Planned Parenthood President Apologizes For Doctor Not Being Compassionate When Talking About “Crushing” Fetal Babies And The Market Demand For Their Parts
[Guest post by Dana]
Planned Parenthood Federation of America released a video today of President Cecile Richards apologizing – not for trafficking in fetal baby parts, of course, but for the “tone” that Dr. Nucatola used while casually discussing the demand for baby livers between sips of wine:
“Our top priority is the compassionate care that we provide. In the video one of our staff members speaks in a way that does not reflect that compassion, this is unacceptable and I personally apologize for the staff member’s tone and statements,” Richards said.
Richards also doubles down on her defense of selling parts of aborted babies for medical research — calling the body arts “tissue” that contributes to “life-saving research.” She claims the sales are never done for profit and that the consent of the women who agree to sell their aborted baby is contained.
“I want to be really clear. The allegation that Planned Parenthood profits in any way from tissue donation is not true,” Richards adds.
Richards condemns the “secretly-recorded, heavily edited video,” but never admits that the full unedited two-hour long video footage has been released.
Note: Richards apologizes for the staff member’s “tone” and “statements”, but doesn’t specify exactly which statements those might be. Ed.
In a follow-up to the release of the Planned Parenthood video, a few Democrats are defending the organization and claiming they are not trafficking in fetal baby parts – in spite of Dr. Nucatola clearly discussing which fetal parts are most in demand and going over specific purchase price. They are also denouncing the video as nothing more than a heavily edited sting operation. This in spite of admitting they haven’t even watched the video. Other higher-profile Democrats are keeping quiet, hoping no one asks them about it.
Also, some in the MSM have manipulatively framed the subject as nothing more than a clinical “disposition of fetal remains”. And, without notifying readers, others in the MSM have sneakily rewritten their troubling headlines to instead read as something altruistic and benefiting mankind.
None of this is surprising. Not the video content, not the doctor’s casualness toward the subject matter, and certainly not the defense mounted by Democrats and the MSM. If you are surprised, if you think we have not yet morally deteriorated to the point where things like selling fetal baby parts (or worse) happens, think again. Never sell short the rationalizing powers of man and the exetent of his belief that the ends justifies the means. Because frankly, the possibilities are limitless:
Since far more women have legal abortions each year in the United States than would be required to clear organ wait-lists, if only a small percentage of those women could be persuaded to carry their fetuses to the necessary point of development for transplantation, society might realize significant public health benefits. The government could even step into the marketplace itself to purchase fetal organs for patients on Medicare and Medicaid, ensuring that low-income individuals had equal access to such organs while keeping the “asking price” elevated…
Someday, if we are fortunate, scientific research may make possible farms of artificial “wombs” breeding fetuses for their organs — or even the “miracle” of men raising fetuses in their abdomens. That day remains far off. However, the prospect of fetal-adult organ transplantation is a much more realistic near-term possibility. A market in such organs might benefit both society and the women who choose to take advantage of it.
Thank God Cecile Richards took Dr. Nucatola to task. It would be awful if anyone got the idea that these people are anything but compassionate. Especially when it comes to matters of life. And death.