Patterico's Pontifications


The Saturday Night Live Skit that Made Donald Trump Cry

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:30 am

Yesterday, Donald Trump tweeted the following whiny complaint about the previous night’s Saturday Night Live skit:



I know when I saw that, I wanted to see that skit. It’s good — but the fact that it made Donald Trump cry like a bitch made it that much sweeter. Watch it below:

[Cross-posted at RedState.] [Except there I have to censor the bad word, and here I don’t, because FREEDOM!!!]

189 Responses to “The Saturday Night Live Skit that Made Donald Trump Cry”

  1. I wish Hillary were that cool. They gave her a pretty and young actress and gave Trump Alec Baldwin, a barely concealed nut portraying a barely concealed nut.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  2. I noticed that, too.

    felipe (b5e0f4)

  3. It’s a full-blown media war against a candidate running for the highest office in the land and SOMEONE needs to notice and speak out.

    Colonel Haiku (48f514)

  4. She can walk upright. Bad impersonation.

    This was terrible. In kind donation?

    NJRob (a07d2e)

  5. Lorne Michaels & SNL trashing Republican presidential nominees dates back to Chevy Chase trying to make Jerry Ford look like an idiot.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  6. mr. donald the trump is only to laugh at

    for how long has been trying to be part of the entertainment industry?

    now he’s crying cause they’re telling him he’s not one of the cool kids after all?

    what a loser

    nk (dbc370)

  7. has *he* been

    nk (dbc370)

  8. Mein Host, just as balloon juice and little green footballs went nuts over W, this all anti-trump, all the time makes my eyes glaze over.

    We know who Trump is. The fact that he is a clown does not take away from the fact that he is telling the truth about SNL.

    We are doomed.

    Steven Malynn (5c1dae)

  9. Al Franken getting elected to the Senate should’ve been the first clue that SNL’s version of political satire is non-existent.

    Colonel Haiku (48f514)

  10. Baldwin’s worst performance since the shadow.

    narciso (d1f714)

  11. Or jumped the orca

    Colonel Haiku (48f514)

  12. Like south Darby gal passing off his forty aunt as the huntreds.

    narciso (d1f714)

  13. It takes seven people for her to come up with a coherent statement, shades of John gill.

    narciso (d1f714)

  14. His portayal of Juan triple is closer, btw he’s in one of those films about no ends out next year.

    narciso (d1f714)

  15. trippe and wmd’s, he plays john walcott, the reporter that ‘spoke truth to power’ or something,

    narciso (d1f714)

  16. mr. dana the garvey did an impersonation of mr. george h.w. the bush for the longest time

    and mr. george h.w. the bush thought it was hilarious

    he invited mr. dana the garvey to come to the white house and do it

    and mr. dana the garvey did

    and mr. george h.w. the bush rolled on the floor laughing

    it’s a good thing the russians did not decide to nuke us at that time

    because mr. george h.w. the bush would be laughing too hard to push the red button

    that’s because mr. george h.w. the bush was a confident heterosexual

    he flew an airplane in wwii the big one and shot down japanese planes

    and he got shot down too

    and laughed about it

    and went parachuting out of airplanes until he was 90 years old

    he did not grope women

    or walk into girls’ changing rooms

    or kiss other men

    like somebody else we know

    nk (dbc370)

  17. in beetlejuice, he played a nice guy, that was a stretch for him,

    narciso (d1f714)

  18. “Journalism is about covering important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving,”

    — Iowahawk

    As currently practiced, journolism and what passes for late night comedy is all about deciding which facts and actions the public shouldn’t know because they might reflect badly on Democrats.

    Colonel Haiku (48f514)

  19. this is why the crazy aussie hacker, who is our version of reddington from the blacklist, or his
    contact, mr. guccifer is one of the only sources of truth, out there,

    narciso (d1f714)

  20. As currently practiced, journalism and what passes for late night comedy as well as primetime TV (from what I watched last week) are merely propaganda arms of the leftist state. When Killary is president she’ll tweak it so light has more chance escaping a black hole than truth has from passing a journalist’s lips.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  21. nk, that is a crazy good impression.

    Simon Jester (c63397)

  22. you know what would be funny, a passel of haitian kids, hassling red queen, because she stole their livelihoods away, too soon,

    narciso (d1f714)

  23. also the nigerian school girls, who were kidnapped by boko haram, in part because there was the helpful imput of mr chowdary and co.

    narciso (d1f714)

  24. thank you mr. simon

    nk (dbc370)

  25. i’m a go on vacation later this week

    to the north country

    where the wendigo roam

    and I’m a have wild rice pizza

    and maybe see the arorble borbledorble

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  26. Harry Enten at 538 provides firm evidence re the root cause of the Trump disaster.

    The first thing to note: We haven’t seen anything like Clinton’s 20-point lead over Trump among women in decades. The last time women favored either party’s nominee by more than 20 percentage points was in 1972, when Republican Richard Nixon crushed Democrat George McGovern among both sexes. The only Democrat ever to win women by more than 20 points was Lyndon Johnson in 1964 — also in a blowout. Four years ago, President Obama carried women by only about 12 points. Even when he first won the White House, in 2008, by about double his 2012 margin, his margin among women was only 14 points.

    The utter contempt for and dislike of Trump among the majority of women has been obvious all along but Enten provides some good historical context regarding the degree of contempt and dislike Trump has been proven to generate. He’s on track to set at least one electoral record as a loser.

    Rick Ballard (1919a4)

  27. they’re going to need a bigger cloth,

    narciso (d1f714)

  28. I wonder what part of SNL made Trump mad? My guess is the quip that he loves children, as shown by the fact he marries them.

    DRJ (15874d)

  29. I wish Hillary were that cool. They gave her a pretty and young actress and gave Trump Alec Baldwin, a barely concealed nut portraying a barely concealed nut.

    Would having an openly gay comedienne play Hillary be a little bit on the nose, then?

    JP (f1742c)

  30. The utter contempt for and dislike of Trump among the majority of women has been obvious all along

    It would be interesting to see a breakdown of this by marital status. My guess is that single never married women and divorced women are big left wing constituencies. They would also be most likely to express dislike of Trump.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  31. Who can look good playing Trump? Trump does not look good playing Trump.

    nk (dbc370)

  32. Since you appear to take great relish in attempting to get the Hillarity elected President and so much joy in smearing Trump, I have removed your blog from my blog reading list. You can make fun of me all you want in my absence, but I have enough. Our options are deplorable versus criminal. You appear to have chosen deplorable.

