mexico’s Councular Matricula cards as positive id, even when the person selecting the card for ID has to sort through 5 or 6 of them. /i>

    In that case, they are not really interested in establishing identity.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  29. Well, theer’s an official statement now from Islamic State and they don’t say it’s because they want to kill infidels but rather it is because of Russia and France’s…

    hostilities towards Islam, the Muslims, and the Muslim body of the Khilāfah.”

    Of course that’s a lie, but still they are not claiming killing for killing’s sake.

    They also say:

    They [Muslims – that’s them, because they are identical with Islam] will cause the world to hear and understand the meaning of terrorism, and boots that will trample the idol of nationalism, destroy the idol of democracy, and uncover its deviant nature.

    That is, they did it because they are against nationalism and democracy (and instead for world government by the caliphate.)

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  30. seeRpea (71d373) — 11/18/2015 @ 9:08 am

    seems to be that the fact they were false passports makes the situation worse.

    No, it makes it better. Not only can the passports themselves be detected (that won’t mean that someone is part of ISIS, but it does mean it is the wrong name) but that means that if you can shw someone is who he says he is, he might be cleared. It might be no important ISIS member would try to get into Europe using his own name. (although 2 Sept 11 hijackers did use their real names)

    What is almost mathematically true is that any genuine member of ISIS has to lie about what he’s been doing the past three years. Show he’s not lying and he’s not ISIS.

    Every person has contacts abroad, or maybe a Facebook page that has been around a year, people who were in the same place he claims to have been, people who experienced the same events he claims to have experienced, people who knew the same people in Syria, maybe long ago, etc etc.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  31. The only thing the public can trust this administration to do correctly is collect taxes and jail people who won’t serve gayz.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie™ (f4eb27)

  32. 28,or hassle cops doing their job.

    PCD (39058b)

  33. 25. I don’t know why the incapacitated President amendment to the Constitution isn’t invoked for the cause of Obama’s psychotically held delusions. Paris proved him wrong and delusional about ISIS not infiltrating terrorists into the refugee hordes.

    PCD (39058b) — 11/18/2015 @ 9:07 am

    Because he’s not incapacitated. He’s deliberately doing all of this. He hates this country and its founding principles, believes we are the root cause of all the violence in the world, and consequently we need our comeuppance. Or as he puts it, to fundamentally transform.

    And he has never lost sight of the only goal he cares about, punishing the US and making us enounce and abandon our illegitimate and racist founding principle and then conform to his vision.

    That’s why, in the same interview he called ISIS the J.V. team, he said the fact that ISIS was seizing territory was none of our business. But he knew, and told the interviewer in the New Yorker that the reason ISIS was the J.V. team was because they only intended to settle local scores and engage in sectarian violence. He knew, he was warned that would result in a humanitarian crisis.

    He prepared for that by unilaterally and illegally changing the law so that anyone who had provided “limited” material support to terrorists would qualify as refugees. In other words, while he
    was lecturing us that ISIS seizing territory was none of our business he was laying the groundwork to lecture us that all those refugees they would never have been able to create without his acquiescence very much would be our business.

    He wants those refugees he created to come here and help him fundamentally transform America.

    Look at Europe. It’s the devout Muslims who refuse to assimilate. In fact, Obama’s only close friend among the worlds’ leaders Recep Erdogan has declared that demanding Muslims change to conform to the societies they invade migrate to is a crime against humanity.

    Obama agrees. Which is why the Christians and other minorities are sent to the bottom of the
    stack and Muslims go to the head of the line. Why would Obama give Christians fleeing religious persecution priority? Because that is in fact the law? Don’t make me laugh. The Christians would only come here and gratefully assimilate and become good Americans. He despise “good Americans,” so why would he want that? So he wags his finger and calls it “shameful” that we would give priority to the persecuted. The persecutors are his natural domestic political allies. So they get priority.

