Bill Clinton: This ObamaCare Situation is “The Craziest Thing in the World”
Billy Boy is off the reservation on ObamaCare, and is suggesting (surprise, surprise!) that the answer may be a single-payer system:
Clinton unloaded on the Affordable Care Act during a campaign rally Monday afternoon in Michigan, a state where premium hikes are expected to be around 17 percent this fall.
“You’ve got this crazy system where all of a sudden 25 million more people have healthcare and then the people that are out there busting it, sometimes 60 hours a week, wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half,” Clinton said.
“It’s the craziest thing in the world.”
He then called for more a government-driven system in which people could buy into Medicare and Medicaid. Without that option, Clinton said, the law “doesn’t make any sense” and “the insurance model doesn’t work here.”
We’ve always known their endgame is single payer. It’s nice to see them being so refreshingly honest about it, isn’t it? Oh wait — I guess if you’re running for president, refreshing honesty is not part of the program:
A spokesman for the former president defended the comments on Tuesday, painting them as being in tune with his wife’s overall healthcare message. The Democratic presidential nominee has called for ObamaCare to be adjusted around the edges but largely kept in place.
I, for one, look forward to a time when a Clinton is president, and President Clinton’s spouse is devoted to an overhaul of the health care system to provide for more government involvement.
I’m joking, of course — but you may have to be over 40 to get the joke.