    Tim Pruett (255b7b)

  33. so bob creamer, mr, schakowsky, who wrote the robertscare plan in part, is behind this astroturf, quelle surprise,

    narciso (d1f714)

  34. 29.I wonder what part of SNL made Trump mad? My guess is the quip that he loves children, as shown by the fact he marries them.
    DRJ (15874d) — 10/17/2016 @ 9:23 am

    You mean Trump is a moslem? Who knew?

    Our options are deplorable versus criminal. You appear to have chosen deplorable.
    Tim Pruett (255b7b) — 10/17/2016 @ 9:53 am

    Sorry Tim, they chose criminal, we’re deplorable. You gotta check your inbox more often.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  35. Since you appear to take great relish in attempting to get the Hillarity elected President and so much joy in smearing Trump, I have removed your blog from my blog reading list.

    Wow, someone who has never commented here before both misstates our host’s actions and leaves in a huff.

    Bye, Tim. I’d say we’ll miss you, but it’s hard to miss something that was never here.

    Chuck Bartowski (bc1c71)

  36. I watched westworld instead, the hosts are more alive than either performer, baldwin’s ego seems to have tanked the new mission impossible film, in part,

    narciso (d1f714)

  37. I’ve often felt Cecily Strong is a personal trainer away from lights out stardom – has she ever done a Huma bit? Pardon as I tend to fiend on PAC/MWC college football on Saturday night.
    Meanwhile in other comedic happenings from the other FL coast with the South Chicago/NWI version of Cubans:

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  38. it’s almost as if this was completely staged from the get go.

    narciso (d1f714)

  39. The Trump cult is emulating the Jim Jones cult: If someone doesn’t want to drink the Kool-aid, the Trump cultists try to force it down their throats.

    John Hitchcock (d19b78)

  40. i’m a go on vacation later this week

    Oh darn, what WILL we do without your brilliant insights and oh so clever wordcraft. Please phone it in while you’re away.

    Jack Klompus (3d858e)

  41. Maybe he can take advantage of all the capital letters and punctuation he ran out of….

    In any event, nk has it covered. Patterico does a good impression, too.

    Simon Jester (c63397)

  42. you’re a pooper

    you’re a pooper

    you’re a pooper

    did i miss anyone

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  43. Since you appear to take great relish in attempting to get the Hillarity elected President and so much joy in smearing Trump, I have removed your blog from my blog reading list. You can make fun of me all you want in my absence, but I have enough. Our options are deplorable versus criminal. You appear to have chosen deplorable.

    You’ll miss a spate of anti-Hillary stuff I have planned for tonight. I doubt I will miss you. People who don’t like my criticizing this shitbag are always cordially invited to leave, ’cause it ain’t stopping until this loser is driven from public life. (Same for old Hill.)

    Patterico (3dace1)

  44. By the way I think some of Trump’s financial arrangements — especially with respect to his charity — may prove to be criminal, and are clearly immoral at a minimum.

    So in my opinion we have two criminals, though neither has been proven as such in court.

    Patterico (3dace1)

  45. Mr happyfeet, you must be doing something right because you make all of illary’s secret supporters very angry. Some of them are even forced to take extra fiber!

    Now, if we could only convince you to vote for The Mr Donald.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  46. Trump is toast and there’s nothing I or any of you can do to change that. I suggest you treat him as the lost cause that he is, and start worrying about the down ballot. To slow her down, we’ll need Republicans in Congress.

    Don’t kill the messenger.

    You want to vote for him, go nuts. It won’t change a thing. I’m afraid this die is almost certainly already cast.

    Patterico (3dace1)

  47. The nice part of hating both these people is that, while part of me will be sad no matter who wins, another part will be happy no matter who wins, because at least we didn’t get x.

    I’ll be there to jeer and hoot at whoever loses, and I’ll raise a glass to toast their defeat.

    At this point that’s looking like Trump.

    Patterico (3dace1)

  48. The holier-than-thou crowd sits around and trashes Trump, yet many of them vowed to never vote for someone like Marco Rubio if he became the nominee.
    If anyone disagrees, let’s go back and examine the threads in January and February.

    Rubio is the most telegenic, most articulate, and probably most knowledgeable candidate we had. Sure there was the ‘Gang of 8.’
    But how does the ‘Gang of 8’ pale in comparison to all of the baggage that comes with Trump?

    Elections are not about being perfect a little sweet Goldwater Boy on paper.
    Rather, elections are about general election electability among Democrats, indepedents, and low information voters. Many Americans who aren’t especially knowledgeable or ideological will vote for the more likable candidate.

    If you fail to win the election, you don’t get to apply your passionate holier-than-thou ideals. It really is that simple.

    Raise your hand if you think illary is more likable than Marco Rubio.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  49. Mr. Trump is gonna win and save christmas

    then we can all have the tasty bjorn qorns

    which is gonna be one of my go to shopping thingers this year

    most of my shopping’s already done though

    why because i’m On The Ball

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  50. Our options are deplorable versus criminal. You appear to have chosen deplorable.

    Going out on a limb guessing that Patterico does not seem to care much for this Donald Trump character.

    According to the logic presented above, and elsewhere in these comment sections, the choice is a binary one between two crummy options.

    So far, so bad. Patterico is probably not springing for Trump. Thus, he is choosing Hillary.

    Does that mean Hillary is merely the “deplorable” one here, and Trump the criminal? Or was the writer’s intent switched around in the wording?

    JP (f1742c)

  51. Trump’s not helping himself much, but has there EVER been a more concerted attack, more collusion by the MSM, more vilification of any other candidate in the history of presidential elections?

    I’ve said it before, but I would vote for this particular guy just as a means of protesting this whole GD’d, ginned up episode and mashing right back in their faces ala Jimmy Cagney’s grapefruit. Eff all of them and the Shetland ponies they rode in on.

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2)

  52. 96% of All Journalists’ Presidential Campaign Donations Went to Hillary, Absolutely No One Surprised to Learn

    “Well, one person was surprised. Chris Cillizza. The Washington Post’s hapless and ovoid hack who “covers” the presidential race…”

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2)

  53. As much as I despise Trump, what he says about SNL is written all over this. The only thing missing was “I am Hillary Clinton and I approve of this skit”.

    Tony (ff2fe4)

  54. more vilification of any other candidate in the history of presidential elections?

