Fresh off her most recent self-inflicted wound, Hillary! Rodham Clinton sought to walk back her comments made last week that suggested that businesses do not create jobs. Naturally, being a Democrat and a Clinton, Hillary! and her enablers tried to pass off the whole imbroglio as being a misunderstanding. Appearing at a campaign event for Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY), she complained that we had missed the context of her remarks:
So-called trickle-down economics has failed. I shorthanded this point the other day, so let me be absolutely clear about what I’ve been saying for a couple of decades: Our economy grows when businesses and entrepreneurs create good-paying jobs here in an America where workers and families are empowered to build from the bottom up and the middle out — not when we hand out tax breaks for corporations that outsource jobs or stash their profits overseas.
To refresh our memories, here is her quote from the earlier event in Massachusetts supporting Martha Coakley, her party’s nominee for governor:
So, dear reader, it’s really your fault if you didn’t understand the full context of Hillary!’s remarks in Massachusetts. It is most certainly not a case where Hillary! was caught pandering to a far-left audience which probably hopes to replace her with their own local sweetheart Elizabeth Warren as the 2016 nominee for President. This is just another instance where perhaps she slightly misspoke or where maybe her statement just needed a little bit of clarification.
I’m no longer thinking that she is at all inevitable as the Democrat’s nominee in 2016. (I still disagree with some of you in that I think she will still run. She’s spent her whole life wanting to be President and this is almost literally her last chance. No turning back now.)
In an effort to ensure the safety and health of troops returning from Liberia back to their home base in Italy, the US Army has made the decision to enact a 21-day quarantine:
“Out of an abundance of caution the Army directed a small number of personnel, about a dozen, that recently returned to Italy to be monitored in a separate location at their home station of Vicenza,” Col. Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman, said today. “None of these individuals have shown any symptoms of exposure.”
“The Army Chief of Staff has directed a 21-day controlled monitoring period for all redeploying soldiers returning from Operation United Assistance,” the statement said. “He has done this out of caution to ensure soldiers, family members and their surrounding communities are confident that we are taking all steps necessary to protect their health.”
I think it’s safe to say that this reasonable, commonsense abundance of caution is just what most Americans want to see put in practice here at home. No more ever-changing safety standards and protocols, no flip-flopping on quarantine decisions and certainly no more admonishments by the administration to quit being hysterical simply because Americans want to see this abundance of caution exercised across the board on American soil.
A former CBS News reporter who quit the network over claims it kills stories that put President Obama in a bad light says she was spied on by a “government-related entity” that planted classified documents on her computer.
In her new memoir, Sharyl Attkisson says a source who arranged to have her laptop checked for spyware in 2013 was “shocked” and “flabbergasted” at what the analysis revealed.
“This is outrageous. Worse than anything Nixon ever did. I wouldn’t have believed something like this could happen in the United States of America,” Attkisson quotes the source saying.
She speculates that the motive was to lay the groundwork for possible charges against her or her sources.
This is an extraordinarily serious charge, and naturally one would like to see more evidence of it than the word of an anonymous source. But then, that’s how these things work, isn’t it? They do things so outrageous that if you find about it and report it, you sound like a nut. And they terrify anyone who comes forward, and leave a person with no place they can go.
I guess she could take her computer to the FBI — oh, right. Well then, she could go to the Department of Justice — right, same problem.
Who do you go to when you can’t trust the people who are supposed to be protecting you? Where do you go when those people are the ones you need protection from?
A nurse returning from West Africa is the first American forced into involuntary quarantine under a new policy imposed by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.
She’s furious about it and has even hired a lawyer to challenge the quarantine order, but Christie says he “absolutely has no second thoughts about it.”
“It was my conclusion we need to do this to protect the public health of people of New Jersey,” Christie told “Fox News Sunday.”
“I don’t believe when you’re dealing with something as serious as this that we can count on a voluntary system. This is government’s job. If anything else, the government job is to protect safety and health of our citizens. And so, we’ve taken this action, and I absolutely have no second thoughts about it.”
A man suspected of killing two deputies during a shooting rampage in Northern California was deported twice to Mexico and had a drug conviction, federal authorities said Saturday.
The suspected shooter told Sacramento County Sheriff’s investigators that he was 34-year-old Marcelo Marquez of Salt Lake City. However, his fingerprints match the biometric records of a Luis Enrique Monroy-Bracamonte in a federal database, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman Virginia Kice said.
Monroy-Bracamonte was first removed from the country in 1997 after being convicted in Arizona for possession of narcotics for sale. Monroy-Bracamonte was arrested and repatriated to Mexico a second time in 2001, Kice said.
This is the most important part:
A search of Utah court records for Marquez shows a history of about 10 tickets and misdemeanor traffic offenses between 2003 and 2009. Those records list one speeding ticket for Monroy in 2009 and three small claims filings attempting to collect outstanding debts.
After being deported twice, this guy repeatedly came into contact with law enforcement. But he was not identified as an illegal alien and was not again deported.
This is a failure on multiple levels: not just at the border, but also in implementing a system to identify and deport illegal aliens with whom law enforcement comes into contact.
It’s not just a federal failure, by the way. Local jails everywhere are starting to announce that they will not cooperate with ICE requests to hold illegals, especially when the current offense is minor — as this man’s offenses committed after his deportations were.
It’s a systemic failure of government at every level to perform its most basic function: to protect the public. Now two deputies who were trying to protect the public are dead. These failures have consequences.
The Muslim extremist who attacked rookie cops with a hatchet last week was “a crusader seeking justice’’ — and more assaults will likely follow, the head of his local New Black Panther Party warned.
“It probably won’t be the last [attack on police] because you have a lot of frustrated people out here,” Queens chapter leader Frank Sha Francois told The Post.
Francois reassuringly added that he did not agree with the tactics of this “crusader seeking justice.”
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that this is not the height of responsible rhetoric.
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