Patterico's Pontifications


Planned Parenthood President Apologizes For Doctor Not Being Compassionate When Talking About “Crushing” Fetal Babies And The Market Demand For Their Parts

Filed under: General — Dana @ 4:19 pm

[Guest post by Dana]

Planned Parenthood Federation of America released a video today of President Cecile Richards apologizing – not for trafficking in fetal baby parts, of course, but for the “tone” that Dr. Nucatola used while casually discussing the demand for baby livers between sips of wine:

“Our top priority is the compassionate care that we provide. In the video one of our staff members speaks in a way that does not reflect that compassion, this is unacceptable and I personally apologize for the staff member’s tone and statements,” Richards said.


Richards also doubles down on her defense of selling parts of aborted babies for medical research — calling the body arts “tissue” that contributes to “life-saving research.” She claims the sales are never done for profit and that the consent of the women who agree to sell their aborted baby is contained.

“I want to be really clear. The allegation that Planned Parenthood profits in any way from tissue donation is not true,” Richards adds.

Richards condemns the “secretly-recorded, heavily edited video,” but never admits that the full unedited two-hour long video footage has been released.

Note: Richards apologizes for the staff member’s “tone” and “statements”, but doesn’t specify exactly which statements those might be. Ed.

In a follow-up to the release of the Planned Parenthood video, a few Democrats are defending the organization and claiming they are not trafficking in fetal baby parts – in spite of Dr. Nucatola clearly discussing which fetal parts are most in demand and going over specific purchase price. They are also denouncing the video as nothing more than a heavily edited sting operation. This in spite of admitting they haven’t even watched the video. Other higher-profile Democrats are keeping quiet, hoping no one asks them about it.

Also, some in the MSM have manipulatively framed the subject as nothing more than a clinical “disposition of fetal remains”. And, without notifying readers, others in the MSM have sneakily rewritten their troubling headlines to instead read as something altruistic and benefiting mankind.

None of this is surprising. Not the video content, not the doctor’s casualness toward the subject matter, and certainly not the defense mounted by Democrats and the MSM. If you are surprised, if you think we have not yet morally deteriorated to the point where things like selling fetal baby parts (or worse) happens, think again. Never sell short the rationalizing powers of man and the exetent of his belief that the ends justifies the means. Because frankly, the possibilities are limitless:

Since far more women have legal abortions each year in the United States than would be required to clear organ wait-lists, if only a small percentage of those women could be persuaded to carry their fetuses to the necessary point of development for transplantation, society might realize significant public health benefits. The government could even step into the marketplace itself to purchase fetal organs for patients on Medicare and Medicaid, ensuring that low-income individuals had equal access to such organs while keeping the “asking price” elevated…

Someday, if we are fortunate, scientific research may make possible farms of artificial “wombs” breeding fetuses for their organs — or even the “miracle” of men raising fetuses in their abdomens. That day remains far off. However, the prospect of fetal-adult organ transplantation is a much more realistic near-term possibility. A market in such organs might benefit both society and the women who choose to take advantage of it.

Thank God Cecile Richards took Dr. Nucatola to task. It would be awful if anyone got the idea that these people are anything but compassionate. Especially when it comes to matters of life. And death.


39 Responses to “Planned Parenthood President Apologizes For Doctor Not Being Compassionate When Talking About “Crushing” Fetal Babies And The Market Demand For Their Parts”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (86e864)

  2. they just give their garbage away?
    I am trying to understand the term ‘no profit’ in the statement.

    seeRpea (181740)

  3. That’s the worst part of it. They sincerely don’t think that they’re doing anything wrong.

    nk (dbc370)

  4. Does Planned Parenthood sell white baby parts for a premium over the parts of babies of color?

    ropelight (5d5ae0)

  5. it’s hard to know who to believe

    happyfeet (831175)

  6. I wonder if they’ve found a market for late-term aborted babyparts?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  7. Great response, Gov. Perry.
    Never, ever, be willing to be caught on the defensive, put the unanswerable question back on them.

    This just exposes what it really is and the attitude that they have. Americans should know better.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  8. Bravo, Mr. Perry.

    mg (31009b)

  9. If Americans knew better, would they be defending PP? Or, do they know better and they’re okay with it? To me, that is the worst possibility.

    Dana (86e864)

  10. What they say: “Safe, legal and rare!”
    What they do: Dr. Gosnell, the monster, and Dr. Deb, the Marketing Genius.

    Patricia (5fc097)

  11. i think the fact that Nucatola still serves in her capacity with PP speaks much louder and clearer than the ‘apology’ video.

    seeRpea (5a0c4b)

  12. Patricia,

    Boy, “safe, legal and rare” turned out to be a big joke. When the Dr. Debs can make the big bucks doing the crushing and selling, why on earth would they want it to be rare? How does rare help them make bank?