    Yes. Go back and read how newspapers and gazettes mixed it up in the 19th century. The important difference being there was no MSM, every news outlet was openly biased, but all sides had their mouthpieces. Neutrality and impartiality in news was a 20th century innovation.

    But if you want to see a true mudslinging event, try the 1828 affair in which Jackson was firdt elected. Jackson blamed his wife’s death on the vilification she was subjected to by Adams supporters. (Rachel was unhappily married, separated from her husband and courted by AJ. She she recieved apparently credible report that her husband had divorced her, so she and AJ married. Her first husband lived in Kentucky, while Rachel and AJ were in Tennessee. Then they found out she was not actually divorced. Husband #1 had only gotten legal power to divorce (which then required an act of the legislature to begin proceedings), then purposely misled her. He now proceeded to actually divorce her for adultery, as evidenced by her relationship with AJ. When Rachel and AJ finally learned of this, they underwent a second ceremony. This happened a couple of decades prior to the election, but was used to the hilt against Jackson in 1828.

    And very few elections got as personal as Cleveland v Blaine. “James G Blaine the continental liar from the state of Maine” vs “Ma ma where’s my pa?”

    And it started almost at the beginning of our country. Adams v Jefferson was a lively mudfest. That was the election when Jefferson’s relationship to Sally Hemings was first talked about.

    Kishnevi (18dae1)

  55. most of my shopping’s already done though
    Did you buy us the gift of saying one thing that’s even the slightest bit clever, interesting, amusing, intelligent, or at least not cringeworthy in how lame, contrived, and stupid it is?

    Jack Klompus (3d858e)

  56. “My guess is that single never married women and divorced women are big left wing constituencies.”

    Mike K,

    That’s been true for a while. The demographic splits in today’s GWU Battleground poll (beginning on page 113)point to a strong shift among white women with college degrees in comparison with 2012 exit polling. Clinton is also winning among white women without degrees but the disparity wrt previous elections is much less.

    Rick Ballard (1919a4)

  57. it’s a surprise

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  58. “Amazing: Project Veritas Catches Prog Operatives Bragging About Illegal Coordination With DNC, Training Agitators With a “Script” To Cause Violence at Trump Rallies, Closing Down Highways, and Paying Mentally Ill People to Cause Disruptions

    When people have speculated about these things, they were called conspiracy theorists.

    Now that the people actually doing it are admitting it — bragging about it, actually, on hidden cam video — what will the media do?

    Bury the story, of course.

    You have to watch this. Set aside 15 minutes and watch it.

    Content warning for language and blood pressure spikes.

    James O’Keefe notes this is only Part One of the series.”

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2)

  59. #60: Oh, I know!

    It’s a completed voters’ registration form in your name!

    Congratulations! It’s a gift for everyone.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  60. The important difference being there was no MSM, every news outlet was openly biased, but all sides had their mouthpieces. Neutrality and impartiality in news was a 20th century innovation.

    Huge difference. Plus the voters (all men, of course,) were far more lucid and paid attention. Can anyone imagine a Lincoln Douglas debate this year?

    There were seven debates !

    The debates in Freeport, Quincy and Alton drew especially large numbers of people from neighboring states, as the issue of slavery was of monumental importance to citizens across the nation.[1][2] Newspaper coverage of the debates was intense. Major papers from Chicago sent stenographers to create complete texts of each debate, which newspapers across the United States reprinted in full, with some partisan edits. Newspapers that supported Douglas edited his speeches to remove any errors made by the stenographers and to correct grammatical errors, while they left Lincoln’s speeches in the rough form in which they had been transcribed. In the same way, pro-Lincoln papers edited Lincoln’s speeches, but left the Douglas texts as reported.

    After losing the election for Senator in Illinois, Lincoln edited the texts of all the debates and had them published in a book.[3] The widespread coverage of the original debates and the subsequent popularity of the book led eventually to Lincoln’s nomination for President of the United States by the 1860 Republican National Convention in Chicago.

    The format for each debate was: one candidate spoke for 60 minutes, then the other candidate spoke for 90 minutes, and then the first candidate was allowed a 30-minute “rejoinder.” The candidates alternated speaking first. As the incumbent, Douglas spoke first in four of the debates.

    What we have lost and why. Radio listeners thought Nixon won the 1960 debate with Kennedy. After TV we were on a downhill slide.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  61. The 5 o’clock shadow! It’s too bad Huma Abedin ain’t running.

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2)

  62. remember the ‘missile gap’ was an invention that symington leaked to alsop, to make jfk, seem more resolute, similarly dulles and co, briefing kennedy, which used the information in the debate

    narciso (d1f714)

  63. Watched Saturday Night Live hit job on me. Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Media rigging election!

    And what’s more, he’s 100% right.

    Lorne Michaels has been phoning this show in for years.

    “Live, from New York, It’s Saturday Night”… well… sometimes, usually three times a month for half a year, if that.

    [This is a re-broadcast of an earlier program] — standard NBC Entetainment SNL disclaimer.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  64. the hartmann impression where reagan was ccordinating iran contra behind the scenes, and a carvey open where bush had deposed reagan, were witty elements.

    narciso (d1f714)

  65. 29.I wonder what part of SNL made Trump mad?

    The same part that irks most viewers who tune in and discover it’s not funny anymore– pretty much all of it.

    But then, Lorne Michaels is Canadian-born. Funny, just like Humorless Tedtoo!

    ‘A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants.’ – Chuckles the Clown eulogy, ‘Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ CBS TV, 1975

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  66. “VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The Case for Trump.

    Trump’s defeat would translate into continued political subversion of once disinterested federal agencies, from the FBI and Justice Department to the IRS and the EPA. It would ensure a liberal Supreme Court for the next 20 years — or more. Republicans would be lucky to hold the Senate. Obama’s unconstitutional executive overreach would be the model for Hillary’s second wave of pen-and-phone executive orders. If, in Obama fashion, the debt doubled again in eight years, we would be in hock $40 trillion after paying for Hillary’s even more grandiose entitlements of free college tuition, student-loan debt relief, and open borders. She has already talked of upping income and estate taxes on those far less wealthy than the Clintons and of putting coal miners out of work (“We are going to put a whole lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business”) while promising more Solyndra-like ventures in failed crony capitalism.”

    The normalization of a politicized federal bureaucracy would be the most lasting — and damaging — legacy of nearly two decades of Obama-Clinton administration.

