Ron Coleman’s Motion to Dismiss Frivolous Lawsuit Brought by Convicted Bomber and Perjurer Brett Kimberlin Against Ace of Spades
I don’t think I have mentioned the fact that my pro bono lawyers, Ron Coleman (from Likelihood of Confusion) and Bruce Godfrey of Jezic, Krum, and Moyse, LLC have taken on the defense of Ace of Spades in the frivolous and censorious lawsuit brought by convicted bomber and perjurer Brett Kimberlin.
Ron and Bruce have filed a brief on behalf of Ace, which is embedded below, courtesy of Hogewash.
It is Ron’s usual excellent work. Quotable:
Kimberlin, who has distinguished himself in life by inflicting so much emotional distress on an innocent human being that he killed himself to end the agony, nonetheless claims here that by discussing this, and related facts, on their blogs, defendants have committed a tort for which he is entitled to relief.
Of course, Kimberlin’s infliction of distress on Carl DeLong was accomplished, not by words on a blog, but by setting off a bomb that blew off a man’s leg.
Once again: kudos to Ron and Bruce for being stand-up guys. And to any prospective clients of theirs who might stumble across this post on Google: if these guys do this caliber of work for free, imagine what they’d do if you paid them! (That’s a joke, obviously; the thing that I admire most about Ron and Bruce is the way they work the same for me and Mandy and Ace as they would if we were paying them scads of money.)
UPDATE: Seen on Twitter:
@Patterico @RonColeman I'm not a lawyer but that reads like a smackdown.
— michael amber (@sneakeyghost) October 26, 2014