    Dana (86e864)

  13. Any more chunks taken out of Mark Halperin’s ass this year, he won’t have one… good for Rick Perry!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  14. That’s the worst part of it. They sincerely don’t think that they’re doing anything wrong.
    nk (dbc370) — 7/16/2015 @ 4:55 pm

    No they don’t. Proverbs 30:20

    no one of consequence (e2a78d)

  15. That’s why the democrats removed rare from their platform Dana. 🙁

    Patricia (5fc097)

  16. Compassion for compassion’s sake.

    Liberalism for liberalism’s sake.

    Tolerance for tolerance’s sake.


    Totally worthless.

    Mark (627bb9)

  17. Democrats – the fava bean party

    in_awe (ca1efd)

  18. Alternate headline:

    Planned Parenthood Vows To Invent Improved, Vacuous Euphemisms For Infanticide, Profiteering From Human Sacrifice

    Steve57 (4c9797)

  19. The thing that bugs me the most about this is the fact that most of the people out defending Planned Parenthood today would go frothing at the mouth crazy if there was a story about some animal shelter that was gasing dogs and cats, and then cutting up their bodies and selling the parts for profit.

    gahrie (12cc0f)


    StemExpress also listed “fresh” fetal liver stem cells for sale at a price of $24,250

    StemExpress, the California-based company that serves as a middleman between Planned Parenthood and the organizations that seek body parts harvested from aborted babies, once advertised bulk discounts for baby organs and body parts. A screencap taken from a StemExpress page listing fetal liver products shows that the company openly boasted of bulk buying discounts available to new customers…

    Steve57 (4c9797)

  21. “As you sit there reading this right now, there are females from sea to shining sea screwing to get pregnant with the plan of carrying the baby to six or seven months, and then presenting themselves at Planned Parenthood – looking for a cut of the action on the body parts for a five-figure payday. Because now they know.” – – Ann Barnhardt

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  22. Funny, I didn’t hear anything about Dr. Debby’s respect for and dedication to research and all the experiments that were going to yield lifesaving medical treatments using their tissue samples. I just heard the part of skirting the law to sell baby parts.

    The part about her dedication to medical research must be in the longer version.

    Patricia (5fc097)

  23. Genesis 6:5
    The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.

    Yoda (7d462a)

  24. Leviticus 18:21 “‘Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molek, for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the LORD.

    Yoda (7d462a)

  25. I reported her video to YouTube as child abuse.

    The best part about that is YouTube provides a comment box for a description in detail of her violation;
    “advocating the murder for hire of viable babies through artificially induced partial birth, for the purpose of harvesting and the sale of their vital organs.”

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  26. I’m Chis Matthews. Lets play hard ball.

    Tingles (c2d6da)

  27. You’re forgetting the rule: no action by any abortion clinic, provider or “doctor” can ever not be defended, because to not defend them is to be complicit in evil reich-wing attacks on a woman’s right to choose.

    Please make a note of it.

    The realistic Dana (f6a568)

  28. 20.The thing that bugs me the most about this is the fact that most of the people out defending Planned Parenthood today would go frothing at the mouth crazy if there was a story about some animal shelter that was gasing dogs and cats, and then cutting up their bodies and selling the parts for profit.
    gahrie (12cc0f) — 7/16/2015 @ 9:00 pm

    Same with Breyer / Ginsburg & company – Their dissent in the Glossip case (Okla case for the use of drug to eliminate pain in lethal injection) whereby under their theory of cruel and unusual punishment it is unconstitutional because of the possibility of some pain.

    Have a state enact legislation that requires a drug to eliminate the pain the fetus feels and see if Ginsburg & company will be consistent. Any bets on the answer –

    Joe (fa6bbe)

  29. .

    that the ends justifies the means.

    The ends DO justify the means. ALWAYS.

    The problem is, you don’t get to decide WHICH ends are considered, you have to consider *ALL* of them.

    This is where Dems are so often FAIL. Because they only want to think about SOME of the ends, which can (and yes, do) justify the means they use.

    It’s those inconvenient “other” ends they so much want to ignore which are the problematic ones, and this is where the rationalization works in, that memory system I’ve commented on in other topics, with the Liberal Midnight Reset Button® working so effectively to make them not think of things they want to avoid thinking about.


    IGotBupkis, "Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses." (225d0d)

  30. 13.Patricia,

    Boy, “safe, legal and rare” turned out to be a big joke. When the Dr. Debs can make the big bucks doing the crushing and selling, why on earth would they want it to be rare? How does rare help them make bank?
    Dana (86e864) — 7/16/2015 @ 6:53 pm

    PP may be taxed as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization – however, the abortion side of the business is a huge profit center for them.