    Again, the only thing Obama cares about is fundamentally transforming America. So he’s manipulating our refugee system. Obama doesn’t care about which refugees really are in dire straights. He cares about which refugees will be more useful to him domestically. Hands down it’s the Muslim refugees. They’ll come here and demand that we change to accommodate them. And that’s what Obama wants as well.

    And just as he doesn’t care about the lives of the refugees, he doesn’t care about the lives of Americans. He only cares about which people have any political utility to him. How many times does he have to demonstrate that fact? Kate Steinliegh was murdered by an illegal alien, so her life didn’t matter since he’s on the side of non-citizens like that illegal alien who killed her. So, complete silence from the WH. Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin were justifiably killed as they were committing attempted murder, but their deaths were useful to advancing Obama’s false narrative about how Americans have racism in their DNA. Obama won’t shut up about them.

    So Obama doesn’t care that many of these people he is deliberately importing will kill Americans. He doesn’t like Americans, so that’s a good thing. Think I’m kidding? He’ll go on TV and declare the vast majority of Americans to be “un-American.” We didn’t live up to our professed “values” and we are responsible for causing the justified rage of these poor “refugees” who only came here for a better life. And we didn’t welcome them sufficiently.

    He will declare that, as he always does, none of it’s his fault. It’s all our fault. Once again we failed to act as if we’re deserving of having Barack Obama as President. We need to change. And, he will croon, “change is scary.” We bitter clingers are just to scared of change. And too racist to change.

    You just wait and see. He’s looking forward to another chance to lecture us on our moral failings, and give us another dose of his medicine. As I’ve been saying since President Obama was still candidate Obama, he only ever wanted to become president of his enemies, us, to help his friends.

    Steve57 (d2c258)

  34. #25: The Vice President wisely did Obama choose.

    BobStewartatHome (a52abe)

  35. Steve,

    Obama’s only close friend among the worlds’ leaders Recep Erdogan …

    Did you see that in the soccer match between Greece and Turkey over the weekend that the “moment of silence” for the victims of the Paris attack was greeting with chants of “Allahu Akbar!!!” by our NATO allies, the Turks?

    Pretending that islam is a religion of peace is like putting lipstick on a pig.

    BobStewartatHome (a52abe)

  36. greetinged

    BobStewartatHome (a52abe)

  37. Steve57, #30 says it all. I wish I could write as clearly and succinctly as you. I copied #30 (giving your byline) and emailed it to some friends. Thanks again, you are so dependably right on target.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie™ (f4eb27)

  38. The only thing the public can trust this administration to do correctly is collect taxes…..
    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie™ (f4eb27) — 11/18/2015 @ 11:02 am

    Um, Rev., I think you misspoke…
    do you really think they “correctly” collect taxes?

    MD in Philly (not in Philly at the moment) (deca84)

  39. Greetings:

    I get some of my TV news from the France24 English-language broadcasts.

    This morning, it aired a statement by the French prosecutor handling the investigations, raids, and arrests and it impressed me as a “Lessons Learned” debrief for our Muslimanical brothers and sisters in ISIS.

    Throughout the French coverage of the massacre, I have thought that way too much information was being broadcast by the occasionally helpful media as regards what the authorities were finding out and going after.

    Something strange is going on when info that could be useful to your targets is so easily available.

    11B40 (6abb5c)

  40. Rev. Hoagie @34, thanks. That’s the first time I’ve been called succinct on this site.

    Steve57 (d2c258)

  41. Kate Steinliegh was murdered by an illegal alien </i

    Kate Steinleegh wasn't murdered.

    It was criminally negligent homicide, and maybe leaglly a felony murder.

    The released prisoner had just bouyght an illegal gun. Being unfamiliar with the city, he test fired it in a tourist area instead of a low income neighborhood, as might have happened had the stolen gun been sold to an American citizen instead.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  42. Take a look at these guys then tell me why we need to bring moslems here.

