Patterico's Pontifications



Filed under: Dog Trainer,Judiciary — Patterico @ 11:25 pm

I have an informative post coming up about that David Greenberg piece on judicial filibusters.

First thing in the morning.

UPDATE: I really meant “first thing” — couldn’t wait.

Another Plug for Getting to Know the Readers

Filed under: Blogging Matters,General — Patterico @ 6:50 am

I already plugged this once, in the “past weekend’s posts” entry, but I want to emphasize again that I am asking readers to tell us a little bit about themselves. Don’t leave the comments here. Please click on this link and leave a comment!


Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:48 am

Does anyone reading this blog subscribe to the paper version of the Washington Post? If so, do you still have last Wednesday’s paper? (May 4, 2005)

If you have it, please leave a comment or e-mail me at patterico AT patterico DOT com.

This Past Weekend’s Posts

Filed under: Blogging Matters,General — Patterico @ 6:34 am

Here’s my usual Monday-morning roundup of the posts from the weekend, for the benefit of those who read only on the weekdays:

I blast the New York Times‘s Adam Cohen for his sloppy article about bloggers.

Dave Kopel reports that Denver papers also hid the alleged existence of a satellite recording of the Sgrena/Calipari shooting.

On the filibuster front:

I note the hypocrisy of a certain Senator from New York who shall be known only as Chuckie S.

I also take a cheap shot at his expense (and it feels great).

I note Terry Neal’s inadequate response to Hugh Hewitt.

I reproduce an excellent letter to the editor about that pathetic David Greenberg op-ed on judicial filibusters.

For those who are interested in music:

I note an argument that Hitler turned away from Wagner late in life.

And on the lighter side:

I was honored to be featured in another “Day by Day” cartoon.

I direct you to a site that plays music backwards, revealing masked backwards messages. And I tell a story about why I am probably going to Hell.

I wish everyone a Happy Mother’s Day, and direct you to a moving post by Jeff Goldstein on the holiday.

I ask readers to tell us a little bit about themselves. I really hope you will all click on this link and participate.

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