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2)

  67. She only has eyes for oooomahhhh!!!

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2)

  68. The normalization of a politicized federal bureaucracy would be the most lasting — and damaging — legacy of nearly two decades of Obama-Clinton administration.

    Add to that the total politicization of education, entertainment, the media and now even sports and we have ourselves a nice little fascist state. The left politicizes everything then they weaponize it. That’s when things get really ugly.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  69. Very astute, Hoagie.

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2)

  70. look how it operates across the seas,

    narciso (d1f714)

  71. I never thought I’d see the day when a Presidential election created such apathy, but then again I didn’t think we’d be saddled with Tweddle-Dee and Tweddle-Dum as nominees; I honestly don’t care anymore. I’m investing in guns, ammo, and whisky.

    Sean (41ed1e)

  72. The reason he’s failed is that he relied on the media as his only advantage over the conservative candidates, and this advantage was an illusion and a trick. That was handing the election to Hillary, and while this was only a good prediction six months ago it’s now very obvious and it’s worse than impotent to complain about it now. Trump was the weakest candidate the GOP has ever nominated. He is morally weak, his resume is weak on success and heavy on failure, he is strategically weak by being a coward about self oppo research.

    It’s clear the Hillary campaign masterfully had a strategy, timing the use of Trump’s scandals, Trump’s denials, Trump’s many victims coming forward into Republicans smearing them (and looking like idiotic hypocrites after a year of defending Clinton’s accusers), and now the humor part, where the democrats cement the fact they already won and start building momentum for the downticket stuff.

    Where was Trump’s plan to win? He’s tried to win like a democrat with vague memes that the media just ignores. It wasn’t a strategy that works for a Republican.

    Trump fans have to resort to pointing at a lot of honest folks who always disliked Hillary, and calling them secret Hillary fans, and in feverish defense of someone who is actually a Hillary donor. Trump fans have been twisting like this on every issue for months, the truth of things irrelevant to them. So it’s no surprise that they still act like there’s a reason to make a case for a lost cause.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  73. those words you are using sean, they have slashed our military to bit, torn our health care system to shreds, offering up an emissary as a sacrifice to islamists, and you’re concerned about some words in the back of the bus, and some craigslist recruited two minute haters,

    narciso (d1f714)

  74. Hammond had this ‘impression’ nailed.

    FWIW, industry chatter says Baldwin was suggested to Michaels by Tina Fey. Problem is, ‘Alec the Smart Aleck’ personal animosity oozes through the make-up far too easily. So funny melts into mean PDQ. ‘Impression’ is a weak substitute for ‘parody,’ too– something SNL was once very good at. That’s a writing flaw. When the producer has to keep going outside the hired players to cast a recurring character, it signal a weakness beyond the writer’s room, too. And laziness.

    Recall SNL was pushing Maudie in ’08 as well until ‘black is the new b-tch’ skit.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  75. you have to consider the dark humor here,

    narciso (d1f714)

  76. probably they were in the 25 rock clique, tina showed some wit and sympathy in mean girls, but then she and lohan forgot the point of the story,

    narciso (d1f714)

  77. remember when he wanted to run for president, snorfle,

    narciso (d1f714)

  78. Patterico,

    I gotta say that I’m having trouble finding a big difference between this blog and the WaPo any more. You say you don’t have a dog in the fight, but you certainly have one you like to kick.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  79. She continues to underwhelm, narciso…

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2)

  80. Baldwin’s impression of Trump is excellent! People will be talking about it for a long time. Unlike most SNL material, it’s funny!

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  81. Some continue to highlight that opinions are like elbows, while there are others who insist on just being their normal a*hole selves.

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2)

  82. The normalization of a politicized federal bureaucracy would be the most lasting — and damaging — legacy of nearly two decades of Obama-Clinton administration.

    What I expect is a thoroughly corrupt apparatus — a federal Tammany Hall — holding power for decades through complete control of a five-trillion-dollar money hose and the power to jail.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  83. so apparently general cartwright, who was the scapegoat for the stuixtnet leak, still gets it coming and going,

    narciso (d1f714)

  84. “Masterful”… wow, that’s rich.

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2)

  85. And to think that to block this, all that had to happen was for the rational wing(s) of the GOP to stop squabbling long enough to get rid of Trump. But no. Cruz vs Rubio, Rubio vs Jeb, etc, while Ben Carson was playing Chauncy Gardiner and Kasich was playing yap dog, which he does so well.

    And the Trump played on. The only person she could beat.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  86. I imagine ‘shock and awe’ will do even worse than green zone, because neither baldwin or even james marsden, most recently on westworld are big draws.

    narciso (d1f714)

  87. Absolutely masterfully!

    “HILLARY’S SWORN DEPOSITION REVEALS MORE PUBLIC LIES: She can’t accuse Putin of altering these statements — they’re testimony in the case pursued by Judicial Watch. Quote: “Hillary Clinton admitted under oath this week that she doesn’t recall asking anyone for permission to use a secret server and email account during her time in the State Department, contradicting previous public pronouncements that she had received approval.” Well, honesty’s been this election’s core issue since 1808…”

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2)

  88. lets make it clear, paul singer had a favorite candidate, he prevented cruz from establishing support, yet the latter’s antiestablishment pitch got him to the playoff,s he’s still playing a rile,

    narciso (d1f714)

  89. this is why volodya gets the benefit of the doubt, while the worlds chancelleries are so out of the story,

    narciso (d1f714)

  90. And to think that to block this, all that had to happen was for the rational wing(s) of the GOP to stop squabbling long enough to get rid of Trump. But no. Cruz vs Rubio, Rubio vs Jeb, etc, while Ben Carson was playing Chauncy Gardiner and Kasich was playing yap dog, which he does so well.

    And the Trump played on. The only person she could beat.

    Kevin M

    It’s incredibly frustrating.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  91. Speaking of funny, this isn’t. But somebody needs to b*tch about it, may as well be me…

    “KAMIKAZE KABUKI: O’Keefe Video Sting Exposes ‘Bird-Dogging’ — Democrats’ Effort to Incite Violence at Trump Rallies.

    And Foval emphasizes that the goal of “bird-dogging” is to create a sense of “anarchy” around Trump: ”The bird-dogging. The aggressive bird-dogging. What I call it is ‘conflict engagement.’ … Conflict engagement in the lines at Trump rallies? We’re starting anarchy. And he needs to understand that we’re starting anarchy.”

