Patterico's Pontifications


Amend Constitution to Bar Senators From The Presidency?

Filed under: General — Dana @ 4:16 pm

[guest post by Dana]

George Will has a thought provoking opinion piece proposing that we amend the Constitution to prevent senators from becoming president. In reading it, it sure sounds like an effort to protect voters from themselves, as much as anything else. But is it really the job of the government to protect us from our own worst inclinations in the voting booth or before we get to that point? I don’t think so. Moreover, the unhinged president who attacked the Rule of Law, and even now continues to work to overturn the 2020 presidential election and consistently lies about it was never a Senator, so…

To conserve the reverence it needs and deserves, the Constitution should be amended rarely and reluctantly. There is, however, an amendment that would instantly improve the legislative and executive branches. It would read: “No senator or former senator shall be eligible to be president.”

Seventeen presidents were previously senators. Seven of them – Harding, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Obama, Biden — became senators after 1913, when the 17th Amendment took the selection of senators away from state legislatures. The federal government’s growth, and the national media’s focus on Washington, has increased the prominence of senators eager for prominence, although it often is the prominence of a ship’s figurehead — decorative, not functional. As president-centric government has waxed, the Senate has waned, becoming increasingly a theater of performative behaviors by senators who are decreasingly interested in legislating, and are increasingly preoccupied with using social media for self-promotion.

In Jonathan Haidt’s recent essay for the Atlantic, “Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid,” the New York University social psychologist says social media users by the millions have become comfortable and adept at “putting on performances” for strangers. So have too many senators. Haidt says social media elicits “our most moralistic and least reflective selves,” fueling the “twitchy and explosive spread of anger.”

Politicians, and especially senators with presidential ambitions and time on their hands, use social media to practice what Alexander Hamilton deplored (in Federalist 68) as “the little arts of popularity.” Such senators, like millions of Americans, use social media to express and encourage anger about this and that. Anger, like other popular pleasures, can be addictive, particularly if it supplies the default vocabulary for social media.

Today, the gruesome possibility of a 2024 Biden-Trump rematch underscores a Hamilton misjudgment: He said in Federalist 68 there is a “constant probability” of presidents “pre-eminent for ability and virtue.” Banning senators from the presidency would increase the probability of having senators who are interested in being senators, and would increase the probability of avoiding:

Presidents who have never run anything larger than a Senate office. Who have confused striking poses — in the Capitol, on Twitter — with governing. Who have delegated legislative powers to the executive — for example, who have passed sentiment-affirmations masquerading as laws: Hurray for education and the environment; the executive branch shall fill in the details.

And who have been comfortable running the government on continuing resolutions (at existing funding levels) because Congress is incapable of budgeting. There have been 128 CRs in the previous 25 fiscal years — 41 since 2012. Why look for presidents among senators, who have made irresponsibility routine?

The 328 senators of the previous 50 years have illustrated the tyranny of the bell-shaped curve: a few of them dreadful, a few excellent, most mediocre. Although Josh Hawley, Missouri’s freshman Republican, might not be worse than all the other 327, he exemplifies the worst about would-be presidents incubated in the Senate. Arriving there in January 2019, he hit the ground running — away from the Senate. Twenty-four months later, he was the principal catalyst of the attempted nullification of the presidential election preceding the one that he hopes will elevate him. Nimbly clambering aboard every passing bandwagon that can carry him to the Fox News greenroom, he treats the Senate as a mere steppingstone for his ascent to an office commensurate with his estimate of his talents.

This, of course:

Does [George] Will believe that Barack Obama was less suited to be president than Donald Trump?


Recent Comments Fixed! Charles C.W. Cooke to the Rescue!

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:27 am

Our long national nightmare is over. The problem with Recent Comments has finally been fixed. A more subtle but important change: the software on the site has been updated, and the http prefix has been exchanged for an https — meaning those messages telling users that the site is “insecure” are a thing of the past.

I owe all of this to Charles C.W. Cooke, who, in addition to being an excellent writer and thinker (check out his book The Conservatarian Manifesto: Libertarians, Conservatives, and the Fight for the Right’s Future), has his own tech company, Astroluxe. He accomplished the move to new servers last night, and the hosting is far less expensive. So far, I’m thrilled.

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