    Joe (fa6bbe)

  31. They’ve had a crushing demand for parts… we’ll soon see demand for baby vaginas – “baginas” – that will be used in elective cosmetic surgery

    Colonel Haiku (0236a2)

  32. Remember in Jan. when congress said they didn’t have the votes to being the 20 week abortion bill to the floor which upset a lot of people? And then in May after a few changes to the bill the House did vote to ban 20 week abortions? And the senate decided not to “immediately” take it up? Well, maybe in the heat and publicity of all this (and even with the assurance of a presidential veto) it’s time to try again, and put Dems directly on the spot.

    The House approved a bill banning abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy in a party-line vote on Wednesday.

    The legislation, which also requires a 48-hour waiting period, informed consent forms and mandatory counseling for victims of rape and sexual assault before abortions, passed 242-184, with 4 Republicans in opposition. Four Democrats voted for the measure. Rep. Jody Hice (R-Ga.) voted present.Several of the Republicans who raised complaints back then, including Reps. Renee Ellmers (N.C.) and Jackie Walorski (Ind.), voted for the bill Wednesday.

    The bill stands almost no chance of becoming law while President Obama remains in office, though Republicans say it is part of their long game to force the issue back into the courts.

    The Senate has no plans to immediately pick up the measure, though Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) backs a Senate version of the legislation.

    The Obama administration again threatened to veto the bill on Wednesday, calling it “disgraceful” for House Republicans to push a late-term abortion ban bill that puts up barriers for sexual assault victims.
    The party’s effort was lifted by a recent study from the New England Journal of Medicine, which found that premature babies can survive at 22 weeks.

    Anti-abortion advocates are now hoping the new research will force the court to reconsider the question of viability of unborn babies — the lack of which was cited as a factor in the 1973 ruling.

    Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), who authored the legislation, argued that banning abortions by the late stage of a pregnancy as a matter of conscience.

    “It is a test of our basic humanity and who we are as a human family,” Franks said in an emotional floor speech.

    At that time, this is what PP said:

    elissa (0b06c6)

  33. PP is the second-largest criminal conspiracy in this country, only exceeded by their partner-in-crime, the National Democrat Party.

    askeptic (efcf22)

  34. You’re forgetting the rule: no action by any abortion clinic, provider or “doctor” can ever not be defended, because to not defend them is to be complicit in evil reich-wing attacks on a woman’s right to choose.

    Please make a note of it.

    The realistic Dana (f6a568) — 7/17/2015 @ 7:57 am

    Gloves are off. There are no rules that apply when dealing with sociopathic killers.

    Besides, those aren’t really rules. What you describe are just media style guides.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  35. I’m not sure why anyone is so surprised with any actions carried out by PP and their medical professions/doctors, nurses etc..

    Margret Sanger – the found of PP – was a very enthusiastic supporter and fan of the Nazi eugenics – she really became the Dr. Mengele in her mission statement of PP when she said that the goal was to ‘get rid of all the undesirables – the negroes while keeping the goals and reasons a secret and never openly speak or discuss ever!”

    The original goal was to cleans the US of all ‘negroes’ as Sanger stated but would move to further ‘legitimate and legally sanctions murders involving their various experiments and success of fully viable little persons – babies – disseminating the parts for sale.

    That is what the Nazis did – and their supporter Margret Sanger continues her mission in her Dr. Mengele euthenics with PP.

    It’s a horrible truth – a truth never openly spoken but supported by democrats/progressives and the mission statement by Margret Sanger – their hero!

    cali (514e61)

  36. 24. And the means of our destruction we’ve chosen via representatives:–-24-nations-are-currently-facing-debt-crisis

    I freely admit to having chosen an unsuitable metaphor over past years in ‘striking the pavement or a brick wall’ to fit the approaching break with the past.

    Clearly descent into a black hole is more congruent with actualities.

    DNF (208255)

  37. I reported the Planned Parenthood spox video as child abuse. To no effect apparently.

    Maybe some few of you could rejoin that engagement on your own behalf. It will make you feel better in your soul.

    Do you think YouTube is actually in favor of the death and dismemberment of partially born babies?

    Why would they have a category to point out “child abuse” if not for situations like this?

    Think about it. That cold blood bitch actually confesses to the sale of body parts, while also carefully describing organs as “tissue”, to confuse we the general public that she and her cohorts are only distributing stem cells or a blood sample. That’s the condensed version of her two minute vid.

    No, they are butchering children. For profit.

    Report their crime to Youtube. Drag that horrible monster off the net.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  38. SURPRISE! LA Times supports PP , Nucatola and attacks the videographers.

    Undercover video sting of Planned Parenthood is off-base, as usual …

    Nucatola still employed in same capacity by PP

    seeRpea (5a0c4b)

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