    As Insta-reader Rob Crawford noted a few years ago, “The modern anarchists are just the far-left’s muscle. Look at when and where they show up, who they march with and for, and how carefully the press ignores them and their acts.”

    According to the DNC-MSM, fascism is forever descending upon the American right, but it always seems to land rather far left of the target, to paraphrase Tom Wolfe.”

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2)

  92. they so wanted the medici (jeb) to get it, they didn’t have a plan b, rubio despite his dip in to amnesty waters, showed some promise, but the sugar subsidies, in retrospect that wasn’t such a deal breaker,

    narciso (d1f714)

  93. Looks like it’s getting darker earlier every day. No reason for it. Media rigging the clocks.

    Donald J. Trump @The Real nk (dbc370)

  94. actually coronello, gunther grass, told that to tom wolfe, this was back when he was still sane,

    narciso (d1f714)

  95. I take it as a socratic exercise, another blog I frequent has strong opinions, but he allows a wide range of viewpoints, including one itinerant troll, you may be familiar, anaday ardway

    narciso (d1f714)

  96. the one clip I can’t find was the cold open the huntress did right before the election, I recall the dog trainer, was terrified by her menace, when she suggested snl should have their plug pulled,

    narciso (d1f714)

  97. I know it goes in the dead thread,

    sticking with prince salman, gets us the worst of both worlds,

    narciso (d1f714)

  98. Patterico – Do you want Hillery? If you don’t like Trump, why not just cover other news and leave it alone. No matter how bad Trump is/could be, he will NEVER be as bad as the Clinton crime family. You do not KNOW how Trump would act but Hillery/Clinton crime family is a known commodity. Good Christ, you “never Trump” types expected us to back Dole, McCain, Romney, etc and look what that got us. Maybe it is our turn??????

    oldgeezer (9a3891)

  99. oldgeezer,

    No matter how bad Trump is/could be, he will NEVER be as bad as the Clinton crime family.

    Is obviously not true.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  100. and it makes madoff seem like a piker, he ran a pyramid schemen in one country, she does it on four continents,

    narciso (d1f714)

  101. so nbc fires billy bush, but rehire the walter mittyesque brian williams?

    narciso (d1f714)

  102. I don’t understand why Trump is upset with SNL. It’s as if he’s no longer proud of his dance moves from eleven months ago, and no one will call him on his cell phone.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  103. they liked guiliani for a time, then the two minute hate came down, in part thanks to wayne barrett.

    narciso (d1f714)

  104. he appeared in 97, of course the post 9/11 piece, and at least one other time, in a different context, they might have appreciated the huntress’s up from her bootstraps story, but well we know the rest of the story,

    narciso (d1f714)

  105. this is an interesting angle,

    narciso (d1f714)

  106. caught the first episode of timeless, was rather entertaining, with hints about the hindenberg, and the butterfly effect, this one visits las vegas and I believe marilyn monroe,

    narciso (d1f714)

  107. Media rigging election!

    SNL delayed its season opening a week–[another weekend off, eh Lorne?] because it wanted to do the opener based on the debate. That’s a show with an agenda. And it ain’t funny.

    ‘Nuff said.

    “Comedy is not pretty.” – Steve Martin, NBC TV Special, 1980

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  108. that’s been true since 1975, but they still had a certain something, take the cia sketch back when chevy chase was funny, in the cretaceous, the ambassador training institute one, would seem doubleunplusgood now,

    narciso (d1f714)

  109. @111.- Been there. Done that.

    “Tony Newman and Doug Phillips now tumble helplessly toward a new fantastic adventure, somewhere along the infinite corridors of time.” – ‘The Time Tunnel’ ABC TV, 1966-67

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  110. yes, but that show didn’t have abigail spencer, previously from suits,

    narciso (d1f714)

  111. @113. Chevy did the show a year. And became a legend in his own mind.

    “Hello, I’m Chevy Chase, and you’re not.” Chevy Chase, Weekend Update, SNL, 1975

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  112. 106
    People know who Brian is, but may not remember or even know about his wrongdoing.
    People don’t know who Billy is (I never heard of him before last week) but those who do will certainly remember his conversation with Trump.

    And did they really fire Billy? Or just banish him to the limbo of souls forbidden to reincarnate, like William de Soulis?

    Kishnevi (1a529d)

  113. @115- Only Miss America instead:Lee Meriweather.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  114. .chevy chase was funny,
    There was a time when Chevy Chase was funny?

    I don’t think I ever watched a SNL show. Ever. Certainly not all the way through.

    Kishnevi (1a529d)

  115. I don’t think I saw an original episode till around 1983, which was already one of their nadir periods,

    narciso (d1f714)

  116. BTW, relevant to absolutely nothing on this thread, if anyone needs music to fall asleep to, try Kaajia Saariaho.

    Kishnevi (1a529d)

  117. @119- I don’t think I ever watched a SNL show. Ever. Certainly not all the way through.

    Which is why in recent years producers moved the ‘update’ block deeper into the show– people were turning it off after that segment.

    “Jane you ignorant slut.” – Dan Aykroyd, SNL- 1976

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  118. 104. “No matter how bad Trump is/could be, he will never be as bad as the Clinton crime family”, per old geezer

    “Is obviously not true.” Per Dustin (ba94b2) — 10/17/2016 @ 5:44 pm

    Let that resonate. All of the info out there on these people and this troll posts that. This guy is several fries short of a happy meal.

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2)

  119. I tell you he must have jack bauer’s phone charger, so to sum up, the saudi foreign minister and former ambassador, which red queen is undoubtedly dealing with, is sending more resources to the moderate rebels, who more often often than not, defect to nusra front,

    narciso (d1f714)

  120. If a conservative had done even a third of what Hillary Clinton has, he or she would be hounded by the media, under indictment and would have a snowball’s chance in El Paso of running for POTUS.

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2)

  121. take that fellow who said w, let those saudis leave the country, no not michael moore, he’s a litigous so like voldemort It’s best not bring up his name, w was likely deferring to the view of scowcroft and baker, anyways red queen is as obvious a catspawn of gulf states, but crickets,

    narciso (d1f714)

  122. you know if there was actually an institution that recovered such information and published it, but as iowahawk says, ‘cover it with a pillow still it’s stops moving,

    narciso (d1f714)

  123. IT is not at ALL obvious that Hillary is WORSE. She’s terrible, of course. no argument there, but Trump is so random and ignorant and unwilling to listen that he could start a major war. He’s already said he doesn’t understand why we don’t use nukes if we have them.