    America’s ‘enemies within’: How nearly SEVENTY have been arrested in America over ISIS plots in last 18 months – including refugees who had been given safe haven but ‘turned to terror’
    Federal and local law enforcement agencies have made dozens of arrests of men and women suspected of ISIS involvement
    Analysis shows that they include refugees who entered the United States as refugees
    Increasing pressure from Republicans not to accept refugees from Syria on scale demanded by White House
    Ted Cruz plans to introduce legislation forbidding refugee status to Syrian Muslims and moves also under way to defund settling refugees
    For full news coverage of the Islamic State visit

    By Ben Ashford For

    Published: 09:19 EST, 18 November 2015 | Updated: 18:06 EST, 18 November 2015

    Read more:
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie™ (f4eb27)

  43. Rev. Hoagie, once again the media in the U. K. is exercising its [American] 1st Amendment rights. I saw this too, and they did a thorough job of researching all these [alleged?] terrorists. Too bad Fox all too often finds it more economical to latch onto local news stories, stories that have only the faintest interest to the rest of the country. And when they do cover something significant, they bring in these apologists for the fools in the administration, ex-campaign managers and the like, who add nothing but a highly polished spin to what should be a substantive discussion.

    The latest spin is the notion that ISIS is attacking us because we complain too loudly, to put it in plain English.

    BobStewartatHome (a52abe)

  44. the slaughter of innocent people in France can be described as a lot of things, but a “setback” isn’t one of ’em. 62% of these “refugees” are men of military age, but President Setback Strawman ridicules his countrymen for being afraid of “widows and orphans”. This guy has a screw loose… but you knew that.

    Colonel Haiku (ede614)

  45. Steve, I for one, hope that President Setback Strawman will eventually tire of being consistently disappointed by the world and submit his resignation so that he may be exiled to Tehwon.

    Colonel Haiku (ede614)

  46. “I cannot think of a more potent recruitment tool for ISIL than some of the rhetoric that’s coming out of here during the course of this debate.”

    Just shows foodstamp’s limited mental capacity.

    I can’t push a couple of instances out of mind no matter how I try.

    The first was following the Charlie Hebdo attack, the second just the other day in Turkey, when a sitting POTUS visibly condescended to the hurt and grief caused by Islamic terrorist attacks on America’s first ally on the world stage, the French.
    When the worlds leaders congregated to “Stand with Charlie” Obama is a no show.
    When the G8 meet in Turkey for a moment of mourning for the Paris victims, Obama breaks the silence like a fart in church, coming in late to disrupt the proceeding.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  47. Barack Osama is a traitor. Right now he’s abroad, showing his ass, suplicating to his true constituency.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  48. female-suicide-bomber-shouted-Help-me-Help-me-to-police

    That’s sick, deranged, ruthless in a truly psychopathic way. But are such people merely classical psychopaths?

    Something very demented in the world of Islam is triggering such behavior, best illustrated by people like the female terrorist presumably adoring Islamism yet choosing not to reside in the heart of where that theology originated and runs amok (ie, the Middle East) but instead relocating to the decadent West.

    In general, socio-political extremism may be innate, encoded in a person’s brain, no less than the bankrupt, two-faced liberalism of Obama or the 2-plus-2-equals-4 conservatism of Ted Cruz. So in the case of jihad-oriented people into both murder and suicide, they may be intrinsically fascinated by fanaticism, the particulars and details be damned.

    Mark (f713e4)

  49. Its also right out of that Travolta vehicle, done by a French associate of luc besson, ‘ from paris with love’

    narciso (a1aef7)

  50. @mark Till about amonth ago, when she may have Islamically married her cousinalbelhamid Abaaoud [too many vowels here] the leader of the PAris terrorists, Hasna Altboulahacen was a hard drinking anmd smoking user of Facebook and Whats Up who went out with many boyfriends (maybe didn’t have sex with them)

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  51. Possible defector from ISIS

    This is Part IV. Links at the end of article. He now says he formed his own militia of 78 men.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

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