Patterico's Pontifications


That’s a relief!

Filed under: General — See Dubya @ 3:14 am

Was there a press conference that I missed? Apparently our borders have been secured, civil aviation is terrorist-proof, and our nuclear plants are safe and tight. And Al-Qaeda is just a bad memory. Whew.

That’s the only explanation I can offer for this: Homeland Security agents are busily shutting down file swappers trading copies of Revenge of the Sith. I feel so much safer. Hmm–maybe they’re nefarious Al-Qaeda file swappers? Yeah, must be. That’s the ticket.

Next week: Delta Force launches a tactical assault with armor support on Oliver Stone’s guest house.

Hat tip to the Fladen Experience.

6 Responses to “That’s a relief!”

  1. that is what happens when you establish a new dept and they dont have enough work to do under their original charter…

    e m butler (2a7044)

  2. What you miss is the link (cross ownership) of media. Movie companies, newspapers, and TV networks that are all parts of conglomerates. These conglomerates represent God only Knows What part of the national economy, but you can bet it’s more than 30%. When trillion dollar enterprises that donate big bucks to politicians scream, the trillionairs get what they want: carpet bombing of hackers, missile attacks on the web (censorship), and they bust a few whores to make it seem like somebody is doing their job.

    Howard Veit (baba22)

  3. You aren’t really suprised at this are you? A few in the copyright liberty underground are proving to be the Paul Reveres of the digital age.

    Justin Levine (4e5124)

  4. I am surprised that Homeland Security is the agency involved in the arrests. I want them checking flight schools, inspecting tanker trucks, and installing geiger counters, not kicking kneecaps for George Lucas.

    See Dubya (584c93)

  5. Son, file swapper cut into Malibu and Hollywood profits. Wide open borders bring in cheap Malibu and Hollywood nannys, yard boys and other cheap labor for Barbra Streisand and Geffen crowd. What’s not to like? Driving wages down by internationalizing trade and freeing up American to every doofus who wants to come is what the Republicrats are all about.

    Big Bill (2eddb3)

  6. What about this story of the MPAA “donating” $186,000 in video cameras, so the LAPD will watch out for people selling illegal copies of MPAA stuff?

    Can I do this to? I want to set up a video camera on my house, with a feed to LAPD HQ so they can watch out for people breaking into my house. Who do I call to do that?

    Ladainian (91b3b2)

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