    The RANGE of stuff that a clueless fukk can do wrong as president is astounding. This is a man who stays up all night ranting at a beauty-pageant contestant when there are 1000 good reasons not to do so. He has the judgement of a squirrel.

    So anyone who says that it is clear to them that he could not be any worse is a FOOL.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  124. But yet Weekend Update produced Dennis Miller, Norm Macdonald and Colin Quinn filled in the anchors chair for a year.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  125. And, again, if ALL that matters is not having President Hillary, why did we have to have this clown as our champion? I don’t expect the moronic sh1theels who voted for Trump in the primaries to be taking any of the blame (expect for that portion who were ratfukking Democrats).

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  126. yes there are exceptions, I picked my obscure referencing habit from miller,

    there will come a time when some power, russia, iran, al queda, will employ nuclear weapons against a western or american target, what will we do then,

    narciso (d1f714)

  127. All in all, Lex Luthor would seem a better choice than Trump.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  128. narcisco,

    We may even use nukes first, under certain circumstances, against a nuclear-weapons state. If the Norks started shelling Seoul with their 10,000 dug-in artillery pieces, there’s not a lot of good options. If Iran nuked Israel, I suspect we wouldn’t have to do a thing except urge restraint.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  129. Uh oh, butt hurt alert – Narciso implied that Russia may still be an enemy. Alt-right invite torn up and tossed to floor.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  130. maybe tony stark 15 years from now, I’ve noted frank miller in his anarchist period, had a series with a dystopian president rexall, like the drug store, who was opposed by a premature sjw, martha washington,

    narciso (d1f714)

  131. yes, they are adversaries but are they the primary concern now, the rhodes roadshow made it very likely al queda, what ever future incarnation, I’d choose ‘dar al harb’ will likely acquire weapons from north africa or perhaps gulf states,

    narciso (d1f714)

  132. when the salafist principality was rising in syria’s interior, general flynn raised concerns but we were too tied to the gulf states, to really do anything of consequence, and that path winds back through libya and egypt,

    narciso (d1f714)

  133. who kept telling obama to say volodya was losing when they were moving in ukraine, now maybe that whole constellation of russian tied lobbyists, that included the solon’s son,

    narciso (d1f714)

  134. see if you pay her enough, she will say something coherent, some of the time,

    narciso (d1f714)

  135. @Kevin M:he could start a major war.

    Not this h——-t again. Presidents cannot start wars with a word from their royal mouths. The military, despite your opinion of them, is not staffed by killbots.

    Gabriel Hanna (64d4e1)

  136. I don’t know what Trump will do,
    I know Clinton will institutionalize rule by despot with the cooperation of the media and dominant culture. We will see how well 2018 will work with repub, not just conservative, organizations can’t get IRS approval, other donors across the country will get the Walker treatment, and no sane person will be able to get a word in edgewise unless it is approved. Corruption will be the new norm, religious liberty will be tolerated in only the least amount possible, unless it is Islam or statism/secularism.

    Trump will at least be impeachable, Clinton not so.

    At least that is how I see it.

    I agree with some above, for not having a candidate it looks like we know who you are against,
    one would think that leftism and Clinton corruption must not be that bad after all.

    But again, it is a terrible state to be in no matter what happens,
    Unless Trump gets elected and impeached.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  137. “Add to that the total politicization of education, entertainment, the media and now even sports and we have ourselves a nice little fascist state.”

    But Trump was rude!! And said mean things about Cruz’s wife & father! What’s a little thing like total politicization of education, entertainment, the media compared to that?

    Buncha people are going to be proud that they tried to stop that rude man Trump when the Gestapo comes and breaks down their door and drags them out into the street. They can hold their heads up high that they kept to their Tur Principles…in the brief moment after they feel the cold muzzle against their neck.

    “130. And, again, if ALL that matters is not having President Hillary, why did we have to have this clown as our champion?”
    Because he was the only one who made the policy statements that the Republican base has been demanding for the last few decades. If any of those other 16 had believably said “Build the Wall, Stop illegal immigration” Trump wouldn’t have even run.

    The clowns in this situation are the people like you who don’t understand this.

    fred-2 (ce04f3)

  138. well, when the clone army comes on line, I gave it away didn’t I, president rexall used a laser weapon that accidentally struck saudi arabia, instead of it’s intended target iran,

    narciso (d1f714)

  139. And, again, if ALL that matters is not having President Hillary, why did we have to have this clown as our champion? I don’t expect the moronic sh1theels who voted for Trump in the primaries to be taking any of the blame (expect for that portion who were ratfukking Democrats).

    Kevin M (25bbee) — 10/17/2016 @ 7:00 pm

    I don’t expect them to either. But why is that a relevant question at this point?

    Gerald A (a48c32)

  140. “46. People who don’t like my criticizing this shitbag are always cordially invited to leave, ’cause it ain’t stopping until this loser is driven from public life.”

    Are you thinking that you are somehow being effective in driving Trump from public life? I would hazard a guess that the only people who even know of or pay any attention to Patterico’s blog are only 100 or so people who read & comment here.

    Just out of curiosity, what’s your next step after Trump loses in a landslide and Hillary gets sworn in?
    Do the #neverTrump’ers do a happy dance and celebrate?

    When Hillary appoints 2-3 Left Liberal judges to the Supreme Court, and they find the hate speech exception in the 1st Amendment, and the scary black rifle execption to the 2nd, what will you do?
    Write a blog post congratulating each other that Trump was stopped?
    Toss all the Trump supporters out of the Republican Party–and then wonder why the next RNC convention will fit in the back room of Bonanza Steak House?

    Or do you even think that far ahead?

