Patterico's Pontifications


Remy on Tax Day

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:39 pm

Thanks to DRJ for the link to this delightful video. I just played it (twice) for my daughter, who is a big One Direction fan. I had to explain the Lois Lerner and Al Sharpton references — but now she knows who they are!

Dennis Quaid Reveal

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:37 pm

This is too good to relegate to a mere comment or update. The obviously fake Dennis Quaid freakout video was . . . fake. Here is the amusing reveal. Thanks to Gazzer.

The Patterico Music Project (Hopefully) to Continue on Monday; UPDATE: It’s a Go!

Filed under: General,Music,Music by Patterico — Patterico @ 8:50 pm

I’m just securing permission from the artist to share his work. I am cautiously confident that the permission will be forthcoming.

The cover is (in my opinion) very, very entertaining. It is, in many ways, very different from my original song, but in a way that is whimsical and delightful and utterly satisfying. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

In the meantime, enjoy this utterly unrelated video by an artist who may or may not be the man who covered my song.

P.S. If reader Rich Horton is not immediately and painfully envious, I will consider all of this to have been in vain.

UPDATE: Permission secured.

Rich Horton has heard the song and seems to like it. All is right with the world.

No Name, We Need Your Help

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:29 am

No Name,

Today is a very important day for your federal government. We need your help to keep it going, and we need you to send a sizeable portion of your annual income to make sure it does. Just think of all the things that your federal government does for you. Things like:

  • Tax you
  • Spend your money on things people wouldn’t voluntarily buy themselves
  • Borrow money
  • Fail to secure the border

And so much more!

Last year, with your help, we raised over $3 trillion in taxes. To exceed that limit, we need your help.

We want you to be able to look into your children’s eyes and know that their future in America is going to one burdened with a crushing and unpayable debt. No Name, in order to make those dreams a reality, we are asking for your immediate support. To be honest, we’re not asking for it. We are demanding it.

Won’t you stand with us on this federal income tax day and make your contribution of 10%, 25%, 35%, or even 39.6% of everything you make?

No Name, we’re not going to run your typical kind of federal government, full of smokescreens and empty promises. We promise to regulate businesses into submission, rewrite tax provisions so that they bear no relationship to what Congress wrote, and manage the economy with a group of elites headed by a political appointee. These are not empty promises, No Name. You can take them to the central bank, where we will redeem them in pieces of paper that we promise will lose more value every year.

Remember: the other countries around the world are watching our intake like hawks. The amount we raise over the next 24 hours will be scrutinized and viewed as a symbol of the strength of our country. That is why we urgently need your support right now.

Thank you for your devotion and commitment to taking back our country. And remember: if you don’t make your voluntary contribution, men with guns will be at your door, to take you to a room with locked doors and no windows, to spend a few years with a violent rapist.

So won’t you make your contribution today?

Who Is Your Pick for President, and Why?

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 12:01 am

At this point, if you had to vote for someone for President, who would you vote for?

First vote in this poll, which has some of the major contenders. Don’t think of it as a commitment; just a question of who you like best right now.

Who is currently your favorite candidate for president?

Jeb Bush
Chris Christie
Ted Cruz
Bobby Jindal
Rand Paul
Rick Perry
Marco Rubio
Scott Walker

Poll Maker

Then leave a comment telling us more. Who would you vote for, who would you give money to, who would you like to see run — whatever. Name names and give specific reasons. Even if it’s a libertarian, or a Democrat, or a Green Party person, or whatever. Someone not in the poll? Fine. I don’t care. Tell us.

One rule for comments in this thread, though — and I warn you: it will be tough to follow.

Only positive comments are allowed in this thread. That means — for this thread only — no comments criticizing another person’s choice, or saying who you don’t want as President, or explaining why someone can’t win.

This is not about censorship. It’s an exercise designed to make you think in a way you might not be used to thinking. We’re looking for positive reasons to vote for somebody, not criticisms, so you have to turn off the part of your brain that says “so and so can’t win” or “candidate x is an idiot.” Just tell us why your guy or gal is good.

Also, I’m just not interested in your opinion that it’s too early to know. I know that’s how some of you feel, and that’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with having that opinion. What is wrong is telling me that opinion in this thread — because I just asked you not to. Tell us all about your desire to wait to form a judgment — just do it in another thread. Not this one. OK?

The only negative comments allowed in the thread will be from me, heaping abuse on people who can’t follow simple directions. I don’t plan to be nice to such people — but I think well enough of you that I don’t think I will have to insult too many people. Hopefully none.

So: who do you like and why?

UPDATE: The votes for Rick Perry appear to have been manipulated. After getting only a handful of votes for the first few days, all of a sudden he is in a commanding (if totally phony) “lead.”

And a spate of pro-Perry comments sprang up out of nowhere, from never-before-heard-from commenters who aren’t answering my polite questions about how they got here — and whom I suspect we will never hear from again.


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