    ’cause I’m really wondering … what is your “and then what”?
    As in: Trump lost. And then ….

    fred-2 (ce04f3)

  141. if we’re going to suggest dystopian endings better get the details right,

    In May 2009, Rexall is rendered comatose when the White House is bombed by Saudi Arabian terrorists in retaliation for an accidental misfire of an orbiting laser cannon that was intended to strike Libya, but strikes the Saudi oilfields instead. Nearly every successor in the hierarchy to the presidency is killed in the attack, leaving only the liberal Secretary of Agriculture, Howard Nissen, alive to take the post of president. Nissen proves to be an effective leader, ending years of scattered global wars being fought by Rexall’s PAX Peace Force and sending troops to South America to fight the destruction of the rainforests by renegade cattle industrialists.

    narciso (d1f714)

  142. Of course, I don’t really expect any of you anti-Trumpers to answer that.
    Because it looks to me like you all are so filled with rage & hatred for Trump that you don’t look at a next step.

    fred-2 (ce04f3)

  143. frank miller was a little prescient when he started the series in 1990, they were obsessed with war in the rainforest back then, the robocop series, among some pertinent examples,

    narciso (d1f714)

  144. if you don’t remember he was the first link on the way to the courier,

    narciso (d1f714)

  145. better late than never

    the defense atty for the fellow above, fooled the journal reporter, who bought the levick group whitewash,

    narciso (d1f714)

  146. Patterico – Do you want Hillery? If you don’t like Trump, why not just cover other news and leave it alone.

    I’ve wondered that, myself. I guess he does. Deputy DA has good job security.

    So do I but I have kids and grandkids. Oh well. We will see what happens.,

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  147. Patterico,

    I gotta say that I’m having trouble finding a big difference between this blog and the WaPo any more. You say you don’t have a dog in the fight, but you certainly have one you like to kick.

    I’d respond to you, but I’m too busy finishing a giant post on O’Keefe’s latest video about DNC/Hillary shenanigans.

    I did not write the upcoming O’Keefe post because people like you whined. I wrote it because I was moved to write it.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  148. @Patterico: Kevin M is pretty reliably on your side most of the time, Trumpwise. Just sayin’.

    Gabriel Hanna (64d4e1)

  149. well it’s a huge story, like the plumbers on steroids,

    narciso (d1f714)

  150. @Patterico: Kevin M is pretty reliably on your side most of the time, Trumpwise. Just sayin’.

    Lotta stories broke in the last 2-3 days but I was out of town and away from the computer. Rushing to get to work this morning. Just put up a post about 3 Hillary stories, to be followed by my huge O’Keefe video story.

    For once (with minor exceptions) Trump has kept his damn mouth shut, for the most part, long enough to stop stomping on his own dick and let some of these Hillary stories gain traction.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  151. “They can hold their heads up high that they kept to their Tur Principles…in the brief moment after they feel the cold muzzle against their neck.”

    – fred-2

    The fact that you say this sarcastically says waaay more about you than it says about anyone who refuses to vote for Trump.

    Remember when holding your head high in defense of principle was something that Americans believed in? fred-2 doesn’t. He prefers the alternative.

    Leviticus (03bf59)

  152. one must undergo maoist self criticism even when your officers are being executed, and I mean targeting cops because they are cops,

    narciso (d1f714)

  153. I put pence and ryan in different baskets,

    narciso (d1f714)

  154. @Patterico:I was out of town and away from the computer.

    Figured as much, and even if not you are not a performing monkey who dances on command, unpaid. You don’t need a reason to not post for a while…

    It was just you said “people like you whined” to Kevin M, who is not one of the people you are probably thinking of…

    Gabriel Hanna (64d4e1)

  155. Patterico – Do you want Hillery? If you don’t like Trump, why not just cover other news and leave it alone.

    I’ve wondered that, myself. I guess he does. Deputy DA has good job security.

    So do I but I have kids and grandkids. Oh well. We will see what happens.,

    Working the refs. Sure Trump is shit but SHUT UP ABOUT IT.

    I won’t. He’s shit. I’ll probably post an extra post about Trump for every complaint registered here. I believe in incentives, and carping and carping and carping and carping some more will not get you what you want here. If anything, it will get you the opposite, just because I am a stubborn asshole. I control the horizontal. I control the vertical. And I will not be badgered into being quiet. If you don’t know that about me by now, you don’t know me at all.

    Hillary is shit too. Here’s my latest post, with three stories about her bullshit. Here’s my post at RedSatte about O’Keefe’s video about Dem shenanigans at Trump rallies (the same post is going live here in about 15 minutes).

    Posts all conceived and written before I saw any of the bitching here.

    I have kids too. They’re fucked no matter which joker gets in.

    Please, complain more.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  156. Figured as much, and even if not you are not a performing monkey who dances on command, unpaid. You don’t need a reason to not post for a while…

    I sincerely appreciate someone recognizing that fact. Not joking.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  157. It was just you said “people like you whined” to Kevin M, who is not one of the people you are probably thinking of…

    He normally does not whine about my Trump criticism, but upthread, he whined. That’s what I was talking about.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  158. And do I love kicking Trump? You BET. He’s shit, he fucked up our chances to defeat this AWFUL candidate from the Dems, and he’d be shit even if he got in by some miracle. Worst human ever.

    Someone said over the weekend that Trump is everything wrong with our culture and Hillary is everything wrong with our politics. That should be in Bartlett’s.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  159. I don’t like yelling at people. It makes me feel bad when I calm down. I am sorry for yelling and screaming. This election just infuriates me.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  160. Well that’s some interesting speech patterns you’ve adopted. Liberated. On the verge of license.

    What could have affected such a shift?

    papertiger (c8116c)

  161. Just out of curiosity, what’s your next step after Trump loses in a landslide and Hillary gets sworn in?
    Do the #neverTrump’ers do a happy dance and celebrate?

    No matter who wins, I will despair and rejoice. Despair at who got elected, and rejoice at who didn’t.

    If, as appears likely, the rejoicing part will be at Trump’s not getting elected, I’ll raise a glass to his defeat and then take a nice long bath in your tears, fred-2.

    Then I’ll do what I have done for the last 8 years. I’ll raise my kids and work and blog, all under a shit Democrat president. God willing, I’ll live through it, just like I lived through the last 8 years.

    What about you, fred-2? What’s in your future? Ritual seppuku?

    Patterico (bcf524)

  162. Well that’s some interesting speech patterns you’ve adopted. Liberated. On the verge of license.

    What could have affected such a shift?

    Little flash of anger. It passed quickly. I’m fine now.

    Also, it’s “effected” with an e, Trumper. Learn English.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  163. Patterico, this is YOUR place. YOUR rules.

    If people don’t like it, why do they spend time and energy arguing with you?

    I honestly think some people just like to fight.

    Me, I can learn from people who think differently than I do.

    I’m not as angry as you are with this awful election. I’m much more depressed.

    It seems to bring out the worst in so many people, including myself.

    I don’t need to say this, because you live it, but just to be clear: you write whatever you wish. It’s your site.

    And agree or disagree with you, there is always a great deal to be learned from your posts. So thank you.

    Simon Jester (c63397)

  164. I seek not inhibition of your full range of expression.

    Just that you reflect on, and thank this freedom’s true author.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  165. @164… Someone said over the weekend that Trump is everything wrong with our culture….

    A someone who’s a no one.

    So what’s wrong with this:

    He’s wealthy.
    He’s successful.
    He’s white.
    He’s Presbyterian.
    He has a pretty wife.
    He has lovely ex-wives.
    He has attractive children.
    He has a Jewish son-in-law.
    He has hired lots of Mexicans.
    He has lots of property.
    He has several smartphones.
    He has expensive suits.
    He has more expensive lawsuits.
    He has a big airplane.
    He has a cool helicopter.
    He has money in the bank.
    He has plastic in his pocket.
    He has an entrepreneurial spirit.
    He has a very smart tax accountant.
    He has his way with the ladies.
    He has hotels around the globe to stay in.
    He has golf courses around the world to play on.
    He likes to eat pizza with a fork.
    He likes to tweet.
    He likes to kiss women.
    He likes to use Tic-Tacs.
    He likes to watch TV.
    He likes to sniff.
    He likes to bluster.
    He likes to boast.
    He likes to exaggerate.
    He likes to wheel and deal.
    He likes to win.

    And he lives in a magnificent, golden tower in that ‘shining city on hill’ with a lifestyle and attitude nostalgic Reaganites and most-driven Americans enviously dream, swoon and aspire to. This is ‘wrong’ about American culture!?…

    “Oh right- New York…” – Steve Martin, SNL monologue


    165.I don’t like yelling at people. It makes me feel bad when I calm down. I am sorry for yelling and screaming. This election just infuriates me.

    Overnight, China launched two of their own astronauts into space for 30 days aboard their rudimentary space station … America cannot even do that anymore. And the world knows it. THAT infuriates me.

    “Houston, we have a problem…” – Jim Lovell [Tom Hanks] ‘Apollo 13’ – 1995

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  166. Um, DCSA? You have posted that particular Wall O’ Text several times now.

    You are an odd bird, to say the least. But I don’t think Trump would help your space vision, any more than Clinton would.

    Simon Jester (c63397)

  167. well we need to return to real science and technology, not the hisruptcy of skydragons, and the alchemy of green energy, good gravy, imagine if thomas edison were to return to our time, and found out we banned his invention, in favor of a much weaker product, which is actually toxic to people,

    narciso (d1f714)

  168. I seek not inhibition of your full range of expression.

    Just that you reflect on, and thank this freedom’s true author.

    Donald Trump?

    Just kidding. Not a bad comment.

    Patterico (540255)

  169. @172- Actually, Jester, it’s a win/win on the space angle. If JR wins, he’ll delegate operations and push commercial space w/cooperation w/Russia and possibly China as well. [Newt Gingrich, Moon President, your office awaits.]

    If Maudie is victorious, she’ll give NASA a long-overdue booster shot. She is very pro-space; as a poodle pup her dream was to be an astronaut and she has publicly talked about in many forums over the years- it was she who dragged Bubba to KSC for Glenn’s STS-95 launch and her comments as SoS on space in Australia some years back revealed her commitment to something not high on the national agenda these days– except if you look up 285 miles where Russians and Americans are living and working together- unheard of in the Cold War days we’re supposedly reliving now.

    But I’m willing to dump it to Trump it ‘to make America great again.’ And if she wins it’s still a win for the space effort. There’s practically nothing to lose at this point except more time.

    And Jester, repetition is the most effective form of marketing– particularly to nostalgic Reaganites and most-driven Americans who enviously dream, swoon and aspire to taste the champagne of success– domestic, of course. The ‘Death Valley Days’ host of who oozed glamour with the likes of Sinatra and so forth would approve. Glad it’s sinking in. Keep reading. Vote Trump.

    “You have no brake lights. Your license is expired. You may be able to get to the moon, but mister you’re a menace on the highway!” – ‘Marooned’ – 1969

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  170. you are cobalt 60 dense, this is why nasa has been turned inward in the skydragon folly, the full nature of which was revealed by another hack,

    narciso (d1f714)

  171. @176- You’re venting hot gas out the aft end of your service module. Burp it.

    ‘Cycle the Parker valve.’ Ed Mitchell, Apollo 14, ‘For All Mankind’ – 1989

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  172. 164.And do I love kicking Trump? You BET. He’s sh1t, he fukked up our chances to defeat this AWFUL candidate

    He won the most votes of his party.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  173. I know I’d rather take the wife and kids and spend a week with Trump than with DDA Frey.

    After a week with Donald, we would be happy, rested, suntanned, full of optimism and goodwill toward men.

    About 6 hours with patterico I’d slit my wrists after sending my family to live in Canada.

    LBascom (b16cf9)

  174. I know I’d rather take the wife and kids and spend a week with Trump than with DDA Frey.

    I’d rather have you take the wife and kids to spend a week with Trump than with me as well.

    Since we’re all being gratuitously honest to the point of being insulting…

    Patterico (540255)

  175. Sigh. Patterico, what is it with trolls? DCSCA has a laundry list of Teh Crayzee from times past.

    And when both you and Goldstein agree someone is an unpleasant troll….

    Simon Jester (c63397)

  176. well he’s ignorant of most things, we’re deep in the crazy years simon, or have you not realized,

    narciso (d1f714)

  177. hey now there’s plenty of Mr. Trump to go around

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  178. same with david spade over here, but one must realize that saturday night live is a weapon, even guiliani was acceptable for a time, then he became doubleunplusgood,

    narciso (d1f714)

  179. (comment in moderation for quoting host)

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  180. He won the most votes of his party.

    He won less than half. In an open convention he would have not been the nominee. If the GOP had had the same rules and the Dems, rather than the highly-leveraged plurality-takes-most rules, he would not have been the nominee. If being a Republican had been a qualification for voting, he would not have been the nominee.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  181. against 16 candidates, yes the dems allow no democracy,

    narciso (d1f714)

  182. @181-=sigh= Oscar, Oscar, Oscar…

    “‘We’re all out of Corn Flakes, F.U.’ . . . It took me three hours to figure out F.U. meant Felix Unger”- Oscar Madison [Walter Matthau] ‘The Odd Couple’ – 1968

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  183. @186– =sigh= He won the most votes of his party.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

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